Originally Issued: 07/24/2016 Revised:07126/2016 Valid Through: 0713112017
EVALUATION SUBJECT: dwellings under the IRC. The insulation may be used in
FOAMSULATETbr 220 SPRAY-APPLIED Construction Types 1, 11, III or IV when installed in
POLYURETHANE FOAM PLASTIC accordance with Section 4.5 of this report.
INSULATION Foamsulatc`r' 220 Spmy-Applied Polyurethane Foam
Plastic Insulation may be used as air impermeable
REPORT HOLDER: insulation when installed in accordance with Section 3.4 of
Premium Spray Products,Inc. this report.
1255 Kennestone Circle#200 3.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
Marietta,GA 30066
Phone: (770)528-9556 3.1 Properties. FoamsulatcTm 220 is a medium density,
rrt+rr.�emiautra�_con't closed cell, polyurethane foam plastic insulation in
accordance with Section 3.1.1 of AC377. The insulation
CSI Division:07 THERMAL AND MOISTURE has a nominal in-place density of 2.2 PCF(35 kglm').The
PROTECTION two-component spray foam plastic is mixed in the field by
CS1 Section: 072100 Thermal Insulation combining a polymeric isocyanate (A component) and a
polymeric resin (B component). The liquid components
1.0 SCOPE OF EVALUATION shall be stored in 55-gallon(208 L)drums at temperatures
between 65T and 85T (18°C and 290C). When
1.1 Compliance to the following codes& regulations: Component A and Component B are stored in factory-
sealed containers at the recommended temperatures, the
Code®(IBC) maximum shelf life is six months.
• 2012, 2009, and 2006 International Residential 3.2 Thermal Resistance (R-Values): FoamsulateT 220
Code•'(IRC) Spray-Applied Polyurethane Foam Plastic Insulation has
• 2012, 2009, and 2006 International Energy thermal resistance (R-Value) at a mean temperature of
Conservation Code®(IECC) 75OF(24°C)as shown in Table l of this report.
1.2 Evaluated in accordance with: 3.3 Surface Burning Characteristics: At a maximum
• ICC-ES AC377, approved May 2015, including thickness of 4 inches(102 mm) and a nominal density of
reports of testing in accordance with Appendix X 2.4 PCF (38 kg/m'), the Foamsulate m 220 insulation
of AC377 yields a flame spread index of 25 or less and smoke-
developed index of 450 or less when tested in accordance
1.3 Properties assessed: with ASTM E84. Greater thicknesses, depending on the
• Physical Properties end use,are recognized when installed in accordance with
• Thermal Resistance(R-Values) this report.
• Surface Burning Characteristics 3.4 Air Permeability: When tested in accordance with
• Air Permeability ASTM E283 at a minimum thickness of 1 inch(25.4 mm),
• Attic and crawl space installations Foamsulate m 220 insulation is classified as air-
impermeable insulation in accordance with 2012 IRC
2.0 PRODUCT USE Section 806.5 and 2009 and 2006 IRC Section R806.4.
FoamsulateTm 220 Spray-Applied Polyurethane Foam 3.5 Premicote IB Fire-retardant Acrylic Coating:
Plastic Insulation complies with IBC Section 2603, IRC Premicote IB Fire-retardant Acrylic Coating is a water-
Section R316,2012 IECC Sections C303,C402,R303,and based intumescent fire retardant coating, manufactured
R402, 2009 IECC Sections 303 and 402, and 2006 IECC expressly for the thermal protection of polyurethane foam
Section 402.When installed in accordance with Section 4.0 plastic insulation. Premicote IB Fire-retardant Acrylic
of this report,FoamsulateTM 220 insulation may be used in Coating is manufactured by Premium Spray Products,Inc.,
wall cavities, floor assemblies or ceiling assemblies,or in and is supplied in 5-gallon (19 L) pails and 55-gallon
attics and crawl spaces as nonstructural thermal insulation drums(208 L). When Premicote IB Fire-retardant Acrylic
material. Coating is stored in factory-sealed containers at
temperatures between 45°F and 75OF (8°C and 24°C),the
FoamsulateTm 220 insulation is used in Type V-B maximum shelf life is six months.
