CC-0556-2019 Office Use nj
742 Ray Road, Que nsbury, fly 12804
P.51 -7 1-8256 w
Pia°ra cet 1 oca i.rrarr- P ac-Meat Zong— A i aticug.Nfiajl
Tax M IID a Su bdivis,rion Na .
iMaiiliu Adr dres , /S/'Z: (�O k"a.,,;lrir"i at,a Avetir_a e 9 ()a rll., a.aatC2() C dLaIL.s r loli . C�°�N 4011
:ell Phone.,,_( Land Lin g (612) 7-13 0
Email: ksi)b a,,lWi
0 PrimaTy Owner(s) - Tenant::
Mailing Address, /S/ZW 712 Noi-Nl'a t enlral Ave, Sulte 13, Wo(,rd, Dale,, lN, 60,191
Celli Phone-. _� � Land Lire. �630)238-2202.
Eirmall urar la'a�u tNa�rah'sN�i��.rtirau ra. uar u
® beck if gill work will be performed by homeo n'zir
Contractor Trade;
Mailing d r s, / Z.
7 V
11 Phoru � �� ,..,.,,.. .,., , Land Line: m.,�,. w,. � r r o�� ����' � S'���� ".
Email- CN." N;L,
"Li'st all additional contractors on the back of this form
o ►riit(; ) inlrrrhL
njsin ess, N@ria 11 lrjQ..k;�+o 131 , Y"j,l:,,t;;
Contact Nar'nn(s): Kru-tin oba k;i
l�"l�ailin Address,,,, / / t�Nt � "r�liva vl.�rrn�'���a,�u�N��r 11-5 r�l . `�t� B�"°'Dia,rrL!,I r�_ l � I 'C1� � 1�1
Cell Phone,. _(_) Land Line-. ( 12) 547-1300
Emailreaa�a�ch..c t,11
Contact Person for 3u [Idin de Crrrnlrliance:
IN N I raa„ _ Lari N,, n �_ � _�� _
ysdJ•IRd:u�u�FNtl:r,r�rno a'ge�uVortlr:d2ti Ruvx�eJFu.bruaoys,t}19
TYPE: M Cornrnercial E-1 Residential
IF Single-Farnily E]Two-Farndy 1-1 Multi-fairri ily (# of unils J,
L-rownhouse E.]Bu5irless Office I.-Aetail l industrial/warehouse,
"'I Garage (# of cars 0,
L 17 Other (des,cribe,:'Ap'..cad
1st filoar:; 1st fioor': 3,841 sf
21"d floor- 2 ind floor:�
............................................... ...............................31d flour: 3113 floor,-,
Basement (habitable ;space);: Basement (habitable space):
Total square feet: Total square feet., 3 4.1 s�f
L Estimated Cost of Construction. $150,000.00
2. If Commercial project, what is the proposed use:Ar Lcade arntiy
3. Source of heat: [.1 Gas[Doi IE]Propane F-15olar []Other Fireplaces need a separate Fuel
Burning Appliances & Chimney,Application
4 Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? DYES IZNO ExpIa[n. ,_,.,,,.,_,,
5, Are, there ainy Pasements on the property E]YES F,�,]N 0
a. What is the, dimensions or acreage of the parcel'? NIVA
b., Is this a corner lot'? N/A E_'IYES EDNO
c. Will the grade be changed as a result of the constrUction? N/,A EMS EINO
d. What, is tfie water SOUrce? N/A LIPUBLIC E]P III VAFE WE'LL
e. Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRIVATE SEP M system? INN_IA,
lk�L, A
p. 1 acknowledge n that no c rlStrcaction sha ill be crawa,mannaraced prior to pssuair ce of a valid perrr'ii_ and wipl be
corrq.)Ieted vJth n a 12 rracarath p e 2w:d,
2. Ifthework, is not c ampleted by the t year expiration date the p:ae rnit may be renewed, r,uhjecr Nor
fees and department nt apparav,al.
