1949-04-23 1-92
Y u
Regular Meeting April 23, 1949
.Present: .
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Pe:Ice
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis son Ccumilman
Raymond . p Counc i].�an
The Board convened at 7:30 P.M.
Minutes of meeting sof March 26th and April 12th were rd&4 and approv-
The following communications were read to the Board:
North QUEENSBURY Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. , No.Y
Star Route
Glens Falls, N.Y..
April 20, 1949
Members of the Town Board
Town of Queensbury.
This is to notify you that the following regular members of this
Fire Company have been appointed as "Fine Police of the Morth Queens-
y Volunteer Fire Company Inc. No. 1:
- thur Freelove
Mph Hill Sr
Fred Vaughn
Richard Brayton
Nth Pulver
Very truly yours,
(Signed) Henry M. Osterhaudt
M. Osterhoudt, Sec,
City of Glen's Falls
New Yorks
Dater Department
April 208 1949
To the
Town Board of Queensbury
Glens Fells, N.Y..
-On the universally accepted basis for aedbunting and alloca-
tion of costs, a water department of any community sets up a charge
against each fire hydrant installed for the service which the sup-
ply system of the community has to render to the hydrant for fire
protection purposes. This value is termed as a "stand-by" charge.
In the instance of the City of Glens Falls at the present time, this
value has been determined at a figure not less than $20 per hydrant
per year.
Therefore, in answer to the inquiry your Honorable body has
addressed to this Bpard with reference to the possibilities for per-
mission, on application of the FireProtection, Distriet of- the Town
of Queensbury, to have various fire hydrant 1=tallationes made and
attached to the water supply system of this City for that` pa pose of
rendering fire protection service: to the property- owners In the Town
of Qt eensbury, we consider the following offer to be proper and fair,
namely: .
This Board will grant permission for the installation of such
hydrants along the water supply system of the City as may be reasonably
necessary for fire protection service, upon the conditions that: - '
said firepprotection district pay the entire costs of such install-
ations, which are to be made by the employees of the water department
of the City under the direction of its proper authorities, and assume
all maintenance thereof; accept and pay a charge of $20,per year for
each and every hydrant- now or hereafter to be installed, whether with-
in or Without any established water district situated in the Townf and
accept and pay a flat rate water rental charge of $30 per year for the
water which may be used during the year from any and every hydrant now
or hereafter to be installed within said fire protection district. No
flat rate water rent charge w be made for the hydrants now' or heere-
� after to .be. installed within the said water districts and served by
the City's supply, as any use of water from these hydrants will puss
throU&h and be measured by the master water meters installed or to be
installed at the water district boundaries and the water so used will
be charged for at the time of the rendering, of the regular quarterly
meter rent bills.-
Awaiting your pleasures in the matter, we remain
Very truly yours,
Board of Water Commissions
of the City of Glens Falls, N.Y..
(Signed) by John Bai3net,
ROD- Wood Company
Philadelphia, 5, Pa.
April 20, 1944
Town of gaeensbury, �
Star Route, r
Glens Falls, N.Y... 11
Under date of April lst', we mailed you a statement of account
In the amount of $10,049.55,, repreaenting shipments of February 21st a
and,March,.l4 .
As we have some heavy comitments to take care of the early part
of,neat week, 7ftr Cooperation in forwarding a check, in payment of they
gacpuut. so that we may receive it on or. before Monday, April 25th,
would prove most helpful to us.
With thah1w jz advance for your. coaperation in the matter, we
. Yours very truly,
R.D.Nood Company
(Signed) G. L. Flamer.
Credit Manager
Statement of the Supervisor of the moneys received and disbursed
during the month of March was read and placed on file.
Amani,� .iesn ,introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that the following. be and hereby areappointed and
apppoved as Fire Pi�11ce, being.. active firemen in the
orth Queens
Art =`Velusnteer' Fire Co. Inc. Arthur Freelove, Ralph Hill, Sr:
Prod Vaughn, Richard Brayton and Hugh Pulver.
