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339 Regular meeting January 289, 1951 Present:, H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Yeaee Ueredith S. Bentley Justice of the Pearce Curtis Lamson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M. Minutes of .December 23rd, December 28th, 1950 and Januar it 1951$ were -read 'and approved. Hr. Sidney Van Dusen was present and generally discussed cemetery ivatters and submitted the following; report which was read to the board by thse clerk..` :.. Statement of Receipts and Disbursements June 18, 1948 to January i8, 1951 Total Receipts: Sale lots $8$446.00 Openings 2,978.00 foundations 924.94 Vault Rent 245.00 Removal of free 10.00 Use of Tent 35.00 Saie of Old Truck 25„00 Trust'Funds 400000 t't7 Disbursements*.- Paid Supervisor H. Russell He,rrit ,7" Sale Lots and; all other income except specific Trust Funds *10$552.41 Balance of Cash orb Hand Credited to Perpetual Cftre Yund 29511.53 Respectfully submitted (signed) 1'.L. Cowles# Jr. F.L.:Oowles, Jr., 'Treasurer The clerk also read the ko lowing communication: Gexetery Commission rov* of Queensbury Glen* Falls, H.Y. January 18, 1951 Mr. H. Russell .Harr is, Supervi w,r Town of Queen e'er Dear Sir: t, to a 1*edlet-*ibn duly adopted by your Bard of Cemetery Corr�rs,is i of the a `Qt ees�sb ,:�3.; tX,-Xe& Aar meeting on the --' 17th day a rr 1t 1► I wish to make the folloA ng recomendatlorA to tho#,own ossqd of the Town of Veensbury: �1'ttat t2e e, e► ► cf, t Supt. of Pine View cemetery (Franklin Scov "e) be Inc es,1 a f `m. Ctstii:.stnr all�r `tom .*2640 annually. .) That tbw hourly rate of pay for cemetery era�loyees be in areas4t� . q $ 95 + jiour. 340 We further request that the above increases in pay be made effect- ive on the payroll covering the period of Jan. 15 thru .Jan, Slr 19516 It is the feeling of whir Board that the increased duties anA responsibilities vdh .ch wi ii fall upon the Supt. of Pine View ,Cemetery with the taking over of care of all abandoned cemeteries in tide tulwa fully jastifies the $200 annual increase for which we are waking recom- mendation, Very truly yours$ (signed) Sidney Van juusen Secretary Resolution No. la intio duceu by Jus rice Sleight, seconded by 0ounci nah a p: WriZKLAS there iias been created a vacancy in the aftice of Veme- tery Commissioner in the Town or quee;nsbury by the heath o Jnbpph xECD321� that Xrs• Joseph Regan, ,Sr. , be and is hereby appointed a cemetery commissioner to finish the unexpired term of Joseph Regan# Sr. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr, .Bentley, Mr. Lar:pson, Mr. Sleight and Mr.garris Noes - none Resolution No 11 introduced by Councilman Walkup seconded by Justice en eys RESOLVED that the salary of the Superintendent of the Fine Vier Cemetery be increased from $2400 to $2600 annually and the salary: of other cemetery employees be increase.' from 85jt to 95jt per hour, It is further resolved that the salaries as fixed above shall 1 become effective February 1, 1951, J Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lan p® n, Mn Sleight and 1 r.HarA a Noes - none The dlerk read the follovi ng letter to the boards ZMMT I .H. XXMt M-PS Glens T'als, IT.Y. January 27-1951 To the Town Board of Queensbury Ridge Road. Gent 9e no n: I am submitting herewith the final coats of the installation `of an 8" ci