1994-12-12 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 12, 1994 4:00 p.m. Mtg. #72 RES. #618-621 TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR FRED CHAMPAGNE COUNCILMAN BETTY MONAHAN COUNCILMAN DR. R. GEORGE WISW ALL COUNCILMAN NICK CAIMANO COUNCILMAN CAROL PULVER GUESTS: Representatives of Queensbury Forest and Queen Victoria Grant and Rist Frost Associates Supervisor Champagne-Called the meeting to order RIST FROST RE: QUEENSBURY FOREST Rist Frost Associates gave a presentation to the Town Board regarding four proposals on the drainage situation in Queensbury Forest. Noted that Mr. Naylor had alternate proposals on routing of the piping...Original proposal-collects storm drainage from the existing system that serves Phase III and pipes from the two existing low points conveys it back from the low points and takes it over by gravity to two options, discharge into detention basin in Queen Victory Grant and one across Peggy Ann Road down toward HalfWay Brook. Will place the new pipes within Queensbury Forest as low as can be established and still get to the detention basin to lower the ground water.. A. PLAN Picks up the Storm Water only from phases one and two and conveys it to an existing pipe across Peggy Ann Road, ends up as surface discharge to HalfWay Brook watershed, also tie in and pick up the low point at the intersection of Ferris and Hampton Court and the low point at the end of Hampton. B. PLAN Variation on theme...includes connecting pipe goes across the existing inactive detention basin at Walton Court. C.PLAN Same theme except that it provides all the new pipes that are installed in the Forest as deep as is reasonably possible to depress ground water as can be achieved. Does the same as the original plan has alternate discharge point and revamped the piping net work along Sherman Avenue area to intercept ground water contribution that may be coming from that area. Scheme re: costs C and Original Plan approximately the same. Plans A and B are less expensive but only address storm water. Supervisor Champagne-Asked to have identified the advantages and disadvantages of each of the plans... Rist Frost Associates-Plan C is deep enough to pick up ground water and has alternate route for minimal disturbance to the already developed areas of Queen Victoria Grant. Further advantage intercepting phase I and II storm water before it gets to phase III. It also has the ability to depress ground water in the area where the pipes are installed, how large an area they will influence beyond the pipes we cannot predict at this point. As proposed in the report if we install some observation wells and collect data over a period of time we will be able to get a better handle on that. Plans A and B only address storm water, does nothing with ground water ... Councilman Caimano-Noted they had received a letter requesting that the Town follows Morris's idea of reconnecting the pipe because they feel it would help... Rist Frost Associates-That pipe as it was designed is three feet above the normal inverts that was only to be a very extreme emergency kind of a thing. The manhole that connects the basin would have to have two or three feet of water in it before it would ever work. It is not a cure all for the day to day problems or the year to year season problems. Councilman Caimano- If you had all these in place and everything worked fine and you had a 1/2" of rain would Gilligans basement flood anyway? Rist Frost Associates-His basement is at 401 the lower part of the basement we are proposing to be able to get a pipe that's as low as 399...that should take care of him. Councilman Caimano-Do you have a recommendation? Rist Frost Associates-Either the original proposal or option c... Supervisor Champagne-Questioned how Queen Victor Grant's residents feel about the original proposal? Highway Supt. Paul Naylor-From what I am hearing from an Attorney that represents them I do not think they are 100% against this but they want to be in from day one, they want to make sure not one drop of water does anything to their properties. As far as tearing up their neighborhood they are not overly excited about that. Councilman Caimano- Indicated that there is a regulation on the books that says that one piece of property cannot discharge its water into another piece ofproperty...will not go against our own laws... Attorney Dusek-Questioned the monitoring wells, what will that tell the Town...and should that be done before an option is selected? Rist Frost Associates-That is critical if we go to the solution that uses the existing detention basins in Queen Victoria Grant, to demonstrate that we would not be having an adverse impact on them and that we would not be short circuiting pumping the water from here over to there to the ground water and it flows back in. All the preliminary indications have indicated that the ground water surface is a tributary to Halfway Creek and will continue to go that way but the observation wells will tell us that directly. Ifwe opt for a solution of gravity discharge then the only thing the observation wells are going to tell us is give us some feel for how effective our deeper pipes that are perforated may be on just lowering the water table, it will tell us what sort of influence they will have beyond the pipes... Attorney Dusek-This type of testing is something that if the Board wanted to they could do that first and then elect the option. Rist Frost Associates- I