Duly adopted by the following voter
Ayes •Xr., gip, M'. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, qtr. Sleight, Xr. Barris.,
Noes None
Resolution #28 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
Lamp son:
RESOLVED that Ernest L,H. Meyer, Engineer in charge be and is
hereby authorised and directed to make the necessary application to
H. Osborne, County Superintendent of Highways, for permission to lay
an 8" water main north from Homer Ave. to Glenwood Avenue along Bay
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Yr. Bentley, Yr. Lampson, Mr, Sleight, Mr. Harris.
Noes - None.
The following resolution #29 was offered by Justice Bentley who moved
its adoption, seconded by Justice Sleight, to wit:
A Resolution authorizing the issuance of a
$25,000 bond anticipation the construction. ,
notf ct
of queensbury, New York,
of a water system in the extension of the.
North Glens Falls Water District in said Town.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of queensbury,
Warren County, New York, as follows:
aec For the purpose of paying part of the cost of the
construction of a water system in said North Glens Falls Water Dis-
trict of said Town, there is hereby authorized to be issued at this
time a $25,000 Bond Anticipation Note' ef said Town.
•,tio„2. Specific reference is hereb y made to a resolution
of the Town Board of said Town entitled:
"Bond Resolution Dated January 31, 1948"
A resolution authorizing the issuance. of
$95,004 serial bonds of the Town of Queens-
bury, New York, for the construction of a
Water System in the extension of the North
{dens Falls Water District of said Town."
which resolution authorizes the bonds in anticipation of the sale
of which the note hereby authorized is to be issued,
SecliQ 3, The amount of bonds to be issued for the aforesaid —
object or purpose is $95,000. Such bonds will be serial bonds.
Section 4. The amount of the Bond Anticipation Note to be
issued at this time, is $25,000. Such note shall be dated April 25,
1949, shall be numbered 40 and shall mature August 88th, 1949, bear-
IM interest at a rate not exceeding 2J9( per centum (20) per annum,
payable at maturity. Such note shall be signed by the Supervisor of
said Town and sealed with the corporate seal of said Town and attested by
the Town Clerk of said Town; and, both principal of and interest on
said note shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of
America at the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust C®: in G1ens' Falls,
New York. Said note shall be payable from the proceeds derived from
the sale of said- bonds or otherwise redeemed in the manner provided
by Section 23.00, Local Finance Law. The faith and credit of said
Town are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of said note and
interest thereon.
Bee ion 5l... There are no Bond Anticipation Notes outstanding
which have- been previously issued in anticipation of the sale of said
bonds except Note No. 1 for $2 0,000, dated March lot. 1948 and due
February 28th, 1949, which note was id at maturity from the proceeds
of Bond Anticipation Note No. 2 for 120, 000, dated February 28th, 1949
and due. August 28th, 1949, and Bond Anticipation Note No. 3 in the sum
of $120000, dated the 7th day of March, 1949 and due the 7th day of
September, 1449. Neither is the note hereby authorized a renewal note.
The period of maturity of such note is herein above set forth. Such
note is issued in anticipation of bonds for an assessable _ mprevenent.
Section fts,. The Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury is hereby
authorized to sell said note at private' sale at not lees than pat-' and
accrued 3Aterest; and, when said note shall have been duly 'ejcecuted
,wA sold, the same shall be delivered to the purchaser uppon paymaht of
th6 purchasMiriacquittince e to the Supervisor and the receipt of the Supervisor
shall be a to said purchaser who shall not be obliged
to see to the application of the purchase mouey.
Section 7. This Resolution shall take effect immediately.
The question of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote
on roll call which resulted as follows:
Mr. Walkup voting Aye
Mr. Bentley " Aye
y Nr. Lampson " Aye
Mr. Sleight " Aye
Mr, Harris " Aye
Noes none,a
This resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.
