1995-04-03 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING APRIL 3,1995 7:05 P.M. MTG#22 RES#21O-217 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR FRED CHAMPAGNE COUNCILMAN BETTY MONAHAN COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN NICK CAIMANO BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT COUNCILMAN CAROL PULVER TOWN ATTORNEY PAUL DUSEK TOWN OFFICIALS JIM MARTIN, CATHY GEOFFROY, PAUL NAYLOR PRESS POST STAR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COUNCILMAN CAIMANO SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Called meeting to order. PUBLIC HEARING WEEKS ROAD REALIGNMENT NOTICE SHOWN 7:06 P.M. MAP SHOWN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-The project as proposed would be the realignment of Weeks Road. Just to orient you here this is New York State Route 9, Weeks Road comes in here, Sweet Road here. We have the Flower Drum Song Restaurant in the corner, the Car Wash, the Ames Plaza is here to the south. This project came about originally as a result of the Route 9, 254 Traffic Improvement Plan which was developed by the Glens Falls Transportation Council this was one of the suggestions made in that plan. It was noted during the Walmart public hearings that there were some residents who came especially from the apartments here, to the west it was difficult turning out of here if you wanted to go left turning north or left coming into the existing configuration especially with no traffic signal. It is noted as being a dangerous configuration here with two offsets here with Weeks and Sweet Road. The thinking was to bring Weeks Road into alignment with Sweet Road this was clearly the better alternative rather then attempting to bring Sweet Road around and doing the opposite with the topography and the existing buildings here. This is vacant property as it stands right now and is relatively flat and good soils in there to accommodate the new road. This section is a very short section of road here it's just several hundred feet it would involve the acquisition of property, I believe from three separate property owners meaning the owner of the apartments, the motel here to the north, and the car wash. There is a very narrow sliver in there we come to find a six foot wide sliver that's really essentially up for back taxes as I understand it. That's the basic project there with forecast of the costs of this to be in the original plan that was done with the intersection study I think of approximately forty thousand dollars with just working off of memory. I think the intention is to do it with in-house highway crews that cost I think would be reduced if that were the case. We're getting the final numbers on that now there is engineering work being done. That's the proposal in a nutshell if there is any questions I'd be happy to answer them. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Would you come right up please you the mic and give us your name. GUS BEHR-Did anybody ever give thought to doing the same thing at this intersection as you did down on Fire Road and Wester Avenue? You have a double light back to back one comes from the west only and the other one from the east only. There has never been any trouble and it won't disrupt an awful lot of stuff as your going to do here. Plus the fact that your not going to have cars going by shining into apartments there with bright lights. Plus another fact is to make that turn to come into our complex you've got about a hundred and thirty five degree turn there because the new road would be coming in on a seven-five foot angle and you've got a ninety degree turn adding those you got a hundred and thirty-five going in and you got another hundred and thirty-five going out. Take another consideration there are three hundred eighty- nine apartments between south and north there, two hundred on the north side a hundred eighty nine on the south side. About sixty-five percent of those are seniors and to start to put something in there at the late stage in life for some of these people to have all this weird type of driving to accommodate, I don't know what it's suppose to accommodate by cutting that road in there above there. They can do it without any cuts by just having a light both at Weeks and at Sweet. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Of course, that would be three lights. It would be Weeks, Sweet and then the entrance to Walmart. MR. BEHR- What? COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-I said that would be three lights Mr. Behr. One at Weeks, one at Sweet and one at the entrance..... MR. BEHR-Ifthe one down below is far enough away it wouldn't interfere with the other two. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Not the one at Walmart. MR. BEHR-It's not down where the lower exit..... COUNCILMAN CAIMANO- There is going to be one right where Queens Diner is right now. MR. BEHR-Where the diner is? COUNCILMAN CAIMANO- There will be a light there, too. I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just saying there would be three lights within a very short period of space. MR. BEHR-Again, your accommodating the store and the hell with all of the...... COUNCILMAN CAIMANO- That's not what I said. I didn't want you to get that impression. I'm just saying that there is a light scheduled to go there. MR. BEHR-In other words the citizens can go scratch. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO- That's not what I said. MR. BEHR-I know that's not what you said the inference is there. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-No. MR. BEHR-I think you can listen to someone else now. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Yes, sir. DENNIS GALLOWAY -resident of Robert Gardens North. I just have some questions which would further describe the overall plan and nothing I say is meant to be controversial. But without the mic I'd like to point out some questions. Is it proposed to close this road.... SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Let's take that one first. MR. GALLOWAY-Which now exits. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-No, that will stay open. MR. GALLOWAY-The cost that you gave sir, does it include the acquisition of the land? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-No. MR. GALLOWAY -Mr. Caimano also just commented to my third proposed question was the access and egress of the traffic to Walmart which we assume that's it's going to be increased over the present in and out traffic of Route 9 right now otherwise I don't think we would be talking about this project. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Right, that's correct. MR. GALLOWAY -We who live in the area we hear scuttle butt about this and that and some of them are good ideas. Would this road be left opened for right turn traffic only and direct people out of Walmart to go south here if you want to go north you go out to the traffic light that is just scuttle bug something we made up. There are some concerns about all of this area are we going to increase heavy tractor trailer truck traffic in this area deliveries into Walmart can that be controlled in some other fashion so we don't have further congestion. I've gone in and out of here for eleven years now for or five times a day, I think this is fantastic as far as having visibility to the north because it's like russian roulette getting out of here sometimes up here you can at least see. We have not addressed something else here getting out of this road sometimes is very very difficult. This overall plan the concept of it I think is very good, I just had these questions about it. Is this road going to be closed? Also, Nick if you want to hear a real scuttle butt there is some dispute as to who has title to this land. The municipality can take it over by adverse position probably which is more legal perhaps, I've said enough actually. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-There was a decision earlier to close that road then we have agreed now to leave it open is that correct? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-That's correct. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Is it going to be traffic both ways Jim? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-That is yet to be determined. PAUL NAYLOR, HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT-That's a road by use. If we give it away it would go back to the restaurant. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Is it going to be two-way traffic or will it become one way traffic? HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, MR. NAYLOR-One way. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Out... HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, MR. NAYLOR-Ingress. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Do you hear that Denny? The Highway Superintendent go ahead Paul. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, MR. NAYLOR-That will be a one-way street in if we pass it to the Board. MR. GALLOWAY-Meaning the present road that goes in and out? HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, MR. NAYLOR-Yes. That's a road by use so the Town owns it as it is. If we give it up it will revert back to the Old Blue Sky we don't want to do that. MR. GALLOWAY-Has it been proposed what the land acquisition cost would be does anybody have a number? Has there been an appraisal done on it? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-The appraisals have been done. The property total comes out to $60,000. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Yes, sir. ERNIE PAULSEN-Robert Gardens. I met several times with Jim, quite a few times. My concern the realignment here we discussed several different ways of doing it. Coming across here and connecting in or one option, I thought was good because they are now putting a red light by the Queen Diner was coming this way. At one point you thought that was a pretty good idea getting rid, not getting rid of, but remove the Queen Diner and have it come this way to pick up the Walmart traffic. Our concern is and they did move the road it was within twenty-five feet of this corner building and I was really concerned about headlights at night coming into the back of the apartments and they have moved it fifty feet now which is good. I'm also concerned about fire, emergency equipment coming in here making this sharp turn into the complex that's a big concern. Another concern is what's going to happen with the tractor trailers cause Walmart takes deliveries at night. With all these tractor trailers are they coming in here or are they going to come in here. You can tell them they've got to come in here but if it's easier this way this is the way they are going to do it. Personally, I don't want to hold up progress and I know we want a red light but it seems this is the only way they've been talking is cutting off some of our property and the concern is coming so close to the building. At one point they said they would put a cul-de-sac here now they are talking about straight through. Maybe we need a blinking light here, and a blinking light here, red light here, I'm no engineer I don't know what we need. I really would like to keep it away not that I don't want to give up the property, but I'd like to keep it away from our apartment buildings. We have enough problems here with this noise and the lights I'm just afraid we're going to have loss of rents. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-In response to the noise and lights and that, we're going to do everything we can in terms of stockade fencing and landscaping to try and mitigate that as best we can with that. MR. PAULSEN-Jim are you saying you know that the tractor trailers are going to come in this way? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-No, as a matter off act, I think the tractor trailers are going to enter from the south. Walmart basically has a one-way traffic pattern around it. The tractor trailers will be coming in one of the entrances from the plaza in taking a one-way loop around the back of the stores then coming out onto Sweet Road or I think we could suggest to them to keep them in their parking lot completely. MR. BEHR-Will the car wash lose any parking space there? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-No. MR. BEHR-Because they have headaches now where they wind up having the cars back out onto Route 9. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-No, this will not affect their parking lot at all. MR. BEHR-Because your going to take a piece of that back lot out. They back up into the first entrance and you can only get two cars lanes between there and the street. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-This does not affect their parking at all. MR. PAULSEN-Jim what ever happened to the alternative coming through the Queen Diner? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-I believe this was looked upon as being the most cost effective route to take that route would be much more costly. MR. P AULSEN-I don't know what to say. I know we're not in favor of it but we do want a red light out there. That's all I got to say. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-A couple of times the question came up about the fire apparatus getting in. Have you talked to Queensbury Central have they looked at that? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-We have not specifically, but I know the engineers and the surveyors have looked at those turning radius and don't see that as a problem. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-I know that Betty has asked several times on these projects to have the fire company involved go and be appraised of it are we going to do that? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-Yes, during the engineering phase here that we're in now. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Jim when Walmart went for site plan reviews and variances and all that and probably Ted you can respond to the one about the variances, were any restrictions put on Walmart as to the routes the trucks could take and how they were going to enter and exit that property? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-I believe it was through the parking lot as I recall. COUNCILMAN TURNER-They would come through the entrance on the Queen Diner side go up to the front of the building bear to the left which is the south go around the south end of the building, Walmart building around back and back up to the loading dock. Now they could be made to go out the same way rather than go out Weeks Road or take the new exit there at the light. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-How would we do that? COUNCILMAN TURNER-Very easy. There is no reason for them to go out that way they can do right back out the way they came in. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-I agree with you there isn't any reason. COUNCILMAN TURNER-There is no room. MR. BEHR-Parking facilitates is there going to be a separation of those two lots? COUNCILMAN TURNER-There is a divider that goes right down between Ames and Walmart that cuts them off. I know when they came they had to go around that south end of the building go around the back of the building, and the loading dock is in the rear of the building at the very end of Walmart between them and Ames and they'd back right up in there. