1951-11-08 SP Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Aye Curtis Lampson Councilman Aye Raymond Walkup Councilman Aye t Noes - none Applications were ' reeeived from Kenneth Gage, Raymond Hoag and Virginia Ellsworth as dog enumerator. The statement of the Supervisor of the moneys received and disbursed during the month of September, 1951, was read to the board. The board audited claims as follows : Schedule of Audits for the Town of -- QueGnsbury, Warren County, New York - October, 1951 Amt. Amt. No . Name Hof Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 212 Niagara Moh.P.Co. Street lighting 53:24 53.24' 213 Frances L. Turner Postage stamps 3:00 300 P 214 Russell & Wait Supplies 4.95 4 95 P 215 G.F.Post Co. Pub.Not. TB meeting 4:48 4:48 216 Ethel Stevens Inspector Dist.##4 24:40 24:00 217 Laura Goldman " Dist.##4 24:00 24.00 218 Curtis Lamps6n Stamps,env:1 rub-stamp 10:65 10:65 219 Lillian C4Shelpard Serv.rndrd.RRWD Fd. 8:00 8:00 220 Lillian C;Shopard " " NGFD N 16:00 16:00 221 Lillian C. Shepard " " WGF WD." 16.00 16.00 222 City Glens Falls Misc.repair Hydrant i RRWD Fd. 5:56 . 5:56 223 City Glens Falls " 'repair ma T; NGFWD 16,70 16.70 224 City Glens Falls Tap.Conn.Glenwood Ave. . NGFWD 33:00 33:00 225 The Bullard Dress Water Bills NGFWD Fd« 1 1;25 11:25 226 The Bullard Dress Water Bills-WGFWD Fd: 10:50 10:50 227 The Bullard Press Water Bills-RRWD- Fd: 60' 75 6:75 228 Catherine O'Connor Refd. NGFWD Fd. 12.85 '12:85 229 Au.tomatic 'Voting Mch. Voting mach.supplits 6:51 6:51 230 Frances L. Turner Postage' stamps-T.C: 3:00 3:00 231 G-F.Post Co. Pub.Not.on prelim.bdgt 10:14 10:14 232 Kathryn E. O"Brien Copying twn.bd.meetings 10.50 10.50 233 National Welding Welding grass Ctrs & pwr mower,PV 3:00 3:00 234 National Welding Welding tank brackets,PV 1:00 1,00 235 F-J-Ghadwick Mowing team mch.PV 16:00 16:00 236 Carswell Tr.8� Tr, Gasoline-PV Cem. 9:99 9:99 237 Edward Jenkins Rent barn-strg-PV /Ce 40&' 00 40.O Total 361. 07 $361. On motion, the meeting adjourned. _ Arn`e-sw u L Town Clerk Special Meeting November 8, 1951 Present: H. Russell! Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace —, Meredith 4entley Justice of .the Peace j Raymond Walkup Councilman Absent: Curtis Lar son C-ouncilman The board convened, at 7:30 P.11% Proof of publication of the Notice of Public Hearing on the preliminary budget was filed. 'Proof of posting of such notice vas filed. No one appeared offering ',any objection to the budget or to any item or items therein. The boars! genera11y_-.d4-sc 1!sg0b11 +171% w I 395 a a olutinn No—fil, introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justices rent ey: ` WHEREA+B: the Town Board has met at the time and place specified in Notice of Public Hearing on the Preliminary Budget and no one appeared in oRposition thereto, I " tESOhVED that the item for. General Repairs in Item One of the High*ay Fund 'be increased From $32,000 to $34.,000 and the amount to be raised by tax from $469000 to $48,000.. f` Now, therefore, be it further resolved that such preliminary bud was amended is hereby adopted'as the annual budget of the Town for the �teal year beginning January 1, 1:955 and that- such budget so adopt- " ' ed sha11 be entered in detail in the minutes of proceedings of the Board, d be it further resolved- that the Tow4 Clerk of this Town pre- pare' &nd--eertify in duplicate copies of said annual budget as adopted by this` Board and one copy thereof be delivered _to the Supervisor of the Town to be presented by him to the Board of Spervisors, Duly` adopted by the following vote: Ayes' - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Sleight and )jr, Harris Noes. 'none s_ Anaual Budget for'1952 -- Town of Queensbury County of Warren f General Fund-Appropriations General Government r Town Board Town Sall and Offices Rentals (board room, office, elections, etc.) $ 445;00 06 sation of esmployee 300..00 Piarchase of furniture and equipment t 1360.00,' Repairs, Light, heat- and tblephone 10000 t Town' DumP,►Ctretaker'.s comps. 1000;00 Town Due +�mis-c_.. expenses. 300."00 Eleetiens - Total � 4§445000, Qbinpehsation of election officials (including : mileage) 1340 X0 alompensation of,custodian of voting- machines 110:A0 Voting machines purchase and repair' 5 0 x. Total ` Insurancs: j Compensation- Insurance 70040 At`fieisl bonds and undertakings ?00;00 Fire,-a liability _ 250 . w ` Total 431 i Assn. of Towns-Membership (See.102 Par.10) 3 7,50 Printing and advertising (al departments) Total - 350..00.W Servieew of attorney and expenses of litigation-Total.. 