construction under the IBC and in one-and two-family
71*AVd de•a ffl Ii(MI MEv MOM SKWM(WS;Repa1a•a1e 4.11~=•sffi 6 Mtene54a(pn wmefMd 61 mnmh in caber h wtwya an*wm(
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W 14677-OESRPr•F- .9M4724171-ae&• w*A vir•4755 End Sa•K D f ri.C&Wb 91761-2616—USA
Originally Issued: 0 712412 01 6 Revised: 07125/2016 Valid Through: 07/31/2017
3.6 DC 315 Fire Protective Coating: DC 315 Fire 4.4 Installation for Attics and Crawl Spaces
Protective Coating is a water-based fire retardant coating,
manufactured expressly for the thermal protection of 4.4A Installation With a Prescriptive Ignition Barrier:
polyurethane foam plastic insulation. DC 315 is Where entry is made only for the service of utilities,
manufactured by International Fireproof Technology,Inc., FoamsulateT 220 Spray-Applied Polyurethane Foam
and is supplied in 5-gallon (19 L) pails and 55-gallon Plastic insulation shall be installed within attics or crawl
drums (208 Q. When DC 315 Fire Protective Coating is spaces with an ignition barrier in accordance with IBC
stored in factory-sealed containers at temperatures between Section 2603.4.1.6, 2012 or 2009 IRC Sections R316.5.3
50°F and 80°F(10°C and 270C),the maximum shelf life is and R316.5.4 or 2006 IRC Sections R314.5.3 and
one year. R314.5.4, as applicable. The ignition barrier shall be
installed in a manner such that the foam plastic insulation
4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION is not exposed, and is consistent with the requirements of
the type of construction required by the applicable code.
4.1 General: FoamsulateT 220 Spray-Applied FoamsulateTm 220 insulation as described in this section
Polyurethane Foam Plastic Insulation shall comply with may be installed in unvented attics and unvented enclosed
requirements in 2012 IECC Sections C402.1 and R402,and rafter spaces in accordance with 2012 IRC Section R806.5
2009 and 2006 IECC Section 402. The manufacturer's or 2009 and 2006 IRC Section R806.4,as applicable.
published installation instructions for FoamsulateT 220
insulation and this report shall be available on the jobsite 4.4.2 Installation without a Prescriptive Ignition
during installation. Where conflicts occur, the more Barrier
restrictive governs. General: In accordance with Sections and
4.2 Installation: FoamsulateTM 220 insulation is spray- when Foamsulater 220 Spray-Applied
applied on the jobsite using equipment specified in the Polyurethane Foam Plastic Insulation is installed in attics
manufacturer's published installation instructions. The and crawl spaces without a prescriptive ignition barrier,the
insulation is applied in multiple passes having a maximum following conditions apply:
thickness of 3 inches(76 mm)per pass up to the maximum a. Entry is only to service utilities in the attic or
insulation thickness specified in this report.Foamsulatem crawl space and no storage is permitted.
220 Spray-Applied Polyurethane Foam Plastic Insulation b. Attic or crawl space areas cannot be
shall be allowed to fully expand and cure for a minimum interconnected.
of 15 minutes prior to application of additional passes.The c. Air from the attic or crawl space cannot be
maximum in-service temperature for all areas shall not circulated to other parts of the building.
exceed the maximum temperature stated in the d. In accordance with IBC Section 1203.3 or IRC
manufacturer's published installation instructions. The Section R408.1, under-floor (crawl-space)
insulation shall be sprayed onto a substrate that is protected ventilation is provided,as applicable.
and clean from any debris or weather-related conditions e. In accordance with 113C Section 1203.2 or IRC
during and after application, and shall not be used in Section R806, attic ventilation is provided, as
electrical outlets or junction boxes or in contact with rain, applicable, except air impermeable insulation is
water,or soil. permitted in attics in accordance with 2012 IRC
Section R806.5, or 2009 and 2006 IRC Section
4.3 Installation with a Prescriptive Thermal Barrier: R806.4.
FoamsulateT 220 Spray-Applied Polyurethane Foam f In accordance with 2012 and 2009 IMC
Plastic Insulation shall he separated from the interior by an (International Mechanical Code*)Section 701,or
approved thermal barrier of minimum '/2 inch thick (12.7 2006 IMC Sections 701 and 703, combustion air
mm) gypsum wallboard or an equivalent thermal barrier. is provided.
