Dorman Preliminary & Final Subdivision Applications 46269 - DORMAN - BONNER DR. EXTENSION SUBDIVISION - BONNER DRIVE Preliminary Stage Revised April 2010 Subdivision Review Application Preliminary Stage REVIEW PROCESS: 1) Required Pre-submission meeting with staff to determine general completeness to be held no later than I week prior to deadline day. Call (518) 761-8220 for an appointment 2) Submittal of complete application: 1 original and 14 copies of the application package by monthly deadline. 3) Determination of application completeness. All necessary information must be provided and appropriate fee(s) paid for consideration for placement on an agenda for that month. 4) Incomplete applications will not be considered for placement on any agenda until all missing information has been submitted. 5) Planning Board meeting, generally the third & fourth Tuesday of each month. You will be advised in writing as to which meeting to attend. 6) Following the meeting you will be provided with a copy of the resolution stating the Board's decision on your application. If your application was denied your project cannot proceed as submitted. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS: it u�irrrw.ww 1) Please submit 1 orininal & 14 copies of the completed application package to include: Completed Application! signed & dated Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: signed by staff Copy of Deed: 1 Survey Fee: $50.00 ZONING STAFF & CONTACT INFORMATION: • Craig Brawn. Zoning Administrator craigbqueensbury_net • Keith Obome. Land Use Planner keitho&aueensburv.net • Pam Whiting, Office Specialist 518-761-0220 QamwQgueensbunr.net Visit our website at www.oueensbury.nef for further information and forms Tonin of�'Iueensoury =fanning Office- 742 Bay Road - Gueensbury, NY 12804 - 5`Q-761-8220 G Prelimirary Stage Revised April 2�C10 General Information Tax Parcel ID Number: 295.11-1-5 Zoning District: MDR Aaoiication Stacie [check one]: Sketch Plan Stage PreliminaryStage ✓ Final Stage Indicate the following: NUmber of lots pr posed 3 Residential or COnlmerci.al RESIDENTIAL Total Lot acreage 2 .54 ACRES Proposed iot sizes 0.40 TO 1.25 ACRES Project location DONNER DRIVE De a led Description of'Project [Include CLI-rent a proposed Use]: APPLICANT PROPOSES A 3 LOT SUBDIDIVISION. THE SUBDIVISION INCLUDES 3 NEW SINGLE FAMILY LOTS AND AN EXTENSION OF THE EXISTING TOWN ROAD TO A NEW HAMMER HEAD. Applicant Name: MICHAEL DORMAN Address: 38 BONNER DRIVE QUEENSBURY, NY Nome Phone Cell: Work Phone Fax E-Mail: kathy.dorman4@gmai1 .coni Agent's Name: NACE ENGINEERING Address 169 HAVILAND ROAD QUEENSBURY,NY Home Phone Cell. 796-2515 Work Phone 745-4400 Fax 792-8511 E-mail TCENTER36@YAHOO.COM Owner's Name Address SAME AS APPLICANT Home Phone Cell '.,'./ork Phone Fax E-mail 71- F-=t., F.c_a,:, V,�f Prelimir:ary Stage Pe-,ised April 'r I l ITEMS TO BE IDENTIFIED BY STAFF DURING PRE-SUBMISSION MEETING. You show d use th s pace for Ic lidance ,vner draftinc io.1r applicaticr- ho,vever. it ,,v Le cor•pleted by a staff nlemLe-. Submitta. of a preliminary pat depicting existr'rq and proposed conditicrs sna] include the <tems as noted belo.-_ Failure to nc'Ude a 1 requ' ed informat on m«y 'esult in a ceter -inaticn of°ncomp eteness and a de.-ay in the process ng or your appl!cat on § A183-13. Plat details and requirements, Tne applicart is -C-QUired t=3 su mit —of the prelimina y plat _apc lication. Such app:-cation shat include the fo o',v ng documents and;cr nf•m-itior: A. PRELIMINARY PLAT. The prelimirar'y p at sTr_all be laid out by a tensed profess ona engineer ancior a licensed pro=essic.r~al land a :properly executed N&,v York State Education Department. =xemot on N. uch preiirrinary slat s~ia,l be prepared Lit a scale of one r,6-1equals vb feet zero irines. clear y sho`n�illg: IJ T-)e locati:3r-� of all efd-._ing _aid proposed p-ocerty line-S, buildings, „atercour`=es and other =mpv-tan, 'opog-aphic feature;. I =xistlllg ani” p-cnosec contours showing ele`daT_Ioris at tyro-foot cont our In-er'fais and extending at leas*. 1CIC feet ,�f= s re. 3) Tele location. names and widths of 31i eXlliing and proposed streets. easel—erts. lots and building lines- wells _ird septic tanks and -ields a,ld sim la-facts regarding property rl m I� ce pd ,-e e ed atel', ad a_ n U cr, 3 i_ th p'oaaS4G suodl-1s.oil nl'ip shavving: a l The LOn ng district o districts in 'evhicn the Lard to be SULdivAe.; s located: and ;L�i 'he p-operty include, in the proposed suL&i sion and all contICUCk_IS properties of the prociased su:zdiV1.5.011 and all p.-opertes l/J-hir gGu feet r each direction from the Lourda^v kne of the proposed suz)divi.s on aloe g a11`" C0rtg1117LIS St'eet or h ch.vay. All p-operties shall be dent fled by lot and pa-cel lunioer and names cf o','ineFs. ! Tne ocat;on and size of any existing se ,rs, rvate'r n'airs. culverts and drain p-pes. e ectr c `e echone a ld caLle '.e e%i sion ices and proposed w.nsrs, mater nla,ns, cul,v?^ts and drain pipes on the proper^y o- irnmediatel`, ad;acert to the prociert-v to be subdi-vided- e.I The proposed aid approximate area, width and length of st-eet frontage and set ack requiren-erts of each lot for the rourpose of demonst-acing to 'he P am ng Board that the proposed location streets „'3kes posslLle a la%-out c- lots in accc'da`lce lith the regU renlents of the T v. n o, i�`ll- oz:sensb'Ir" Zoning _ar: for the i;'is`r ct or d st-icts in ,vnich t.he subdivision is located. 'i All clarcels of la=id proposer Lie dedicated _v the pub-;C use 3i The date. No& -arm-.- and; scale. ',I T Is the '._miJel ',.'hic=n to proPaSe1SLll�dl'r.Sl�irl s -c recorded, T -es e d be r c�rd •��i h t~-�e ala=� o the o,sr er and th e;'I neer or ani: Si_If'= ,=c- .ho prepared tyle orel�niina— pat: the Gere rdumber -ind Saul oz the elg ree- and su-.e_rur shall oe a-fixed -c the d'a',:ing. LAYOUT PLANS. _a:,.rj,_It alar= s ail -le �,repa- 'o=ession_l lice license h ed ���; _, p ens._d engineer d.1r pl rssi'cral sic Il d land :aur:eycr ,d;th a proc,e-l.v eXecLItec NeYi Yore State Education =Department =xem "cLi ct�on N. `LICh la` ' P-Ills =Mall ,.e ircorpc:rated on tl-q prelinlirar., slat alld sha I shICY-K the fcllc.`r s��irg: I i T°-le exact la•,'ol.It and ca'?"e112ia"iS of P-oposec. Sts-ee s, rlc'-_IdVg station nq ani3 to-II' to the C.11 er-lln� C _.it"3e _i ,Xisti-g streets ;al'il rill:'1lIIII9MS a!l(3 Gt.-ler -,i-,:IlltS. •as req_ve:d. - - �j,__'i _)II'I_�' 7,1",1 _ �i7 F:I._l_t LI^'I I-3:_:rl. #4 r LJ04 _ _- -i�LJ -'relimirary Stage ;Re•iised Aprl 2.0C-l3 2.1 The locarior anc '&iclths o' Al streets pavements, Tunis, s de',;alks, easemel o Its• pa�k_ and he per: Spaces. 3) The proposed names o= all _streets. and the radar of a curies in the street Te. 4) The Inca ion, of aii proposed utiiit es. inclui,'ing the proposed -,tvater supply, san, a-y se-,A.e,s. stornrr,ate: dra rage s'y'stem and an.; other proposed undergro!_Ind Util tie-3 _.'I Proposed lct lines. 6j Tne date. North arra-; and scale. 7) T�-Ie t tle Lander :;hich the proposed su adivis on is to he recorced. w+h-he nares of the owrer and e)g ree-or land SUr'+e,ror .vho p'epare' he a.v'ou- [Tanis: the llcerse ILIM-uer an,� seal of the engineer cr land sur;e',yo� _hall Le affxed to the dra.,vir-ig =. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS _ctnst-uction details shall ole p�ep.ired b-,, a Iii-ensed professiona' eng neer u-a licensed profess oval lend SLI-ieVor .vitls a properly execute,. ;Nev. vor4 State Educatic-) Depa-tr} ert Exempt on N Such details sha 1 rc ude; VcT� -11 The proposed {rininc,n; .Idl f-g pipe szes oddirr and prcf,i s. 2,I The proposed Si•3rm drilnage 3'ysier' rcluding pipe sizes bedd ng catch Lhaslr� and mar-no-e deters• p ofiles ird ±nethod disposal of collected s'ormr;iter. 3) Tae proposed--,vater swop y syster-. =i An;'other proposed u,)dergrounc- _It,l!ties A. topical cross section :,f the `oad:-;a n�_r e ri �.Fi dth. pa n•e it ai tl aril cepth 't i. LIG�'ig the r!ght-af- ;a i .e �j_ o' pavement materia s anc sUbb—ase, the ocat,ori ofIt'I'IeS. Cha'aC-el- and dlmensiors of CUrbs incl sidewalks and side s ope c,ading. r i Profi�es, sho:;ing the origir'al GrOUnd surface ant finished street surface M cen_e-r lines of all st-eets percentage of grades of _tree's: stationiri.g and e evations -of al- points of c.,ji-a-ure, )c.irts of inte-sect on points of tangency and of pr:�posed .sewers. drill-s, 'au verts manriles and 'other features. vlrr�ert e'evatlons and slopes of se'*c-s and drains and bath surface anc invert elevati•_.r:= of manholes _sera I be Indicated. Profiles shall be ''rav,T'• to the =Caleoz faur `eet to the Ircti ier iic.i_al '•and =J :eet to the nr_.h hof zorttal. The stationing shat sh%k, accu rate cahter_iine distarces The ele:at ons of the ariglral ground surface _h.all be .c the rea est te°it;h of a foc- and of fixed points to rhe nears-- hundrecth sof a foot. 7) Tie lowatior and eiev.gtior of all ornoosed urnent oc it ons. P.) Tne date and s, ale, _i Trie title under .;hich the proposed subd, ;isior s to be recorcec, •,v,t:n tie nan-e_ of the ine ind eag r'ee- vha prepa-ed the coIiSt'I_ICtitai de-a s: he Ce"i-_= n_liii f afic _eil of the er''-llneel" ='fall Le affrxar -o the d rat,".'Ing. D. LANDSCAPE PLAN 4, lardsca e plan shall be prepared b,-,. � ,c-en�_ed ancsca�ne a�� ret fog 1-� .hl� C r SLIf_},Il-a'.slo,ls c Yater th&i 'T. lots. ucl, anis s4,azie plan na IndUde 1 Tne IG,atil- -,nd Epee,._ of aile -tees if ret3lned v ,-cn hP or m'osec, ic- -dant. c 'he sU( dlY der, _IwDilc. Of Of–ee I_r:,t ctpili it ,d t-ee 4,lao L ,viii .f :u=�l l3:._r-;iia'r`I" �� Jfr,: _ F�at� I-I? I l�;.:r,', ,7r ��f�_ - �'j ����� - Prelimirary Stage `Re-iised April 21C'I0 L , + � f 'sans and ! Valls of an'y' sre r"prcvements re ated to park or recreatler P anring, nc udlrg a;dC'Ut. c adinc, p in*inC anc cetalls of ai improvemen-s. t i Plate and details of a,w othe-ouulic a- er ties prov-ided in the suLdif lsion. _.1 The date anc scale. 6 1 T'le ite n._rn-Ler .hich the p-cposed subcI isior is to be fecii ,vth the names of the &,vrer and landscape arcIrlltect -vvho preoare4 the ancscape plar•; the llcarse nUnter and Seal of the an[dscatire architec- shak be i fixed to the dra:-rinc. r LEARIiVc� 1SLAN. A c earng p,an mall ue p•repafe:d a- a. scale -of one inch ec. a s 5C feet ze-a inche,. S_ Ich p an sha sho-,,�- the -Cl o retaiis: I I =Xis-ing :egetatinn p1'or to 3r:'y i.lea-inI: of the sire for Site Invest-gad or p ur.poseS. .i a ofe-iNo,, -ei` _-iied "re=in-; the site o ;fives u:7tll�r li 4. f purF se' 31 Tne location of roati urdergrourld o,- o,-&-head, utilit es rot in roa!d-,vays, limitt-s of grading. proposed to aT_ion L 311; b�JilJinq_ Septic CyStems- .,ells anc rdn';e;v;a.is and, a cfher Imp'c`ienlelltS 10 Gil nl ghr req!.Ii,e i_leadrg- i Areas slopes are greater tear 2C"O. as oer §A,18 -26 1 _ its of prUp!�sr✓i C ear"I'1 Cf t!ev5. 1 i ,'vleaSares -c be taken to protect remaining trees :c.lud rg details. TRADING AND EROSION (.C)NTRs 3L PLANS- A gra!d,ng plan ant erusir,n ccnucl plt3n shall be prepared at a scale v" core inch ecuals H fret ZC-10; IllCheS. Such p.all Sha shc°,': tale tollo,mirg: I i A ;fie"ler3lizec cra:din-:1 .-inx_ !dra'nag e p an l av es not r"egsllre spot grides or slope des gnat G111. _I An, phasing of tree -e:7'cval ar•d!'or C.rStr•JCt��n _= ENVIRflNMENTAL REPORT. A rang un-.ironrserta assessment -ii shail be prepared n acccrJa:nce ,Jth -he ;:ate Er ilr:i ertai rau'ailty F'.e. ePJ Act iit;g tree potertlal envirrinmen-DI imp-act of the Pmpcsed SUbdiV Sian. STATEMENT OF INTENT. . , statement of intii Shall be submi-rd by the applil.ant. Such, statemvn- shall ill ClUde I) ='erase- of o-the land tc be suod_vided. in a ferns appr:cvei� fav the To,.,.n r`,trtcrney _J T7,e nature and extent of p-op:sec street rni7Rr4en1ients. 3J Tne Il&tl.re '39ex. erlt of an,.,- ecrea`Iural featu,-ea, perk=•, pla,g-cunQ_s, ��vater supply- Sv:'"Mil"41 311:_1 G'3 r3i::�e -Ignt:=-ctf-.':a'•; anc. easements. I-e'tenrinr basins ally ogler land to be- cad cited to puL C LISS Ind tl-e c-.r,.dlt.(Drl:- Ur•de 'P;l"cl` dei' iir Te e featj.;rers IS to be n1aCe tC� tf`e �G';�11. �IC.at'_ 1 �" t I S -1 .4 Statement ti'l_at the ap hc.a11" stal. all Inlpniets In ac., ordarlce 'N'Ith ih� Stalld3rd=? C!re=.Cri jSd L!� "he departments -If -he T-J'`i'l ha ing urs ci,,cr, 3ld .Set 311 MIC!lum! nCs ai =his-,,;n ren th-3 fish plat :het-eof in SUCK manne, as tre nla;" res qIlate. A. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN and a STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Istel'- "'i th -he -ecuii-emen, of r plan-t�� 1 `�ti.�'n11S�ate' �'J�31la�jel`erjt -, 5 j7-G� - Prelimirary Stage Re'rised April 2C,l0 J. FEES. l;i The application nor prerim nary plat approva- shall be accor,panied by a fee fsted on the c.Jrrent schedu e of fees for the Town of Queensbury pasted in the Planning Offce- r In add tion to the fee listed on the scheclu'e of fees- the Planning Boarc may charge a fee to de.�e opens a- proects requiring legal and technica- e;iev:. provided that the nee charged re-leets the actual cast of the legal and technical assistance to the Planning Board, K WAIVERS... F the Plann ng Scard fids that an;; of the information requirements as ser farth abo�'e are inapprorrate or not necessaryto conduct an Informed -eviev.. it may wai,:e such .nforn atior requ -ements a:= it deems app roprate_ Any such: ,.giver shall be rade In Ai'It.ng and shal" contain statements of the reasons 'f,hythe waF.ed infom.-atlor requiremerts are not necessa-, for an nformed re,iiev; under the cfrcumstarces. The Planning Board may grant such .;ai,er_ on its o-.-,,n imtiative or at the x-itten request ithat sets forth the specific requirements that are requested to be ',irai•,-ed and the reasons for the re.]Llested 'r;aiver; of an app�icart. § A183-14. Submission and Review procedure — Subdivision Sign Posting Requirements D. Notice. The s jbdiv der shall displayr;a prom rentl�y on the subiec, p-operty. for I C days preceding the crate of the pubic hearing. at least are s an. feet cjy three feet in size and carr_ring a legend prescribed y the Ta,,vn Planning Board. annourc rg the public hear ng The s=gn shall be in f.