water main in Glenwood Avenue northerly from the Lake George State Road a distance of about 1221 ft, This submission has been delayed to this date for that reason that- certain dharges against the job a uld not be obtained until this late `d�t�t ' The installation was made within the period from Nov, 27th to ?December 18, 1050 with the exception of tics repairs necessary to be made F to the highway whiidh undoubtedly will be done next spring. The total covets appear to me to be fair, as is reflected by the linear foot cost of 0,54 of which 0.294X represented labor outlay, 0.476X represented outlay for machinery hire, 0, 41je for highway restor- ation and $2.16 for materials and supplies, Respectfully submitted by (signed) Ernest L.H. Meyer, Engineer in ebarge 341 Hr. John Chapman discussed with the board the repair of the Burnett Road and requested that blacktop be laid on the road. The matter was re- ferred to the highway committee. The ci'lerk read a communication dated December 30304: 1950 from the Associa- tion' of Towns o_ f the State of New York- which advised. the Town that the annual meeting of tle Association of To*naa was to be held at the Hotel Statler, Buffalo, N.Y. "beginning 10 A.M. Tuesday, Feb. 6th and ending at noon` Qn Thursday, Feb. 8th, 19510 " a y ion No. 12 introduced• by Tustice Sleight, seconded by Justice : ' vM that the following town officers be and are hereby author. iced t��zenn 'the New York Association of Tows meeting to be held in f Buffalo Feb. 6th, 7th and 8th, °1951: Super'vis'ing Town Clerk, Town Ptip- erin'tezident of Righways, Tusticew of the Peace, Town Commissioners'I Asseasirsm Tax Collectors, Service officer and constables. -It .is further resolved that the actual and necessary expenses in- curred.16i any Town officer -in attending such meeting shall be a Town charge. Duly 'adopted by the folloit ng voter Ayes - Mr. walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris. Noes - none ,R�,j�s lujion No, •13 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman lamps oft: M It is resolved that H, Russell Harris be and is hereby designated to attend the Association of Towns meeting to be held in Buffalo Feb. 697989 1951, and cast the vote of the Town. of` queene°bury pursuant to Section 6 of Article 1.11 of the Constitution and bylawe of said Asso- ciation and in his absence Curtis 1,av"sera is hereby designated to cast the vote of said torn. k Duly hdopted by the foliovi ng vo te1 Ayes = 'Mr. ftlkup, Xr. Bentley, Mr. Lin pe no Mr. SleiSit and Mr.Harris Noes `- men* The monthly .statements of the Superviaa;r for the month of November,1950, December 26th, 1950 and the December statement dated JarMary 27, 1951 were read to the board and placed on file. -Schedule of Audits for the Tom of queentsbury, Warren County, N.Y. Amt, Amt. No. Name of'Claimant -Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed" .. 1 Ernest Hillis Mileage travel-assessor 99.04 9 .0 2 Niagara-Mohawk Fowe*r Street lighting 64.89 64.89 3 Edw.Vhosts©u & Co, MoK nneys NY Pockets pts. 14,00 14.00 4 3dw..fhmpsea. de Co„ ' McKinney' s NY Laws NBK-2 cop. 15.00 15.00 5 Chas.3.Hough talg' , 2 pds,warrants on Superv. 1.52 1.52 6 G.F.Post Co. pO6N'ot,19ca=.7ieca1 affairs 2,24 2.24 7 G.F.Post Co, Window env. ptd. (2500) 34.65 34.65 8 Frances L.Turner Postage stamps 3,00 3.00 9 T.3.3awyer & Co. Supplies 11'.14 13.14 10 RusseLL & .Va L V SUPPl ea(Tom Clerk) 190 190 11 G.F.Post Co. Pub.Tax tit oe an*- 3�'" 12.32 12.32 12 Fo +a ,.marker pct.. 44,00 44,OU �--' 13. 