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Yes, sir. CHARLES TANNER-Robert Gardens North. I'm just trying to clarify what your talking about here because I haven't seen a map. I was out of town and all this business that your talking about, I can't see the map very clearly but I've lived in Robert Gardens over ten years and I'm just right now trying to figure out in my mind and probably in the minds of a number of people in the room here what it's all about. Now, I'm coming up from the south on Route 9, I want to go into Weeks Road where do I turn? Where the new light is going to be I'd make a left turn is that it? SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Jim why don't you go to the map there and explain it to hirn. DISCUSSION HELD BETWEEN MR. MARTIN AND MR. TANNER REGARDING INGRESS AND EGRESS OF WEEKS ROAD. (TAPE INAUDIBLE) SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Anyone else? BILL BISHOP-Sweet Road. I have kind of a two part question. The first thing did I understand correctly that there is an opportunity to revisit the Walmart traffic pattern? Hasn't that already been approved? They are building the building hasn't the traffic flow already been approved by the Town is it not set in stone or can it be revisited? SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-My understanding is that's it's pretty well set Jim? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-Yes. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-I don't know if there are any changes to be made there or not. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-I don't think it's completely closed but it has been approved and a traffic pattern has been established. MR. BISHOP-What is the mechanism for revisiting it? COUNCILMAN TURNER-I think they can be approached again can't they Jim? MR. BISHOP-I don't think a small group of people can force Walmart back to the table to discuss traffic flow. COUNCILMAN TURNER-I think we can ask them to reconsider their traffic pattern in lieu of everything that's here on the paper. MR. BISHOP-The best we can do at this point is to ask them to reconsider? MR. NAYLOR, HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT -Fred all you've got to do is after this is done is pass a local law a five ton weight limit so nobody can go down there. MR. BISHOP-That's one of my suggestion I've got for later on. I believe I did understand you to say Mr. Turner that the traffic flow is designed traffic down Sweet Road is that correct? COUNCILMAN TURNER-What I'm saying with that intersection there your going to have a lot more traffic down Sweet Road. MR. BISHOP-Without a doubt. I'm here basically to speak being a resident of Sweet Road about our concerns about Sweet Road. I say ours, but I mean mine because I'm not a spokesman of any kind. Certainly anyone who spent any time in the Town understands that one of the best known shortcuts between Quaker Road and going north to Route 9 is Sweet Road. As a matter of fact, people that don't even come from this Town or County know that shortcut. We are basically designing another invitation to route more traffic up and down Sweet Road not only an invitation we're making it a mistake for people to go any other direction. You can take this direction now with that red and avoid a minimum of four stop lights before you even get to Bay Road turning up the hill. There are several issues we're concerned about on Sweet Road, I'm concerned about on Sweet Road for this type of traffic. First of all the road is not designed for the type of traffic that Route 9 and Quaker Road is designed for but what we're talking about is putting that kind of traffic down that road and up that road. The speed limit is already marginally too fast for just residents on that road because it's difficult at best for any of you and probably all of you've have been up and down that road. Most difficult to contain your speed at 35 rn.p.h proceeding down the road. The shoulders on the road are basically nonexistent they are basically washed out a very difficult road to maintain at best. I emphasis my regard for Mr. Naylor he does an excellent job on that road in the winter time, but it's dangerous at best under the best of conditions. Realistically, I really don't want to see the road improve it's going to put more traffic on it. There are no shoulder areas at the existing time for pedestrians and what we're talking about is increasing traffic flow significantly we're very concerned about that. I can't count on both my hands here how many near misses I've had on that road while traveling slower than the current speed limits particularly at the bike trail area. There are several blind spots on that road basically it's tough for us people on the westerly end of the road to enter or leave our driveways just because of traffic from people who aren't part of the neighborhood we're very concerned about that. We're most of all concerned about our number one priority is the safety of our children and that of the pedestrians going up and down the bike trail. Our children have to walk from two basic locations of the bus stops which are down near Edgewood Drive and at the corner of Sweet and Montray Road. We're very concerned about extended traffic and particularly tractor trailer traffic or any kind of truck delivery traffic. Certainly we're very concerned with all the people trying to use the bike trail. Any of you familiar with the Town this is one of the main excess roads for the bike trail. A significant amount of people come up and down runners, joggers, people walking their dogs, a significant number of people. It would be unrealistic for us to sit here and say that we're not concerned about our property values also. The prime location in the Town of Queensbury or any Town is not where your on a corner with the traffic light to a major road it does not enhance your property values not whatsoever. Certainly the increase traffic flow up and down our roads, I would predict that if I was out front trying to sell my home to someone and tractor trailer trucks were zooming by that I wouldn't have much opportunity to sell my property to anyone particularly to anyone with small children. We spent some time and I don't want to take up an awful lot of your time, but I've spent some time listening to the Town Board and working with the Town Board and they more than once came to the table in many site plan reviews and indicated that what we wanted to protect most in the Town of Queensbury was our single family residential areas. This is a prime example as to how we're not doing that we're not protecting the people on our road a single family residential area that is what the area is zoned at from Montray Road on down. I'm going to be realistic in my closing statements in saying that I don't think this small group of people here is really going to influence progress and this is part of progress. I guess what I would hope that you could do and we would recommend that you do is help us insure the safety of our children and people on Sweet Road by considering four specific items. First of all, I would recommend that we limit the speed limit back down to 30 m.p.h. as it is in most residential areas of the Town, maybe I shouldn't say most many residential areas in the Town. We would ask that a four-way stop sign be reinstalled at the corners of Sweet and Montray Roads that was an excellent traffic control when it was there before. That road is about nine tenths of a mile long you can get a heck of a running start when you start from Route 9 and your going downhill that slows people down and makes them take note of where you are. Most significantly, I would suggest that we put a three-way stop in at Sweet Road and Edgewood Drive. This would be a great way to protect people trying to cross on that bike trail. Some of our neighbors the Partridge's live at that corner and there are a lot of screeching tires during the sununer time particularly right at the bike trail because coming out of the bike trail there is no visibility up or down Sweet Road. Most significantly maybe expanded on what Mr. Naylor said is that we propose that you post the road for no through truck traffic let's get the trucks off the road. At the very least if we could at least consider doing those four things, I certainly would appreciate it as a resident. Thank you. PETE