01-15-2008Queensbury Planning Board First Regular Meeting: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 Time: 7 – 11 p.m. Location: Queensbury Activities Center A G E N D A Approval of Minutes: Dates: October 16, October 23; November 1, November 20 & November 27 Administrative Item: Site Plan 44-2007 David Dutra - For further tabling consideration Scheduled Items: Applicant(s) TH Application Type Site Plan 43-2007 AKUNDEWIDE OA Owner (s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering Lot size 18.69 acres Location Takundewide Zoning Classification WR-1A Tax ID No. 240.5-1-13 Ordinance Section 179-4-020 Cross Reference Master Plan adopted Warren Co. Planning 8/8/07 3/23/03 Public Hearing 8/28/07, 11/20/07 APA / CEA / DEC Lake George CEA Tabled to 1/15/08 Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a centralized wastewater system to service 11 individual dwellings. Proposed residential uses in the Takundewide development require Site Plan Review and approval from the Planning Board. Applicant(s) ME Application Type Site Plan 49-2007 ATTHEW MMENS Owner (s) Same SEQR Type II Agent(s) Jarrett-Martin Engineers Lot size 0.97 +/- acres Creative Construction Location 2 Highview Road Zoning Classification WR-3A Tax ID No. 239.15-1-19 Ordinance Section 179-4-020, 179-6-060, Chap. 147 Cross Reference AV 60-07 Warren Co. Planning 9/12/07 Public Hearing 9/25/07, 11/20/07 APA / CEA / DEC Lake George CEA Tabled to 1/15/08 Project Description: Applicant proposes the demolition of an existing home along with the construction of an addition to the remaining structure, along with site grading, and stormwater controls. Expansion of nonconforming structures in a CEA requires site plan review and approval from the Planning Board. 1 Applicant(s) BBG Application Type Special Use Permit 15-2007 OATS Y EORGE Owner (s) George Pensel SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Miller Associates Lot size 2.77 acres Location Cleverdale Road Zoning Classification WR-1A Tax ID No. 226.12-1-1, 37, 38 Ordinance Section 179-10-10 Cross Reference SP 54-96 Warren Co. Planning 4/11/07 Public Hearing 4/26/07; 1/15/08 APA / CEA / DEC Lake George CEA Project Description: Applicant proposes modifications to an existing Class A Marina. Modifications to Class A Marinas require Special Use Permit by the Planning Board. Applicant(s) TMJRC Application Type Site Plan 61-2007 & HE V OMPANIES Freshwater Wetlands 1-2008 Owner(s) Forest Enterprises Mgmt. SEQR Type Type I Agent(s) Bergmann Associates Lot size 37.55 acres Location Rt. 254 NW intersection at Zoning Classification HC-Intensive Quaker Ridge Blvd. Tax ID No. 303.15-1-25 Ordinance Section 179-4 Cross Reference UV 27-93, AV 34-93 Warren Co. Planning 1/9/08 Public Hearing 1/15/08 APA / CEA / DEC / ACOE NWI Wetland / ACOE Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes construction of a 199,000 sq. ft. retail building with associated parking and utilities. Retail uses in HC zones require Planning Board review and approval. Freshwater Wetlands: Filling wetlands to provide parking and storm water management facilities. Applicant(s) K& Application Type Site Plan 63-2007 EITH PAM HARRIS Owner(s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) John T. Peck Lot size 123.13 acres Location 1671 Bay Road Zoning Classification LC-10A Tax ID No. 265-1-32 Ordinance Section 179-4 Cross Reference None Found Warren Co. Planning 1/9/08 Public Hearing 1/15/08 APA / CEA / DEC Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a pond to be used for fire protection, wildlife [stock with trout] and recreation / aesthetics. Major stormwater projects in the Lake George Basin require Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) Application Type Subdivision 12-2004 [Mod.] HAYES CONSTRUCTION GROUP Owner(s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Van Dusen & Steves Lot size 15.06 +/- acres Location 467 Rigde Road Zoning Classification SFR-1A Tax ID No. 297.13-1-37 Ordinance Section A-183 Cross Reference N/A Warren Co. Planning N/A Public Hearing Not required APA / CEA / DEC N/A Project Description: Modification to approved subdivision – Merge lot 5 into lots 4 & 6. Modifications to approved subdivisions require Planning Board review and approval. - Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board - 2