1951-03-24 347 The Town beard generally discussed with- the Town Superintendent of Highways the proposed expenditure of highway moneys during this year. After discussiour the Town Board and Town Superintendent entered into an agreement t t e whereby distance and agreed that the following highways be im- proved xpeuditure hereinafter set forth: On Mountain View pave road commencing at the end of the present black top and leading to the Under the Mountain Road a distance of 4/10 of s- mile, there shall be expended not over 11,400 for tar .and stone surface. On the North Road commencing at Amherst Road and leading to and across Garrison Road northerly to dead end, a distance of 3/10 of a mile, there shall be Wended not over $1,050 for a tar and stone surface. On the Martindale Road commencing at the Farm to Market Road and lead- ing to the "T" Hill road for a distance of 2/10 of a mile, there shall be expended not over $700•` for a tar and stone surface. On the Assembly Point Road commencing at a point north of the canal and running northerly for a distance of 7/10 of a mile there shall be ex -. pended not over $2450 for a tar and stone surface. On Sherman Ave. , commencing at the end of the present black top and lead- ing to the Under the Mountain Road, a• distance of 6/10 of a mile, there shall be expended not over $2100 for a tar and stone surface. On the Hedges Road commencing at the foot of Lockhart Mountain and lead- ing by Hedges and Burnett *D Route 91 a distance of 25/100 of a mile, there shall be expended not over $875 for a tar and stone surface. On the Glen Lake Casino Road, commenting at the Glen Lake Road and lead- ing southerly for a distance 4/10 of a mile, there shall be expended not over $1400 for a tar and stone surface On Coolidge extension, beginning at the end of- the present black top and leading westerly for a distance of 750 feet, there shall be expended not over $525 for a tar and stone-surface. It is,further agreed that for 108.55 miles or-'tewn�•.highbaye4.pthdrd shall be expended the sum of $49,125 for general repair and that the sum of $9,875 shall be placed in the reserve fund.. On motion the meeting adjourned. Town Clerk Regular Meeting March 24, 1951 Preset: ° H. Russell Harris: Supervisor Henry J. 'Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith'Bentley ` Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M. ' ' Minutes of meetings-- held February-24 and March 7 were read and approved. Carl Kreiser was`present and discussed with the board the proposed drainage district. ° RichatdiDavis requested that a traffic stop and go light be installed at Lafayette Ave. at Glen St. to control traffic at times of a fire alarm. Scott Hopkins was present and° orally put in an application to hold a carMtjl. A discussion was had over the application due to the fact that it was held so close to the time that a permit was given to the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. to hold a carnival. Walter beer was present and discussed drainage on Park Ave. The matter was referred to the drainage committee. 34 Roland Mandigo and Robert Nelson were present and asked about restrict- ions on junk yards. Frank Cowles who was rent scussed with the board roads in Pineview, and expressed the opinion that something of a permanent nature should be. made. Sidney VanDusen was p esent and presented the board with a deed for the .proposed new road. elution No. 16 introduced by Justice�Bentley, seconded by Councilman Lamp -A RESOLVED that the town hereby accepts as a Town Highway all that certain piece of land described in a deed from Sidney VanDusen and Leavitt &Hall, Inc. to the Town of Queensbury, dated March 24th,1951. It is further resolved thot such street or highway be and the same is hereby designated as Hillcrest Avenue. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, . Bentley, 'Xr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and hrr.Harris. Noes - none' The monthly report of the Supervisor of the moneys received and disbursed' for the month of February was road to the board. The board audited claims as follows:. Amt. Amt. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 71 Williamson Law Ik Co. ro record bk. 6 r' 6 72 Niagara-Mohawk treet lighting 64.89 64.89 Ilf 73 Russell &.Wait 6upplies-Ml.60. FLT.1.95 3.55 13.§5 :. 74 Russell.& Wait Supplies-Ernest Hillis 3.65 3.65 75 J.E.Sawyer & Co. pplies-NGMt 6.13 6913 76 G.F.Machine Wks. ring & threading cast nng NGFWD� 6.15 6.15 77 Howard Wallace Servo," Supt & pctg NGPWD ' 65.4 65*.4E 78 Louis Corlew Labor wkd-NOM 40.00 40000 79 Warren T.Varney Xlg.to ehun's home 20.16 20,16:: , 80 Karl Suprenant Recondition tywrtr &, stapler 28:75 28.75 I 81 Chas.E.Houghtal ng Grim.& Civil Docket HJS 25.37 25.37 82 Edw.Thompson Co. McKinney's Laws' (36) MSB 4.00 4000 83 Fred E.Ricketta ul&.to churn's home 11.52 11.52. 84 Barber & Howe Frem.constable bond R•F.Hill %00 3.00 85 Barber & Howe Prem.on bond Gen.& Hwy Fds, 46.00 46.00 , 86 Paul E. Killion,Inc, 1-300 P.Fi6ld bllk H•R•H. 12.33 12.33 67 National Weldi Co. Melding hydrant i Midge Rd. W.D. 26.00 26400 88 Sidney VanDusen rrt.chgs.power mower j Pineview 3.90 3.90 �t 89 Carswell Truck a Trac.Co.lepair parts etc.PV 16.48 16.48 99 Hoags' Tire .Se .Inc, Repair tire-1-32x6- Inv.27104 PV 2.50' 2650 91 100as Auto Se , Overhaul Gen. brushes bearing PV 61.80 6.80 349 92 J•A.Orr Co.. Supplies for PV 219.45 219.45 93 Glen Supply Co.Inc. Ace.rendered-ref.6147- 86302-PN 8.35 2.35 94 Carl J. Kreiser Prem on #26532 26533,Qen. Town Fd. *(j279.67) aQ6.06 Q6400 Totals 1 929.62 f929.62 ... Orem.on #26534-Fire & ECICen.garage & con- tents-PY.26.39 On motion meeting adjourned. Town Clerk Special meeting April 6, 1951 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace t;urtls Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman` The board convened at 7:30 P.M.. R, H. Bainbridge, Leslie Coulter and Carl Kretser were present. Mro Kreiser presented a proposed petition for the establishment of a drainage district In the Broadacres section. The board generally discussed the natter with his and the matter was referred to the drainage committee.. A letter was read by the Supervisor in relation•to the condition of the store-house yard. The matter was referred to the highway committee. Ernest Lackey, Town Superintendent ,requested permission to sell - the old crusher. Resolutiggjlo. 17 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice Sleight: : RESOLVED that the Town Board approve the bond of H. Russell Harris. with the glens Falls Indemnity Co. as surety in the amount of 110,000 for highway motleys as to form, amount, sufficiency of surety and manner of execution and the continuation of:the constable bond of Ralph Hill. Duly adopted -by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none Mr. Lee Richardson, c#tef of the West Glens Falls Fire Co. No. 1, Inc. , was present and requested a permit to hold a carnival for the benefit of '~- the West Glens Falls Fire Co. No. 1, Inc. i _A esoluttlon-log 18 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by CouAgIlman Walkup: RESOLVED that permission is hereby granted to hold a carnival as follows: Sponsor - West Glens Falls Fire Co. No. 1, Inc. Name of carnival - LaCrosse Amusemerjts Enterprises. Dates to be held - July 23 to July 28th inclusive. Place - West Glens Falls. 1 i