PARTRIDGE-Sweet Road. I can't expand too much on what Bill has already said. There has been a lot of screeching tires there over the fifteen years I've lived on Sweet Road nobody has been hurt yet, but it's only a matter of time. You propose to bring a lot more traffic down Sweet Road by putting this light up that, I think will probably result in some kind of an accident there. There has been a number of accidents at the end of Sweet Road where people have tried to take out a house at the end of that road, you know that you put guard rails up, that's going to increase. Certainly the traffic light at the top of Sweet is great for us if we want to get out and go down towards the mall but that's hardly a consideration for lowering our property values which I know this is going to do. My father-in-law has sold his property they are putting in more homes in that area that's going to cause a problem for that. I don't know what it will do to Edgewood they'll have a harder time getting out of Edgewood probably the people in the other section will have a hard time getting out of their road. Last of all, there are a lot of kids living on that road and an increase of traffic is going to result is some problems and certainly the pedestrians that I see everyday runners everything it's going to cause them an awful lot of problems. I concur with Bill suggestions if you end up putting a light in up there I think we need to slow the traffic down considerably and hopefully eliminate some of it. Maybe by putting more stop signs out there the less people are going to want to go up and down that road and that certainly would help us. That's all I have, thank you. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Thank you. LIZ V ALENTE-60 Sweet Road. Mr. Bishop was very eloquent, I don't think you can expect that from me. I guess, I take exception first of all, to the fact that we're told it's going to cost forty thousand dollars and then later on we find out it's an additional sixty for property. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-I said construction costs. MRS. VALENTE-Right, okay well hook or crook the whole project is over a hundred thousand dollars. We're always trying to say how we shouldn't be spending money needlessly. I don't like the project at all, I don't think it's necessary. I don't see why a light could not be placed at the entrance to Ponderosa and the new Walmart which I think the Ponderosa would probably be very ecstatic over because it can't hurt their business at all and slow the traffic down. The way we have to now approach if we want to make a left off of Sweet Road on to Route 9 we basically do wait for the traffic to be slowed up from the light down by True Value in that mall. I don't think that a light at Ponderosa and Walmart would be out of the question, I think it might be very appropriate. I also would like to know what study was ever done regarding Sweet Road? It seems like Glens Falls did a great job at looking at Route 9 and Weeks, but did anybody bother to study what impact this has on Sweet Road and its residents? I see this as a greater plan this is only part of what's going on because I was at the meetings when I sawall the other plans in the works for trying to help the distress at the four corners on Route 9 and Quaker. I know we have a problem there it's failing already with the backups that we're suffering. I honestly see this as a way to redirect traffic down Sweet Road. I don't...this at all because we want to help people make left's or rights, I think it's a way to alleviate people staying on Route 9, encouraging them to come down the Sweet Road hang a right go over to Quaker and by the way use Woodvale that isn't even a real road, I understand or a Town road to my knowledge this is what Dr. Wiswall has told me for years and cut across that way. I also am concerned about the trucks. I think that if your going to do this and I more or less have been told it's a done deal so I sort of agree, I don't know whether we're just speaking for no reason here, I think that you do owe some consideration to the people on Sweet Road. Specifically, I think they should be protected against trucks with weight limits, I don't really know what five thousand pounds means could you define a five thousand pound truck for me? COUNCILMAN TURNER-Five ton? MRS. VALENTE-Five ton, I'm sorry five thousand, five ton that's right that's...ten thousand okay, how big is that? COUNCILMAN TURNER-One ton truck. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-Basically a single axle truck. MRS. VALENTE-Like a UPS? COUNCILMAN TURNER-Something like that. MRS. VALENTE-We're not talking eighteen wheelers or logging trucks? COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Specifically we're not that's why it's a five ton limit. MRS. VALENTE-Right now there is no weight limit. I had also asked about weight limits on the Sweet Road back probably about two, three, years ago because of the condition of the road. I didn't feel we had to have tractor trailers going through the Sweet Road. Speed limits absolutely. We've got people approaching the bottom end of Sweet Road and that bicycle path doing 45 and 50 m.p.h. I can attest to the squealing tires down there regularly, I think there was an accident a couple of weeks ago matter of fact. Also, I think another part of this project that no one is sort of laying out on the table here is Sweet Road is in terrible shape. We all know that if your going to start putting traffic lights and encouraging people to come down the Sweet Road that Mr. Naylor's going to be out there having to rebuild the Sweet Road, too. This is part of this cost you cannot invite people down the Sweet Road the way it is. Mr. Bishop is absolutely right there is no shoulder it's really not in the best of shape. Ultimately you better figure that into your cost too, I'm sure you thought about it you might not have said so, but you have. Also, I'd like to know if you are going to encourage all the traffic down the Sweet Road we are going to lose value in our properties are you prepared for maybe further down the road, I'd like to get this on the record are you prepared to rezone Sweet Road maybe cultural professional when we wind up with a highway going back and forth? Ultimately you might connect this to the Aviation Road which I saw at a meeting that might ultimately be the plan, too that we might connect up a little further and then this way we'll pull off Aviation next, that will be farther down the line, but it's a possibility. I also want to elaborate the bicycle trail. I've spoken about the bicycle path in the past I know they have stop signs the bike path is used quite a bit and also not only by senior citizens, but I can tell you also that many of the special schools for the disabled go and park at that area on Country Club Road. They do take a lot of their students down the bicycle path I see them regularly and these are handicapped and disabled people or people with special disabilities and they use the bicycle path quite frequently, too so your also considering those kind of people coming across. I agree you have to slow the people down if you intend on pushing this down our throats you have to protect our neighborhoods, I think you owe us that much. Thank you. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Thank you. Anyone else care to speak? MR. GALLOWAY-I'd like to bring up one more point. As long as Jim has come out with some numbers to do the Weeks Road alignment in front of the apartments between the car wash and hotel. What was the cost of doing it from Weeks Road to come out by the Queen Diner where the red light is going right now? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-It was never looked at in any detail it was just thought to be more expensive as that's improved commercial property where this is unimproved. MR. GALLOWAY-You said it was going to cost more.... EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-For land acquisition is what I was talking about. MR. GALLOWAY-Have you approached them? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-No. MR. GALLOWAY -Could you? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN - We could if I'm directed to I will. MR. GALLOW A Y-I hear all the people from Sweet Road and if your going to wind up building a road down there that's added to the cost of doing Weeks Road. I would like you to consider it to me, as again I'm not an engineer but it makes sense to come out where there is a red light and that would alleviate everybody's problem. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-I'll look into it if they want and if I'm directed too, I will. MR. GALLOWAY-Can the Board make a recommendation to do that? COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-We could. COUNCILMAN TURNER-It's not cast in concrete, right? SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-No. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-No. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Nothing is going to be done until we vote tonight. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Or some night. MR. GALLOWAY -Are you voting on this proposed road tonight? COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-We can vote on it tonight we may not, but we can. MR. GALLOW A Y-I think for the residents on Sweet Road and the owners of the apartments they would like some consideration to look at the alternative. This is nothing new that I've asked Jim we've been going around and around for over a year. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-I'm not sure, I fully understand your suggestion. Are we going with this other red light here? DISCUSSION HELD BETWEEN BOARD MEMBERS AND MR. GALLOWAY REGARDING LOCATION OF LIGHTS AND ROAD. (TAPE INAUDIBLE) MR. TANNER-The light at Shop-n-Save on Quaker Road and right beyond that there is an intersection of Bay and Quaker and the light is there with timing lanes and all and they are not much farther about than Weeks and Sweet Road. How about putting a light up around Sweet or Weeks Road and....make it the same way. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Paul do you want to tell him? HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, MR. NA YLOR-I was against the light for Shop-n-Save. Mr. Austin said he wanted to put that one up. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-We don't control those in that case it was the County, the State. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Anyone else care to speak? MR. GALLOWAY-In your decision processing I'd like to submit that regardless of any transactions or deals agreements are made between Walmart and the Town of Queensbury with regard to traffic flow especially with trucks. The truck drivers don't know this they are going to go where they are lead to go by traffic control arrows, red lights, so forth. Whatever deal is going to be made if it hasn't been made with Walmart may not mean a thing. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Anyone else? Anyone else from the Board? COUNCILMAN CAIMANO- Ted what do you think? COUNCILMAN TURNER-I'd like to move to reconsider the whole thing right at this point and take the people's comments into consideration and take another look at it and hold it off. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Do we need a resolution regarding that? COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Leave the public hearing open that way we won't have to re-advertise. ATTORNEY DUSEK-If your going to leave it open you would have to re-advertise, I think it would be better to close it. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-I thought it was the other way around. ATTORNEY DUSEK-In this type of proceeding because of the nature of it your doing this under the Imminent Domain Law. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-I'm sure if anybody wants to make written comments or wants to come during open form at any meeting to make comments we'll listen. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Thank you very much. We'll close the public hearing at this point. I certainly would welcome any of your written comments that you'd like to send to in to the Town Board a decision will be made at a later date, okay. Thank you all, again. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED 8:53 P.M. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION APPROVING DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR MEADOWBROOK ROAD SUBDIVISION RESOLUTION NO. 210, 95 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Betty Monahan WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, by Resolution No. 142 of 1995, authorized a rezoning of certain real property lying and existing off Meadowbrook Road, in the Town of Queensbury, and currently known as the Meadowbrook Road Subdivision, and WHEREAS, one of the conditions of the aforesaid rezoning was that a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions setting forth the conditions placed on the rezoning be recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office, and a proposed Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions has been presented at this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby approves the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions presented at this meeting and concerning the real property which was rezoned by Resolution No. 142 of 1995, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury is hereby authorized and directed to take any action that may be necessary to complete the filing of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, including the execution of any forms or documents that may be necessary and the placing of the Town Seal on the same. Duly adopted this 3rd day of April, 1995, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Champagne NOES: None ABSENT:Mrs. Pulver ABSTAIN:Mr. Turner RESOLUTION AMENDING RES. 186, 95 CONCERNING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF PROPERTY OF FRANK 1. PARILLO RESOLUTION NO.: 211,95 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Betty Monahan WHEREAS, on March 20, 1995, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury adopted resolution no. 186, 95 which set a public hearing on the designation of property owned by Frank 1. Parillo (Tax Map No. 125-1-28), and WHEREAS, a notice of public hearing was presented with resolution no. 186, 95 at the March 20, 1995 Town Board Meeting, and WHEREAS, the Town Attorney has advised that an additional clause should be added to the Notice of Public Hearing previously presented, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby amends resolution no. 186, 95, such that the Notice of Public Hearing presented at this meeting shall be substituted for the Notice of Public Hearing presented at the March 20, 1995 Town Board Meeting. Duly adopted this 3rd day of April, 1995, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Turner, Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Champagne NOES: None ABSENT:Mrs. Pulver RESOLUTION TO APPOINT MEMBER TO ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RESOLUTION NO. 212,95 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Betty Monahan WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has previously established the Zoning Board of Appeals, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby appoints William Green to serve as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, said term to expire on December 31, 1996. Duly adopted this 3rd day of April, 1995, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Turner, Mr. Champagne NOES: None ABSENT:Mrs. Pulver RESOLUTION TO AMEND 1995 BUDGET RESOLUTION NO.: 213,95 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHEREAS, certain departments have requested transfers of funds for the 1995 Budget, and WHEREAS, said requests have been approved by the Chief Fiscal Officer, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the funds be transferred as follows, for the 1995 budget: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: FROM: TO: $ AMOUNT: 01-3620-1370 (Asst. Bldg & Zoning Officer) 01-8010-2001 (Misc. Equipment) 850. 