3 1 certify that the as iphc,arn, plaana4 arrn:;:l rsa F,.)[)art n materials, are as true and c-daraapkte staaternent and/or
r s,cription offlre, ,icirk, pi e,d, that aall work will e p er-for rTaed irrf ar,cordan,,ce with the fyVYS Building Codes,
rxa� bUil&ng laws and ordinances, and rrr co nfo rraaar c with loc.:aap zoning regg.,ilatbns,
1 ackradvrv%ledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, d: r rase agents, w'fll obtain a certificate
of acccapaanacy,
5 n aaIs o jurider-st nd that I,1,we are required!to provide Sara -as-buiNt a rncvey by a fic:ensed land SUI a�3e,or of a I I
raew ly ccmstruct.e d fac.,ilntieS iprarto rya-u arace of a cer rifiic ate ofc,,c iaparrcy,
have read and agree to the above:
I ;NTIJ �����' �� � t� DATE, " �� r a a.. q
dm&tl.R".b Fu�un'iu-Etd'W n°��_'%A
COMicheck Software Version
Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate
Pro ll Infor"flon,
Energy code-, 20115, UECC
Pro t Tied: P=Mari Zone
FrOWI,Type!: Afteration
C4wistrucflon Sii)w OwnedAgent
$78 Aviation Koad Jay Rohikohl
Space 20 Que"CIT k"W10,104 M South 6th Street
Queensbury,NY 12604 Suite 1100
Minnespolis,, MN 55402
Allowed Inteflor,IL ghting Power,
Ares Categary Floor Ama Allovied Allowed Wafts
(M) Wafts 11112 (V X C)
I-Retail 3794 1 d26 0
Total Allowed Waft's 4700
Proposed Interior Ligbfing Po
A 91 C, D E
Fixture,ID.Description I Lamp I Wattage Per,Lamp Ballast Lampsil #of Ftliture (C X 0)
Fixture, FIxtures Won.
Mait WN ambi
LED �.-At AE,Met" 1 217' 36 945,
Track,liqlAing 1 AS'nKG TRACK"- Wallage based oo '16,tern of vack, 0 0 480 400,
Compea Fluorescent I�EXISTING W STRIP';Mar Elmuonlc: 2 1 64 64
Unear Fluommeo I�EXG TMG W-.48"'TOElectroak; 1 117 117'
Total Pmoolsed Watts— We
inteflor Lighting Compliance,Statement
ConwWrica Statefnent.° The proposed Interior I'llhtingalteration project represented In this document Is conststant with the
building pfans,speciftcatfons,and other calculatAons subm Itted with thIs permit applicaUon,The proposed interior lighting
systems have been designed to meet the 2015,IECC requirements,in, Mchock Verslon(4.1.1 0 and to comply w1th any
applicable mandatory requlrements listed In the Inspectic.... -1.-- T_
Jay Rohikohl 812115M 19
Sign I atu
P1r*j*ct'Tftle., Pi c Man Zone Report date., 07129119,
Data ftlenarn P,%202OW420,995-040-00 Namco Par-Man.Arcade,-Queensbury,, NYk03-E:Wctrica,02,-Lighiting)Pe Page 1,of S
Man Done Queensbury NY.cck
COMcheck Software Version
Inspection Checklist
Ener,gy Codle, 2015 IC
Req ufrements. 100,0% were add ressed di rectly In the CO Ptcheck,software
Text In the mCornments/Assunyptions" column Is provided by the user In the COMthetk Requirements screen, For each,
requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that Is documented, or that an exception
Is being claimed. her compliance is iternized in a separate,table, a reference to that table Is provided.
C"ovapliosr? Cal M1I*O#V*1A%*vlVQptI` n*
.................................................. ...........nd
R�,Ot,Oon E
C1012 Plans, speclifitations,and)or OCarnplies Requirement will be met.
1PR411 calculations 1provide all ilrnfawmation ODoes Not
WiUh which compRanct can be []Not Observable Location an plansispec: E2,E3
determined for the interlor lighting
and el"trical systems and equipment ONot Applicablo,
and docurnent where exceptions to
the standard we,claimed information
provided should [ndude Interior
lijbting power calculatiorts,Wattage of
bulbs and ballasts, transformers and
cnntrol davices.
