1994-08-22 TOWN BOARD MEETING WORKSHOP AUGUST 22, 1994 4: 10 P.M. MTG#42 RES#406-416 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Supervisor Fred Champagne Councilman Carol Pulver Councilman Nick Caimano Councilman George Wiswall BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Councilman Betty Monahan TOWN ATTORNEY Paul Dusek TOWN OFFICIALS Tom Flaherty, Ralph VanDusen, Jim Martin, Paul Naylor, Harry Hansen Supervisor Champagne opened meeting. EMERGENCY SERVICES AUDITOR'S REPORT Discussion held with representative from Urbach, Kahn and Werlin, P.c. regarding auditors proposal for Fire and Rescue Squad Companies. Town Board members reviewed auditors proposal and after further discussion passed the following resolution. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RETENTION OF SERVICES OF AN AUDITOR RESOLUTION NO.: 406,94 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Carol Pulver WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is currently reviewing financial statements for all companies providing fire or rescue emergency service to the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the contracts between the companies providing fire and/or rescue emergency service to the Town and the Town of Queensbury provide for audits of the companies' accounts, and WHEREAS, prudent management of the Town's financial affairs also indicate that audits of the Fire and Rescue Companies' accounts are appropriate and required, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has conducted interviews, and desires to retain the accounting firm of Urbach, Kahn and Werlin, P.c., to assist in the auditing process, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes the retention of the services of Urbach, Kahn and Werlin, P.c., to perform auditing services in accordance with the terms and provisions of a contract to be executed by the Town Supervisor and to be in a form to be approved by the Town Attorney at a cost not to exceed $10,000 and to be paid for from the Fire Protection Fund, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the contract to be executed by the Town Supervisor shall contain at minimum, a scope of services that includes the following: The attached proposal letter. August 19, 1994 Mr. Nick Caimano Town of Queensbury Bay at Haviland Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Dear Mr. Caimano: We are pleased to submit this proposal to provide various auditing, accounting and consulting services to the Town of Queensbury in regards to the various volunteer fire companies and rescue squads with which the Town contracts for services. It is our understanding that the Town is looking for a uniform financial reporting format for all of the entities. Further, it is our understanding that each fire company and squad employs a fee accountant to prepare annual financial reports. With this in mind, we suggest that we develop a standardized chart of accounts and a reporting format which includes financial statements, related disclosures, and detailed instructions for the completion of the report. The financial statements and instructions can then be provided to the fee accountants to utilize in preparing the annual reports. This will relieve the various fire company and squad treasurers, who serve in a voluntary capacity, of the responsibility for completing the reports and becoming familiar with technical accounting issues. As part of the uniform reporting process, it will be necessary to establish the basis upon which the financial statements are to be prepared. Since the Town is required to follow accrual basis accounting, which provides the most complete financial disclosure, we suggest that this basis be utilized in preparing the reports. Utilizing the accrual basis of accounting will require each entity to prepare a balance sheet which will include items such as inventory, fixed assets and accumulated depreciation, and accounts payable. Our review of the existing reports revealed that most of the fire companies and squads are currently not including a balance sheet. In order for the December 31, 1994 reports to be meaningful, it will be necessary to reconstruct a December 31, 1993 balance sheet. Accordingly, our proposal includes the compilation of an accrual-basis balance sheet for all of the entities as of December 31, 1993. We will also review the internal accounting system being utilized by each entity to ensure that it will provide adequate information to prepare the year-end reports. Since the burden of the report preparation will be on the fee accountants, it is not essential that every entity utilize the same accounting system. As long as the system provides the proper detail to facilitate the year-end reporting, the companies and squads could continue using it. The standardized chart of accounts will allow for consistent classification of revenues and expenditures, which will facilitate the preparation of the annual reports. Finally, after the compilation of the balance sheets and review of accounting systems, we will issue a management report to the Town outlining any significant issues or findings as a result of our work. This could include recommendations