1949-01-22 '18 Pa�Table Annual 1'donthly H. Russell Harris X1980.00 Henry Sleight, Justice �65•�?© - 1500.00 12,5.00 Meredith Bentley, Justice 1500.00 Curtis Lampson,Councilman 125.00 660.00 Raymond Walkup, 55 00 10 660.00 55 Frances L. Turner, Town •00 n 2200.00 183.33; ll -mos.: Arthur Hillis, Collector 183,37 1 Mo. �he� 1980.00 - 165,00 Anna McCa b J, service officer 180;00 15,,00 William Powers. 440.00 36.66 11 mos. 36,74 1 mo. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr.Harris. Noes -, none. On motion meeting adjourned. _ rances L, ur.,her, Town Clerk. Regular Iv•eeti.ng January 22, 1-849 Present : H. Russell Harris Supervisor Her_ry J, Sleight Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Absent`: ' Meredith Bentley Raymond Justice of tY�e° Peke nd �Jal_ ,p Councilman The Board convened at 7:30. Minutes of meetings December 18th: and 28th, 1948 and January 1 were read and approved. � J � 3 949) Mr. Frank Cowles was present, and discussed with the Board the t F of the. salary i_ncre se. for, matter , r= the SuPerintPndent of, the. Pineview Cemetery. ,. The following comnm-nication was read by f the Clerk. Mr. Russell Harris, Supervisor January 18, 1949 Star Route Glens Falls , N.Y. Dear Russell: A meeting of the Town of QuPensbury Cemetery Comr1ission was held or January 11, 1949 for the purpose: of discussing the` sa3ary of the Pine View Cemetery Superinte hued at the cemetery.. ndent and also the pay of other help to be After a very thorough discussion of the entire matter, the-- Comm_ issioers stir, L n_ sh to make the following recommendations to the Town Board of the Town of �y,: �ueensbur„ . Salary of Superintendent - X200 per month Pair of extra help - 85/ per hour. We wish to call to the atten.ti.on' of the. Board members .that tree salary of the Superintendent Of Pine View Cemetery riot only takes care of the cO pensatior_ of the Superintendent but also covers the cost of c3;erical tihrorlI in connection with drawing of deeds , making of- maps, etc. in connection with the sale of Lots in- the Pine View Cemetery. The Supt. pays for this tirpe of work out of his Mont, r3 y salary. Very truly Yours, (Signed) Sidney Van Dusen Secretary In the matter of the acquisition of pipe-line from Fred J. Hovey in the North Glens Falls 'dater District, the following resolution was offered a"nll introduced: bvr Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman on: WHEREAS- Fred J. Hovey has offered to sell to the North Glens Falls Nater Distriot' for use in the extension all his right, - title in- terest t ii.l,. and �n terest in and to all water main, connections and hydrants in,along and upon the following streets , roads and highways in the Town_ of Queens- bury, viz, ForttAmherst and Garrison from Upper Glen leading easterly to Bay Road, Unea_s Road (now North Road) from. Fort Amherst to a point 700 ft. north of Garrison Road,ar_d also sells ' to the North Glens Falls Water all his right, title and interest in and to the one and i the -two inch pipe, connections and hydrants in alon and upon adjacent to Glenwood Ave. for the sum of Four Thotisaxid ' C °ofie`( OD1)Dollars±'and -has submitted an instrument in writing dated January 17. .1949.wh' � I Y , which releases and conveys said pipe to the said North Glens Falls Water District and WHEREAS this Board deems it for the best interest for the North Glens Falls Z"Dater District to acquire said pipe, i Therefore be it resolved that the Board accept said conveyance of said water pipe for the said. North Glens Falls 1ater 'District for the sum of Four of sa d'an@'"o �) ( 4Bb1: Q0 Doilars End' it!.-is further RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and di- rected to pay said= sum of Four ousafid,?a�hd= erne Tl --Dol arse td fhe 's€�id"Fred . Hovey iro ' the ATorthlens ':;Fal ' :-dater Distriot :extension fund. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - H. Russell Harris , Henry J. Sleight, Curtis Lampson. Noes - none The privilege of the floor was extended to Dr. Henry Clarke who orally reported on his duties. I - Iies.Qlution 12 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice Sleight: _ WI EREAS there has been presented for approval the 'b. s of Arthur Hillis, tax collector, in the amount of Ten Thousand DollaToi with Ufted States Casualty Company as suretty. and H. Russell Harris , Supervisor, in ! . the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars for highway moneys with the Glens I Falls Indemnity Company as sureties for approval, -TMREFGRE BE IT \RESOLVED that each of said bonds be and are hereby approved as to form, sufficiency of surety, manner of execution and amount and that the members of the Board sign a certificate to that effectF i on each of said bonds. M Duly ddopted- ,_by the following vote: Ayes - H. Russel?