1951-03-17 SP 346
66 City Glens Falls W.Fd, Rater rent-WGFRD 415.19 415«1
67 NYS Betire.Syst.8sip1, Tnt.on 1elinquoAt .pay. : .
68 Carl J. Breiser Pro Monts 3497 3.97
m,policy #SP21248 •129.60- 129..60
69 Carl J. $rsiser Prom.policy XFC5033 2426 Q9 2496.09
70 Carl J. .Breigor .
Prom.policy #SF21285 7
Totals 4 '#47590
On motion meeting adjourned.
Town Clark
1 rk
Special Meeting March ; Q, 1951
$; Russell Harris Supervisor
Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace_
- Curtis Lampson Councilman
• Raymond Walkup Councilman
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
The board convened at 7:30 P.M..
The clerk read ,, petion signed by residents of the Town of Queensbury
Petitioning the Town Board to improve the 11avilandRo$d by widening and
the construction of a hardtop surface on such road.
The clerk read the following commmication:
The following resolution was offered by Charles Beers who moved its
adoption,n, seconded by Arthur Hillis, to wit. ,
Whereas the school bus route of this school District includes 'the Havi-
land Road in the Town of Queensbury, and --
Whoreas this highway is in very rough, muddy and dangerous condition,
Whereas said Haviland road is a County Highway and on the Warren County
Highway map,
Therefore be it resolved: That this Board of Education petition the
Warren County Board of Supervisors to take necessary action to repair
said highway and construct a hard-top surface on same, making it safe
for School bus and Public travel.
Further resolved that copses of this resolution be forwarded' to the
Warren County- Board of Supervisors and to the Warren Couxty'Department of
Board of Education the
x Queensbury Union Free School NO 4" 2
(signed) Charles C. Beers
• Clerk
The clerk read the following petition:
January 18, 1951
Mrs, Frances Turner, clerk _
Town of Queensbury; New York.
Ties -the undersigned taxpayers, feel`that *e' are entitled to a better road
on Goolidge Avenue, west of Ashley Place Approximately 750 ft, and respect-
fully request that the Town of,Queensbury hard-t6p ' this stretch.
(Signed) William Yeo Janet A. Clark `
Ernestine A. Yeo Qtly A. 'Ham, Jr.
Clarice J. Warner • C.J. Kreiser
Attalla P. Duffy
The Town bQArd generally discussed with- the Town Superintendent of
Highways the proposed expenditure of highway moneys during this year.
After discussio&r the Town Board and Town Superintendent entered into
an agreement whereby it was agreed that the following highways be im-
proved for the distance and the expenditure hereinafter set forth:
On Mountain View pave road commencing at the and of the present black
top and leading to the Under the Mountain Road a distance of 4/10 of a•
mile, there shall be expended not over $1,400 for tar ,and stone surface.
On the forth Road commencing at Amherst Road and leading to and across
Garrison Road northerly to dead end, a distance of 3/10 of a mile, there
shall be expended not over $1,050 for a tar and stone surface.
On the Martindale Road commencing at the Farm to Market Road and lead-
ing to the "T" Hill road for a distance of 2/10 of a mile, there shall
be expended not over $700 for a tar and stone surface.
On the Assembly Point Road commencing at a point north of the canal and
running northerly for a distance of 7/10 of a mile there shall be ex
pended not over $2450 for a tar and stone surface.
On Sherman Ave. , commencing at the end of the present black top and lead-
ing to the Under the Mountain Road, a• distance of 6/10 of a mile, there
shall be expended not over $2100 for a tar and stone surface.
On the Hedges Road commencing at the foot of Lockhart Mountain and lead-
by Hedges and Burnett 4 Route 91 a distance of 25/100 of a mile,
there shall be expended not over $875 for a tar and stone surface.
On the Glen Lake Casino Road, commencing at the Glen Lake Road and lead-
ing southerly for a distance 4/10 of a mile, there shall be expended not
over $1400 for a tar and stone surface
On Coolidge extension, beginning at the end of- the present black top and
leading westerly for a distance of 750 feet, there shall be expended not
over $525 for a tar and stone surface,
-- It is.further agreed that for 10'8*' 55 miles bft3tewn'�•.hi'$hiFa
be expended the sum of $%9,125 for general repair andthat�thehsum o shall
$9,875 shall be placed in the reserve fund..
On motion the meeting adjourned.
' - Town Clerk-
Regular Meeting March 24, 1951
H. Russell Harris:. Supervisor
Henry J. 'Sleigght Justice of the Peace
' Meredith'Hentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
The board convenad at 7:30 P.-M. "
MinUtbs of meetiAgw held February-24 and March 7 were read and approved.
Carl Kreiser was present and discussed with the board the proposed drainage
RichardlDavis requested that a traffic stop and go light be installed at
Lafayette Ave. at G1en 'St. to control traffic at times of a fire alarm.
Scott Hopkins was present and-orally put in an application to hold a
carnival. A disettission was had over the application due to the fact that
it was held so close to the time that a permit was given to the Queensbury
Central Volunteer Fire Co. to hold a carnival.
Walter baker was present and discussed drainage on Park Ave. The matter
was referred to the drainage committee.