The thermal barrier shall comply with, and be installed in
accordance with IBC Section 2603.4,2012 and 2009 IRC Installation for the Application of Fire-
Section R316.4 or 2006 IRC Section 314.4.as applicable. retardant or Fire Protective Coatings: Foamsulaterm
Based on testing in accordance with NFPA 286(with the 220 Spray-Applied Polyurethane Foam Plastic Insulation
acceptance criteria of 2012 and 2009 IBC Section may be spray-applied in attics to the underside of roof
803.1.2.1 and 2006 IBC Section 803.2.1), FoamsulateTm sheathing or roof rafters,and vertical surfaces;and may be
220 insulation,at thicknesses up to V/2 inches(191 mm) spray-applied in crawl spaces to the underside of floors and
for wall cavities and I l'/2 inches(292 mm)for floor/ceiling vertical surfaces as described in this section.When applied
cavities is recognized for use with a thermal barrier to the underside of the top of the space,the thickness of the
complying with and installed in accordance with the IBC FoanisulateTM 220 insulation shall not exceed 11'/2 inches
or IRC.Within an attic or crawl space,installation shall be (292 mm).When applied to vertical surfaces,the maximum
in accordance with Section 4.4 of this report. thickness shall not exceed 742 inches(191 mm).The foam
plastic insulation shall be covered with Premicote IB Fire
Retardant Acrylic Coating described in Section 3.5 of this
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1 ' 1 e 352
Originally Issued: 07124=16 Revised: 07/2612016 Valid Through: 07/3112017
report, or DC 315 Fire Protective Coating described in with the requirements of IBC.Nominal 4 pcf(64 kg/m')
Section 3.6 of this report. mineral wool safing complying with ASTM C665 shall be
placed at floor lines,filling the cavities the full floor depth.
The coating shall be applied over the insulation using The stud cavity shall be filled with FoamsulateT"' 220
airless spray equipment, roller, or a brush in accordance Spray-Applied Polyurethane Foam Plastic Insulation to a
with the coating manufacturer's published installation maximum thickness of 35/s inches(91 mm).
instructions and this report. The ambient and substrate
temperatures shall be minimum 50OF (100C), and the 4.5.3 Interior Face:Type X gypsum board,5/s inch(15.9
surface shall be dry,clean,free of dirt and loose debris,and mm)thick,complying with ASTM C 1396 shall be installed
any other substance that could interfere with adhesion of with the long dimension parallel to the studs, with the
the coating. sheathing joints backed by framing. The wall board shall
be fastened in accordance with the requirements of the
The Premicote IB Fire Retardant Acrylic Coating shall be IBC. The gypsum board joints shall be treated with joint
applied to a minimum thickness of 9.12 mils (0.24 nun) compound complying with ASTM C475 using a minimum
Dry Film Thickness or approximately 1 gallon per 100 2-inch-wide(51 mm)tape.
square feet (0.41 L/m'). The DC 315 Fire Protective
Coating shall be applied to a minimum thickness of 18 wet 4.5.4 Exterior Face: Georgia Pacific DensGlass®
film thickness or approximately I gallon per 89 square feet Sheathing,'/a inch(15.9 mm)thick complying with ASTM
(0.46 L/mz). C1177 shall be installed horizontally with joints staggered
over the exterior side of the steel studs in accordance with
FoamsulateT 220 insulation shall be separated from the the sheathing manufacturer's published installation
interior of the building by a thermal barrier complying with instructions. The sheathing joints shall be backed by
and installed in accordance with IBC or IRC,and from the framing. Fasteners shall be I1/s-inch-long(32 mm) bugle
attic space with Premicote iB or DC 315 coating as head fine thread, corrosion-resistant sharp point drywall
described in this section (Section When screws installed at 8 inches(203 mm)on center along the
installations comply with this section, the ignition barrier edges and 12 inches(305 mm)in the field.
specified in IBC Section 2603.4.1.6 and 2012 and 2009
IRC Section R316.5.3 or 2006 IRC Section R314.5.3, as 5.0 LIMITATIONS
applicable,may be omitted.
The FoamsulateT"'220 Spray-Applied Polyurethane Foam
4.4.23 Application without Fire-retardant or Fire Plastic Insulation described in this report complies with
Protective Coating: FoamsulateT"i 220 Spray-Applied those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report or are
Polyurethane Foam Plastic Insulation may be applied considered suitable alternatives to what is specified in the
without a fire-retardant or fire protective coating to the code,subject to the following conditions:
underside of roof sheathing or roof rafters and vertical
surfaces of attics and in crawl spaces.When applied to the 5.1 The insulation shall be installed in accordance with the
underside of the top of the space, the thickness of the manufacturer's published installation instructions, this
FoamsulateT 220 insulation shall not exceed 71/2 inches evaluation report and the applicable code. If there are any
(191 rum),and when applied to vertical surfaces maximum conflicts between the manufacturer's published installation
thickness shall not exceed 54z inches (140 mm). The instructions and this report, the more restrictive shall
insulation may be installed in unvented attics as described govern.