100.00 : Employees' Retirement System (town share) 4000,.00 Supervisor .2400;A0 Office and other expenses 0...., M Total 26" *00 I r AE g 396 Justices o-' the Peat Salaries 3600:00: Office and other expenses, 636:00 Total $ 4236.00 Councilman Salaries: 1500:00 r Office and other expenses 200:00 Total 1700,00 Town Salaries c t 2400:00 Office and other xpenses _ ' 0 `00_ Total 00 t Assessors Salaries 5300:A0. Office and other expenses 40000 Total $ 1 0.00 Receiver of taxes ( ax collector) Salaries 2200:00 Office and other expenses 150'U0 Total f-2350a,00 Total- (Gen.Gov. ) 32,01.8.80 r. Protection of Persons and Property G Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs Compensation 2500;.00 Mileage and other' expenses 500 0 - Total # 00.00 a .V cutup Lo ._ `. Total •`x.00 Rental Lockup k. Traffic Signs, Sign is and Highway Lighting 1500.00 Dog Warden , C,dmpensation - 500* penses _ 100:00 Total . 600.00 Total — .s 0 Education _School Directors 0ompensation 10:00 Expenses .,__ 1O&_ - Total 20:00 To Library Cont act Total ..,.... 0 _. Total. 0.00 _. 4creation _ Parts and Playgroup s Other expenses- rd posts and grading, Total 250,00„ Pttriotic Observant Purchase of fla 50 0 8 Total 300.00 Public Utilities: } mte Total 1500, 00 Ceteries Miscellaneous Pineview Cemetery-1052 Budget Cost of Improvement Grading of Cemetery property 300:00 600.00 Preparation of n burial area, seeding, etc, i 397 . K New Equipment 200 .00 Material for monuments and foundations 50 0 Total Maintenance Personal S @rvice 5800:00 Repairs to existing equipment 250.00 Material for ground maintenance- 100:00 Gas, oil and garage rental 250:00 Compensation insurance- 300.00 Bond for Commissioner and Supt. 50.00 Heat ' _ 50:.00 Mists. expenses 5o:oo Total 6850..00 Revenues - � 8000.00 Sale 'of lots, less perpetual care 2500:00 Fees for opening graves 1000:00 Fees for setting markers and monuments, 100.00 Fees for rental of vault 50.00 Foes for caring for abandoned cemeteries 850000 Total Revenues 400 Est. bal. Dec. 21, 1951 1200 000 700.'A0 Budget appropriation 230. 00 k Construction and Permanent Improvements Nature of Improvement Plans and Engineer Total: � 1000.00 _ t i' Contingent, Purposes 2500.00 < General Fund Receipts Per capita assistance from State 19454:00 Mortgage tax. 5000:00 Dag licenses from Co. Treas. 1104.62 Fees of Town Clerk 1800:00 1 Fees of Justices of the Peace, 1500:00 ` Fees of Assessors 15.85 Fees ' of Tax Collector 110:22 Mine.-Pineview Cemetery 4500:00 Unexpended balance 020 00 Total-Estimated Revenues General Fund 43,,684.69 General Fund-Summary Appropriations General Government 39Q18.50 Protection of Persons and Property 5150.00 Education 120600 , Recreation t 300:.00 Public Utilities 1500:00 Construction and permanent improvements 1000;00 , Miscellaneous 8000:.00- Contingent purposes- 22500:00 Total appropriationsr8$+50 a Wolfare Fund Appropriations Town Welfare Officer Salary $ 200.00 pff ce and other expenses 50;.00 Emergencies 50..00 �-- Total 300.00 Highway Fund Highway Fund (Item 1-) Appropriations General Repairs 34000.00 Special Improvements. 7000,.00 Irving project 7000`00 Total appropriations $489000. 00 y e.+ l i 39 i Estimated Revenues State Aid 4462;50 Miscellaneous Revenues 1750;00 Total Revenues 6212150 Amount to be raised by tax foriighway Fund Total 410787.50 Bridge- Fund (Item 2)-Appropriations Labor and team work 2500'.00 Materials for repair and maintenance 250:00 . Total v001.00 Estima=ted revenues-none Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund 500..00 Machinery Fund (Item 3)-Appropriations Purchase of machinery, tools and implements: 5000 X0 Repp.ir of machinerym tools and implements: 7687,:66; Redemption of machinery indebtedness 4532.34 Interest on machinery indebtedness 280.:00 Total appropriations 17*500..00 Amount, to be raised by tax fmv. Highway Fund 17,; 00.00 Snow and Misc* Fund (Item 4)-appropriations Salary Town Superintendent $ 3200:00 Expenses Town Superintendent 1001'.00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 12000;00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 30000, 00 Other miscellaneous purposes 40000' 00 Redemption of debt-principal 4000.00 Total appropriations 269,300*00 Estimated Revenues-Miscellaneous-Total 3,00000 Amount to be raised by tax. ; 23,300.00 Town Health Fund Board -of Health Salary of Health Officer '1400000 Other health expenses 85;0 Y Total Board of Health 148 .00 Registrar of Vital Statistics, Compensation 60;00 Other expenses 15'00 Total i 7 Amount to be raised by tax--for town health $ 1560..00 Preliminary Budget for No. Glens Falls Water District: Fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 1952 Expenditures Cost of Improvement Bohd Principal 500:00 Bond interest 100.00 Maintenance Personal services 200:00 Office and other expenses 100:00 Purchase of water 1400;,00 Repairs. 