Additional Commients/Assumptlions:
I b Impact(Tier 1),
.........1�4.......... IMedlurn Impact
Projett 71fle; Pac Man Zone! Report date., 07,12,9119
Data filenarns. P:X202DA04ZG"5-04-0-00,Namco PacKaflArcade-Q�ueensbury, NYN03-Electrlica)AO2-Llglhtllngwa Pai�ge 2 of 5
Man Zone Queentbury N'Y,cck
�,& V`i� il°N trM pldtnlcl pwr�ll"y� ntM g�nrAnullld ' N.MtWMIi 'tus 'wJNAttnt�pt�ln�b
1i41 1 1 ......... ........... ...._vr,*m—...,..»,�. ....__.. ....... .._..___ ........ �.._.. ..... w..w.. ... ........ _.
dgr . 1 .Llugtutling controls installed to uniformly OCOM llss Requirement will be met,
[ LIS]l reduce th llgbtlrng load by at leafs-t OD ss Not
i° []Not Observable Location on pJans/spoc. E2
ONot Ampp illicsble
4 ,2-1,ll occupancy s nsorsliwrstsllsd ClCom wlles Require ment will be met,
[E,ILISJJ required spaces, ®lDo s Not
OIwt t observable Location an plsrtsispec; s
ONot Applicable
...... ............... . _ ..., ..., .. ...., ...., w. yea e®
, Ilrbd pendent lighting controls,Install d 0 �rmi Requirement will be, st,
C4,10 „ 1 ;per approved lighting p4ans and all Ebo s dot
manual nuual controls readily accessible and twat observable Location on pllsuruis,fspec.
,I11 11 r,' vispbls to occupants
OI'of Auppliicablc
ryti ....................
COS„ , , ;Automatic Controls to Shut off all Ocomplies Requirement will be,must.
ti building lighting Installed In all '®Does Not
( L ' � buulldings,, Not l bs able Wcsblcwn an plansis c; It
ONOt Auppdcsbl
1 old: ;Lu yplll'bt z" prw w,u'id l watt- irruplll E-xcep rY: Jcellgtut zones on first floor In Group Ar-Z and iM
jf' 11,O]2 indlwrhdu al controls that contrrbll that ®q oes Not Occupancies,
Iligihnts.Independent of general area,
IIg�Nnti�rag. cnbssbq
�tla C Applicable
410 . 3, Primary sldell bt ll areas airs � orrupll s ace t w. ldellgbt ss r^st p�Ira a arp - sad
O , ,dequipped urwlth requilred Illighntlnng OlDoes,Not occuupanc[es,
1, controls.
05. ,d�, lwlat Observable
NOt Applicable
Enclosed spaces with day lliglh t area O srurupll s bxc+spltiuon; Requitement dues n*t appltr.
COS 23, under skylights and rooftop monitors doss Not
11, are sg ippd,d with,required lighting lallot Observable:Locetlon on planslapsc. E21
C40523, controls, �ry�"
d ON Ot ApplitabNle
�C4,05.2.4.� Separate lighting control devices for Oonmpllrs r ,Requirement
equlremnt will be
specific uses lrwstuultcwd per approved 010cies Not
lighting plians.. 'E IINot Observable;Location on plans/spec,: L:
_. _. _ .. ... U�INIc t Applicable
COSZ � ditl nal interior,lightingp plies . Requirement
eqrirbert Ill b e>ret.dsd for spr nctons per tv
approved lighting plans and Is [:Not Obs rwrsbe tmuscrntt+sn on,plians;lsp cm
a uuto iatically,controlled an+dl
_ ps'r from general lightlnig., lwlrrt Apptpc,�tals
.... _ .__..,., _ __.._ __
0 ,.d; ps,lt shgns dog not exceed 5 watts per ElComplikes Roo uiW—emennt will be met„
[ Ls 11 face 'Oboes Not
Q ut Observable lLorAtlocu on ptsuns/spusu; III
allot Applicable
l�r IiINd tIl . Lrn Impact sl m
irPdrvlrrpct fr .
prod 't'lltle; psuc Man Zone Report damn: 07,129,119
Data.lllenarirne,, P:Q02 l ntgg ,.040- n INarmco p c Man Arwc ude mm Qu.,eensbunryg',,, NYN03-ElectricaA02-Llg�htlingwP,f, page 3 of
Miami Zone,Queeinslouiry lMlY.cck
pYl tfbuar, rpyl� dthuntNa
0003, Furnished O&M Instructions,for C)COMpdnea Roquiremyent,will be met.
:systems and equll runwarnt two theODoes Not
bwukldinq owner or di aiginatwa
repr .mnttlwr , t�Observable
Not Applicable
.. .... . ...-............_........... ..............