_ Harris, Henry J. Sleight, Curtis Lampson. Noes - none #1 _introduced My Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman Lampson: . RESOLVED that. the Clerk be and is hereby directed to write a letter t to the Water Comriissioner of 'the' City of Glens 'Falls for permission to sell water to consumers residing outside of the North Glens Falls Water Di-strict boundary. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - H; Russell t Harris� -Henry-J; -Sleight, Curtis -Lampson IA Noes - none,. . . 1 The Clerk read a communication from the Association of Towns of New York which advised the members of the Board that such association would be it New York on Wednesday, .February 16th and ending at noon on Friday, February 18th, 1949. <Nr. Resolution C14, introduced. by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman Lampson RESOLVED treat the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace, Council- men, Town Clerk, Superintendent- of Highways, Service Officer, Assess- ors and Collector be and hereby are autkiorized to attend the meeting T � of the Association of. Towns of the State of New York, to be held in the City of New York February 16th and� ending on Friday, February 18th, 1949 both dates inclusive, and it is further resolved that H. Russell Harris be and is hereby designated to attend the annual meeting nd to cast the vote for the Town of Queensbury. and in his absence, Henry Sleight to cast the vote of said Town. i Duly adopted by the follov:�ing vote : Ayes - H. Russell Harris ,Henry J. Sleight, Curtis Larll son. Noes - none Rem^� 7 o 11 5--,!_ntroduced bar Councilman Lar�psar_, seconded by Justice ht : RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to transfer from the general Town_ fund to the Pine View fun d, the sum of Thirty-four hundred thirty-eight and 75/ 100 Dollars. Duly ad.oyted by the following vote : Ayes - H. Russell Harris , Henry J. S1 ei ht, Cur. ti_s La,i�y,Gon. Noes - none Tne. Clerk read the f olloyri.ng cora111.:,n �_0.ati on: Jaruary 12th, 1949 Town Board of ,�ueensbury� Dear Sirs : At a recent Meeting of the ofd' ri :a__s of Harrisena Commia�_t`T Cb a. tirch I -t,� s instructed to asle i_f the trustees of Ilarriser_a Commun%ty 1 Church could have the contract for caring for Harrisena Cemetery and Seelye cemetery i_n 1949. Yours truly, 1 i - i.e E. Bidwell, Clerk. The Clerk read the following report : Jar.. 1, 1949 TOv�JT' BOARD, TC�ti"1 v OF U�FETUTSBURY, 1i�ARRj�I� COUFTY,, STA E OF i '� `YORK. Gentlemen: ' I wish to make my report of t for the Near of 1948. First of all I found the =i.n.dijzidual shut off boxes covered an sore buried deeply. The gate boxes were ushed over and also covered by the StatA and the ToT'Nin. I also foiind that no measurements viere. accurate. Tile condition of the new dwstri_ct 7Tas found to be bad and I am unable to obtain any measurements from the city. If there iTere any trouble there I would have to call on the city to fix it. The fire hydrants on Homer Ave. and Bay St. , have bed flushed and pumped out, also the ;ate boxes have been uncov ered, also the gate boxes and individual boxes have been tied in b�T measuemAnts. The new section will require a considerable amount of work next year. Here on Hiller Hill there have been 4 new taps made in the last year --- 1 for a family tap --- 3 17 inch taps for business places. This line is in A 1 condition. The total amount of Lnone-y received for eater Rent for the Near of 1948 is --------------------------------------=- -p6$003.72 Amount turned over ------------------------------- 5,737.27 Balance on hand January 1, 1949 ------------------ 266.49, 06,003.76 You 143:11 note that there is e.04 over on the balance. The State auditor went over my books on December 16, :1948 for the. year of 1946 and 1947 and I spas .04 short so I added it to the 1948 balance. We paid the city of Glens Falls for water for biller H-1-11 '1051.08. Back_ hater rem Fred Hovey Ice Co. 2 --- uarters -------- q X36.76 Fenwick Nevins 6 months ----------- 14.85 Eldridge M. Moore l yr. 1948- ---------- 35.20 $86.81 Total . And oblige, (Signed) Howard Wallace Supt. and Collector Ij Mr. Fred Perkins of the R,-D• Wood Company, ?ras