02-19-2008 REVISEDQueensbury Planning Board First Regular Meeting: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 Time: 7 – 11 P.M. Location: Queensbury Activities Center A G E N D A Approval of Minutes: December 18, December 20, 2007 Administrative Items: 1) SUB 15-2006: Legacy Land Holding – Request for extension 2) SP 61-2007: VMJR – Request for Special Meeting & VMJR - Acknowledge Lead Agency Status Tabled Items: Applicant(s) BBG Application Type Special Use Permit 15-2007 OATS Y EORGE Owner (s) George Pensel SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Miller Associates Lot size 2.77 acres Location Cleverdale Road Zoning Classification WR-1A Tax ID No. 226.12-1-1, 226.16-1-37, 38 Ordinance Section 179-10-10 Cross Reference SP 54-96 Warren Co. Planning 4/11/07 Public Hearing 4/26/07; 1/15/08; APA / CEA / DEC Lake George CEA Tabled to 2/19/08 & Re- advertised Project Description: Applicant proposes modifications to an existing Class A Marina. Modifications to Class A Marinas require Special Use Permit by the Planning Board. Applicant(s) C& Application Type Special Use Permit 54-2007 INDY MICHAEL TROMBLEY Owner (s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Lot size 6.97 +/- acres Location 80 Ellsworth Lane Zoning Classification RR-3A Tax ID No. 265-1-16 Ordinance Section 179-4-020 Cross Reference Warren Co. Planning 11/14/07 Public Hearing 11/27/07 PH LEFT OPEN Adirondack Park Agency Yes TABLED TO 2/19/08 Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 1,200 sq. ft. Kennel. Kennel in Rural Residential zones require Planning Board special use permit review and approval. Applicant(s) CERRONEBUILDERS Application Type Subdivision 1-2007 ET AL Final Stage Owner (s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Nace Engineering Lot size 222.2 ac.,, 3.44 ac., 1.84 ac. Van Dusen & Steves Location West Mt. & Corinth Road Zoning Classification SR-1A, RC-3A, WR-3A Tax ID No. 315.5-1-1, 315-1-1, 315-1-4 Ordinance Section A-183 Cross Reference Warren Co. Planning N/A Public Hearing 7/24/07, 9/18/07, 10/16/07 11/27/07 [Prel. Approval] Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 227+ acre parcel into 26 residential lots ranging in size from 1.0 acres to 47.13 acres. Subdivision of land requires review and approval by the Planning Board. Applicant(s) Application Type Subdiv. 13-2007 JOHN FEDORWICZ Preliminary Stage Owner (s) Laura A. Fedorowicz SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) B P S R Lot size 10.14 +/- acres Location 1433 Bay Road Zoning Classification RR-3A Tax ID No. 265-1-19.11 Ordinance Section A-183 Cross Reference SUB 1-2000 Warren Co. Planning N/A Public Hearing 2/19/08 Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 10.14 acre parcel into 2 residential lots of 3.7 and 6.44 acres. Subdivision of land requires review and approval by the Planning Board. Applicant(s) C Application Type Subdiv. 12-2007 HRISTINE GERMAINE Preliminary Stage Owner (s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Nace Engineering Lot size 8.68 +/- acres Location 709 Sherman Avenue Zoning Classification SR-20 Tax ID No. 301.18-2-34 Ordinance Section A-183 Cross Reference Warren Co. Planning N/A Public Hearing 2/19/08 Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 8.68 acre parcel into 10 residential lots ranging in size from 0.46 to 3.10 acres. Subdivision of land requires review and approval by the Planning Board. Applicant(s) C Application Type Site Plan 2-2008 HARLES WEBSTER Freshwater Wetlands 2-2008 Owner (s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Nace Engineering Lot size 1.04 acres Location East side Chestnut Ridge Zoning Classification SR-1A Tax ID No. 290-1-15 Ordinance Section Cross Reference SP 29-07, AV 25-07 Warren Co. Planning 1/9/08 Public Hearing 2/19/08 APA / CEA / DEC ACOE Project Description: Applicant proposes infill of 3,850 sq. ft. of wetland in order to construct a single family home. Disturbance of wetlands in the SR-1A zone requires a Freshwater Wetlands Permit and Site Plan Review and approval from the Planning Board. - Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board -