347 Final Cert Letter Bldg D-signed Structural Civil Municipal DANIEL W. RYAN P.E. Licensed Professional Engineer 206 Glen Street • Suite 30 • Glens Falls, NY • 12801 • (518) 792-9264 www.dwrpe.com September 20, 2019 Town of Queensbury Building and Code Enforcement Department 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 ATTN: Mr. John O’Brien, Code Enforcement Officer RE: Scoville Self-Storage Facility – Everts Ave, Queensbury NY 12804 Structural Framing Building “D” DWRPE performed periodic construction observation and coordinated special inspections for the above project relating to structural work designed by our office and those specified on storage building plans prepared by Trachte Building Systems. To the best of my information, knowledge, and belief, special inspection and testing required for this project have been performed with satisfactory results and any discovered discrepancies have been resolved. To the best of my information, knowledge, and belief, and upon information gathered or obtained during completion of periodic visible observation of completed work, the corresponding completed structural work (concrete pad foundation and metal framed storage building designated as “Building D”) is in general conformance with plans and specifications prepared for the project. All interim reports and/or project related correspondence prior to this final report form the basis for and are to be considered, by reference, an integral part of this final report. Respectfully submitted: Daniel W. Ryan, P.E. NOTE: Periodic observation means that a representative from our office periodically visited the construction site to observe and verify that visible portions of work at the time of the site visit were constructed in general conformance with project drawings and specifications. Although we attempt to observe all components and/or work of greatest importance, it is noteworthy to state that it is likely that some work or components may not have been observed at all during construction, depending on the timing and frequency of our site visits. This certificate or report does not constitute an acceptance of work not in accordance with project drawings, contract documents, or specifications, nor is it a release of the Contractor’s obligation to complete all work in accordance with code, the projects technical requirements, and all project related and permit documentation. j t:.NUINt..t.t<. I V 1'\L.1 t:..r\ ,n1;) UVvvmt:I"" ".., ,...", WAY. IF AN ITEM BEARING THE SEAL OF AN ENGINEER IS ALTERED, THE ALTERING ENGINEER SHALL AFFIX TO THE ITEM HIS SEAL AND THE NOTATION "ALTERED BY" FOLLOWED BY HIS SIGNATURE, THE DATE OF SUCH ALTERATION, AND A SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION OF THE ALTERATION. ENGINEERED PLANS CONTAIN ENOUGH DETAILED INFORMATION TO CONSTRUCT A RESIDENTIAL LIGHT FRAMED SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH STATE AND LOCAL BUILDING CODES. PLANS TYPICALLY INCLUDE BUILDING ELEVATIONS, FLOOR PLANS WITH STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS, FOUNDATION PLAN AND DETAILS, AND BUILDING SECTIONS. ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, AND MECHANICAL SYSTEMS ARE NOT PART OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND IT'S RECOMMENDED THAT THESE ITEMS BE INLCUDED IN YOUR BUILDING CONTRACT. YOU SHOULD CONSULT A LOCAL DESIGN PROFESSIONAL FOR EACH ITEM TO VERIFY THESE COMPONENTS ARE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS. 'C THE INK, COpy OR A ~\ij~ NIH CONTAINI LSEfJ TO PLAN #: 08-J2-1-177 REVISIONS 3 2 SCALE: DATE: AS NOTED 10/15/08 LnD...A~\ALM~DY....L-J VIS.lON L