__ . ..... �._.. ... �,,�.. ,,. ,.,ry
(305.41 lnI rlior Instal d lamp said fixture o pfd a 5,00 th01 drn vrior 001"Ony fixtum SOW&& 0'Vahms"
[IFl1 1w. lighting power is consistent with what ElDoes Not
is shown on the approvied Oghtlrng
Plans, demonstrating proposed wrath dwh t Observable
i .
are less th n rr equal to allowed ONot okpplicablie
C'404.2.5, Furnished as-built warinwgia for Onplle5 rquIrement wldl be met,
systems wwdtlwln 90 days ODoes Not
Ifiti 1"I ,waif system acceptance,„
INwat Ob'awar'wr,abl
EINot Applicable
_ _ _.._........__ .........
08 3 Uqlltlnq systems ms have been tasted to IClcomrpll s Requirement will be chit
(IFI33'fr ensure proper callbraWn, adjustment, IlDoes Not;
pro rarrmm nw3, and operation. ONO Observable rvable Location Gin pilansispot E2
EINot Appldc blwa
Xll did i dnuual Co m im,ents/A ° ,uum pt uuti c
1 I� l t l r �., Ira l�arn�drrnpact 1p r t l"rnpact('Tier 34
Prraj t Title,, Pat,,Mary Zany pout d altw, 07)2'9tIl, ,
Data filtnarnra IrA202 at2099 -040-0d,Namco p c Man Arcade- u ns'brnr -PV ctricaIN02-Lii htdn T+g. Page 4,ofi
Project Tltiw Pay Mar,Zone p date: 07,129119
Data fliename. P-A,202ON0420,995-04040 N mco Pac Kan Arcadle,-queensbury, INYNOI -1 Medic iM'40 - lhting�Pa Page 51 Of'
Man Zone Oueensbury
"' H op oyo e 0.1 Na o to r n 1 8 c a �a 1 i'y, — Add Phi Mi c a° t o ? i v e .,
Pac Man
578 Aviation Road. III " C 0
/ 1/20 19
Plan Review
'I.,he f6flowing coninmentsarc based on revicw of drwvings;
• 1(nox Box key required
• Function test: all exit /EL. fixtures, locations appe t. adequ",t .
turn, devices accepted
N m"MBA 13 letter o f ompliance required. 1`br sprinkler niodification
Provide record of inspection for C11L1 tdol ri tiorrl1q1q\1111e
. .
Mich-fact J "Aniff
Fire Marshal
742 Bay Road
COMicheck Software Version
Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate
Pro ll Infor"flon,
Energy code-, 20115, UECC
Pro t Tied: P=Mari Zone
FrOWI,Type!: Afteration
C4wistrucflon Sii)w OwnedAgent
$78 Aviation Koad Jay Rohikohl
Space 20 Que"CIT k"W10,104 M South 6th Street
Queensbury,NY 12604 Suite 1100
Minnespolis,, MN 55402
Allowed Inteflor,IL ghting Power,
Ares Categary Floor Ama Allovied Allowed Wafts
(M) Wafts 11112 (V X C)
I-Retail 3794 1 d26 0
Total Allowed Waft's 4700
Proposed Interior Ligbfing Po
A 91 C, D E
Fixture,ID.Description I Lamp I Wattage Per,Lamp Ballast Lampsil #of Ftliture (C X 0)
Fixture, FIxtures Won.
Mait WN ambi
LED �.-At AE,Met" 1 217' 36 945,
Track,liqlAing 1 AS'nKG TRACK"- Wallage based oo '16,tern of vack, 0 0 480 400,
Compea Fluorescent I�EXISTING W STRIP';Mar Elmuonlc: 2 1 64 64
Unear Fluommeo I�EXG TMG W-.48"'TOElectroak; 1 117 117'
Total Pmoolsed Watts— We
inteflor Lighting Compliance,Statement
ConwWrica Statefnent.° The proposed Interior I'llhtingalteration project represented In this document Is conststant with the
building pfans,speciftcatfons,and other calculatAons subm Itted with thIs permit applicaUon,The proposed interior lighting
systems have been designed to meet the 2015,IECC requirements,in, Mchock Verslon(4.1.1 0 and to comply w1th any
applicable mandatory requlrements listed In the Inspectic.... -1.-- T_
Jay Rohikohl 812115M 19
Sign I atu
P1r*j*ct'Tftle., Pi c Man Zone Report date., 07129119,
Data ftlenarn P,%202OW420,995-040-00 Namco Par-Man.Arcade,-Queensbury,, NYk03-E:Wctrica,02,-Lighiting)Pe Page 1,of S
Man Done Queensbury NY.cck
COMcheck Software Version
Inspection Checklist
Ener,gy Codle, 2015 IC
Req ufrements. 100,0% were add ressed di rectly In the CO Ptcheck,software
Text In the mCornments/Assunyptions" column Is provided by the user In the COMthetk Requirements screen, For each,
requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that Is documented, or that an exception
Is being claimed. her compliance is iternized in a separate,table, a reference to that table Is provided.
