05-20-2008 Queensbury Planning Board First Regular Meeting: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Time: 7 to 11 p.m. Location: Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY AGENDA 1.0 Approval of Minutes 1.1 Dates: March 11th, 18th, and 25th, 2008 2.0 Administrative Item: 2.1 Resolution seeking lead agency status for the following: Subdivision 13-2006 Thomas Brennan; Subdivision 17- 2006 Theodore Rawson and Subdivision 12-07 Christine Germaine 3.0 Scheduled Items: Applicant(s) I DAVID & LOIS ARAKELIAN I Application Type Site Plan 5-2008 Owner(s) I Trout Pavilion, Inc. I SEQR Type II Agent(s) I Hutchins Engineering I Lot size 3.37 acres Location I 14 Trout Pavilion Road I Zoning Classification WR-1A Tax 10 No. I 227.10-1-27 I Ordinance Section Chapter 147-12 Cross Reference I BP 07-625,624; 06-700, 99-612 I Warren Co. Planning 2/13/08; 3/12/08 Public Hearing I 3/18/08 Tabled to 5/20/08 I APA / CEA / DEC L G CEA PH Closed Proiect Description: Applicant proposes demolition of existing cabins and construction of a new residence, garage, driveway, wastewater system and stormwater management controls. Site Plan Review as a Major Stormwater Project per Chapter 147 is required due to disturbance within a CEA. Applicant(s) K TWIN HOLDINGS Application Type Owner(s) Agent(s) Location K Twin Three, LLC Richard E. Jones Associates West side Meadowbrook Rd, north of Quaker Rd. intersection SEQR Type Lot size Zoning Classification Site Plan 7-2008 Freshwater Wetlands 4-2008 Unlisted 0.22 acres; 0.43 acres HC-Int 296.20-1-9,10 A V 5-08 3/18/08 Tabled to 5/20/08 PH open Proiect Description: Site Plan. Applicant proposes construction of an office building with associa ed site work. Office Buildings in the HC-Int. zone require Planning Board review and approval. Freshwater Wetlands: Applicant proposes disturbance, filling and construction within 100 feet of a DEC designated wetland. Construction within 100 feet of any regulated wetland requires a Freshwater Wetlands Permit from the Planning Board. Planning Board will Acknowledge Lead Agency status; commence SEQR review and forward their recommendation to Zoning Board of A eals. Tax 10 No. Ordinance Section 179-4-020, 179-9-020, 94-5 2/12/08 DEC; GF-19 Cross Reference Public Hearing Warren Co. Planning APA / CEA / DEC Applicant(s) I KAREN & PETER BOGERT Application Type Special Use Permit 16-2008 Owner (s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) N/A Lot size 0.29 acres Location 133 Seelye Road Zoning Classification WR-1A Tax 10 No. 227.17-1-55 Ordinance Section 179-10-10 Cross Reference SUP 17-07, A V 39-00, SP 38-00 Warren Co. Planning 4/9/08 Public Hearing 5/20/08 APA / DEC / CEA L G CEA Project Description: Applican proposes to establish a Class A Marina for two non occupant boa slips. A Class A Marina requires I a special use permit review by the Planning Board. Applicant(s) RONALD BALL Application Type Subdivision 3-2008 Sketch Plan Review Recommendation to ZBA Owner(s) Ronald & Linda Ball SEQR Type N/A Agent(s) Charles Scudder Lot size 8.05 +/- acres Location 1085 West Mt. Road Zoning Classification SFR-1A / RR-5A Tax 10 No. 295.10-1-31.1 Ordinance Section A-183 Cross Reference SUB 5-98; A V 19-08 Warren Co. Planning N/A Public Hearing Not required at Sketch APA / DEC / CEA Project Description: Applican proposes subdivision of an 8.05 +/- acre parcel into 3 lots of 1.0, .33 & 3.72 +/- acres. Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval. Zoning Board of Appeals is requesting a recommendation from the Planning Board relative to access to the lot and density. Applicant(s) ROBINSON & SON Application Type Site Plan 15-2008 Freshwater Wetlands 5-2008 Owner (s) Tekla, Paul & Michael SEQR Type II Michaud Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering Lot size 3.62 acres Location 144 River Street Zoning Classification MU Tax 10 No. 303.20-2-42 Ordinance Section 179-4-020 Cross Reference None Found Warren Co. Planning 4/9/08 Public Hearing 5/20/08 Project Description: Applican proposes conversion of existing residence & sheds to a Professional Office & storage area and associated site work. Professional Office in a MU zone requires Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) I LAKE GEORGE CAMPSITES Application Type Site Plan 13-2008 Owner (s) Same SEQR Type I Agent(s) Lemery Greisler Lot size 38.51 acres Location 1053 St. Rt. 9 Zoning Classification HC-Int Tax 10 No. 295.12-1-6 Ordinance Section 179-4-020, 179-9-020 Cross Reference None Found Warren Co. Planning 3/12/08 Public Hearing 5/20/08 Project Description: Applican proposes Applicant proposes expansion of the existing campsite operation in order to provide for approximately 340 campsites and the construction of new facilities including a new field house, restrooms, pool and laundry facilities. Site Plan Review is necessary for all uses requiring a Use Variance. Planning Board may cknowledge Lead Agency Status and commence SEQR review. - Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board -