1951-04-28 350
!, It is further resolved that a license fee of $100 is hereby fixed
for the -holding of such carnival and it is further resolved that the Town
Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue a license for the
i holding of such carnival at such time and place upon the payment of the
said license fee of $1.00.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Sleight andMr. Harris
Noes - none +
R•E-Barber complained about the condition of upper Sherman Ave. , the
road needs re-surfacing, repairing and cleaning. The Superintendent —'
of Highways stated that he would clean the highway..
Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
. 4VMS�t�. Turner
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting April 28, 1951
H. Russell Harris Supervisor.
Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace III Meredith Bentley Justice ustice of the Peace
Curtis Lampoon Councilman
Raymond Walkup, absent Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P.M.
Dr. Clarke, Health Officer, was present and discussed health matters.
Mr. Kreiser was present and discussed insurance matters.
Eugene Johnson, caretaker of the Town Dump was present and requested an
increase in compensation. Matter referred to the Highway Committee,
Resolution No. 19 introduced by Justice Sleight seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that the bond of Curtis Lampoon as collector for the
West Glens Falls Water District with the United States Casualty Co. as
surety in the amount of $1,000 is hereby approved as to form, amount
surety and manner of execution and that the Board sign a bond to that
Duly adopted by the following vote;
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. $leight and Mr. Harris.
Noes - None
The West Glens Falls Fire Company submitted a list of active firemen
to .the board.
Resolution No. 20 introduceddby ,Justice ,Bentley, seconded by Councilman
It is resolved that the Town Board hereby approves and confirms
the following as active members of the West Glens Falls Fire Co. No. 1,
Harold Akins Legter •Baird Kenneth Burnham
Sterling Akins Harold Brothers St, Royal Chadwick
Bernard Baker Harold Brothers Jr. Arthur Clark
Joseph Bodner Paul Bruce Alonzo Clark
Charles Chase Francis Johnson Gordon Saville
Jack Craniiell Kenneth Joslyn Paul Saville
Richard Carpenter ` Robert Jennings George Shoemaker
Paul Campagnone Lawrence Kelly Lewis Shepard
James Duell Robert Lattimore Carl Smith
Chauncey Didio Clarence LaPoint Ralph Turner
Kenneth Denton Lynn LeBru.m P11ney Tucker Jr.
Harold Eggleston Paul Linehan Charles Trombley
George Finch Fred Mabb Anthony Tomosvic
Robert Finch Fred Monroe Joseph Vaughn
Fred Fisher Harold Monroe Fred Winslow
Charles Fisher Donald Nassivera Charles Young
Leon Fra sier -Henry Norton Winfred Granger
Byruft Gifford Benjamin Ovitt
George Gilbert. Garther Palmer
nude Grall6er Leonard Palmer
1,J Kenneth Perry
R� ,yzriond Hoague James Powers
Orville Holland Leon Richardson
Harry BUton Herbert Richardson
Scott Hopkins Percy Rozell '
Fred Hermance James Rozell
Frank Harris William Ramsey
Wayne Herrold Oscar Ross
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes - None '
The Clerk read a statement of- the' Supervisor of the moneys received and
disbursed fo the mainth of March.
The board audited bills' as fol2owst'
Amt. Amt.
i?u, w'ame Of C�t:A Lr�r>..r�t Nature of Claim Clailed Allowed
95 Niagara-Mohawk Power Street lighting 64.89 64.89
96 G.F. Post Co, Tax notices poster . 16.50 16.50
97 J•E.Sawyer & Co.. Galv.pipe plugs-NGFWD% .32 .32
98 Cty.G.F.Water Fd, Miso -Ridge Rd.WD.Hydr. 8.68 8.68
99 Frances L. Turner Postage Stamps 3.00 3.00
100 Frances L. Turner Postage Stampg 3,00 3,00
101 Warren T. Varney Mlg.tray.to chairman's 22.40 22.40
102 Edward Thompson Co. Pocket pts.to McKinnes
NY Laws,HRH 2.00 2.00
103 Edward Thompson Co. " " " " "FLT 2.00 2.00
104 Fred E. Ricketts Miles trv.to chairmans 21.12 21.12
105 William L. Powers Serv. as dog warden 40.88 40,88
106 The Bullard Press 1000 env. No. 10 x.1$;00 18.00
107 The Bullard Press 200 Water bills WGFWD
fund 10,00 20.00
108 The Bullard Press 30 water bills RRWD'. fd 6.50, 6,50
109 Lillian C. Shepard Serv.rend. RRWD Fd. 8.00 8100
110 , Lillian L. Shepard Serv. rend.WGFWD fd. 16.00 16,00
111 Lillian C. Shepard Serv.rend.NGFWD fd. 16.00 16.00
112 Carson H. Smith Rep.leak water main at
Glenwood Ave. 8.80 8.80
113 John Johnston Rep.leak water main at
Glenwood Ave. 18.15 18.15
114 Charles LaCross Rep.leak water main at
Glenwood Ave. 30.13 30.13
$ 316.37 ;316.37
On motion the meetin a4jvurned.
lhtn"Uft {{
Town Clerk