blower door results GRAJNY Consulting, LLC
69 Hayden Point Loop
Diamond Point, NY 12824
—518 1-3
IED \2[
09/23/2019 OCT 0 3 2019
Cerrone Construction LLC T OWN OF CIUEENSBURY
51 Oak Valley Way --
Queensbury.NY 12804 D223� 2_QAci
Inspection Address: 4 Apres Circle, Queensbury NY 12804
Report Number: 0923193
Dear Gianni:
The Blower Door Test to verify infiltration rate of the subject property was performed on
09/23/2019. This was done to verify mandatory requirements of 2015 IECC Code as
amended by the NYS Uniform Code Supplement. This report does not imply that full
compliance of above codes has been met. It's verified the infiltration rates only.
GRAJNY Consulting, LLC is pleased to submit the following report.
The following data was provided:
- Square Footage of the house, including conditioned basement=3,428 SF
- Volume of the house,including conditioned basement=29,138 CF
Based on above,the following test data was collected:
- Infiltration Rate, including conditioned basement at 50 Pascal =986 CFM
- ACH50, Actual Changes per Hour at 50 Pascal=986X60/29,138 =2.0 <3
The Instruments used for test were provided by the Energy Conservatory Digital Gauge
DG-3 rated accuracy=+/- 1%, calibrated minimum once per year.
Thank you for selecting our company.We appreciate the opportunity to be of service.
Please call this office if there are any questions.
Stan/Graf wy
Stan Grajny, PE
RESNET HERS Energy Rater 5609922
NYS PE 065406-1