01-8020-4400 (Misc. Contractual) 01-8020-2010 (Office Equipment) 2,900. and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the 1995 Town Budget is hereby amended accordingly. Duly adopted this 3rd day of April, 1995, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Turner, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Champagne NOES: None ABSENT:Mrs. Pulver RESOLUTION APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN HUDSON POINTE AND ROBERT AND MARGARET MCDONALD RESOLUTION NO. 214, 95 (MOTION WITHDRAWN) INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner RESOLUTION ADOPTING DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE OF REZONING RESOLUTION NO.: 214, 95 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury previously adopted certain legislation which authorized the Hudson Pointe Planned Unit Development, and WHEREAS, the legislation authorizing the Hudson Pointe Planned Unit Development provided for a Boulevard entrance to Hudson Pointe through the Southern Exposure Subdivision, and WHEREAS, said Boulevard will require the reconfiguration of certain dedicated roads within the Southern Exposure Subdivision and the formal abandonment of certain portions of said dedicated roads so as to allow said reconfiguration and construction of the new Boulevard entrance, and WHEREAS, water pipes will also have to be relocated, and WHEREAS, all work to realign the aforementioned roads in Southern Exposure and also build the Boulevard entrance is to be done at no cost to the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the developer shall bear all expense for the relocation and realigning of roads, as well as the securing of marketable title to all property necessary for the realignment of various roads, as well as all of those costs pertaining to the relocation of water pipes, including the placing of new water pipe and obtaining of requisite easements or other property rights for the same, and Whereas, a portion of McDonald Drive and Kimberly Lane will be abandoned as a result of the agreement and action authorized by this resolution and in consideration of the terms and provisions of the agreement and of the fact that such portions of roads will no longer be of any use to the Town of Queensbury, the real property upon which the same are located will be deeded to Robert and Margaret McDonald for no additional consideration and WHEREAS, a proposed agreement has been presented at this meeting concerning the matters previously described herein, WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is duly qualified to act as lead agency with respect to compliance with SEQRA which requires environmental review of certain actions undertaken by local governments, and WHEREAS, the proposed action is alan unlisted action pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the State Environmental Quality Review Act, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, after considering the action proposed herein, reviewing the Environmental Assessment Form, reviewing the criteria contained in Section 617.11, and thoroughly analyzing the project with respect to potential environmental concerns, determines that the action will not have a significant effect on the environment, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby finds that the proposed responses inserted in Part 11 of the said Environmental Assessment Form are satisfactory and approved, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to complete and execute Part III of the said Environmental Assessment Form and to check the box thereon indicating that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse impacts, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the annexed Negative Declaration is hereby approved and the Town Attorney's Office is hereby authorized and directed to file the same in accordance with the provisions of the general regulations of the Department of Environmental Conservation. Duly adopted this 3rd day of April, 1995, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Turner, Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Champagne NOES: None ABSENT: Mrs. Pulver RESOLUTION APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN HUDSON POINTE AND ROBERT AND MARGARET MCDONALD RESOLUTION NO. 215, 1995 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury previously adopted certain legislation which authorized the Hudson Pointe Planned Unit Development, and WHEREAS, the legislation authorizing the Hudson Pointe Planned Unit Development provided for a Boulevard entrance to Hudson Pointe through the Southern Exposure Subdivision, and WHEREAS, said Boulevard will require the reconfiguration of certain dedicated roads within the Southern Exposure Subdivision and the formal abandonment of certain portions of said dedicated roads so as to allow said reconfiguration and construction of the new Boulevard entrance, and WHEREAS, water pipes will also have to be relocated, and WHEREAS, all work to realign the aforementioned roads in Southern Exposure and also build the Boulevard entrance is to be done at no cost to the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the developer shall bear all expense for the relocation and realigning of roads, as well as the securing of marketable title to all property necessary for the realignment of various roads, as well as all of those costs pertaining to the relocation of water pipes, including the placing of new water pipe and obtaining of requisite easements or other property rights for the same, and Whereas, a portion of McDonald Drive and Kimberly Lane will be abandoned as a result of the agreement and action authorized by this resolution and in consideration of the terms and provisions of the agreement and of the fact that such portions of roads will no longer be of any use to the Town of Queensbury, the real property upon which the same are located will be deeded to Robert and Margaret McDonald for no additional consideration and WHEREAS, a proposed agreement has been presented at this meeting concerning the matters previously described herein, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby approves the agreement presented at this meeting between the Town of Queensbury, Robert & Margaret McDonald, and Hudson Pointe, Inc. for purposes of accomplishing the objectives stated therein and briefly described in the preambles of this resolution with the condition that the agreement be modified to include the clauses concerning expenses of the proposed project, Certificates ofInsurance, written approvals from the Town Highway Superintendent and Water Superintendent and indenmification and defense of the Town by Hudson Pointe, as more specifically set forth in the addendum prepared by the Town Attorney, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is authorized and directed to execute the aforedescribed agreement with the additional clauses required by this resolution included therein and to take such other and further action to carry out the terms and provisions of the agreement insofar as the Town of Queensbury is concerned, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute a deed, place the seal of the Town of Queensbury on the same, and take such other further and appropriate action to effectuate a conveyance of title to the portions of McDonald Drive and Kimberly Lane abandoned as a result of the agreement referred to herein, this resolution and the consent of the Town Board to the abandonment, to Robert and Margaret McDonald and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the conveyance of