3 e 7r' 1 r' + cei Wit. 27650 27.50 14 Weldivg ,Go. s1 !G] Ct. 68,75 b8.50 15 wag RUMP-NGyn Wit. ' 8,85 8185 16 Ernest L, H.meyer Prof.sery Q'e c 2'96.69 Disallowed l? «.;J( ' Coo linestof*aT , 54,65 04.65 "1 l' e Retire- ' .1 nuaX ",nual. (304U. tOn 2549,0� 2549 .Oa,> ♦N :x contribution y 2.50 2,50 19 aaej, wait aupp.ti es 20 � ris Post card,swyei',set-ul�, 8100 8,Ut) .. .� x T :� <.: ,iesa ing 5eelye:d¢.;Harr�ia t <° 62,50 .62150 -; 34 „Amt. Amt NO Name of Claim&Mt Nati r a of Claim Clad. coed .Allowed 22 Carswell T & T CD, , Gasoline-PV Cem. 20.54 _ 20.54 23 Franklin Scoville Mileage Tray.serv,as Supt P.V. 52,64 52.64 24 Glen Supply Co. Bal.due•Nov,15,20,1950 Acet*PV 5.99 5499. 25 J.B.Nawyer & Co. Vhito paint & thinner-PV 1.52 1.52 26 Holmes.Auto derv. Overhaul B & B motor-rings eto.PV 20.58 20.58. .. 27 Sears,Roebuek Co. Supplies-PV Cem, 8.86- 8.86 28 C.G.Noodbury & Son Bower pipe & Putty-NGFWD pct, 3.75 3075 29 dim Balgers Rsso Sery. Gasolene-NGFWD 3kt. 6.94 A. 30 City Glens Falls W.7d. ,Miso.j labor,materials, NGFSlP3? 37 376,..22 376.22 31 R.D.Wood .Co. Bends, fittings, eta.. NGFWD Nxt, 85.38 85.38 32 R.D.Tood 'Go. Pipe,j oints,tee head bolts & nuts-NGPIM Jkt. 1500.06 1500.06 33 City Glue:. 'Palle W.Fd. Rev.Tap & Conn.NGM ext 240,00 20:00 34 City Glens Fall W.Fd. Ser ,leak,joint le",Glen- wood Ave.Sweet Rd.locate 42.37 42.37 & rep.NGFWD Ext. -33 Carswell T 8c T Co, Gas•plug,kerosene- NGFWD Jct,, 9.37 9.37 36 Albert F.Beswic Legal sere. in conn.with oon- demnation proc.Court order (5978 ) 54.50 .54.50 37 Frank Tyminsky Court order by H.A.Glass-185.60 - 185,00 Locadia Tyminsk brook for Town of Queenebuxy to pay in co ndem.proceed. 38 Frank Tyminsky Lo- Court order by H.A.Glass- 79.25 79.25 cadia Tyminsky is wife brook for Town of queens- and Howard L.Mo tgomery,bury to pay Frank Tyminsky their atty. & Locadia Tyminsky.• .his wife, and Howard L. Montgomery,atty, 39 Chas.B.Leggett Comm. of appraisal on` condem. proceedings 119,42 119.42 40 Walter E.Penfie d Commissioners on w ndem. proc eed ings 110.46 110.46 41 &. Ira Chase Commissioners of Appraisa&l on oo ndem.prooeed ngs 10 -, 50 10.1t.50 on motion meeting a4J ournerd aaa se riser Town Clark secular Nesting February 249 1951"' Resent: ers+sr ey Sl gh Justice 'of the Aaeoe 4 ' Meredith Ben l.y atistico of the ice Curtis' s xt Covno laasn Aeymono Wa D - Couac 12aan The board cortrehed t 7:30 P.N.. Mimites of mietiag old January 58th were read and approved. The -fallow U2 pscpl were present in refer*nee to the of they in thel ale a area of the Town ofqu eensbury:: lit. s streets Rarity Dosbroe�ci, Do tby 4!Domell 1CeArieth Woods. Bernard tio�rnbe : Surd Tbonpson, Jo 3ierlingr, WilJieat Lewis, -Andrea Rcarpeliino Wallace 600tti, Paul page, Major -Day, Earl $reiser, The board 8eaerally discussed the condition of the .roads .in witch area and xr. .Lsikey, who was also present, eaten -into the discussion. Yr. Lackey Wood to put a sub-base on the street& of such area preparatory to black top this year* Srriast Millar, pros dent Of °the QusensbQrY ,COntral V!olunt0W Fire.Q Inc*, 6blef der'f Dr. Wiswall snd Leslie R11113 titre present at A. discussed tbq vat of the fee established for license& to hold i-