think we would want the results of that testing before we undertook the final design. Councilman Caimano- When do we start and what is the cost? Rist Frost Associates-$5500 to 6000, they could be installed anytime, 5 ground water observation wells. Councilman Monahan-Questioned the length of time needed for monitoring... Rist Frost Associates-One season would be good....would need spring... Councilman Dr. Wiswall-Noted he had engineer's ask me why test wells had not been done... Councilman Caimano-Ifwe got started today and the high water is not going to dissipate and if we have heavy snow and a bad spring those people are in trouble again anyway. There is nothing we can do until we get the test wells done. Supervisor Champagne-They are going to be in trouble I do not see that we can do an awful lot out there to relieve the problem other than the temporary thing we had there this past fall until you run through the spnng season. Councilman Caimano-When can the pipes be installed... Rist Frost Associates-Next Summer or Fall. Supervisor Champagne-The next step is to speak to the City...questioned if we are going to forget going to Queen Victoria Grant... Councilman Caimano-I do not want to go through Queen Victoria's Grant if we do not have to... Agreed to by the Board... Attorney Dusek-Spoke about the negotiations with the City and the easements that are going to be needed through Queen Victoria Grant... Supervisor Champagne-Requested that the engineering firm prepare from an engineering perspective a report of what the City can expect and Paul could put something together... Councilman Monahan-Will this effect their water source? Rist Frost Associates-I am sure they will be concerned about it. Councilman Monahan-Will it also mean that the Dept. of Health and DEC? Rist Frost Associates-Potentially. Councilman Monahan-Requested a time frame for this project. Highway Supt. Paul Naylor-Spoke to the Board regarding the engineering work being done by the City of Glens Falls for chlorinating their water.. Supervisor Champagne-Noted that the Dept. of Health has already agreed to discharging into the basin at Queen Victoria Grant, in a general way... Councilman Caimano- What kind of a flow will this be getting out of Queen Victor Grant over to Halfway Brook? Rist Frost Associates-The maximum in the design is the 50 year storm flow, 10 CFS plus or minus. Councilman Caimano-Using Plan C could you use a sand filter to protect the watershed? Rist Frost Associates-You might be able to convert the natural terrain over there. Supervisor Champagne-Maybe we could develop a detention basin on the side hill... Councilman Monahan-We have a gentlemen here that was concerned about what effect this plan is going to have on the water in Hampton Court. Rist Frost Associates-A positive... Unknown-Noted there is a portion of Hampton Court that is the lowest point of all the surrounding property, five or six yards surrounding it draining into it, where is that water going to go? Rist Frost Associates-You are talking about surface drainage and drainage problems within the individual lots, this is a problem that we cannot address until we have some as built information on how the lots were constructed and then we can respond to whether or not they conformed to the original 1982 subdivision regs. and comment on this, it may be necessary that some additional grading be done to comply with that or it may be a better solution to install some additional drainage, however whether or not that is the Town's problem or the developers problem or whoever's... Councilman Caimano- The solution you are offering has no effect on that... Rist Frost Associates-Not immediately, it will help, you will be able if the ultimate fix is to put a drop inlet and a pipe into that, our system will have the ability to receive that. We are not proposing that at this stage. Supervisor Champagne-If this cannot be done by grading then a manhole will have to be put in there... Unknown-Questioned if it would cost more to do that portion independently instead of attached to this project.. . Rist Frost Associates-I would tend to think the more you do at once in quantity, certainly the sale of, the economics would be in your favor to do it that way. Supervisor Champagne-Requested a resolution for the next meeting to contract to have wells installed... Attorney Dusek-Contacts will be made with the City of Glens Falls, Queen Victory and communications with the Dept. of Health... Councilman Dr. Wiswall-Spoke to the Board, when the water runs down Sherman Avenue off the hill it is going to go in there, a pond or swamp, I do not think anything is going to work until you take care of Sherman Avenue Drainage... Highway Supt. Naylor-Noted that he felt this program will work... Councilman Dr. Wiswall-Ifyou would put in a couple of culverts under Sherman Avenue, and drain the water down the power line that would help out a lot... Sherman Avenue is a dam, the water comes down Sherman Avenue and runs right back into this development. Highway Supt. Naylor-You are not going to come down deep enough going through the power wire without having an open cut ditch, you are going to have to pipe it all the way. Councilman Dr. Wiswall- Y ou could at least let the water run across Sherman Ave., to the vacant land.. Highway Supt. Naylor-You are going to have to cut through that whole hill to get the water to go the other way...the Centerbar Farm is up hill. Councilman Dr. Wiswall-The low