05-29-2008 Queensbury Planning Board Second Regular Meeting: Thursday, May 29, 2008 Time: 7 to 11 p.m. Location: Queensbury Activities Center [742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY] AGENDA 1.0 Administrative Item: Site Plan 64-2007 Brian McCall - Resolution to consider further tabling 2.0 Scheduled Items: Applicant(s) CHRISTINE GERMAINE Application Type Owner (s) -.6.gent(s) Location Tax 10 No. Cross Reference Public Hearing C. Germaine / D. Beatrice Nace Engineering 709 Sherman Avenue 301.18-2-34 None Found 2/19/08, 4/22/08, Tabled to 5/29/08 Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of an 8.68 acre parcel into 10 residential lots ranging in size from 0.46 to 3.10 acres. Subdivision of land requires review and approval by the Planning Board. SEQR Type Lot size Zoning Classification Ordinance Section Warren Co. Planning Subdiv. 12-2007 Final Stage Unlisted 8.68 +/- acres SR-20 A-183 N/A Applicant(s) LLOYD JONES Application Type Subdivision 14-2007 Final Stage Owner(s) Lloyd Jones, Sylvia Kerchner SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Van Dusen & Steves Lot size 4.23 acres Location 70 Country Club Road Zoning Classification SFR-1A Tax 10 No. 296.14-1-52 Ordinance Section A-183 Cross Reference AV 71-07 Warren Co. Planning N/A Public Hearing 3/25/08 APA / CEA / DEC DEC Wetlands Project Description: Applican proposes subdivision of a 4.23 acre parcel into 3 lots of 1.66, 1.2 & 1.36 acres. Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval. Applicant( s) STEWARTS SHOPS I Application Type Site Plan 5-2001 Modification Owner(s) Same I SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) N/A I Lot size 2.7+/- acres Location 221 Corinth Road I Zoning Classification HC-Mod Tax 10 No. 309.13-2-25 I Ordinance Section 179-9-020 Cross Reference PZ 2-01 I Warren Co. Planning N/A Public Hearing Not required for modification I Project Description: Applican proposes alterations to the gas island canopy to construct an inte nally illuminated blue stripe to brand gas as "Mobil". Also applicant proposes to change freestanding price sign from manual to digital. Modifications to previously approved site plans require Planning Board and approval. 1 Applicant( s) Owner(s) -.6.gent( s) Location ERIC ECKARDT Eric & Robert Eckardt N/A 16 Main Street Application Type SEQR Type Lot size Site Plan 19-2008 II 0.29 +/- acres Tax 10 No. 309.11-1-46 Cross Reference BP 08-89, 08-90 Public Hearing 5/29/08 Project Description: Applican proposes conversion of a 680 sq. ft. single family dwelling to a professional office. use in a MU zone requires Planning Board review and approval. Zoning Classification Ordinance Section MU 179-4-020, 179-9-020 5/14/08 Warren Co. Planning Professional Office Applicant( s) I LAFORTE CONSTRUCTION CO. ~ Application Type Site Plan 20-2008 Owner(s) Same SEQR Type II Agent(s) Paragon Civil Engineering Lot size 1.44 +/- acres Location 2609 State Route 9L Zoning Classification WR-1A Tax 10 No. 240.5-1-33 Ordinance Section 147-12 Cross Reference BP 06-566 Warren Co. Planning 5/14/08 Public Hearing 5/29/08 APA / DEC / CEA L G CEA, APA Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 2077 sq. ft. single family home, in a CEA, with a disturbed area of 14,690+/- I sq. ft. This project has been classified as a major project. Major storm water projects require site plan review. Applicant( s) NAT HILL PROPERTIES. LLC Application Type Site Plan 17-2008 Freshwater Wetland 6-2008 Owner(s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted -.6.gent(s) Nace Engineering Lot size 2.05 & 2.04 +/- acres Location 38 East Quaker Service Rd. Zoning Classification HC-Int Tax 10 No. 303.15-1-20,19 Ordinance Section 179-4 Cross Reference SP 3-04, AV 2-04 Warren Co. Planning 5/14/08 Public Hearing 5/29/08 APA / DEC / CEA DEC Project Description: Site Plan Applicant proposes a 8,961 sq. ft. expansion to the existing Sport me Power Products building with construction of a new 6,000 sq. ft. storage building; connection to municipal sewer, storm water management and related site work. Freshwater Wetlands: Wetlands permit required for construction activity within the 100 foot buffer of freshwater wetlands. Expansion of retail uses in the HC-Int zoning district requires site plan approval from the Planning Board. Applicant(s) I THE ADIRONDACK TRUST CO. ~ Application Type Site Plan 21-2008 Owner(s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) The LA Group Lot size 1.54+/- acres Location 376 Bay Road Zoning Classification HC-Int Tax 10 No. 296.20-1-45 Ordinance Section 179-4-020, 179-9-020 Cross Reference None Found Warren Co. Planning 5/14/08 Public Hearing 5/29/08 Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a two story, 4,200 sq. ft. bank. Banks in the HC zone require Planning Board I review and approval. - Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board - 2