a portion of McDonald Drive and Kimberly Lane as described in this resolution and contemplated by the agreement and such portions of the agreement necessarily connected therewith shall be subject to a permissive referendum and/or such other actions and/or authorization allowed under law BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk shall publish and post a copy of this Resolution in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article 7 of the Town Law of the State of New York with a notice that this Resolution was adopted on the date indicated herein, by the council persons indicated and within the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted this 3rd day of April, 1995, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Turner, Mr. Champagne NOES: None ABSENT: Mrs. Pulver ATTORNEY MATTERS ATTORNEY DUSEK-Spoke to the Board regarding a proposed deed from Hudson Pointe concerning the five acres the Town is to get as part of the dedication process. Noted due to the boundary being affected by the FERC boundary line the proposal is to have everything done with deeds delivered to the Town in escrow, the Town will hold it here as such time as the FERC approval is received then deeds will be filed. The only addition to the deed is the fifty foot right-a-way for future public highway purposes. Asked the Board for a consensus if they were in agreement to taking the deed for the five acres to be held in escrow until the FERC boundary line adjustment is approved by the federal government, Town Board in agreement. FULLER ROAD ABANDONMENT ATTORNEY DUSEK-Spoke to the Board regarding the abandonment of Fuller Road. Noted he came to the conclusion that the Board has the ability to abandon the portion of Fuller Road requested if the Board finds that the road is useless or not necessary for Town purposes. (Presented the Board with two maps showing the road with the portion to be abandoned) The first issue is the Board needs to decide conceptually whether or not they want to move ahead. If you feel that the road should be abandoned and is useless at that point the next step would be for the applicant to file an application and releases secured from the City of Glens Falls and themselves. At that time as the applicant makes those filings the matter would then come back before you for consent and then go to Paul Naylor for an order. P AUL NAYLOR, HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT -In agreement to abandon road. TOWN BOARD-In agreement to abandon road. ATTORNEY DUSEK-Noted the only thing needed to be done on the releases is to make sure the Highway Superintendent is in agreement with the mileage that is shown for the road that is going to be abandoned. DISCUSSIONS COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Spoke to the Board regarding a letter from Attorney Freidland to attend a meeting regarding Brock and Evans, noting that they decided not to attend due to it's an open session, questioned the status of this. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Noted that he and Councilman Monahan will be meeting with Mr. Brock and his Attorney on Wednesday. It will be just a matter of hearing what they have to say. There will be nothing said from our side it's just a matter of listening. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Noted that the complainant is also from that area would they get the same? SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Would welcome that opportunity. ATTORNEY DUSEK-Noted this would be up to the Board as to how they want to handle it. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Spoke to the Board regarding the storage boxes, questioned the Board as to what they wanted to do with thern. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Recommended to have the Town Clerk contact the high school to see if they would be interested in the storage boxes or contact the non-profit organization. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Questioned the Nimo and DEC agreement with the river. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Spoke to the Board regarding phone call received from the State DEC noting they were happy with the Town's input. Noted they will continue to monitored and have Nimo continue to do the things they agreed to do. Spoke to the Board regarding the Community Development Annual Report. Read report thoroughly, complimented Mr. Martin on a fine job done. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-Summarized report noting the report represents the quantitative summary of the departmental activity over the last year and lays out some goals for next year. The purpose of this being supplied is to act as a gage from year to year as to what the activity has been, how operations are. This gives an opportunity to comment on policy changes that may be necessary in establishing direction for the department. OPEN FORUM ATTORNEY MIKE O'CONNOR-Present tonight on behalf of Niagara Mohawk. Thanked the Board for their continued cooperation and assistance and council's assistance in trying to get everything lined up to move forward. Asked Attorney Dusek if he could pick up a signed agreement in the morning regarding the McDonald property? ATTORNEY DUSEK-If the Supervisor is available doesn't see why not. ATTORNEY O'CONNOR-Asked if the map has been signed so they can be recorded in the County Clerk's Office tomorrow? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-The Planning Board Chairman and the Highway Superintendent haven't signed yet will be meeting with Mr. Naylor tomorrow to make sure everything is in order. Noted his two questions were the five acre parcel and the sixty foot right-a-way coming in from Corinth Road at what point this has to be factored in. ATTORNEY O'CONNOR-Will have a deed executed tomorrow for the sixty foot roadway. Will have a deed for phase one roads not sure if it will be executed tomorrow, but the intention was to give the other deed in escrow pending the approval as outlined. ATTORNEY DUSEK-When presented with deeds will prepare a resolution accepting them at the next meeting. ATTORNEY O'CONNOR-Noted they are prepared to start construction once they have the McDonald closing. ATTORNEY O'CONNOR-Spoke to the Board regarding the project concerning the marina and Mr. Brock. Noted his concern regarding anyone meeting outside of the normal course of court procedures with parties to the litigation. Is further concerned with the fact that the Board is not following the letter of the law as far as the Open Meeting's Provision of the Law by not having more than two board members meet with anyone at one time, noted the Board is setting a poor precedent. ATTORNEY DUSEK-Noted that he didn't see a problem with this from a legal perspective. The litigation referred to is an Article 78 litigation against the Zoning Board of Appeals it does not involve the Town Board. The Town Board does not have control over that litigation the Board does not make decisions concerning that litigation it is strictly between the ZBA and their counsel, noted he has been asked to attend the meeting. As elected officials they have the right to listen to their constituents, thinks it is a Board decision as to how they want to handle it from a Town Board governing the Town. ATTORNEY O'CONNOR-Recommended doing this at an open meeting at a meeting that all sides of the parties are invited, too. BRENDON LYONS-POST STAR. Opposed to the fact that two board members have chose to meet with Jeffrey Freidland in a close session. PLINEY TUCKER, DIVISION RD, JOHN SALVADOR, NORTH QUEENSBURY-Spoke to the Board noting his concern regarding the vacancies on the Board of Ethics. MR. SALVADOR-Spoke with Ethics Committee Chairman noting that they cannot convene the board due to lack of quorum. