1950-09-09 SP 97
252 Carswell T&T Co Inc Supplies PV 8 6.13 $ 6.13
253 F L .Turner postage • 3.00 3.00
254 Chas Houghtaling Supplies (Justice) 21.15 21.15
255 C.G.Woodbury & Son Inc Supplies NGFWD 5.50 5.50
256 Hudson Falls Hardware Supplies NGFWD Fd, 406.09 406.09
257 J.E. Sawyer & CO. Inc Supplies NGFWD Fd .92 ..92 j
258 Ruthford Woodcock Labor NGFWD,Ext 7.00 7.00
259 C.G.. Woodbury & Son, Inc. June-July Balance NGFWD,Ext 11.00 11.00
260 Elliott Granger Labor, NGFWD Ext 5.00 5.00
261 Bernard Codner Labor 8.75 8..75
�- 262 Clarence Steveson Labor, man & truak NGFWD_ Ext6.00 6.00
263 City of Glens Falls Meter Water Rent RRWD Fd 160. 51 160.51
2.64 City of Glens F is Water Rent WGFWD .�'d 317,. 55 317.55
265 City of Gle alls Water Rent NGFWD1: Fd 1100, 71 1100..71
266 City of Glens- Falls Miss,, NGFWD Fd 13. 97 13.97
267 Ernest L.H. Meyer Services renered NGFWD 120.66 120.66
268 City of Glens Falls( Missellaneous NGFWD 71.43 71.43
269 City of Glaris Falls " " " NGnVD Fd 195.80 195.80
270 Earl-Jones Labor WGFWD #'d 27.00 27.00
State of ,New York)
Town1of Queensbury: ss
County of Warren ) ;
We,, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of Auditors of
said town,, hereby pursuant to the town law,, certify that having con-
vened and organized at the time and the place in the manner prescribed
by said lave we proceeded to examine,. audit and allow the accounts present-
ed against said town and the foregoing is a correct statement of the a-
ccounts so audited and allowed by us wholly or in part..
H Russell Harris Supervisor.
- Raymond TM=D Councilman
Justice of
Meredeth Bently the Peace
Curt,la Lamoson Councilman.
Justi`CA of
t Henry J Sleight the Peace
Subscribed and sworn to
before )he' this_
day of A!Zgust,, 1950
Ralph B Tugs r
Notary Public
Special Meeting September 9,, 1950 A
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace
Meredith S . Bently Justice of the Peace
Curtis Leimpson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Counc 3 ,
The board convened at 7:30
Resolution 59 introduced by Mr. Bemtly Seconded by Mr. Sleight
it was resolved that flown of Queensbury be and is hereby authorized
accept the `st'reets `and roads conveyed in a deed dated Sept. 8,1950
of Viola Combs property.. The streets to be know as the extension
of the Fifth St. ektension of Knight St.. and Caroline St.
The streets are a part of the Comb tract and are shown on a map:
filed in the office of the Town Clerk of Queensbury and in Warren
County Clerk Office.
Ayes: *Mr. Walkup
Mr. Bently
Mr.. Lampson
,Mr. Sleight
Mr. Harris
Noes : None
No other Business.
On motion M#eting adjourned.
a 4
` f
Special Meeting Peptember 18th,1950
H.Bussel 1 Harris Superviso r
Henry J Sleight Justice of the` Peace `
Meredith S Bentley. Justice of- the Peace `
Curtis Lampson Councilman
The Board convened at M1:30 P.M,.
An application was received and read by the c lerk from Anona Weeks
for the consent of the Town Board to Operate an omnibus route over
certain streets in the Town of Queensbury.
Si�kXf on
Motion 2 of Justice Bentley , duly seconded by Justice Slteight
F the following resolution No 59 was unamously ddopted by the Town Board
of the Town' of Queensbury:
WHEREAS,, Anona S Weeks of Ft Edward N,Y, has heretofore duly presented a
petition in writing for lkz consent to operate a bus line over the roads
of said Town,: and
WHEREAS, 1t is, necessia.ry that a piblic hearing be held! to determine
whether -said consent shall be granted by rithe Town Board
NOW9, THEREFORE,, BE IT RESOLVED that a notice pf public hearing be
published on the•r2Oth day of September,.. 1950 ,, and that a hearing be
held on the 23rd day of September,. 1950 to determine if `such consent shall be
t hal 1 be granted,
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr Bentley, Mr Lampson, Mr Sleight 'and Mr Harris.
Noes: XONe,
Tn the matter of the tax equalization rate besides the above members of 1knx2ol
Town Board!, kkK Erneat Hillis, Fred Ricketts' and Warren T Varney,
Assessors and Anthon y C. Psoto of the State Board of eg'uilization was
present, The matter was generally discussed among tiose presetn,
Mr Psoto submitted the following 1 ist for comparison,
the appriasils thereon were made by the appraisers of the Equilization
land: ; full
No. Name- Type value
1 Lewfa Nassivera Farm 2600., 81000.
2 Erli'ng O'Dell Farm. 2300, 5700,
3 George B.Allen Seasonal 2000. 800 0
4. William Henderson If to 500. 3300.
5 AT'ger� Mason " " 500. 2150
6 ,T.N,Rider If it "2200.. 8900.
7 Amile Steiner " if 2000. '6100.
8 F.G. Carry " If 1000.. 28000
9 Thomas Couette Farm 1100. 5300.
10 Victor Turner Res . 300. 5200.