as to changes, if any, that are necessary to the accounting systems. In addition, we could provide assistance and guidance in the development of annual operating budgets. Because the accounting and reporting will be in a prescribed format, the budget should mirror that format. The services outlined in this letter are rather complex and it is difficult to estimate the amount of time, and fee, needed to complete this engagement. Accordingly, we propose to bill the Town for services at a rate equal to 50% of our standard billing rates, with a not -to-exceed ceiling of $20,000. If, for example, our fee using standard rates at the end of the engagement is $30,000, we would bill the Town $15,000. If on the other hand, our fee using standard rates at the end of the engagement is $60,000, we would be limited to the $20,000 ceiling. To a great extent, the time it will take to complete this engagement will depend on the level of accounting detail and cooperation received from the individual entities. Any assistance which the Town can provide will also serve to help minimize our fees. We look forward to working with your committee and the Town on this assignment. Please feel free to contact us if you any questions. Very truly yours, Urbach Kahn & Werlin, PC Lloyd F. Jones, CPA Shareholder Duly adopted this 22nd day of August, 1994, by the following vote: AYES: Dr. Wiswall, Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Pulver, Mr. Champagne NOES: None ABSENT:Mrs. Monahan RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING BINDER COAT AND TOPCOAT PAVING BY TOWN HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT RESOLUTION NO. 407, 94 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Fred Champagne WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Carol Pulver WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is desirous of arranging for the placement of a binder coat and topcoat paving on a Town road that is being constructed off Carey Road, in the Town of Queensbury, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes and directs the Town Highway Superintendent to place a binder coat on the road off Carey Extension, not later than August 30, and the placement of a topcoat of pavement not later than September 30, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Highway Superintendent shall submit an itemization to the Town Board indicating the cost of pavement and labor and materials for this project. Duly adopted this 22nd day of August, 1994, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Pulver, Dr. Wiswall, Mr. Champagne NOES: None ABSENT:Mrs. Monahan RESOLUTION APPROVING PURCHASE OF TRUCK FOR HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION NO. 408, 94 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Carol Pulver WHEREAS, the Town Highway Superintendent has recommended that the Town purchase a 1995 diesel powered Ford tandum dump truck with plow and wing from Orange Ford, for the price of $103,712.00, which is on State contract, and WHEREAS, the Town Highway Superintendent has requested the Town Board approval of said purchase, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, after due consideration, hereby approves of the purchase of the aforementioned truck, with the understanding that the same shall be purchased through State contract and with the further understanding that the same shall be paid for from Account No.: 4-5130-2040 (Heavy Equipment). Duly adopted this 22nd day of August, 1994, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Pulver, Dr. Wiswall, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Champagne NOES: None ABSENT:Mrs. Monahan DISCUSSIONS Supervisor Champagne-Spoke to the Board regarding the canceling of the Regular Town Board Meeting on Labor Day. After further discussion the following resolution was passed. RESOLUTION CANCELING REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 409, 94 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Carol Pulver RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby designates the 29th of August as a Special Meeting for purposes of conducting its normal regular scheduled business that it would do on Labor Day and the Labor Day Meeting is hereby canceled by the Town Board. Duly adopted this 22nd day of August, 1994, by the following vote: Ayes: Dr. Wiswall, Mrs. Pulver, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Champagne Noes: None Absent:Mrs. Monahan INTER-MUNICIPAL CHARITY SOFTBALL CHALLENGE - AUCTION COMMITMENT Councilman Caimano-Spoke to the Board regarding the inter-municipal softball challenge to be held Saturday, August 27th at East Field. Noted both sides will have thirty players, posters will be distributed. Councilman Caimano and City Councilman Jim Sheehan will be on the radio Wednesday. Will be trying to raise money for charities through an auction of the elected officials pledging services to the highest bidder. INCREASED CLERICAL ASSISTANCE IN BUILDING & CODES Executive Director, Mr. Martin-Spoke to the Board regarding temporary clerical assistance in Building and Codes, noting he needs someone to help with filing and assist in processing building permits. After further discussion the following resolution was passed. RESOLUTION HIRING TEMPORARY CLERICAL ASSISTANCE BUILDING & CODES RESOLUTION NO. 410, 94 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. George Wiswall WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes the employment of clerical assistance in the Building and Codes Department the same to be of a nature of six hours per week to be paid at whatever the current rate that Barbara Howe is going to be working for the Town of Queensbury, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this position is part time and is temporary through December 31, 1994. Duly adopted this 22nd day of August, 1994, by the following vote: Ayes: Dr. Wiswall, Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Pulver, Mr. Champagne Noes: None Absent:Mrs. Monahan HARRIS BAY YACHT CLUB RFP Executive Director, Mr. Martin-Spoke to the Board regarding Harris Bay Yacht Club. Mr. Martin noted he has been receiving a number of complaints regarding the Harris Bay Yacht Club septic system polluting the wetland just south of Route 9L. Noted the best way to handle this would be to go out for testing to confirm this also noted the system is a very unique system. The system and the pump house for the boats goes into a tank that is underneath the parking lot which is essentially a pumping station. It goes from there through a two inch line along the side of the road above ground along the wetland under the road through a culvert pipe further along the road on the south side of Route 9L to a point where there are two septic tanks in a series. It pumps into those two septic tanks it goes from there and is treated like a normal residential system. It goes from there to a distribution box and then to five seepage pits from the distribution box. Some of the seepage pits are as close as twenty five feet to the edge of the wetland. Mr. Martin and Ralph VanDusen put together RFP for testing services, noting he has received three responses. Morse Engineering at a cost of $6,200.00, C.T. Male $2,774.00, Environmental Design Partnership $3,800.00, sent out eight to ten RFP's. After RFP went out within a day or two after the request they came in with a proposal to put in a holding tank system, installing holding tanks at a point behind their storage facilities. Behind the storage building they are proposing to put five holding tanks each with a thousand gallon capacity which will essentially be a conforming system. The only thing that they are going to do that is not completely in compliance if it were a new system is they were going to put the grey water over in the seepage pits. Councilman Caimano-Questioned if the pits will hold with the new stuff going in? Executive Director, Mr. Martin-Recommended to hold off on the testing until next summer. Any testing done now will not be accurate because all the sanitary will still be in the seepage pits. Noted they have to let this rest for a while to see what happens with just the grey water accurate testing cannot be done until next summer. Supervisor Champagne-Questioned the time of completion? Executive Director, Mr. Martin-To have this installed this fall. Recommended holding off testing until next summer to see if there is any impact on the grey water. Thinks ninety-five percent of the problem is relieved by having all the sanitary pumped, noting this was causing a lot of the concern by the neighbors. After further discussion it was the decision of the Town Board to go with Mr. Martins recommendation. Executive Director, Mr. Martin-Spoke to the Board regarding the Bike Trail. Noted the County is seeking the Town's acceptance of being lead agent for the purposes of the SEQRA review on the bike trail expansion. Also noted his concern with the expansion for the proposal of a bridge going across Quaker Road from an aesthetic standpoint. Recommended taking a look at the aesthetic impact of the bridge going across Quaker Road at a future date. It was the decision of the Town Board to give the County lead agency regarding the bike trail. Attorney Dusek to prepare resolution for next regular board meeting. WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT Tom Flaherty, Water Superintendent-Spoke to the Board regarding the water situation in West Glens Falls, noting that on routine testing came up with a water sample that failed. Went out and did an additional nineteen sampling's, out of nineteen six failed. Required under the law to notify the State Health Department of the situation. The State Health Department responded requesting the Town to put out a boil water notice which will remain in effect until the correction of the system is completed. The Town has thirty days to hire an engineer to study the problem and sixty days to report back listing the alternatives to correct the problem and selected alternatives and a schedule for design and problem corrections. Noted his proposal would be to take Richardson Street and tie it into the Queensbury System and put a new line down Newcomb Street and tie it into the Queensbury System. The long term solution would be to combine West Glens Falls with the Queensbury Water District and tie them into the mains. The immediate problem is for the Town to get an engineer to look at this. Mr. Flaherty noted he has contacted O'Brien and Gere regarding this matter. Attorney Dusek to prepare resolution regarding the hiring an engineer for next the regular meeting. After further discussion it was the decision of the Town Board to pass the following resolution. RESOLUTION REGARDING PUBLIC HEALTH NOTICE WEST GLENS F ALLS WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 411, 94 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Carol Pulver WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has heard from the Water Superintendent concerning matters relating to the water supply to the West Glens Falls Water District, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has also received a copy of a letter issued by the Department of Health to Tom Flaherty dated August 22, 1994 where in certain recommendations were made, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes and directs that a Public Health Notice consistent with the information presented on Pages 18, 19, and 20 of the Department publication Chloroform Bacteria and Total Chloroform Rule should be issued in accordance with the regulations of the Department as well as the laws of the State of New York, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board also authorizes that Notice to contain such information as is required by the regulations and laws to be subject to the approval of the Water Superintendent of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted this 22nd day of August, 1994, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Caimano, Dr. Wiswall, Mrs. Pulver, Mr. Champagne Noes: None Absent:Mrs. Monahan RESOLUTION ENTERING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 412, 94 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Fred Champagne RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Regular Session and moves into Executive Session to discuss one matter of personnel. Duly adopted this 22nd day of August, 1994, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Caimano, Dr. Wiswall, Mrs. Pulver, Mrs. Champagne Noes: None Absent:Mrs. Monahan RESOLUTION ADJOURNING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 413, 94 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Wiswall RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Executive Session and moves back into Regular Session. Duly adopted this 22nd day of August, 1994, by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Pulver, Dr. Wiswall, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Champagne Noes: None Absent:Mrs. Monahan WEST GLENS FALLS FIREHOUSE PROPERTY - RECREATIONAL PURPOSES Discussion held among representatives from West Glens Falls Firehouse, Harry Hansen and Town Board members regarding the possibility of recreational facilities at West Glens Firehouse. Tim Brewer and Executive Director, Mr. Martin have met and discussed the possibility of constructing a baseball field for residents in the Fourth Ward. Mr. Brewer questioned the possibility of leasing the property from the fire company. Attorney Dusek noted if the possibility of a lease option were to come up recommended discussing the length of time of the lease. After further discussion representative from fire company agreed to present this to members of the company. Mr. Brewer and Mr. Martin and Recreation to put facts together for fire company representatives to present them to members of the fire company for their consideration. QUEENSBURY FOREST MEETING Discussion held among Town Board members and residents of Queensbury Forest. (Tape on file Town Clerk's Office) BRIEF DISCUSSION Brief Discussion held concerning Willigan septic variance, Building and Codes procedures and required paperwork submission. RESOLUTION ENTERING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 414, 94 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Carol Pulver RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Regular Session and moves into Executive Session to discuss collective bargaining. Duly adopted this 22nd day of August, 1994, by the following vote: Ayes: Dr. Wiswall, Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Pulver, Mr. Champagne Noes: None Absent:Mrs. Monahan RESOLUTION ADJOURNING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 415, 94 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Fred Champagne RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Executive Session and moves back into Regular Session. Duly adopted this 22nd day of August, 1994, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Pulver, Dr. Wiswall, Mr. Champagne Noes: None Absent:Mrs. Monahan RESOLUTION ADJOURNING MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 416, 94 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Carol Pulver WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from its Regular Meeting. Duly adopted this 22nd day of August, 1994, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Pulver, Dr. Wiswall, Mr. Champagne Noes: None Absent:Mrs. Monahan No further action taken. On motion, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk Town of Queensbury