-jll pub is ;ie'rr f om the street 'oa'remen, and shall be legible frog- the street. r the property is bounded by more than one s`reet. a sign steal be placed on each: street that bounds the property, Jffir3Y ?Ca = 7,_ 1-8220 Prelimirar; Stage Revised April 2C93 Pre-Submission Conference Form 1. Tax Map ID: 295 .11-1-5 2. Zoning Classification: MDR Reason for Revie'h': PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION Ord°nance Section: ��- f Pre-Submission Meet ng Notes; + rg gems I o j3e.A..ddres-sed Include: c�eMS GKk- -Lf�.1, -1. Deed I•/Yes No Genera. In`ormation 7 Yes No oxej C>f-CAL 3 Preliminary Pat =Yes No l l 4. Layout Plans Yes No ... Constriction Details Yes No 6. Landscape Plan V Yes No 7, Clearing Plan :Yes No 8. Grading & Erosion Con.rol ��Yes No 9. En:ironmenta Report Yes NoL&(b-, 9(D, Statement of Intent Yes No 1 I. Stcrn �;ater Plan S''tb'PPP Ye No I u� '12. =ees "es N .13, y V a.;ers ve5 Nc � -C UAj '14. Subdi,iis.on Sign Posting Yes NO. is, Signature Page "'es No L)-o,c 1 ' r'"-\ e G n Cr( C,. [ '''k,o 'r -•�--•�Q ��_!F C.k c� ,�- ��r�__:. . �r'1 � [ _� +ti:,L_1��i i c;�tet Staff Representative: ftiJApplicant 'Agem: T,-Y;n cf 7,1= B t.a R.ca, prelinlir.-Ary S',taol-e cevis.-_d Apr.� 2CA j Signature Page T-J. ca,:e 1.1 I-A.u,ho rizaiicri t.-- Act as A`gert Form: 2.) Eng neeJrg ;--ee Discl,,_)sLure: 3.) A, Ll k e- 4J (__�+her Periwt �iesponsibilit,:es: 5.) C�ffic­il ryleefilng Disdosve and 6.) Acireen-ent to oll-cAe -�rtat.on OW,JER's A;jE[JT Fup..m: th- ficlln..,virci I thim-- CMNER -_+th-- p-o-jert%, is not the san-te -.is the applicart n P r MICHAEL DORMAN NACE ENGINEERING & B.P.S & R. AZ _ijL--11t 0( �r:,antieV -QrT x ma 295 .11 Secton 1 EI CI 5 Lot A OWNER SIGNATURE: f--.T E. ApPL1`,__At-JT's A..'];EPJT FoRm. fuAo%.'Iiir�-:) if The APPLICANT unkds tc: A-t.tind V-.e rr-eetyi-g ,Dr vJshes to reve-s-Prite'di L­aric"the, pa _`,:noel-. JOESPH LEUCI -'esignates: NACE ENGINEERING & B.P.S.R, As a'-lent rcc a i-d illo: V m; te P:an ✓ `QUI I i,,, i on Zo, Tj_� toll i &c k s Lot - ;-: 295.11 SC—_ !_)ieed Ref re,lcaBoo� p Ice D_�te WIER SIGNATURE DATE: 2.1 ENGINEERING FEE DISCLOSUR.E: ;11-pkcqti0;-S 1,9 Fef19_rr9,_--,to the Tcv,­ "Orr, et= as dz-s .` -'- Fess fc;r 1­q F!Jrlil) 11'1�,­:� :7Y jj� 7 _s hi,� n L 3 -n di­-��, t�-,the a pkim. F e_,f,1"j'el_jQ.jl_J�efi:_g _C_1As,,v ioll n0t a-�ccj-d 3 1 "I"L 3.) AUTHORIZATION FOR SITE VISITS: & srgnr Ll and _;uhn-,7"­F ­,e apiAr_-ii,-[j f-rQ7 eri als --ac-ed herein. . "le 3W-Lhr J_ 71 j _,j _s the. Zo,:-. rv--. -covd Doard a;-d SLlI_jjC--'Ft �tRlp*r e-2 fjr ih� cf the -1ppiic.aticn s.11-1-117ed 4.1 )T AER PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES: ti the err it^• 1 ;3,, he eqL11r­- fC F C0;-S--T!C-kFi :-i;- S_,jtpf'__J ._.rt SLI K, i ad o,FII-Iriri­_j i e ac! n t 4 re pc I I-.1= II tc ']litan arr,, 7,c'clitJ-, ni! AFFICIAl hjEFTING MINUTES DISCLOSURE. o1-Q1A'>--, cI'.ave a �,e -m-resclk 'Ll:11� :0 d ze ci j-i::sd stee'rci:aphn.,tal-.e s-cr-J .'k(� D7 Nes- ngs r -1 -1 a: .''pes C."14'sss tI I tic 31 recc-c' IJ 6.1 AGREEMENT T,,-.j PROVIDE DC11-LIMENTATION REQUIRED: e und�rsi-.rwd, have th01,r0Ll;-,i-d,2, rea,:! .-MIJ TIE til 3-iru--Liona .D, 3 Lw.r,i:.,3ac'n FIC _3,'j fei: `t1 ".9 SLI;3, "o"\ '1�' _11:3+1`LICtVitisG `'`311 hs -in o rt:Fv-, l--._-it.PFiJI3 21-C- Vi e --,IIJ CFTIO'efe pri-.--!F tO if plan- 11.1-1 SLJQ.1G cl th_ e-­5_J`!-,' 31_111 The Dnori-i d_ an-i tha-' all ,ScrV I c.erfcrrie,� in -rri a Jth iccq regula":cris I �I-j�7 P.Fil-r t j t:',9 _�-vdk�les .-r 'Ills a ._,erif C,14e. IC _-Y- 3= 11e1__�a araC- ui _r3tai To,, I; nstruct�al bciltiti�s ?o!KL1,T�,"e '13 !Y,,-JI IT-d SLJF;9�,- F I NI P Fe•_i d Z 1-1 A r e MICHAEL DORMAN 7-15-16 '& se 81gr­awre [App'ICN�-f, I`Ian-'ip [Alpplican-] Daignr"' 4. NACE ENG. - TOM CENTER 7-15-16 ra re [4:ie t, grin N.Larre [-Ar gem] [I e r: L Y 22C-) 7,5.1- C 46269 - DORMAN 3 LOT BONNER DRIVE SUBDIVISION Final Stage Revised April 2010 Subdivision Review Application Final Stage REVIEW PROCESS: 1) Required Pre-submission meeting with staff to determine general completeness to be held no later than 1 week prior to deadline day. Call (518) 761-8220 for an appointment 2) Submittal of complete application: 1 original and 14 copies of the application package by monthly deadline. 3) Determination of application completeness. All necessary information must be provided and appropriate fee(s) paid for consideration for placement on an agenda for that month. 4) Incomplete applications will not be considered for placement on any agenda until all missing information has been submitted. 5) Planning Board meeting, generally the third & fourth Tuesday of each month. You will be advised in writing as to which meeting to attend. 6) Following the meeting you will be provided with a copy of the resolution stating the Board's decision on your application. If your application was denied your project cannot proceed as submitted. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS: 1) Please submit 1 original & 14 copies of the completed application package to include: Completed Application. pages 1-5 completed, signed & dated Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: signed by staff Copy of Deed: 1 Survey Fee: $100 + $50 per lot ZONING STAFF & CONTACT INFORMATION: • Craig Brown, Zoning Administrator craigb@gueensbury.net • Keith Oborne, Land Use Planner keitho@ pueensbury.net • Pam Whiting, Office Specialist 518-761-8220 gamw@gueensburv.net Visit our website at www.gueensbury.ne for further information and forms Town of Queensbury Planning Off ice- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 0 Final Stage Revised April 2010 General Information Tax Parcel ID Number: 295.11-1-5 Zoning District: MDR Application Stage check one]: Sketch Plan Stage Preliminary Stage Final Stage ✓ Indicate the following: Number of lots proposed 3 Residential or Commercial RESIDENTIAL Total Lot acreage _2 .5.4 ACRES Proposed lot sizes ACRES Project location END OF BONNER DRIVE Detailed Description of Project [include current& proposed use]: Applicant Name: MICHAEL DORMAN Address: 38 BONNER DRIVE QUEENSBURY,NY Home Phone Cell: Work Phone Fax E-Mail: KATHY.DORMAN4@GMAIL.COM Agent's Name: NACE ENGINEERING Address: 169 HAVILAND ROAD QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Home Phone Cell: 518-796-2515 Work Phone Fax 518-745-4400 518-792-8511 E-mail TCENTER36@YAHOO.COM Owner's Name Address SAME AS APPLICANT Home Phone Cell Work Phone Fax E-mail Town of Queensbury Planning Off ice- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 1 Final Stage Revised April 2010 ITEMS TO BE IDENTIFIED BY STAFF DURING PRE-SUBMISSION MEETING You should use this page for guidance when drafting your application; however, it will be completed by a staff member. Submittal of a preliminary plat depicting existing and proposed conditions shall include the items as noted below. Failure to include all required information may result in a determination of incompleteness and a delay in the processing of your application. § A183-16. Plat details and requirements. The applicant is required to submit one (1) original and fourteen (14) copies of the final plat application. Such application shall include the following documents and/or information: A. FINAL PLAT. The final plat shall be laid out by a licensed professional engineer with a properly executed New York State Education Department