RESOLUTION NO. 278, 1991,
Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who
moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Marilyn Potenza:
RESOLVED, that the Board will approve the payments of the bills
submitted by the Highway Dept. for the months of January, February
and March in the following proportions with the Landfill closure
fund to pay $56,683.04 the Hovey Pond Capital Project fund
$11,670.75 all Highway charges since that date and until such time
as we start selling top soil will also be the responsibility of the
landfill closure fund once we start selling top soil the revenue
from top soil will go in a special line in the Hovey Pond Capital
Project fund the expenditures for the Highway Dept. related to the
sale of the top soil will be paid for from the Hovey Pond Fund all
other expenditures will be continued to be paid from the Landfill
Closure Fund.
Duly adopted this 9th day of May, 1991 by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Borgos
Noes: Mrs. Potenza
Absent: None