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1951-01-01 ORG .336 Organization meeting January lst,1951 Present: H.Russell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of, Peace Meredith S.Bentley Justice of Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Absent:Raymond Walkup Councilman The Board convened at 4 Resolution No 1. Introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice S1 e 0 ff rr. It was resolved that regular meetings of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury shall be held on the 4th Saturday of each month hereafter at 7:30 P.M. at therClerk' s Office. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr Bentley, IJIr Lampson, Mr Sleight and Mr Harris. Mr Walkup Absent, Noes : None Rseolution No =2, Introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by secon e y ustice Bentley: i It was 9rsolved that the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Co. be and is,-hepeby designated depository for the town moneys for the year 1951. Duly adopted by the folling vote: y a Ayes : Mr Bentley, Mr Lampson, Mr Sleight, and -Mr Harris. Mr Walkup- absent. Noes : None. Resolution No 3, Introduced by Justice ' Bei�tley : sedohded by Councilman amp on. It was resolved that the Glens Falls Times be and is hereby designated as the Official newspaper for the publishing of legal notices of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Aye : Mr BF�ntley, Mr ta.mpson, Mr Sleight and Mr .Harris. IJ,r Walkup-absent Noes: None , $tsojutinn " Introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice -, Bentley: 3 It was resolved that Ernest Hillis be and is hereby appointed ehhirman of the .Board of Assessors for the year 1951. t Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Ivlr Bentley, Mr Lampson, Mr Sleight and Mr lLarris. j Iulr Vlalkup-absent. r1 Noes : None { d 337 "esalution_ Nos_ Introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Lamy son: It was resolved that this board hereby fixes salaries of the Town Officers and employees for the year beginning Januart 1, 1951 and ending Decer-iber 31,1951, at the amounts respectively stated and that said salaries be payable monthly. Annul Monthly H,Russell Harris Supervisor 2400:00 200.00 Henry Sleight Justice of Peace 1800.00 150.00 Meredith Bentley Justice of Peace 1800.00 150.00 Curtis Lampson Councilman 750.00 62.50 Raymond Walkup Councilman 750.00 62.50 �- Frances L.Turner Town Clerk 2400.00 200.00 Arthur Hillis Collector 2200.00 183.33-11 months 183.37- 1 month Ernest Hillis Chr.Assessor 1900.00 158.33-11 months 158.37- 1 month Fred Ricketts Assessor 1700.00 141.66-11 months ' 141.74- 1 month Marren Varney Assessor 1700.00 141.66-11 months' 141.74- 1 month Ernest Lackey TwniSupt.Hwys. 3200.00 -266.66-11 months P66.74- 1 month Anna McCaghey Service Officer 200.00 16.66-11 months 16.74- 1 month Willidm Powers Dog Warden 500.00 41.66-11 Months 41.74- 1 month )ernard Codner Constable 200.00 16.66-11 months 16:.74- 1 month Ralph Hill Constable 200.00 16.66-11 mont 16.74- 1 month; Health Officer 1400.00 116.66-11 monthii 116.74- 1 month Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr Bentley, Mr Lampson, Mr Sleight, and Mr Harris. Mr Walkup -absent. Noes : None Resolution No 6, .Introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice entley: Resolved that William Powers be and is hereby appointed Dog Warden to serve at the pleasure of the board. Duly adopted by .the following vote: Ayes : Mr Bentley, Mr Lampson, Mr Sleight and Mr Harris. Cdr Walkup absent. Noes : None Resolution Nn ? Introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice Bentley: It was resolved that Bernard Codner and Ralph Hill be and are hereby appointed Constable to serve at the pleasure of the board. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr Mentley, 111r Lampson, Mr Sleight and Mr Harris. Mr Walkup- absent. Noes; None 3381 Resolution No 8, Introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice Sleight: Resolved that Anna McCaghcy be and is hereby appointed Service Officer to serve at the pleasure of the Board. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes: ITr Bentley, ]Ar Lampson, Mr Sleight and 11,r 1 arris. Mr Vialkup-absent. Noes: None. Town• Superintendent was present and orally recommended that the salaries of Machine Operators be set' at $1.05 per hour, Mechanics at $1.15 per hour* and Laborers at $.95 per hour. Resolution Na- 5c)--Introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice Bentley: It was resolved that the following hourly rates of pay be and are hereby fixed for highway employees : Machine Operators $ 1.05 per hour Mechanics $ 1.15 per hour Laborers $ .95 per hour Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr Bentley, Mr Lampson, lir Sleight and Kr Harris. Mr Wallazp-absent. Noes : None. The supervisor named the following committees : Building Mr Sleight, Yr Lampson and 1�r Bentley Highway Mr Walkup , Ur Bentley and Mr Sleight Water District Mr Lampson, Mr Walk-Lip and Mr Sleight Insurance ?air Lampson, Yx Walkup and Mr Sleight Drainage Mr Sleight, Per Bentley and Mr Walkup Dump Mr Sleight, IJlr Bentley and Hr Walkup Cemeteries 1�r Bentley, Mr Sleight and Ibir Walkup Elections Mr Lampson, Mr Walkup and Mr Sleight Fire Mr Sleight, Mr Lampson and Mr Harris On motion meeting adjourned. �'ranc��L, urn r Town Clerk I I I i { I I