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Noted that it does not prevent anyone from bringing their problems forward. MR. SALVADOR-Questioned who would they speak too? COUNCILMAN CAIMANO- The Chairman. MR. SALVADOR-Questioned when the vacancies will be filled? MR. TUCKER-Questioned if the terms were staggered terms? COUNCILMAN CAIMANO- Yes. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Guaranteed that the vacancies would be filled within the next two weeks. MR. SALVADOR-Questioned if the vacancies to be filled included both the committee and the board? SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Yes. MR. TUCKER-Spoke to the Board regarding having resolutions passed at Workshop Meetings, noting previous statements were made that there would not be any legislative action taken during workshops, noted this is happening more and more. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Noted that workshops are regular scheduled meeting, things happen where emergency resolutions have to be passed. SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Noted only those resolutions that are absolutely pressing are brought forward. MR. TUCKER-Spoke to the Board regarding the resolution that was passed regarding O'Brien and Gere regarding selling water to the City of Glens Falls. Believes by awarding the contract to O'Brien and Gere you are attempting to expand the Water Department. Questioned where the money was coming from to do the study? SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-General fund. MR. TUCKER-Questioned Attorney Dusek's opinion on this? ATTORNEY DUSEK-As far as the authority to do a contract doesn't have a problem with this. They are asking for preliminary conceptual feasibility study which the Board has the authority to do feasibility studies. If it got to the point where after doing this it looked like something that everybody was interested in then a Map, Plan, and Report, would have to go through the proper channels. The Board has to has to have a certain amount of latitude to be able to explore options. MR. TUCKER-Questioned if the City of Glens Falls was in favor of this study? SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Yes. MR. TUCKER-Questioned if the City was going to come up with any money for this? SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Not right now, but down the road. MR. TUCKER-Questioned the property being sold at Hiland Park is still in bankruptcy? ATTORNEY DUSEK-Noted he doesn't know the status of the bankruptcy proceeding. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Noted the bank did not pay it out they took over what they already owned. ATTORNEY DUSEK-The bank foreclosed on the property. The bankruptcy notice was a foreclosure bankruptcy notice in the paper put out by the bank to foreclose on various restaurant goods and things. The Town's negotiations have been with the bank and continue to be with the bank. MR. TUCKER-Questioned Councilman Turner on the status of the lights at the Northway, noted it is a very dangerous situation. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Hasn't heard from him back from him yet. MR. TUCKER-Asked the term limitation process to be explained to hirn. ATTORNEY DUSEK-In order to set term limitations the Board would have to act under the Municipal Home Rule Law. Municipal Home Rule Law has specific provisions in it as to what this Board has authority to act over. They have authority to act over anything within the confines of the Town of Queensbury, Town Board Members terms. Is in the opinion when you read through the law there is a section that specifically addresses the issue of whether or not you can actually interfere with the terms of the County Board of Supervisor's. They can't control the County's terms, the County can't control the Town's terms and because the Supervisor sits as the County Supervisor if you impose a term limit on him your imposing a term limit on a County Board of Supervisor, therefore affecting County form of government you can't do that. COUNCILMAN CAIMANO-Noted he still has asked and hopes to someday get the public involved with term limits, staggered terms, length of term with the term limits, public participation to give the Board Members of this board raises should we chose so. MR. TUCKER-Questioned the cost for the moving of the offices in the Town building? COUNCILMAN TURNER-Maximum of$15,000. MR. SALVADOR-Spoke to the Board regarding his letter sent to Supervisor Champagne noting his concerns of the functioning of the Comprehensive Plan Committee. Questioned Mr. Martin if they have reached a decision as to what they are going to recommend in regard to wastewater in North Queensbury? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-Yes. The Committee's conclusion was in terms of the existing proposal for the sewer treatment plant the recommendation would be a lot more study on that in terms of soils borings, etc., more investigation as to the cost. In terms of the overall approach to wastewater their recommendation would a stiffening of the local codes as it relates to failing systems or noncomplying systems bringing them up to meet the new stringent code. It would also call for to the extent possible keeping the individual systems and where there is not possible small package treatment plants to meet the needs of neighborhoods where it appear that you could not support individual systems. MR. SALVADOR-Spoke to the Board regarding stormwater and a draft report entitled Feasibility of Reducing Stormwater Runoff in Developed Areas. Asked for the Board's assurance that something will be done in two weeks regarding the Ethics Board? SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Noted there will be an advertisement in the paper by Friday of this week. MR. SALVADOR-Spoke to the Board regarding their purchase of construction equipment for the Highway Department. Spoke to the Board regarding the Highway Law. Questioned the Board regarding the status of the enumeration of dogs in the Town? SUPERVISOR CHAMPAGNE-Noted eighty percent has been completed. MR. SALVADOR-Questioned the purpose of the enumeration of the dogs? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-The purpose of the enumeration is to get a handle on the dog population and increase compliance with the license requirement for dogs, noted licenses have gone up drastically. MR. SALVADOR-Spoke to the Board regarding the contract with the Sheriffs Department? Noted that a agreement is always needed so you always know what your getting for whatever is paid. TYLER CONVERSE-CONVERSE MOBILE HOME PARK-Spoke to the Board requesting them to allow doublewide mobile homes in his trailer park. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-Noted that permission was asked for five lots total for doublewides, noting that the trailer width for single wide trailers is up to sixteen feet. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Recommended that this be discussed at a workshop session. OPEN FORUM CLOSED RESOLUTION ENTERING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 216, 95 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Regular Session and moves into Executive Session to discuss litigation/City of Glens FallslTown of Queensbury Water and two matters of personnel. Duly adopted this 3rd day of April, 1995, by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Turner, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Champagne Noes: None Absent:Mrs. Pulver RESOLUTION ADJOURNING EXECUTIVE SESSION AND TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 217, 95 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Betty Monahan WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Executive Session and moves back into Regular Session, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby adjourns its Regular Meeting. Duly adopted this 3rd day of April, 1995, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Turner, Mr. Caimano, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Champagne Noes: None Absent:Mrs. Pulver