C"ovapliosr? Cal M1I*O#V*1A%*vlVQptI` n*
.................................................. ...........nd
R�,Ot,Oon E
C1012 Plans, speclifitations,and)or OCarnplies Requirement will be met.
1PR411 calculations 1provide all ilrnfawmation ODoes Not
WiUh which compRanct can be []Not Observable Location an plansispec: E2,E3
determined for the interlor lighting
and el"trical systems and equipment ONot Applicablo,
and docurnent where exceptions to
the standard we,claimed information
provided should [ndude Interior
lijbting power calculatiorts,Wattage of
bulbs and ballasts, transformers and
cnntrol davices.
Additional Commients/Assumptlions:
I b Impact(Tier 1),
.........1�4.......... IMedlurn Impact
Projett 71fle; Pac Man Zone! Report date., 07,12,9119
Data filenarns. P:X202DA04ZG"5-04-0-00,Namco PacKaflArcade-Q�ueensbury, NYN03-Electrlica)AO2-Llglhtllngwa Pai�ge 2 of 5
Man Zone Queentbury N'Y,cck
�,& V`i� il°N trM pldtnlcl pwr�ll"y� ntM g�nrAnullld ' N.MtWMIi 'tus 'wJNAttnt�pt�ln�b
1i41 1 1 ......... ........... ...._vr,*m—...,..»,�. ....__.. ....... .._..___ ........ �.._.. ..... w..w.. ... ........ _.
dgr . 1 .Llugtutling controls installed to uniformly OCOM llss Requirement will be met,
[ LIS]l reduce th llgbtlrng load by at leafs-t OD ss Not
i° []Not Observable Location on pJans/spoc. E2
ONot Ampp illicsble
4 ,2-1,ll occupancy s nsorsliwrstsllsd ClCom wlles Require ment will be met,
[E,ILISJJ required spaces, ®lDo s Not
OIwt t observable Location an plsrtsispec; s
ONot Applicable
...... ............... . _ ..., ..., .. ...., ...., w. yea e®
, Ilrbd pendent lighting controls,Install d 0 �rmi Requirement will be, st,
C4,10 „ 1 ;per approved lighting p4ans and all Ebo s dot
manual nuual controls readily accessible and twat observable Location on pllsuruis,fspec.
,I11 11 r,' vispbls to occupants
OI'of Auppliicablc
ryti ....................
COS„ , , ;Automatic Controls to Shut off all Ocomplies Requirement will be,must.
ti building lighting Installed In all '®Does Not
( L ' � buulldings,, Not l bs able Wcsblcwn an plansis c; It
ONOt Auppdcsbl
1 old: ;Lu yplll'bt z" prw w,u'id l watt- irruplll E-xcep rY: Jcellgtut zones on first floor In Group Ar-Z and iM
jf' 11,O]2 indlwrhdu al controls that contrrbll that ®q oes Not Occupancies,
Iligihnts.Independent of general area,
IIg�Nnti�rag. cnbssbq
�tla C Applicable
410 . 3, Primary sldell bt ll areas airs � orrupll s ace t w. ldellgbt ss r^st p�Ira a arp - sad
O , ,dequipped urwlth requilred Illighntlnng OlDoes,Not occuupanc[es,
1, controls.
05. ,d�, lwlat Observable
NOt Applicable
Enclosed spaces with day lliglh t area O srurupll s bxc+spltiuon; Requitement dues n*t appltr.
COS 23, under skylights and rooftop monitors doss Not
11, are sg ippd,d with,required lighting lallot Observable:Locetlon on planslapsc. E21
C40523, controls, �ry�"
d ON Ot ApplitabNle
�C4,05.2.4.� Separate lighting control devices for Oonmpllrs r ,Requirement
equlremnt will be
specific uses lrwstuultcwd per approved 010cies Not
lighting plians.. 'E IINot Observable;Location on plans/spec,: L:
_. _. _ .. ... U�INIc t Applicable
COSZ � ditl nal interior,lightingp plies . Requirement
eqrirbert Ill b e>ret.dsd for spr nctons per tv
approved lighting plans and Is [:Not Obs rwrsbe tmuscrntt+sn on,plians;lsp cm
a uuto iatically,controlled an+dl
_ ps'r from general lightlnig., lwlrrt Apptpc,�tals
.... _ .__..,., _ __.._ __
0 ,.d; ps,lt shgns dog not exceed 5 watts per ElComplikes Roo uiW—emennt will be met„
[ Ls 11 face 'Oboes Not
Q ut Observable lLorAtlocu on ptsuns/spusu; III
allot Applicable
l�r IiINd tIl . Lrn Impact sl m
irPdrvlrrpct fr .