Exemption N or a licensed land surveyor. Such final plat shall be prepared at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet zero inches, clearly showing: (1) The bearing and length of all straight lines and the radii, lengths and central angles of all curves along all property and street lines. (2) The area of each lot in square feet or in acres, if such lot is larger than one acre. (3) The connection by proper measurement between street center lines where such streets are not straight across an intersecting street, both within the subdivision and where opposite existing streets or subdivisions. (4) A system of monuments to be located at all corners of intersections and angle points. (5) The building setback lines for each lot. (6) Fire and school district boundaries within the subdivision area. (7) Existing zoning, with the location of any district boundaries within 200 feet of the property to be subdivided. (8) The boundaries of the property, the lines of proposed lots, streets and parks, and the lines of all adjoining streets, their names and exact survey locations. (9) The names of all subdivisions immediately adjacent and opposite or, if not subdivided, the names of the owners of record of adjacent and opposite property. (10) A statement that the plan is in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Zoning Law. (11) A statement reading as follows: "Approved under authority of a resolution adopted by the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury, New York. Chairman." (12) A title block, showing the name of the subdivision, the owner, the scale, the date and North point. (13) A certificate of the licensed engineer and/or land surveyor making such plan to the effect that the plan is correct and made from an actual survey; the license number and seal of the engineer and land surveyor shall be affixed to the drawing. B. ENDORSEMENT OF STATE AND COUNTY AGENCIES. Evidence shall be supplied that any proposed water supply and sewage disposal facilities associated with the subdivision plat requiring approval by the Department of Environmental Conservation and/or New York State Department of Health have received at least preliminary approval(s) of such facilities and that any special district extensions required have been authorized by the Queensbury Town Board. Any proposed water supply and sewage disposal facility shall meet the Town of Queensbury design and construction standards for such facility. Editor's Note: See Ch. 136, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, and Ch. 173, Water. The plat shall not be stamped approved until all state-or county- required approvals for each lot of the subdivision have been received in writing by the Planning Board. Town of Queensbury Planning Off ice- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 2 Final Stage Revised April 2010 C. OTHER PLANS AND REPORTS. Other plans and reports shall be submitted as follows: f (1) A planting plan illustrating species and location of proposed tree planting. (2) A tree clearing plan illustrating areas and methods of protection of existing trees to remain. (3) An erosion control plan illustrating methods and location of erosion control devices and schedule of maintenance of such devices and other actions to reduce erosion. (4) A stormwater management plan and a pollution prevention plan consistent with the requirements of Town of Queensbury Stormwater Management Local Law, and with the terms of preliminary plat approval. (5) Construction plans showing grading and other site improvements and details of those site improvements. 1`' # D. If the subdivision is to include any PROTECTED OPEN SPACE, all appropriate easements, deed covenants, conditions and restrictions approved by the Planning Board and/or the Town Attorney related to such protected lands. E. HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OR CONDOMINIUM AGREEMENTS. If the subdivision is to be managed by a homeowners' association or condominium, copies of their regulations and agreements, indicating any restrictions required by the Planning Board, shall be submitted. If the subdivision is to be sold fee simple, copies of deeds indicating any restrictions required by the Planning Board shall be submitted. F. STREETS, RECREATION LAND OR OPEN SPACE. (1) The plat shall be endorsed with the necessary agreements in connection with required easements or releases. Offers of dedication to the Town shall be presented prior to plat approval. Formal offers of dedication to the Town of all streets and parks, not marked on the plat with notation to the effect that such dedication will not be offered, shall be filed with the Planning Board prior to plat approval. If the owner of the land or his agent who files the plat does not add as part of the plat a notation to the effect that no offer of dedication of such streets, highways or parks, or any of them, is made to the public, the filing of the plat in the office of the County <. Clerk or register shall constitute a continuing offer of dedication of the streets, highways or parks, or any of r them, to the public, and said offer of dedication may be accepted by the Town Board at any time prior to revocation of said offer by the owner of the land or his agent. (2) The approval by the Planning Board of a subdivision plat shall not be deemed to constitute or imply the acceptance by the Town of any street, park, playground or other open space shown on said plat. The Planning Board may require said plat to be endorsed with appropriate notes to this effect. If the Town Board determines that a suitable park or parks of adequate size cannot be properly located in any such plat or is otherwise not practical, the Board may require, as a condition to approval of any such plat, a payment to the Town of a sum to be determined by the Town, which sum shall constitute a trust fund to be used by the Town Board Xc exclusively for neighborhood park, playground or recreation purposes, including the acquisition of property. The Planning Board may require the filing of a written agreement between the applicant and the Town Board covering future title, dedication and provision for the cost of grading, development, equipment and maintenance of any park or playground area. G. FEES. (1) The application for final plat approval shall be accompanied by a fee as established by the Town Board by resolution and as listed on the correct schedule of fees for the Town of Queensbury posted in the Planning Office. (2) In addition to the fee listed on the schedule of fees, the Planning Board may charge a fee to developers of projects requiring legal and technical review, provided that the fee charged reflects the actual cost of the legal and technical assistance to the Planning Board. Town of Queensbury Planning Off ice- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 3 Final Stage Revised April 2010 Pre-Submission Conference Form 1. Tax Map ID 29S .11-1-5 2. Zoning Classification MDR 3. Reason for Review: FINAL SUBDIVISION 4. Ordinance Section #: I Zi 5. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: Outstanding Items To Be Addressed Include: 1. Deed I/ es No 2. General Information ✓ Yes No 3. Final Plat Details& Requirements Yes No 4. Final Plat es No 5. Endorsement of State & County Agencies VYes No 6. Other Plans& Reports :2YeS No 7. Protected Open space documents V1 Yes No S. Homeowners Assoc. or Condominium Agreements rUA Yes No 9. Streets, Recreation Landor Open Space tYes No 10. Fees Y7> Yes No' 11, Signature Page Yes No �sc c �� C:t 2, 04 1/ C'1 X11 c/l i 1 �t rni ►titLL L.Vkt:::,k [' L� `�L L.. Staff Representative: Applicant/Agent: '[/t-�y� Date: Town of Queensbury Planning Off ice- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 4 Signature Pace T-il c_g. c !� =. 1.I . . rht'lti:lc t ct _�:_ .-.a rt Fc 2.'I Eng .ler'-Ir'.o -N_ sc ,.) �, _ , '� �� � C-' • u�Jre 3 �rh,�+ri��tic•-1 fcr it : 4.1 -'ter -=1-I?? � : 151;=111t v 5,1 f_==1C 31 Cvl=�t 1 _111:iG:i=1 s and F,`r .� ��n � ifi to ,I. t �, + r :rcvAj J': _ of tt; on OVW-JEp'S A'3E11- -=r'l.lvty t-1:_f ll:::il-c1 f IF r.'10tftER :-tyle ij r_a :he =t:r; -I:: t­ 3- rli'`_a rt nz�r: MICHAEL DORMAN :31•ail it _ NAGE ENGINEERING & B.P.S & R. �•� -3_a 'lt r .-3r'Ilrli ✓ iran_- _:t 3'1 ✓ =•_Il'�I ?I+'I _- 295 .11_ _tc+rl 1 B-cck 5 _ Lot =j''vVNER SiGNAT LIRE. � cam- C;ATE APPL(;=.A1J7`S A;_EPJ-FOjp,€ t'-I_ f il':.:ir� if :I = AF'PLIi=:Ah(T = L"1+t=iv t'r i-terl,J _1- qtr :r ,:i_,?r:_ to :r rq & e ited L nar JOESPH LEUCI it NACE ENGINEERING & B.P.S.R. i7 ?tri_inJir:, ✓ 'ir_lry - t� .3'? ✓ �.ri .�i, _i'_°? =r <, mar, ' 295.11 `_�:t :ri 1 _ E ;ck 5 Lot k=ATIEF: S!(3'NATURE: ii! y V DATE 2.1 ENGINEERING FEE DISC LOS LIRE. -:pI __tr: _ r?i., referrv_ t:. -he T •/:' „:1+-su-j•-a � 11 ,:1?- ff.-- -e- „ _ ser:: F -ri : F�4�:3 N;F enlg -errg -_J1 w serd1:=5 , 'I !J _r_le. the i_j_6';_n:, F �, f:-i erl_irl�eri 3.i AUTHORIZATION FOR SI—E VIS7S; B. s,gn -_l .~i. {.:a'.__ =n:J _LII-"r-_ •g --!3 33p!_,.r1 _ -e. h c- :1?n _l j�--nt'°= _ 3LEh,i,l_c :hu _vi' r.-_ =i=n':nil _=t.1 l i'rJ -=,r,°_ `_af : L ar :rr 4' I THER PERMIT FC $PONSIBILITIES.: 'err'jt_- l c: re -Squ -ed for :__::i_li : It f3-i':'` 3aj's', _I_i-_. :gr. 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I:•�`'�� -1 _ fes'__i-_. .- .rc•. -. _I_Jr -, 31 _ 1-13-_, I---:J aur: ,='r „I t - f_,�i;iti= -cr ui4 c =_ -_: :�f= eF..r� t��:f'_=c_I_rr+_;n, MICHAEL DORMAN 7-15-16 r r"=J n =rir1: h1, r = [. , E_flic_�rl-; =I_- - - �.j NACE ENG. - TOM CENTER 7-15-16 r i_Ir.. i =fir 1_ P� 'I : �r4_1?Il j _�-7 -,Z; 3I 1(i 7iI ='r �LL�?:,. ..I', _ _l`•'i` ft'_ -_ = F_i:; SLI= 1?=,:.T T om'!;- f-1= C Full Environmental Assessment Form Part 1 -Project and Setting Instructions for Completing Part 1 Part 1 is to be completed by the applicant or project sponsor. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding, are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information;indicate whether missing information does not exist, or is not reasonably available to the sponsor;and,when possible,generally describe work or studies which would be necessary to update or fully develop that information. Applicants/sponsors must complete all items in Sections A&B. In Sections C,D&E,most items contain an initial question that must be answered either"Yes"or"No". If the answer to the initial question is"Yes",complete the sub-questions that follow. If the answer to the initial question is"No",proceed to the next question. Section F allows the project sponsor to identify and attach any additional information. Section G requires the name and signature of the project sponsor to verify that the information contained in Part 1 is accurate and complete. A.Project and Sponsor Information. Name of Action or Project: DORMAN-BONNER DRIVE SUBDIVISION EXTENSION Project Location(describe,and attach a general location map): EAST OF THE END OF BONNER DRIVE Brief Description of Proposed Action(include purpose or need): COSNTRUCT A 3 LOT RESIDNETIAL SUBDIVISION AND EXTEND THE EXISTING TOWN ROAD TO A NEW HAMMER HEAD END SECTION. Name of Applicant/Sponsor: Telephone: MICHAEL DORMAN E-Mail: KATHY.DORMAN4@GMAIL.COM Address:38 BONNER DRIVE City/PO:QUEENSBURY State:NY Zip Code:12804 Project Contact(if not same as sponsor;give name and title/role): Telephone:5187962515 TOM CENTER,NACE ENGINEERING E-Mail:TCENTER36@YAHOO.COM Address: 169 HAVILAND ROAD City/PO: State: Zip Code: QUEENSBURY NY 12804 Property Owner (if not same as sponsor): Telephone: SAME AS APPLICANT E-Mail: Address: City/PO: State: Zip Code: Page 1 of 13 B.Government Approvals B.Government Approvals,Funding,or Sponsorship. ("Funding"includes grants, loans,tax relief,and any other forms of financial assistance.) Government Entity If Yes:Identify Agency and Approval(s) Application Date Required (Actual or projected) a.City Council,Town Board, ❑Yes❑No or Village Board of Trustees b.City,Town or Village ®Yes❑No SUBDIVISION REVIEW 7/15/16 Planning Board or Commission c.City Council,Town or ®Yes❑No AREA VARIANCE 7/15/16 Village Zoning Board of Appeals d.Other local agencies ❑Yes❑No e.County agencies ❑Yes❑No f.Regional agencies ❑Yes❑No g. State agencies ®Yes❑No NYS DEC-NOI TBD h.Federal agencies ❑Yes❑No i. Coastal Resources, i. Is the project site within a Coastal Area,or the waterfront area of a Designated Inland Waterway? ❑Yes®No ii. Is the project site located in a community with an approved Local Waterfront Revitalization Program? ❑Yes®No iii. Is the project site within a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area? ❑Yes[Z]No C.Planning and Zoning C.1. Planning and zoning actions. Will administrative or legislative adoption,or amendment of a plan,local law,ordinance,rule or regulation be the ❑Yes®No only approval(s)which must be granted to enable the proposed action to proceed? • If Yes,complete sections C,F and G. • If No,proceed to question C.2 and complete all remaining sections and questions in Part 1 C.2.Adopted land use plans. a.Do any municipally-adopted (city,town,village or county)comprehensive land use plan(s)include the site ®Yes❑No where the proposed action would be located? If Yes,does the comprehensive plan include specific recommendations for the site where the proposed action ❑Yes❑No would be located? b.Is the site of the proposed action within any local or regional special planning district(for example: Greenway ❑Yes®No Brownfield Opportunity Area(BOA);designated State or Federal heritage area;watershed management plan; or other?) If Yes,identify the plan(s): c. Is the proposed action located wholly or partially within an area listed in an adopted municipal open space plan, ❑Yes®No or an adopted municipal farmland protection plan? If Yes,identify the plan(s); Page 2 of 13 C.3. Zoning a. Is the site of the proposed action located in a municipality with an adopted zoning law or ordinance. ®Yes❑No If Yes,what is the zoning classification(s)including any applicable overlay district? b. Is the use permitted or allowed by a special or conditional use permit? ®Yes❑No c.Is a zoning change requested as part of the proposed action? ❑Yes®No If Yes, i. What is the proposed new zoning for the site? CA.Existing community services. a.In what school district is the project site located?QUEENSBURY b.What police or other public protection forces serve the project site? WARREN COUNTY SHER IFFS OFFICE c.Which fire protection and emergency medical services serve the project site? QUEENSBURY CENTRAL AND WGFEMS d.What parks serve the project site? NO D.Project Details D.I.Proposed and Potential Development a.What is the general nature of the proposed action(e.g.,residential,industrial,commercial,recreational; if mixed,include all components)? RESIDENTIAL b. a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 2.54 acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 1.58 acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 3.34 acres c.Is the proposed action an expansion of an existing project or use? ❑Yes®No i. If Yes,what is the approximate percentage of the proposed expansion and identify the units(e.g.,acres,miles,housing units, square feet)? % Units: d.Is the proposed action a subdivision,or does it include a subdivision? ®Yes❑No If Yes, i. Purpose or type of subdivision?