03-18-2008Queensbury Planning Board
First Regular Meeting: Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Time: 7:00 to 11:00 PM
Location: Queensbury Activities Center
Approval of Minutes:
1.1 January 15, 2008; January 17, 2008 and January 22, 2008
Administrative Items:
2.1 Site Plan 44-2007 David Dutra - For further tabling consideration
Scheduled Items:
Applicant(s) THEVMJRCOMPANIES Application Type Site Plan 61-2007 &
Freshwater Wetlands 1-2008
Owner(s) Forest Enterprises Mgmt. SEQR Type Type I
Agent(s) Bergmann Associates Lot size 37.55 acres
Location Rt. 254 NW intersection at Zoning Classification HC-Intensive
Quaker Ridge Blvd.
Tax ID No. 303.15-1-25 Ordinance Section 179-4
Cross Reference UV 27-93, AV 34-93 Warren Co. Planning 1/9/08
Public Hearing 1/15/08, PH LEFT OPEN APA / CEA / DEC / ACOE NWI Wetland / ACOE
Tabled to 3/18/08
Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes construction of a 199,000 sq. ft. retail building with associated parking
and utilities. Retail uses in HC zones require Planning Board review and approval. Freshwater Wetlands: Filling wetlands to
provide parking and storm water management facilities. The Planning Board will commence SEQR review.
Applicant(s) SCOTT&JACKIEApplication Type Site Plan 4-2008
Owner(s) Same [Marjorie Dugan, RPS] SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering Lot size 1.43 acres
Location 3300 State Route 9L Zoning Classification WR-3A
Tax ID No. 239.18-1-27 Ordinance Section Chapter 147-12
Cross Reference SP 8-04, AV 55-06 Warren Co. Planning 2/13/08
Public Hearing 3/18/08 APA / CEA / DEC L G CEA
Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 3580 square foot driveway to serve existing residence and guest
cottages. Site Plan review as a Major Stormwater Project per Chap. 147-12C is required due to CEA location and slopes in
excess of 15%.
Applicant(s) DAVID&LOISApplication Type Site Plan 5-2008
Owner(s) Trout Pavilion, Inc. SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering Lot size 3.37 acres
Location 14 Trout Pavilion Road Zoning Classification WR-1A
Tax ID No. 227.10-1-27 Ordinance Section Chapter 147-12
Cross Reference BP 07-625, 07-624, 06-Warren Co. Planning 2/13/08
700, 99-612
Public Hearing 3/18/08 APA / CEA / DEC L G CEA
Project Description: Applicant proposes demolition of existing cabins and construction of a new residence, garage,
driveway, wastewater system and stormwater management controls. Site Plan Review as a Major Stormwater Project per
Chap. 147 is required due to disturbance within a CEA.
Applicant(s) KTWINHOLDINGS Application Type Site Plan 7-2008
Freshwater Wetlands 4-08
Owner(s) K Twin Three, LLC SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Richard E. Jones Associates Lot size 0.22 acres; 0.43 acres
Location Zoning Classification HC-Int
West side Meadowbrook Rd,
north of Quaker Rd.
Tax ID No. 296.20-1-9, 10 Ordinance Section 179-4
Cross Reference AV -08 Warren Co. Planning 2/12/08
Public Hearing 3/18/08 APA / CEA / DEC DEC; GF-19
Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes construction of an office building with associated site work. Office
Buildings in the HC-Int. zone require Planning Board review and approval. Freshwater Wetlands: Applicant proposes
disturbance, filling and construction within 100 feet of a DEC designated wetland. Construction within 100 feet of any
regulated wetland requires a Freshwater Wetlands Permit from the Planning Board. The Planning Board may request lead
agency status for purposes of SEQR review.
Applicant(s) ADIRONDACKGIRLApplication Type Site Plan 30-2002
Owner(s) Same SEQR Type
Agent(s) The LA Group Lot size 13.53 acres
Location 213 Meadowbrook Road Zoning Classification SFR-1A
Tax ID No. 296.16-1-10 Ordinance Section 179-4-030, 070
Cross Reference SP 30-02; NOA 3-07, AV Warren Co. Planning
37-05, AV 47-02, SP 30-
02, FW 1-02, UV 12-02, UV
Public Hearing Not required APA / CEA / DEC DEC & NWI Wetlands
Project Description: Applicant proposed modification of prior approval to shift proposed mitigation wetland to the west by
60 feet. Modifications to approved plans require Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) STEVEN&DEBBIEApplication Type Site Plan 33-2006
Owner(s) Same SEQR Type
Agent(s) Nace Engineering Lot size 0.20 acres
Location 83 Rockhurst Road Zoning Classification WR-1A
Tax ID No. 227.13-2-36 Ordinance Section
Cross Reference SP 61-05, AV 81-05, NOA Warren Co. Planning 2/13/08
6-07, SP 33-06
See PB res. Dated 12/18/07
Public Hearing 8/22/06, 9/26/06, 3/18/08 APA / CEA / DEC APA Wetlands; L G CEA
Project Description: Applicant proposes partial demolition and rebuild of approximately 2300 sq. ft. single family dwelling.
Site Plan Review required for expansion of a nonconforming structure and hard surfacing [continuation] within 50 feet of
the shoreline. Applicant is requesting that the Planning Board reconsider condition of 9/26/06 tabling motion relative to
receiving septic approval from the Town Board of Health.
- Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board -