point is Gilligan, but the low point really is the area between Gilligan and Sherman Avenue... Highway Supt. Naylor-So we can lay pipe out that way and pick that up too. Councilman Dr. Wiswall-That should be in the plan. The Conleys have water in the cellar the year round, they have a pump... Highway Supt. Naylor-I do not know if you are going to drain the whole land unless they get the test wells done to show what that soil does... DISCUSSION ROAD NAME FOR NATIVE TEXTILES Two proposals for the name of the road, Native Road,Way or Lane and Paul Street... Highway Supt. Naylor-Noted that a road had been abandoned by Western Avenue called Paul Street, would like to put the name back on the books... Councilman Dr. Wiswall-The Native Americans spent a lot of time down through there and I would go for Native myself... Requested lights be placed at the corner of Corinth and Carey Road... Supervisor Champagne-Supported the name of Native Drive or Lane... It was the decision of the Town Board to name the road at the next Regular Meeting... DISCUSSION TOWN BOARD PRIORITY LISTS 1995 SALARIES-NON UNION - Priority - Work on in January DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES TOWN REORGANIZATION PLAN - Abolish DPU - Need Plan to take Recreation/Cemetery/Building and Grounds and find a way to melt some of the activities By Spring have a re-organization plan HUDSON RIVER PARK Recreation Commission would like involved. Supervisor will find out when the dead line is... to be QUEENSBURYFOREST Being worked on EMERGENCY SERVICES CONTRACT Done before the end of the year. CONFIGURATION OF DISTRICTS Look at in 1995 TOWN BOARD/DEPT. COMMITTEES For the Organizational Meeting Agreed to list. INTERMUNICIPAL COOPERATION call in other areas Spoke about starting at grass roots--- such as Hudson Falls, Town of Kingsbury, Town of Lake George etc. have a think tank... set up for February...Long term project. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS Start Meetings in the Spring COMPREHENSIVE TOWN PLAN in January The first meeting of that committee is IMPROVE ACCOUNT ABILITY Project for Comptroller PROMOTE FEDERALIST A TE GRANTS Long range NORTH QSBY. WASTEWATER NORTH QSBY. STORMWATER it comes... Inter-related take it as BAY ROAD SEWER Will depend on the developers HIGHWAY GARAGE Moving on that ETHICS ADVISORY COMMITTEE First quarter meeting session TRANSIENT MERCHANT LAW Working on it - be law before Spring Discussed licensing businesses ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Promote QEDC on a local level EMERGENCY PLAN To be handled by the Supervisor REORGANIZATION OF TAX COLLECTORS OFFICE To be absorbed by another Town Attorney to review options CIBA PROPERTY Not top on list at this time SEWER W ARREN/W ASH INDUSTRIAL PARK Reactive action NON UNION EMPLOYEES CLASSIFICA TION/JOB DESCRIPTION February-March NON-UNION EMPLOYEE MANUAL February-March RISK MANAGEMENT On going every day Insurance Agent will help the Town on this... N.Q. STORMWATER Being worked on toward a grant ROUTE 254/RT.9 TRAFFIC BRIDGE bridge Supervisor to write to Stafford WATER PLANT EXPANSION On going STATE AND FEDERAL COMPLIANCE REGULATIONS CIVIL RIGHTS- ADA-OSHA-SEXUAL HARASSMENT- DOT DRUG TESTING-F AMIL Y LEAVE ACT-CIVIL SERVICE MANDATES Supervisor to tell board what we do to comply CSEA CONTRACT Needs to be put to bed department-asked King to support the need to TERM LIMITS AND AL TERNA TING TERMS Discuss in early 1995 Have Attorney draw up draft legislation Town Board only PAY RAISE FOR TOWN BOARD Discuss in early 1995 COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN SUPERVISOR AND TOWN BOARD To be worked on all year... ZONING ENFORCER Mr. Martin is drawing up the job description CONSULTANTS ON FIRE AND EMS Priority HIRING AND TRAINING OF COMPTROLLER Working on it ENGINEER'S CONTRACT Will be talked about in Executive Session WEEKS ROAD On going project RECREATION LIST To be discussed along with Town's re-organizational Plans SIGN AMENDMENTS Sign Committee will have to be appointed SIDEWALK CLEANING Working on project ATTORNEY'S LIST HARRON CABLE Committee consisting of Councilman Caimano and Town Attorney to negotiate with Harron... ST ATE AUDIT Formally write off old debts from Developers fees that were never resolved...make a list of them for the Town Board and take action by resolution. Resolve issues such as Fire Service Award programs... SHORE COLONY WATER DIST. IMPROVEMENTS RULES AND REGULATIONS Mandates for Clean Two problems out there Federal Water and how you draw it Mr. Flaherty is working on, this problem of regulating uses of water and what it can be used for... DISCUSSION HELD Town Clerk Darleen Dougher-Presented to the Town Board a letter form the State Liquor Authority regarding the application of General Mills Restaurant, Inc. to have liquor on their premises.. .the letter is requested if the Municipality has any objections to notify them.... Town Board will take no action... DISCUSSION HELD re: Banks Mr. James Martin-The change to the Bank are going to be included in a plaza commercial and highway commercial zone, draft legislation will be available next Monday night. DISCUSSION RE: Sidewalks Highway Supt. Paul Naylor-If you want us to do the sidewalks get a resolution together because I will be billing you for each time we go out. I do not have a problem working it in within twenty four hours after a storm. Dr. Gee from Queensbury School would like three lanes up Aviation Road with a center