(e.g.,residential,industrial,commercial; if mixed,specify types) RESIDENTIAL ii. Is a cluster/conservation layout proposed? ❑Yes®No iii. Number of lots proposed? 4 iv. Minimum and maximum proposed lot sizes? Minimum 14,462.4 SF Maximum 54,376.2 SF e.Will proposed action be constructed in multiple phases? ®Yes❑No i. If No,anticipated period of construction: months ii. If Yes: ■ Total number of phases anticipated 2 • Anticipated commencement date of phase 1 (including demolition) 3 month year ■ Anticipated completion date of final phase month wear • Generally describe connections or relationships among phases,including any contingencies where progress of one phase may determine timing or duration of future phases: PHASE 1 WILL BE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ROAD AND PHASE 2 WILL BE THE INDIVDUAL LOT CONSTRUCTION Page 3 of 13 f.Does the project include new residential uses? ®Yes❑No If Yes,show numbers of units proposed. One Family Two Family Three Family Multiplc Family four or more Initial Phase 3 At completion of all phases 3 g.Does the proposed action include new non-residential construction(including expansions)? ❑Yes®No If Yes, i.Total number of structures ii. Dimensions(in feet)of largest proposed structure: height; width; and length W. Approximate extent of building space to be heated or cooled: square feet h.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that will result in the impoundment of any ❑Yes❑Nt) liquids,such as creation of a water supply,reservoir,pond,lake,waste lagoon or other storage? If Yes, i. Purpose of the impoundment: U. If a water impoundment,the principal source of the water: ❑Ground water❑Surface water streams ❑Other specify: iii. If other than water,identify the type of impounded/contained liquids and their source. iv. Approximate size of the proposed impoundment. Volume: million gallons;surface area: acres v. Dimensions of the proposed dam or impounding structure: height; length vi. Construction method/materials for the proposed dam or impounding structure(e.g.,earth fill,rock,wood,concrete): D.2. Project Operations a.Does the proposed action include any excavation,mining,or dredging,during construction,operations,or both? UYesoNo (Not including general site preparation,grading or installation of utilities or foundations where all excavated materials will remain onsite) If Yes: i.What is the purpose of the excavation or dredging? ii. How much material(including rock,earth,sediments,etc.)is proposed to be removed from the site? r Volume(specify tons or cubic yards): • Over what duration of time? iii. Describe nature and characteristics of materials to be excavated or dredged,and plans to use,manage or dispose of them. iv. Will there be onsite dewatering or processing of excavated materials? Yes❑No If yes,describe. v. What is the total area to be dredged or excavated? acres vi. What is the maximum area to be worked at any one time? acres vii. What would be the maximum depth of excavation or dredging? feet viii. Will the excavation require blasting? ❑Yes❑No ix. Summarize site reclamation goals and plan: b.Would the proposed action cause or result in alteration of,increase or decrease in size of,or encroachment ❑Yes o into any existing wetland,waterbody,shoreline,beach or adjacent area? If Yes: i. Identify the wetland or waterbody which would be affected(by name,water index number,wetland map number or geographic description): Page 4 of 13 ii. Describe how the proposed action would affect that waterbody or wetland,e.g.excavation,fill,placement of structures,or alteration of channels,banks and shorelines. Indicate extent of activities,alterations and additions in square feet or acres: iii. Will proposed action cause or result in disturbance to bottom sediments? ❑Yes❑No If Yes,describe: iv. Will proposed action cause or result in the destruction or removal of aquatic vegetation? ❑Yes❑No If Yes: ■ acres of aquatic vegetation proposed to be removed: • expected acreage of aquatic vegetation remaining after project completion: • purpose of proposed removal(e.g.beach clearing, invasive species control,boat access): • proposed method of plant removal: • if chemical/herbicide treatment will be used,specify product(s): v. Describe any proposed reclamation/mitigation following disturbance: c.Will the proposed action use,or create a new demand for water? ®Yes❑No If Yes: i. Total anticipated water usage/demand per day; 1320 gallons/day ii. Will the proposed action obtain water from an existing public water supply? ®Yes❑No If Yes: • Name of district or service area: QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT • Does the existing public water supply have capacity to serve the proposal? ®Yes❑No ■ Is the project site in the existing district? ®Yes❑No • Is expansion of the district needed? ❑Yes®No • Do existing lines serve the project site? ❑Yes®No iii. Will line extension within an existing district be necessary to supply the project? ®Yes[]No If Yes: ■ Describe extensions or capacity expansions proposed to serve this project: THE WATER SERVICE WILL BE FROM THE EXISTING WATER MAIN. • Source(s)of supply for the district: HUDSON RIVER iv. Is a new water supply district or service area proposed to be formed to serve the project site? ❑Yes®No If,Yes: • Applicant/sponsor for new district: • Date application submitted or anticipated: • Proposed source(s)of supply for new district: v. If a public water supply will not be used,describe plans to provide water supply for the project: vi.If water supply will be from wells(public or private),maximum pumping capacity: gallons/minute. d.Will the proposed action generate liquid wastes? ®Yes❑No If Yes: i. Total anticipated liquid waste generation per day: 1320 gallons/day ii. Nature of liquid wastes to be generated(e.g.,sanitary wastewater,industrial;if combination,describe all components and approximate volumes or proportions of each): SANITARY SEWER EFFLUENT iii. Will the proposed action use any existing public wastewater treatment facilities? ❑Yes®No If Yes: • Name of wastewater treatment plant to be used: • Name of district: • Does the existing wastewater treatment plant have capacity to serve the project? ❑Yes❑No • Is the project site in the existing district? ❑Yes❑No • Is expansion of the district needed? ❑Yes❑No Page 5 of 13 • Do existing sewer