present and discussed with the Board (eater pipe and fire hydrants. The Clerk read the following communication from the Nest Glens Falls Volunteer Fare Company ' Town of Queensbury, 1.19.49 Town Board; Gentlemen: Fo -lowing is a. list of members of this fire Co. who are active members- of the Fire Dept. and should be covered by compensa- tion insurance. This list is complete in itself and is a _revision of the original list submitted with the initial application. (The r._a.mes are set forth in the follov ing resolution) Very truly, yours , (Signed) H. C. Akins, H.C. Akins, Sec 'ir adest. Glens Falls Fire Co. , #1 Inc. R•F.D- # 3, Glens Falls , N.Y. Approved Arthur R. Duell Glenwood Avenue f Glens Falls, N.Y. , January 3, 1949 To?nn Board of 0ueensbury, Members of the, Board: am enclosing a list of the names of the. members of Central Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. .(The names are set forth in the folloy,,ring resolution) (Si'n1)d) Wheeler J. Howe, Sec '-NT Central Queensbury Volunteer Dire Co. . outon #16= introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman_ Lamp svn_: RESOLVED= that the- Town Board approves the following as members n '* and volunteer f?remen of the �7est Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Company #1 Inc. .Leon Richardson. Robert Lill-v Claude Granger Ralph- Turner Bernard Baker Fred Hermance Marren-Varney Kenneth Perry Lawrence Kelly H•C • 1kr;s Alonzo Clark Arthur LaCross Frank Harris Leo LaPoint F_rar�cis Johnson Harold Brothers Curtis Laripson Robert Lattimore Leslie Hillis Janes Wills Donald Lattimore Scott ,Hb kins Sterling Akins Philip Lembke Garther Palmer Paul Baird Kenneth LaFountain Jack Crannell Fred Monroe Rae Hopkins: falter ��ashbur.n Lawrence Millis Harold Brothers Jr. George Gilbert Charles Chase Donald Nassivera Lester Baird Arthur Clark James Powers Kenneth Josl-%r R3_chard Dickenson Herbert Richardson Harold Monroe Fred Fisher Leonard Rollo ` Gerald'`'Stockman Leon Frasier Roland Rozelle Arthur Duell Millard Whittemore William Ramsey Janes Duell Harold B. Gifford James Rozelle Wayne Herald Percy Rozelle tiVilli_am Gonyea Chauncey Didio :Charles Whittemore Randolph INhi_ttemore Further -re blv6d'_that thsoTowm Board approves the following as members and volunteer firemen of the Queensbury Central Volunteer ii by ' n _r�firemej cf the ©f Q eensbur�_�F re 6o - Alfred Abrams Fred Luenenburger Karl Anderson H. Dewey Miller Edward C. Burnett . Daniel H. 1.1orrill Raymond Bates J. Mulholland Bernard Codner James Nolan Louis F. Corlew Warren Northrup Harry,- Curley C*H. Olmstead John Curle y Albert Ouderkirk Harold- A,. Perris Charles G. Chamberlain i Veneer Davey Leon H. Pierce John Dunne: Harley Purdy Harold Gardner LeGrande Seaver Arthur Goldman Robert Stott Wallace Hall Floyd Sleight Louis Hartman Sr. George Stewart Louis Hartman Jr. Jesse E. Smith William. Harney Sidney Timms Z•VI. Hewitt y Edward Tronbley Curtis Harrington Howard Nallace Charles Howe Norman Walbridge Sr. Wheeler Howe Norman Walbridge Jr. Owen Kane R. George TIJi swall. John Lanfear . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - H. Russell Harris , Henry J. Pleight, Curtis Lampson. Noes none The board audited the following claims : Ant, Amt*- No. Name of Claimant Nature of_ Claim Claimed Allowed 1 King Sales Corp. Rent for Polling Place 40.00 40.00 2 Dennis & Co.Inc. Dbl.thick Field Book 19.30 19.30 3 Glencraft Prtg.Co. Supplies 139.00 139.00 4 N.Y.P.& L.Corp. Street Light 35.17 35.17 5 uim.L. Powers Dog Warden Mileage .48 .48 6 Edwin 'N. Bell Mileage 27.66 27.66 7 Russell & Waite Pundstrand add.ribbon 1.25 1.25 8 Russell & Waite Supplies-Suprev.& Hway 7.29 7.29 9 H. Russell Harris Mileage 49,43 49.43 10 Theodore Turner Rent Town Clk' s Office 75.00' 75.00 11 Paul E.Killion Inc. School Tax lists 24:74'" ;24.74 12 Frances L. Turner Postage-Twn C1 .Office 21.00 21.00 13 E. Thompson Co. Pocket parts to bk.61 2«00 2.00 14 Howard Wallace Serves-NGF`ND Fund 139,27 139.27 15 F.Karl Suprenant Add.Ych.NGF M Fund 89.50 Disallowed 16 Burr M.Stark Bal.due NGFVM Fund 200.31 200.31 17 Clayton Woodbury & Son Cement-PVC Fund 7.45 7.30 18 Sears,Roebuck & Co. 1 #16 Battery PVC Fund 15.95 15.95 19 Earl T. Carswell Gas plugs Labor PVC Fd. 6' .23, 6.23 Total X901.03 4811. 38• On motion meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk- Regular meeting January 29, 1949 Present : Suervisor H. Russell Harris p Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The Board convened at 7 :30 P.P, .