1949-03-04 SP 1.87 water which passes throuLh 'the metn_r of the Ridge Road 14ater Distri_c_t. Therefore be it resolved that the Collector of the Ri_dg4Road Water District be and is hereby authorized and di °ected to remove the sal-d name OF' Richard Cashion from the lists of water consumers wl.thin the Ridge Road 'eater District. Further resolved that the sa_i_d Collector notify the yfidate.r Commissi.on- ers of the City of Glens Falls of such action. Dull adopted by the following vote : Ayes Mr. !Nall-,up, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampsor._, ;14r. Sle:i`ght, lair. He -1-s . Noes none Resolution #23 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice Bentley: RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to pay the interest in the amount of X500 on bond anticipation notA �w-� ed. March lst , 1948 for the amount of 1�20,000 from the revenues received from the North Gler_s Falls .'later D_i_str'!_ct extension. r Duly adopted by the 101101�ri_n.- vote : Ages Mr. �dalkup, Mr. Bentley, lair. Lai-ii-son, l�r, Slei ht, 1�2r. y Ilarr s. Noes - none. = The Supervisor submitted his monthly statement of moneys received and " s r�rr, 1 e 7_;or_t'n of January which zt%a.s read to the board and d_.� nursed du__ ._.1_� t_z.. _. y placed on. file. The board audited cls.7..ms as f01107rs Amt . A t i of Cla.im4- nt Nature of Clain Cl i-reed Allo-red 22 OClia,s E Hourhta1ing 'Narrant on Sup�,rv. 1.32 1.32 L2.3 -G•F. Post Co. Disp.Adv.Notice 12.32. 12.32 24 N.Y. ' P.& Light Corp. Street Lightin`, 35.17 35.1.7 25 Hoag Tire Service Rental-Collector 35.00 35.00 26 G.F.Post-Co. Rib.Supervisors Irei-)o.rt 65.00 65.00 27 G.F. Post Co. Pub,Not.Exara.fiscal affrs 1.56 1.56 28 lv.Y.State Retirenpnt Syst.Clz�.prio:. serv.for Spec. Actuarial Studies 59.52 59- ,152 29 Louis Corlew .Shoveling- hydrants NGF 11.00 11.00 30 Louis Corl_-�-�, TUlo ring-PV Cep ietery 36.00 36.00 ?, ' x, 0.00 Lbij.'s Y.Corlew Setting fLre 'hydrant 11GF 10.00 corner Ave. ,2 City G1�r9 Falls('.dater Fd.':"dater rent-VIG7M 334.82 132 >� C*I trr G1.e ,s Fa.i�.s, "later Fd.� iter z'ent-R_i_c� e Rd.7M 113.00 113.00 34 17ili am'Z. PoT,,Hers Services as dog warden 9196 9.96 r. 35 -Henry J. Slei"ht Exp.att,Tovin Assoc. 42,09 42.09 36 Chas.E,Houghta� „gig Justice svy l ,_Fs ,H.Sle'- ht8.94 8,.94 37 J.E.Sawyer Co. Sul-plies-aUVdater Dist. 5.5 5 5.55 38 Zelm Fisher Labor',shoveling hydrants WGF'JVD 12.00 12.00 39 City Glens Falls i"dater Fd.Yrater rent-IMF .Dist. 63 :.60 634.60 40 John 17e1)9 15 er Ins.lvkinicir.0 Ter ical Vo_1_un.Fi-rernn:.:�.�R ann. X43.534.:_ .53 41 John Webster Prem.Ins.Cen.Operation 47,77 47.77 42 Raymond 1all.u. Exp.Assn.Tovrxs ,N.Y.C. 5 63 � 52,63 ;71.83 On .Motion imeeting ad i ourned, t'Y'a11CeS , irner, To= Clerk. IJarch 4 1949 j. i 5p2C_I_al T�2Cet:i11°-,' � Present: H. Russell Harris rery .sor He nrlr' Slei ght Justice of the Peace l.eredi.tll. I�entley Justice of the Peace T C our c i loran Curtis �a_MIL Raymond. v�aJ_lrup Councilman b The board corvened at 7:30 P.Tbi. The following ' ut,ion x#24 ?,bas offered by Justice Sleight J!ho moved its adoption, seconded�y�ust_�ce 3entle'T A RESOLUTION AUTT ORIZITJG TIC, ISSUANCE OF A 412,000 BOND AT,,TTICI- PATIOhi NOTE OF TT-94 TO1,dP? OF �?uEE1Ts FURY FOR THE CONSTRUCTIOIJ OF A WATER SYSTETI iT; TM EXTENSiON OF TF.1] "ATIORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DIS1 - TRICT OF SAID TOWT1 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board o_f the Tovn of Queensbury, 71arren County, Ner York, a,s fol`Latas I Section 1. For the purpose of pa'T-SnL,� part of the cost of the con - struction of the Tater s-Tsten of said North Glens Falls hater Distri-ct of said to�F,?n_ there s hereby authorized to be i.sstaed at this -time a .ul_2,,000 bond anticipation_ note of said torn. Section 2. Specific ',reference i-.s hereby made to a resolvt_i on of the Town Board of said To7,,rn entitled: "BOND RESOLUTION DATED JATJZTARY 31, 1948:. ! A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $95,000 SERIAL BONDS OF TFIE TU-'VN OF t?EEXS-�BURY,. NE17 YORK, FOR THE COTiSTRUCTION OF A �"�hTER SYSTET�I IN THE EXTEN ION OF TI-�; i?ORTII GLENS FALLS '1ATFR DISTRICT OF SAID TOVIN." which resolution authorizes the bonds in anticipation of the sale of ?^hick the note hereby authorized' is to be 7.ssued. Section 3. The amount of bonds to be issued for the aforesaid ob- ject or purpose is 895,000. Such bonds will be serial bonds, Section 4. The amount of the Bond Anticipation Note to be issued at this time is $12 ,000. Such note shall be dated March 7th, 1949, and i shall mature September 7th, 1949, bearing interest at a rate ,of not ex - ceeding 2 1/2� per ar-ium, payable at _maturity. Such note shall ire .signed f by the Supervisor of said town; and both p ri_ncipal of and interest of said note shall be -pa-vable in lawful_ money of the United States of America at the =office cf -the Supervisor, Torn— of .Queensbiirf, New York. Said note shall be payable fr.eri the pr©seeds =derived from the sae of Qaid bonds , -or other- wise redeemed in the manner provided bdT Section. 