lines serve the project site? ❑Yes®No • Will line extension within an existing district be necessary to serve the project? ❑Yes®No If Yes: • Describe extensions or capacity expansions proposed to serve this project: iv. Will a new wastewater(sewage)treatment district be formed to serve the project site? ❑Yes®No If Yes: • Applicant/sponsor for new district: • Date application submitted or anticipated: ■ What is the receiving water for the wastewater discharge? v. If public facilities will not be used,describe plans to provide wastewater treatment for the project,including specifying proposed receiving water(name and classification if surface discharge,or describe subsurface disposal plans): vi. Describe any plans or designs to capture,recycle or reuse liquid waste: e.Will the proposed action disturb more than one acre and create stormwater runoff,either from new point ®Yes❑No sources(i.e.ditches,pipes,swales,curbs,gutters or other concentrated flows of stormwater)or non-point source(i.e.sheet flow)during construction or post construction? If Yes: i. How much impervious surface will the project create in relation to total size of project parcel? Square feet or 0.39 acres(impervious surface) Square feet or 1.68 acres(parcel size) ii. Describe types of new point sources.STORMWATER RUNOFF iii. Where will the stormwater runoff be directed(i.e.on-site stormwater management facility/structures,adjacent properties, groundwater,on-site surface water or off-site surface waters)? DRYVVELLS&EAVE TRENCHES ■ If to surface waters,identify receiving water bodies or wetlands: • Will stormwater runoff flow to adjacent properties? ❑Yes®No iv. Does proposed plan minimize impervious surfaces,use pervious materials or collect and re-use stormwater? ®Yes❑No f. Does the proposed action include,or will it use on-site,one or more sources of air emissions,including fuel ❑Yes®No combustion,waste incineration,or other processes or operations? If Yes,identify: i.Mobile sources during project operations(e.g.,heavy equipment,fleet or delivery vehicles) ii. Stationary sources during construction(e.g.,power generation,structural heating,batch plant,crushers) iii. Stationary sources during operations(e.g.,process emissions,large boilers,electric generation) g.Will any air emission sources named in D.2.f(above),require a NY State Air Registration,Air Facility Permit, ❑Yes®No or Federal Clean Air Act Title IV or Title V Permit? If Yes: i. Is the project site located in an Air quality non-attainment area? (Area routinely or periodically fails to meet ❑Yes❑No ambient air quality standards for all or some parts of the year) ii. In addition to emissions as calculated in the application,the project will generate: • Tons/year(short tons)of Carbon Dioxide(CO2) ■ 'Pons/year(short tons)of Nitrous Oxide(N20) ■ Tons/year(short tons)of Perfluorocarbons(PFCs) • Tons/year(short tons)of Sulfur Hexafluoride(SF6) + Tons/year(short tons)of Carbon Dioxide equivalent of Hydroflourocarbons(HFCs) ■ Tons/year(short tons)of Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPs) Page 6 of 13 h.Will the proposed action generate or emit methane(including,but not limited to,sewage treatment plants, ❑Yes®No landfills,composting facilities)? If Yes: i. Estimate methane generation in tons/year(metric): ii.Describe any methane capture,control or elimination measures included in project design(e.g.,combustion to generate heat or electricity,flaring): L Will the proposed action result in the release of air pollutants from open-air operations or processes,such as ❑Yes®No quarry or landfill operations? If Yes:Describe operations and nature of emissions(e.g.,diesel exhaust,rock particulates/dust): j.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels or generate substantial ®Yes❑No new demand for transportation facilities or services? If Yes: i. When is the peak traffic expected(Check all that apply): m Morning ❑Evening ❑Weekend ❑Randomly between hours of to ii. For commercial activities only,projected number of semi-trailer truck trips/day: _ iii. Parking spaces: Existing 0 Proposed 6 Net increase/decrease 6 iv. Does the proposed action include any shared use parking? ❑Yes❑No v. If the proposed action includes any modification of existing roads,creation of new roads or change in existing access,describe: EXISTIN-G ROAr)WR 1 BE EXTENDED TO A HAMMER HEAD TURN AROUND vi. Are public/private transportation service(s)or facilities available within 1/2 mile of the proposed site? ❑Yes®No vii Will the proposed action include access to public transportation or accommodations for use of hybrid,electric ❑Yes®No or other alternative fueled vehicles? viii.Will the proposed action include plans for pedestrian or bicycle accommodations for connections to existing ❑Yes®No pedestrian or bicycle routes? k.Will the proposed action(for commercial or industrial projects only)generate new or additional demand ❑Yes❑No for energy? If Yes: L Estimate annual electricity demand during operation of the proposed action: ii. Anticipated sources/suppliers of electricity for the project(e.g.,on-site combustion,on-site renewable,via grid/local utility,or other): iii. Will the proposed action require a new,or an upgrade to,an existing substation? ❑Yes❑No 1.Hours of operation. Answer all items which apply, i. During Construction: ii. During Operations: • Monday-Friday: 7-5 • Monday-Friday: • Saturday: 7-5 • Saturday: • Sunday: • Sunday: • Holidays: • Holidays: Page 7 of 13 m.Will the proposed action produce noise that will exceed existing ambient noise levels during construction, OYes❑No operation,or both? If yes: L Provide details including sources,time of day and duration: !]TURING CONSTRUCTION ONLY H. Will proposed action remove existing natural barriers that could act as a noise barrier or screen? ❑YesONo Describe: n.. Will the proposed action have outdoor lighting? ❑Yes ONo If yes: i. Describe source(s),location(s),height of fixture(s),direction/aim,and proximity to nearest occupied structures: ii. Will proposed action remove existing natural barriers that could act as a light barrier or screen? ❑Yes ONo Describe: o. Does the proposed action have the potential to produce odors for more than one hour per day? ❑Yes ONo If Yes,describe possible sources,potential frequency and duration of odor emissions,and proximity to nearest occupied structures: p.Will the proposed action include any bulk storage of petroleum(combined capacity of over 1,100 gallons) ❑Yes❑No or chemical products 185 gallons in above ground storage or any amount in underground storage? If Yes: i. Product(s)to be stored ii. Volume(s) per unit time (e.g.,month,year) iii. Generally describe proposed storage facilities: q.Will the proposed action(commercial,industrial and recreational projects only)use pesticides(i.e.,herbicides, ❑Yes ❑No insecticides)during construction or operation? If Yes: i. Describe proposed treatment(s): ii. Will the proposed action use Integrated Pest Management Practices? ❑ Yes ❑No r.Will the proposed action(commercial or industrial projects only) involve or require the management or disposal ❑ Yes ❑No of solid waste(excluding hazardous materials)? If Yes: i. Describe any solid waste(s)to be