The Hoard .audited and allowed claims as follows::
inane o Nature of Amt, to J
No. Claimant Claim Claimed Allowed a
54 N.Y. P & L Co. Street Lighting, S 35;17 35;17
55 Barber & Howe ConstBond R.Hill 3,00 3.00
56 Bgrbdr & Howe Bond-Aarris,Gen.Fds.
194410 30;00 30;00
57 Barber & Howe Bond-423989-Supv*Yxy.Fd. 16:00 16:00
58 Chas.'S.Houghtaling Supplies-Bentley & Sleight 2;37 2;37
59 Wa.L.Powers Serv.as Dog_.Warden 14.84 14.84
60 John O„Webster Ins.PD Cem.Vot.Ychs.Off
Equip, 57$;73 578.73
61 John O.Webster Ins.GF.IndjVFC5757 15450" 34 154534 !
62 John 0*Webster Wkmns.Comp.mfc5757 2006' 00 200.00
63 Edwin Bell Mileage-on assessing, 31.20 31.20
64 Erlest L•H.Meyer Prof.Serv.-NGFO S00*00 200:Oo
65 Lillian C.Shepard Stenog.Serv.NGFWD 154600 15.00
66 Lena Johnstone Re2Lind-NGFWD., 17.42 17.42
67 Mrs.L.N.Rheubottom " -NGFWD 13.50 13,50
68 Frank O.Smith " -NGFWD 16.33 16.33
69 Lillian .C.Shepard Stec g*Serv.Ridge Rd.WD 8600 8.00
70 Curtis Lampson Pstg.Stamps-WGFWD 9008 9.08
71 Lillian C,Shepard Stenog.Serv,WGFWD 15.00 15.00
72 Raymond E,Bates Trucking Pipe,XGFWD-Ext. 79.50 79.50
73 Na , Schenk,Jr, " « " " 25.50 25.50
74 Chas.F.Ouyen,Inc. 91216" C 1 B & S -J
NGFWD Ext, 2002.00 2202,00
Name of Nature of Amt. Amt.
Claimant ClaimClaUW, AllQud
75 R.D:�ood Co; Pipes u�u pplies t8 c. " D
Ext. 1295.55 1289,07
76 R.D.Wood Co. N M N « « 8534.00 8486.33
77 R.D.Wood Co. 4drants,elbows,etc..
NGFND 220 00 -90
1 , 0 . _f 2,28_
On motion, meeting adjourned. ,� �, f
�ances �f��".�aer
Town Clerk
Special Meeting" April 25, 1949
H. Russel. Harris - Supervisor
Henry J. Sleight Justice of the' Peace
Meredith Bentley Justice or the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
The Board convened at 7:30 P.M,
In reference to the advertisement for sealed proposals for the laying
of the 8" water main, along Bay Road, sealed proposals were received
and opened as follows :
Bid Sheet
Estimate of Quantities
the installation of 1616 - lin.ft. of
8" and 6" cast iron pipe and accessories
on the Bay Road connecting at and from
Romer Avenue port erl to Gleimood Avenue
and crossing this Bet Road at Glenwood
Avenue, all in the Town of Queensbury,
Warren Co. , New York.
1616 43 lin.ft, of trench excavation at $1.50 lin.ft. ,#2,424,00
j 1616 - lin.ft. of trench backfilled at .50 lin.ft. 808.00
1590 lin.ft. of 8" ,pipe and ftge.
layed and jointed .50 lin.ft. 795.00
26 lin.ft. of 6" pipe and ftgs.
layed and jointed .50 lin.ft. 13.00
2 , fire hydrants set in place
and Jointed 10,80 each 20.00
2 , 6" gate valves set in place
and jointed - .5.00 each 10.00
4 } 8" gate valves set in place
and jointed _ - 5;00 each 80100
4 , roadway gate valve boxes set '
in place 1 1,00 each 6,00
648 sq.ft.interlocked steel
sheet piling in place 1.75 1134.00
1 control of Halfway Brook
stream flow 100.00 L.S..
(Five-Thousand three hundred thirty- and OQ/100 Dollars)
(Signed) Howard A. LaRosa
by Howard A. LaRosa
Dated April 25th, 1949 (designate official capacity)