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blower doorEnvelope Leakage Test Testing Company: P0\N/'11 f.iY l2st5 Technician: Name: Anthony LoCascio Credentials: HERS Rater#424296'1 Name: gp*lnrt c$njsu tlldti4 LLe-- ffi"#q'"rt*vDA6l Potrr Loofl Building lnformation: Project lD; 75 Burt Hllls Address. 75 Burnt Hills Dr Queensbury. NIY 12804 Geo-Tag Data: Latitude: 43.3056'10 Longitude: -73.696160 TimestamP: 2019-A9-27 1 4:24'.41 Customer lnformation: Name: Michaels Group Homes Address: 1 Marions Way Mechanicville , NY 12118 DtAtlsNiS P0\ N] * st8* ?-2\ -Lzqo ! Measured Leakage: Test lD: Purpose of Test: Measured ACH50: Building Volume: Flow Coefijcient (C): Correlation Coefficient Test Standard: Test Characteristics: Test Date and Time: 1,A72.0 CFM50 75 burnl RESNET Multi-Ft Env. Leakage 2.34 t+t- 1.7%) 27.473.A ft3 8A.4 $t- 7.6%) 0.99984 RESNET 380 Multi-Poinl lndoor Temp: 65 "F Altitude: 415.0 fi 2019-09-30 14:40:06 Effective Leakage Area. 57 .2 inz Enclosure Surface Area: 3,300.0 ft' Exponent (n): 0.662 (+l- 4.022) Test Mode: Depressurize Outdoor Temp: 61 'F Time Average Period: 10 seconds E',! 1000: eoo6) 800-* 7oo(t -1 600 .r 500 € 4CIs m 3OCI 0 Depressurize - 4 5 6 78910 20 30 40 506070 Buildinq Preasure {Pa} Envelope Leakage Test (Page 2) Test Readings: rarget-(eA Baseline -60 0 ,48.0 -35.0 -23.0 -10.0 BIdg_(P4. _no _40 0 -48.6 -34.5 -25.1 -tz.t Ad:*glds_(P4. -58.9 -47,6 -33.5 -24.2 -11.2 tlsw-(qI!0 1,200.8 1,037.1 839.1 668.3 399.2 Fan (Pa). -43.8 -32.5 -244.7 -126.8 -44.8 Config Ring A Ring A Ring B Ring B Ring B Test Equipment: Flow Device: Modei3110V Fan Serial#: 3172 Pressure Gauge: DG1000 Serial#: 3172 Calibration Date: 201 9-02-1 8 Deviations from Standard : r None Comments: Report generated by TEC Auto Test version 1.6.'l 5l'${d 6e+) N{ r^\nf161o,t t^l-f (1), CI 2019 by The Energy Conservatory, lnc.