in this section in accordance with 2012 IRC Section R806.5
or 2009 or 20061RC Section R806.4,as applicable. 5.2 In accordance with Section 4.3 of this report, the
insulation shall be separated from the interior of the
4.5 Exterior Walls of Types 1,11,III or IV Construction building by a code-complying thermal barrier.
53 The insulation shall not exceed the nominal density and
4.5.1 General:When used on exterior walls of Types 1,II, thickness for the installation conditions described in this
III or IV construction,the assembly shall comply with IBC report.
Section 2603.5 and this section,and the Foamsulatem 220
Spray-Applied Polyurethane Foam Plastic Insulation shall 5.4 During and after application, the insulation shall be
be installed at a maximum thickness of 3% inches (91 protected from exposure to weather and site conditions.
5.3 The insulation shall be installed by professional spray
4.5.2 Base Wall: Studs shall be 35/s inch deep (91 mm), polyurethane foam installers approved by Premium Spray
No.25 gage,C-channel steel studs spaced at maximum 24 Products,Inc.,or by the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance
inches(610 mm)as center,laterally braced at 4 feet(1220 (SPFA).
mot)on ceter-Openings shall be framed with the same C-
channel framing.The studs shall be fastened in accordance 5.6 Use of the insulation in areas of"very heavy"termite
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M originally Issued: 0712412015 Revised: 0712512016 Valid Through: 0713112017
infestation probability shall be in accordance with 2012 7.0IDENTIFICATION
IBC Section 2603.9,2009 or 2006 IBC Section 2603.8,or
2012 and 2009 IRC Section 318.4, or 2006 IRC Section The spray foam insulation is identified with the following:
320.5,as applicable.
a. Manufacturer's name (Premium Spray Products,
5.7 When required by the applicable code,a vapor retarder Inc.)
shall be installed. b. address and telephone number,
c. the product trade name(FoamsulateTm 220)
5.8 Labeling and jobsite certification of the insulation and d. use instructions
coatings shall comply with 2012 IRC Sections NI101.4 e. density, flame-spread and smoke-development
and N1101.4.1, 2012 IECC Sections R303.1.3, R303.3, indices
and R402.4.3 [2009 IECC Sections 303.1 or 2006 IECC f. date of re or batch/run number
Sections 102.1.1 and 102.1.11],as applicable. g• thermal resistance
valueh. the evaluation report number(ER-352)
5.9 The insulation shall be produced by Premium Spray i. the name or logo of the inspection agency(Quality
Products in Marietta, Georgia under a quality control Control Consultants,LLC)
program with inspections by Quality Control Consultants,
LLC(AA-727). Each container of the Premicote IB intumescent coating is
labeled with the manufacturer's name (Premium Spray
6.0 SUBSTANTIATING DATA Products,Inc.),the product name,and use instructions.
6.1 Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria Each container of DC 315 Fire Protective Coating is
for Spray-applied Foam Plastic Insulation, AC377, dated labeled with the manufacturer's name (International
May 2015, including reports of testing in accordance with Fireproof Technology, Inc.), the product name, and use
Appendix X of AC377. instructions.
6.2 Reports of room comer fire testing in accordance with
NFPA 286. ] No
Brian Gerber,P.E.,S.E.
Vice President,Technical Operations
Uniform Evaluation Service
Richard Beck,PE,CBO,MCP
Vice President,Uniform Evaluation Service
GV Russ Chane
For additional Information about this evaluation report please visit
.,x,,.unifnrin-.•s_r•or email at i mt rL,I�Lr
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Originally Issued: 0 712412 01 5 Revised: 07126/2016 Valid Through: OT13112017
Table 1 Thermal Resistance
Thickness Foamsulate" 220Insulation R-Value
inch (Of-ft2•hBtu
1 6.6
2 14
3 21
3.5 24
4 28
5 34
5.5 38
6 41
7 48
7.5 52
8 55
9 62
9.5 65
10 69
11.5 79
m For Sl: 1 inch=25.4 m.1°F ft2 hBtu=0.176 110 K rrr/W.
%R-Values are calculated based on tested values at/trh and 4-inch thicknesses for FoamsulateTM 220
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