application • Office Use Only itoMANUFACTURED HOME ( Permit#: R-C'mlo 6 • �n. PERMIT APPLICATION Permit Fee:$ IC(C. - Q Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 fJ N Rec Fee:S P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net Invoice#: V) 116 4oki(ono`► o„c\c S� Project Location: geWfak.itileiteragyk Tax Map ID #: 3d°1 • 9 " a - 1 Name of Park: k- 2' Proposed Date of Placement: 70 t) HowvaktNak vI1lacyc a A r+rdir-Ar+t• Name(s): S ckatic — mailing Address, C/S/Z: les4 ems, 1iceeackcAc SI Qsby, )V`Y IoZW'-/ Cell Nhnne• ! SI$ l soR-_415-10 I lnri I !no- i ano rm_lnt: (�C�Z. C.I \ \'le 9 0S'4) Iivc. cowl . JW • Primary Owner(s): LP Mailing Address, C/S/Z: dox /tq Av1r�./-1Y 'INN Cell Phone: - SACS' ) 303-S'?" Land Line: _ Em:1E!: hv1►u..tik V ilk my @ live. co.", • Contractor(s): Q..r:rcr,. � zrnc: 110 u o c'.c Vilt&y. LP i.i iJJ���t..lJ i�M�iil.. Contact Name(c): 94pt4,4 L„8,'Irt41 ,,` iviaiiing Address, C./S/Z: tidy /SS9 Awn,jw )(lyly roil pin,np• , S5 303-soli( 1anri ! . ! sl jr ? 5 0?- 9S90 Contact Person for r....ii li ixcY t_cl:;: ?eV.) L ,,)1.{/ti C—tr ..- - .,. sI 5 Soa• qS9v s-es 3o3 - S.2a - },Ney..4.014..a..kv11 ci:/ 1;N/4. C...C.vvN. MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION: (INFORMATION FOUND ON THE PLATE OR STICKER LOCATED IN THE HOME): Insignia serial #: 113 Name of Manufacturer: i �G,n Place approval #: Model or component designation (New Home Only): Date of manufacture: 02019 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Approximate Value of Home: $ 4/6/000 2. Is the home NEW X or a REPLACEMENT ? 3. Single-wide '( or Double-wide ; Size: /y ft. X t r ft. 4. Foundation support (choose one): Size' Depth )( Piers: a y � Slab: 5. Is the home being placed on a private lot? No )( Yes (if yes,you must provide stamped engineered drawings of the permanent foundation plan) 6. Total#of rooms(exclude bathrooms): 7 r ;#of bedrooms: 3 ;#of bathrooms: 2- 7. Additional heat source? No Yes X Choose one, if yes: gas fp X woodstove wood fp 8. Are there any other/existing buildings on the property? No X Yes ; Explain: 9. What is the water source? �UBLICD PRIVATE WELL 10. Is the parcel on SEWER or aeR-IVATE SEPTIC stem? 11. Do you need a septic permit application? No % Yes DECLARATION: swear that,to the best of my knowledge and belief,the statements contained in this application, together with the plane and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described pfeutis_s;a:ud, t«at all provisions of the NYS Building Code,the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the r,rnnncori work shall be completed with I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: (F10\34A-\-- . �..a,,,,,,A,„ :TTUDATE_ 4?//9