RATHBUN, PATTI S. ' n4 .p Zoning - MR 5 Multi- FamOV t c5i denfia( � �' '��-, '" �' . :�c�nskxlrc� ( (nion Free o �n IPipe �au� 5ef bczcKS ! ��o I i_�(cns Falls VolLrnfecr — 'F-r-onf - 30 f'ccf 5( dc )0 hccf (a� Rear - 10 Fee t I 1 `1-PK:-nai( in drive Pound � O 1 herebL. eerfiCy fo ff�e Town oP 1 o �P ,-� _-- Quccnsbury TD1Qnninc bo(2rd ihc4 �Q �. �'. �- `-- �irr�n pipc �alr - th( s plc3f VdQ5 prcpor-cd Prom t� _ ----------------------- Or-)— ac qua ( on f � round 5�rr� � I nr torrncrly o{, (2cco�i ns fo in For mafion oP reco rd. k;t o r>d Saundra (7C�/ c + ...... © Iron pipcFaund l�r�+a'� r v�� o; �.._r �w,. 8cjrbarQ ;nCjLc rinrs L . �rCl �iilson P�. �L.S. f� Iron i e ' TPi iro� for n�r 1p {oun { r'�pc, 1.13 nd5 now Dr y �G 3�J ' I �`} 'Irvin-9 and Eloise A . man t — I C53� 3-72 ) li Capped (rnn — I 1 ' rod 5c>z _ rf(FL( fn + he Torn of n oar �� ate. t� k ceen5bur +�Icrnnrn 13ocz( d fhczf ' 1 ' Coppxd iron rod set �o ; � .O IIo (X� flow or orrncr ©/� fhi s p(an fh� b�sf o� n-11 1..--.._xo{ion V _/ } I -- . _ 1 KncSvv(cd -Cfy-Tcd �P Y Thomos McGovcm , is In con� plicznce ifh d�1 the zon ( n9 Orct nonce Of" fhc Tcwn 1 ' sys em loci+:a, Yi / -7-7� ( � I �� ' _ � �� � � o� Quoen� (mac-.rr�. 1 - - now or c r-mc r iy cC 8 � ,,I Iron pipe Pound�w Kci fh G. Mc7r i (y n t l Den (5fon ' w40 ' (G�G/ 557) o s Z fi / tennis (� . ��. cliineon tPE. IL.s. rife o Pr aund nt Iran pipe Gun 4 I 4�0 lTb�e 1 n ` 4°J4 ( t 5.F 2Z.6 � ioCofPo� � y b � J 1 1 r5 w(vc, 4 Z ) Co ped !ror_ d -- Ta i ran 40 Vv( Q r rbn� _ G IJp �..-_� -- r o�PP PC Ceppcd iron L-i QY MQp no. L2-7 --- Iron pipe Pao nd -TQIQO (1O. 127- J- . ( I- � ron rod Found Q �G6c Toll iron ` Ironr� {'cxrnd _�. . - m[}{ Q Owner/ licani Q )��f!/ l n lL CP Q proposed eub>6rviston oP lcrds Por- P�Pe `—'o � � \�__—.—�"" _— . __---� —� ��i I �I fC.� r�lC �r �I 1 `J" . �Q f Il bc1�l Po- 8oK 22G ( Ito e-1 Cvvafer valve � s _ o`Ir-on pipe Pamd GIen5 Fal (s, n.y, i2t c( —_` a1h , bun PO i Tax Map Re Pe re nce Dced RcCcr-e nce r APPrr��ceo �encEer c�ufharr fc� To�Arn o� QueeTl�bury couniL� Or �Orrrn Town of C uccn,5bur- Louis P. iRafhbun and rn so(ufion ado fed o ra I I r�n� `�` P 5fcrfe off' for prpc �. 5ecfion I 7 PGf fi S. R(2fhbirn 1 fhe (` cznninrJ. P�rd oV 4h, Town I( 1,- ?Of ocK D to o{ c c ns bu. y , new orK . SCC2(c` ( 20 Ceef die OC mOppi n9 23 April I F:)E)O PQrce I •C; 1�-bf f i 5. Rafh bun dCzice( ' MQy 1 J� C ho i r-ma n f�i��ri SianS . bC)OK G70 P ac (DG4 5L(Fvcq ( Map (y June 20 IDS cddcd s `O C' -rfiricoflOnal &5s r-fcf5 , 0 ovQ ( k�(oc cfc. ASSOCIflTES Y Sur�eyt�r5t1 neer5 P 23 J U L 1990 LAKE GEORGE, nE W>'ORK Date Or' Pk,NT1NG - (3)u 12D -0D -G