lane being a turn signal, they would also like a red light ... Mr. Naylor-notified that the Shop Stewart will be filing a grievance against the Town due to the fact I took a truck driver and promoted him to foreman...this is a temporary position and he knows it... RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 618.94 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Carol Pulver RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury here by moves into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. Duly adopted this 12th day of December, 1994 by the following vote: AYES: Dr. Wiswall, Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Pulver, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Champagne NOES; None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION ADJOURNING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 619.94 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Carol Pulver RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury here by adjourns its executive session and moves into regular session. Duly adopted this 12th day of December, 1994 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Pulver, Mrs. Monahan, Dr. Wiswall, Mr. Champagne NOES: None ABSENT: None 5:59 P.M. Highway Supt. Paul Naylor-If I do not get the turnout that I got at the storm the other night I will probably have to put on part timers. FINALIZATION OF ROUND POND WATER DISTRICT That is something that is going to happen... PRIOR NOTICE DEFECTS LAW Need to improve upon it. BANK COLLATERAL AGREEMENTS Request that the Town Attorney FINALIZING PROPERTY DONATIONS formulate proposals and bring it to the Town Board GLEN LAKE PROPERTY SITUATION That is in litigation VARIOUS CODE ENFORCEMENT MATTERS Important issues that I do as I have time... Agreed to by the Board PINE VIEW CEMETERY Issue of $1500 a month out of their payment to the Town ...comes to grips with the fund and how much is supposed to be in it... second issue have to identify who is in charge of what... Meet with Commission early on in the year. ASSESSMENT LITIGATION A number of cases outstanding work on these as time permits. W.G.F. WATER Working on it, will have a resolution on it next Monday LIGHTING DISTRICT TWICWOOD AREA Lights in the area different than Town lights...will have to research it... Discussion also held regarding Queen Victoria lighting... Discussion held regarding lighting for developments...need to spend an evening discussing lighting district Issues.. . need resolutions establishing the lighting districts and map out the districts on a map before meeting is set... FIRE RESCUE CONTRACTS Discussion was held regarding the release of tax dollars to the fire companies, it was noted that this is a contractual agreement as to when the funds are released... Rescue Squad Contracts- Councilman Pulver led the Board through the contracts...Page 1. first paragraph they would like it to say Emergency Squad, not Rescue Squad..Attorney Dusek, every company has a different name, suggested that the correct name be listed for each company and thereafter be referred to as Rescue Squads...Councilman Caimano-Noted that Paul Pontiff suggested that the wording be added, established as a not for profit corporation.. Page Two-no corrections Page 3 paragraph five (no. Qsby. rescue) wants the amount of money put in, asked for payments on January 15th 1995 to July 15, 1995 that is what W.G.F. Emergency asked for...questioned percentages...they asked for 60% in the first payment, decision left with the Budget Officer as to percentage split...agreed to go with new dates...Page 4 (7a.) re: transferring money from one line item to another...delete that...added, any money that is left over in any particular budget line shall be used for either one of the two purposes: 1. off set against expenses next year 2. for the purpose of reducing any debt. (b) Questioned by W.G.F. ... wanted added, except that this provision shall not apply to re- imbursement for telephone calls made for Rescue Squad business...agreed to be added...Number 5 D.l W.G.F. wanted May 15th as submitting their financial reports and No. Queensbury wants June 30th...compromise date of May 15th...D.l No. Queensbury Page 5 wants to eliminate exhibit b in the last sentence from the one...noted that all they were saying is they do not have an exhibit b....Number 8 comment by Bay Ridge Rescue the amount we want as a spending cap is $30,000 North Qsby. listed $25,000 West Glens Falls asked for $1O,OOO...Board agreed to $5,000.... (Councilman Dr. R. George Wiswallleft the meeting during the discussion on contracts) RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 620.94 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Carol Pulver WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves into Executive Session to discuss personnel matter. Duly adopted this 12th day of December, 1994 by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Pulver, Mr. Champagne NOES: None ABSENT: Dr. Wiswall RESOLUTION ADJOURNING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 621.94 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Carol Pulver WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its executive session. Duly adopted this 12th day of December, 1994 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Pulver, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Champagne NOES: None ABSENT: Dr. Wiswall On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury