1950-12-23 ---
Amt. Amt
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
373 Kings Sales Inc. Rental as polling place 40.00 40.00
374 Mountainside Grange Cleaning Scotch Cemetery 50.00 50.00
375 Niagara-Mohawk Power Street lighting 64.69 64.69
376 Russell_ & Waite Typewriting; paper 3.75 3.75
377 Arthur J. Hillis Pstg.stamps used for 150 78.00 :78.00
378 Mohican Grange Rent,strg,erecting; booths 90.00 90.00
379 Frances L.Turner Pstg. for office 3.00 3.00 .
380 M.A.Ricketts Erecting signs-Twn dump 24.00 . 24.00
381 Cyrus H.Woodbury Serv.onTyminsky condem. 51.50 51.50
382 Wayland F.Perry " " " 25.00 25.00
II 383 Clarence Stevenson Labor worked,truck,etc.
NGFWD Ext. 52.50 52.50
384 Jesse Hewitt Labor worked-NUND Ext. 39.00 39.00
385 Bernard Codner Labor worked-NGFWD Ext. 92.50 92.50`
386 Warren Northup Labor worked-NGFVPD Ext. - 68.00. 68.00
387 Fordyce Clark Labor worked-NGF7M Ext. 67.00 :67,00
388 Ernest Lackey,Supt. Labor,materials to repair
• NWD 400.00 400.00
389 John Kubrieky 32 hrs.shovel work-
NGFWD Ext. 320.00 320.00
390" Curtis Laripson Percentage. on Coll.VGF
WD 93.75 93.75
391 Curtis Lampson Serv.as Supt.for PIGF 1D 150..00 150.00
392 Herbert Al�ins Cash rebate-WGFID 3.00 3.00
393 Hwy (item No.4) Fd. Rental tractor-grader 57.90 57. 90
394 Item 4,Ht+ry fd. Misc.order not..listed. 83.73 83.73
in bill - Totals $1857.32 $1857.32
On motion meetl_ng adjourned.
4110 rner.
Town, Clerk
Regular Meeting December, 23,1950
Prese t:
} H..Russell Harris Sutervi'sor
Henry J.. Sleight Justice if the- Peace
Meredith S..Bentley Justice of the Peace
Raymond Walkup Councilman
Absent :Curtis Lampsorr Councilman
The board convened at 7;30 P.M.
Minutes of meetings held on Nov> 25 th, Dec 4th,. Oec 16th read and
Frank Cowles eementery commisioner discused with the board cementery
matters and reported that the ceiling in Vault had ben painted and.
comminsor had ordeded..
Privilege' of the floor was extended to Mr . geward Thomson, who -
discused withe the board the drainage of the Thomson track by !
hooking on to city surface drain the matter was refered to the
Highway Committee and the- 'Town Sup�rten&ent;. of Highways..
The following communication was read by the clerk
To the Members of the Town Board;
Last month you cut me short 030.00 on my bill as I was looking it up
I see you did not pay for making out water bill now there is lots of
work making out and I think that I should get paid for doing it $1o.00
allso the money I paid. Garner Tripp for reading the water meters X20..00
ever since Fred Hovey dog bit me I cant walk like I use to,.an,1 I did
not get anything from that as you members did not have me Insured now
I think the 330.00 should be charge to the expenee aee,instead of the
Salary.that is what I have told,novr dont want want any trouble,but if
you dont pay it I will see that can dbzLb about..
Thank You
Howard Wallace Supt
Privilege of the floor was extended' to Mr Wallace who discussed'
with the board a claim for services he had Bubmitted
Mr Wallace reported 18 new customers In the d7_stric,ts
Intrvdueed by Justice Sleight seconded
by Justice Bentley.
day of December , 1950 , by the
Towne Board' of the,: Town of Queensbury ,, Warren County, New York
as follows;
Section 1: That,. purrsv_at to the Local Finance Law of the State
of New York , the said` Town of Queensbury in anticipation of
the - coll6htion• of a• specific revenue otherthan real estate or assessments
to wit: payment of compensation to the Town of Queensbury from the
County of Warren for snow rem oval and sanding of county roads in the
Town of Queensbury to become due- and payable-during the fiscal year.
commencing January 1,. 1951,, shall issue and sell a, revenue anticipation
note in the amount of. $ 1594..50 to mature on Feb'y 1 ,1951,
Section 2. That the amount of the uncollected specific revenue
aforesaid,. to wit: the, snow removal and sanding moneyfrom• the County
of Warren,, against which the said note is authorized to be-. issue, is
as of the date- hereof the sum $3189,00 and that there are no other,
outstanding revenue anticipation notesissued in anticipation of the re-
ceipt of such revenue,
Section 3, That except as here-in specifi'eally prescribed,. said
note shall be of the date term$ ,. form contents and place of payment
and' nt a rate of interest not exceeding two and one-half per annum,.
as may be determined by the Supervisor,; consistant, however,. with the
provisions of the Local Finance Law of the State of Ne-i- York, and
shall be executed in the name of thrj Town of Queensbury b:� its
Supervisor and the seal of the Town shall be attached thereto.
Section-4. That sa :d-note be sold at private sale by the Su er.vi
sor• at -a price- of not Less than par, value and accrued interest, if ran„T,
and ii non d )h? execution and sale of said rote, the sar F shall bH del -
iv°red to the purchaser upon the, paymert bIT '_2'm to the Supervison of the
purchase price in c;,1_ash,, and the recA-lpt of ' sa:!:d Sv",)ervi'scr sl, l-r I,- a
f,,ll acquItt'?nce to sv.ch purchaser tiirho shall 'aot be oblifed to see to
the ,_npl�_ct of the purchase money..
S c `-on 5. T 12,e f'?,ll faith and credit of the moan of
`Narren Co,int�rI T'aac= V. r.,Cy �!',eg j l ed-ed to the punct?)al , ay,n e-ot. of pp�_n-
cipal of and i �_terest on s aid nct. 1 _
Scct'.on 6.. T °_s - e`oliitlon `.'rl`Z~_ t ._-n f f'r'et irlb,-d i atel Zr.
D-ely p.do t ed vote
Ps- Tlr :..lk ip , Mr Bentl ”:r, T'.ir Sl P!_v jt ,. and Mr Harris
i,,oes- none
".1nv®d its adoption, sec on(led '"`,' T,j, , Co
334 .
-,-i B(7 -c author--zed '-Ih- issuance
J 13) the To- 0A 7•and sales of a 71e�v-n-Le of 'I
1 77-
1-o nre7r�i'rj -ioval c-l' the To1=,n of
-e fi�n,(]-s �or snow e r,
fo-r, thoc, of the fA.-soal -.qr -f 1950.
ar rl e .9 aut 1)c) r'
RESOLVED t h,, t SvI-,f,,i-
J-1-rected to invest lf--94. 7-7
s In
fund 7. r7 +'Jn 1"ITT -nJ� ha,
9 1 Al ticl-patlon not.e.
Th-c rr
Bentley Ay e
Mr.. Sleight Aye
i r-t' L y,son t
The board audited claims as follows :
Amt Amt
No„ "?.me of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
ff-9ff-- Bay-Ridge Vol.Ffje0C6-(*Aiattng grass & Oars 75.00 `)5.00
of Jenkint Cembt. �
1 17-.7C,
396 Cars-iel-',. Tri7ck' & 15-�C- -
.; CO
797 T 0 e 0 3e rV Services renlered 3.30 3.30
398 Pine View Cemete Care of Su--, yside Cem. 55.00 55.00
(F;Cowles Treas)
399 Pin View 6emet. Install fence-S-Lnny- 145.95 75.60
(F•Cowles ,Treas, ) side Cemetry
400 J.E.Sawyer & Co. Suppli-s-Pir-;View Cem. 8.84 8.84
401 C. c", Son.13ood,c t na!,Is P.V. §.Op 9.02
1102 Geo.1N.Allcn,Jr. U-S t e-a-1. -fej�oe --csts P.V. 11. 50 il.50
A.r,,-z I-I I'-�"7 Ins cj'! r
1 2. bord-17.Bc-ntlel, 8.0 0
C' -D 00
o En c P T.-i m a r y D 12.00 1P.00
405 Vim.L.Powers Services as Dog 13n'rden 8.82 8.82
A-06 Howard Wallace Posta-e, servicest- 119.1130 119.30
407 E.J.Johnson Caretaker Dump 43.70 43.70
408 Carson-Duffy Agcy. Bond-H.J.Sleight 4.00 4.00
403 Leonard E.Hammond Rental of machinery 606.25 606.25
410 Chhs.E.Houghtaling Supplies (H.J.Sleight) 9.19 9.19
411 Howard Wallace I'lakinr out water bills & 30.00 (Disallowed)
paid G.Tripp for read-
ing meters .
412 Theodore Turner Rental for T.C.Office 75.00 75,00
413 So.Queensbury Vol. Cleaning cemeteries 200.00 200.00-
` Fire Co.
On motion meeting adjourned.
Ira e I
Town Clerk