generated during construction or operation of the facility: • Construction: tons per (unit of time) • Operation: tons per (unit of time) ii. Describe any proposals for on-site minimization,recycling or reuse of materials to avoid disposal as solid waste: ■ Construction: ■ Operation: iii. Proposed disposal methods/facilities for solid waste generated on-site: • Construction: • Operation: Page 8 of 13 s.Does the proposed action include construction or modification of a solid waste management facility? ❑ Yes® No If Yes: i. Type of management or handling of waste proposed for the site(e.g.,recycling or transfer station,composting,landfill,or other disposal activities): H. Anticipated rate of disposal/processing: • Tons/month,if transfer or other non-combustion/thermal treatment,or ■ Tons/hour,if combustion or thermal treatment iii. If landfill,anticipated site life: years t.Will proposed action at the site involve the commercial generation,treatment,storage,or disposal of hazardous ❑Yes®No waste? If Yes: i. Name(s)of all hazardous wastes or constituents to be generated,handled or managed at facility: _ H. Generally describe processes or activities involving hazardous wastes or constituents;. iii.Specify amount to be handled or generated tons/month iv. Describe any proposals for on-site minimization,recycling or reuse of hazardous constituents: v. Will any hazardous wastes be disposed at an existing offsite hazardous waste facility? Yes No If Yes:provide name and location of facility: If No:describe proposed management of any hazardous wastes which will not be sent to a hazardous waste facility: E.Site and Setting of Proposed Action E.I.Land uses on and surrounding the project site a.Existing land uses. i. Check all uses that occur on,adjoining and near the project site. ❑ Urban ❑ Industrial ❑ Commercial ® Residential(suburban) ❑ Rural(non-farm) ® Forest ❑ Agriculture ❑ Aquatic ❑ Other(specify): ii. If mix of uses,generally describe: b.Land uses and covertypes on the project site. Land use or Current Acreage After Change Covertype Acreage Project Completion (Acres+/-) • Roads,buildings,and other paved or impervious 0.02 0.39 +0.37 surfaces • Forested 2.24 0.89 (-1.35) • Meadows,grasslands or brushlands(non- agricultural,includingg _ abandoned agricultural) 0.3 1.28 +0.98 • Agricultural (includes active orchards,field,greenhouse etc.) • Surface water features (lakes,ponds,streams,rivers,etc.) • Wetlands(freshwater or tidal) ■ Non-vegetated(bare rock,earth or fill) ■ Other Describe: Page 9 of 13 c.Is the project site presently used by members of the community for public recreation? ❑Yes❑No L If Yes:explain: d.Are there any facilities serving children,the elderly,people with disabilities(e.g.,schools,hospitals,licensed ❑Yes®No day care centers,or group homes)within 1500 feet of the project site? If Yes, i. Identify Facilities: e.Does the project site contain an existing dam? ❑Yes®No If Yes: i. Dimensions of the dam and impoundment: • Dam height: feet • Dam length: feet ■ Surface area: acres • Volume impounded; gallons OR acre-feet ii. Dam's existing hazard classification: iii. Provide date and summarize results of last inspection; f.Has the project site ever been used as a municipal,commercial or industrial solid waste management facility, ❑Yes®No or does the project site adjoin property which is now,or was at one time,used as a solid waste management facility? If Yes: i. Has the facility been formally closed? ❑Yes❑ No • If yes,cite sources/documentation; ii. Describe the location of the project site relative to the boundaries of the solid waste management facility: W. Describe any development constraints due to the prior solid waste activities: g.Have hazardous wastes been generated,treated and/or disposed of at the site,or does the project site adjoin ❑YcsONo property which is now or was at one time used to commercially treat,store and/or dispose of hazardous waste? If Yes: i. Describe waste(s)handled and waste management activities,including approximate time when activities occurred: h. Potential contamination history. Has there been a reported spill at the proposed project site,or have any ❑Yes❑ No remedial actions been conducted at or adjacent to the proposed site? If Yes: i. Is any portion of the site listed on the NYSDEC Spills Incidents database or Environmental Site ❑Yes❑No Remediation database? Check all that apply: ❑ Yes—Spills Incidents database Provide DEC ID number(s): ❑ Yes—Environmental Site Remediation database Provide DEC ID number(s): ❑ Neither database ii. If site has been subject of RCRA corrective activities,describe control measures: iii. Is the project within 2000 feet of any site in the NYSDEC Environmental Site Remediation database? ❑Yes®No If yes,provide DEC ID number(s): iv. If yes to(i),(ii)or(iii)above,describe current status of site(s); Page 10 of 13 V. Is the project site subject to an institutional control limiting property uses? ❑Yes®No • If yes,DEC site ID number: • Describe the type of institutional control(e.g.,deed restriction or easement): • Describe any use limitations: • Describe any engineering controls: • Will the project affect the institutional or engineering controls in place? ❑Yes❑No • Explain: E.2. Natural Resources On or Near Project Site a.What is the average depth to bedrock on the project site? >10 feet b.Are there bedrock outcroppings on the project site? ❑YesONo If Yes,what proportion of the site is comprised of bedrock outcroppings? % c.Predominant soil type(s)present on project site: OAKVILLE LOAMY SANDS 100% d.What is the average depth to the water table on the project site? Average: >11 feet e.Drainage status of project site soils:® Well Drained: 100%of site ❑ Moderately Well Drained: %of site ❑ Poorly Drained %of site f.Approximate proportion of proposed action site with slopes: ® 0-10%: 100 %of site ❑ 10-15%: %of site ❑ 15%or greater: %of site g.Are there any unique geologic features on the project site? ❑Yes®No If Yes,describe: h. Surface water features. i. Does any portion of the project site contain wetlands or other waterbodies(including streams,rivers, ❑Yes®No ponds or lakes)? ii. Do any wetlands or other waterbodies adjoin the project site? ®Yes❑No If Yes to either i or ii,continue. If No,skip to E.2.i. iii. Are any of the wetlands or waterbodies within or adjoining the project site regulated by any federal, ®Yes❑No state or local agency? iv. For each identified regulated wetland and waterbody on the project site,provide the following information: • Streams: Name Classification • Lakes or Ponds: Name Classification • Wetlands: Name Approximate Size _ • Wetland No.(if regulated by DEC) v. Are any of the above water bodies listed in the most recent compilation of NYS water quality-impaired ❑Yes[Z]No waterbodies? If yes,name of impaired water body/bodies and basis for listing as impaired: i. Is the project site in a designated Floodway? ❑Yes®No j.Is the project site in the 100 year Floodplain? ❑Yes®No k.Is the project site in the 500 year Floodplain? ❑Yes®No 1.Is the project site located over,or immediately adjoining,a primary,principal or sole source aquifer? ®Yes❑No If Yes: i. Name of aquifer:Principal Aquifer Page 11 of 13