23.00; Local Fiance La?v. ' The :fai_th and �creC_'_t of said Town are hereb�T Irrevocably pledged for the payment of said note and interest thereon. Secticn•5. There are no Bond Ahti.cipati-on Notes outsta.ndin8 i,,rhi_ch have beer_ previously issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds, except one note for $20,00,0, dated T:iarch 'Ist, 1948,E due February 28,1949, renewed for a -per _od of six months. Neither i_s the ;note hereby authorized arenewal note. The period of maturity of such note isherein above set, forth. Such note is issued in anticipation of bonds for an as im- provement. xr y Section 6. The Supervisor of . the Town of Queensbury is hereby au- thorized to sell said note at private sale at not less than par and ac - 3 creed interest; and, when said .note shall ,liave been duly execute and sold, the same shall be delivered ed to the purc}zaser upon payment of the jurchase price to the Supervisor and the receipt of the Supervisor shall_ be a full aegtgittance to said purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the appli- cation of the-purchase-money. Section 7. This resolution shall,_ ta?�:e effect immediately. The questi_on of the foregoing resolution was duly nut to a vote on roll aall which resulted as follov7s : Raymond-Walkup, Councilman voting A�Te Meredith Bentley, Justice of the Peace voting, Aye Curtis Lampson, Councilman voting Aye Henry J.'' Sleight, Justice of the Peace voting Aye H, Ri.zssell_ Harr J.s ,Supery 1-sor voting Aye This resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. The foil ojq :r:p; resolution #25 Ivas offered by Justice Bentley who moved its adoption, seconded b,Xo'Lincilmar_ La i-son, RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING Tr?C SUPERVISOR OF THE T0111,7 OF QUEENSBT. Y w TO INVEST MONEY NOW IN THE CAPITAL RESERVE FUND ESTABLIS?-1ED 13Y RESOLUTION NO.57 OF TI-M YEAR 1946.. • WHE�EAS, the town board of the Town of Queensbury by resolution dated March 4, 1949, authorized a $12,000 bond anticipation note �in an- ticipation of the sale of U5,000 .bonds for the ocanstruction of a water systeiu in ,the extension of the North Glens Falls Water Distract, which t note is dated March 7th, 1949 and payable September 7, 1949 and WHEREAS, there -is sufficient money in the Capital Reserve Fund to invest, In the said band anticipation note, RESOLVED, ti-,at pursuant .to Section 6-f of the General 1,41unicinal Law the Supervisor of the Town of Quee2isbury be anal here-by is authorized to purehc-�se said bond anticipation note for $12,000 with interest at two per- ' centui4 per annum, dated 1 axch 7, 1949 and maturing September 7, 1949, from the said Capital Reserve Rind. ,Th:Ls resolution shall take effect immediately. The question of the foregoing, resolution i,%s duly put to a vote on roll call_ which resulted as follows : Raymond t e.111-up, Councilman voting Ave , Meredith S. Bentley, Justice of the Peace voting Aye Curtis Lampson, Councilman voting Azle Henry J. 'Sleight,Justice of the Peace voting Aye H. Russell Harris, .Supervisor voting Aye This resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. I The merlbers of the board signed the .arproval of the certificate of :incorporation of the Bay-Ridge Volunteer Fire Company, Incorporated, j and the South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company Incorporated, and the con- sent of the filing of the same. On motion meeting adjourned, Foances L. Turner, Town Clerk. Special Meeting March 11, 1949 Present:` , Russell Harris Supervisor : Henry'.J, S1eiYt Justice of the Peace .Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace- ,Curtis Lampson Councilman Absent:. ,.. i Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M. Arthur Hillis and Florid Sleight and Halsey Fortune were present and dis- cussed with the board the condition of Indiana Avenue, statir_g that it was in poor repair and in such condition that it was difficult for the school bus to go through said street. The board generally discussed the matter and referred the same to the highlxray committee. Resolution #25 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice Sle'. ht : RESOLVED that the supervisor be and:: is hereby authorized and direct- ed to transfer from the contingent fund to', the retirement, f_"L nd the sum of G4.00. u� Duly adopted by the following vpte: Eyes Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lamy son, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris,. Noes - none. r M % 4(