prod 't'lltle; psuc Man Zone Report damn: 07,129,119
Data.lllenarirne,, P:Q02 l ntgg ,.040- n INarmco p c Man Arwc ude mm Qu.,eensbunryg',,, NYN03-ElectricaA02-Llg�htlingwP,f, page 3 of
Miami Zone,Queeinslouiry lMlY.cck
pYl tfbuar, rpyl� dthuntNa
0003, Furnished O&M Instructions,for C)COMpdnea Roquiremyent,will be met.
:systems and equll runwarnt two theODoes Not
bwukldinq owner or di aiginatwa
repr .mnttlwr , t�Observable
Not Applicable
.. .... . ...-............_........... ..............
__ . ..... �._.. ... �,,�.. ,,. ,.,ry
(305.41 lnI rlior Instal d lamp said fixture o pfd a 5,00 th01 drn vrior 001"Ony fixtum SOW&& 0'Vahms"
[IFl1 1w. lighting power is consistent with what ElDoes Not
is shown on the approvied Oghtlrng
Plans, demonstrating proposed wrath dwh t Observable
i .
are less th n rr equal to allowed ONot okpplicablie
C'404.2.5, Furnished as-built warinwgia for Onplle5 rquIrement wldl be met,
systems wwdtlwln 90 days ODoes Not
Ifiti 1"I ,waif system acceptance,„
INwat Ob'awar'wr,abl
EINot Applicable
_ _ _.._........__ .........
08 3 Uqlltlnq systems ms have been tasted to IClcomrpll s Requirement will be chit
(IFI33'fr ensure proper callbraWn, adjustment, IlDoes Not;
pro rarrmm nw3, and operation. ONO Observable rvable Location Gin pilansispot E2
EINot Appldc blwa
Xll did i dnuual Co m im,ents/A ° ,uum pt uuti c
1 I� l t l r �., Ira l�arn�drrnpact 1p r t l"rnpact('Tier 34
Prraj t Title,, Pat,,Mary Zany pout d altw, 07)2'9tIl, ,
Data filtnarnra IrA202 at2099 -040-0d,Namco p c Man Arcade- u ns'brnr -PV ctricaIN02-Lii htdn T+g. Page 4,ofi
Project Tltiw Pay Mar,Zone p date: 07,129119
Data fliename. P-A,202ON0420,995-04040 N mco Pac Kan Arcadle,-queensbury, INYNOI -1 Medic iM'40 - lhting�Pa Page 51 Of'
Man Zone Oueensbury
"' H op oyo e 0.1 Na o to r n 1 8 c a �a 1 i'y, — Add Phi Mi c a° t o ? i v e .,
Pac Man
578 Aviation Road. III " C 0
/ 1/20 19
Plan Review
'I.,he f6flowing coninmentsarc based on revicw of drwvings;
• 1(nox Box key required
• Function test: all exit /EL. fixtures, locations appe t. adequ",t .
turn, devices accepted
N m"MBA 13 letter o f ompliance required. 1`br sprinkler niodification
Provide record of inspection for C11L1 tdol ri tiorrl1q1q\1111e
. .
Mich-fact J "Aniff
Fire Marshal
742 Bay Road
"' H op oyo e 0.1 Na o to r n 1 8 c a �a 1 i'y, — Add Phi Mi c a° t o ? i v e .,
Pac Man
578 Aviation Road. III " C 0
/ 1/20 19
Plan Review
'I.,he f6flowing coninmentsarc based on revicw of drwvings;
• 1(nox Box key required
• Function test: all exit /EL. fixtures, locations appe t. adequ",t .
turn, devices accepted
N m"MBA 13 letter o f ompliance required. 1`br sprinkler niodification
Provide record of inspection for C11L1 tdol ri tiorrl1q1q\1111e
. .
Mich-fact J "Aniff
Fire Marshal
742 Bay Road