300:00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 } Total expenditures 2700,.00 Revenues Water rents 2200:00 Unexpended balance,,, 500:00 Total revenues 000.00 i a 399 Anual: :• Budget for West Glens Falls Water District For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1952 Cost of Improvement Construction of improvement 2500:00 Bond Principal 1000;00 Bond interest 150.00 Maintenance Personal services 250;00 Office and other expenses. 200 000 Purchase of water 1750 0' 00 ]Repairs.' 400;00 Purchase of equipment 5o- oo Total expenditures 6300.00 Revenues Water rents 4000:00 Sale of water ` 16100 j Unexpended balanc& 50oo—o0 _ Total Revenues 9016:00 Annual Budget for North G1en8 Falls Water District Ext.. For l iscal year beginning January `1, 1952 j Expenditures Cost bf improvement , Bona principal 4000;00 `'Bond interest 1592.00 Maintenance Personal services 250!00 t Office and other expenses 100;00 Purchase of water . 2400100 Reps 500:00 Purchase of equipment 100;00 Total expenditures 8850.00 i_ Revenues Water rents 4974;65 Unexpended balance 2504'00 Total revenues 7474: Amount to be raised by tax_ 1375.35 Annual Budget for Ridge Road Water District-, For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1952 a Ems`°nditures Mainte ce Per "! ' 1 servicea $ 50;00 Office and other expenses 50;00 50;DO Water 500;00 Repairs Y Total expenditures 850.00 Revenues Water r.eats 800;00 Unexpended balance 500;00 Total revenues 1300.00 Annual Budget for Queensbury Fire Protection District for fiscal year beginning January 1, 1952 w C r 40' t r Expenditures Contract 5 companies $100000.00 Legal attorney's fees 100000 Total expenditures 10„100=00 Amount to be raised by tax- R00100.00 ResolutionnN 62 introduced by Mr. Walkup who moved its adoption, seconded by mr. Sleight: BUDGET NOTE RESOLUTION of November 8th, 1951, of the Town* of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, in the amount of $3,000..00. BE IT RESOLVED this 8th day of November, 1951. bu the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, as follows: Section 1, That, pursuant to the Local Finance Law of the State of New York, the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, for the purpose of providing funds for Item 4 of the highway department of the Town of Queensbury for the balance of the fiscal year of 1951, shall issue and sell a budget note in the amount of $3,000.00 to mature on the lst day of March, 1952, Section 2. That, except aS herein specifically prescribed, said note shall be `of the date, terms, form, contents and place of payment and at a rate of interest not exceeding five per centum per annum as May be determined by the Supervisor, consistent, however, with the pro- visions of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York,. and shall be executed in the name of the said Town by the Supervisor and the seal of the`Town shall be attached thereto. Section 3. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the Supervisor at a price not less than par value and accrued interest, if any ' and upon the due execution and sale of said note the same shall be delivered to the purchaser upon the payment to the Supervisor of the purchase price in cash;; and the receipt of the Supervisor "shall be a full acquittance to such purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the'application of the purchase money. Section 4. The full faith and credit of the Town of Queens- bury, Warren County, New York, are pledged to the punctual payment of principal of and interest on said note. Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote by the Town Board which resulted as follows: t H. Russell Harris Supervisor Aye Meredith Bentley Justice of Peace Aye Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Aye Raymond Walkup Councilman Aye k x The foregoing resolution declared adopted. Resolution No. ' 63 introduced by Mr. Sleight who moved its adoptions, secon e by alkup: t WHEREAS, the Town Board has authorized the issuance and sale f a b�idget note in the amount of $3,000.00 to 'provide funds for the Highway Department bf the Town of Queensbury for the balance of t e fiscal year of 1951. RESOLVED' that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed to invest $3,000,00 of the funds in the capital reserve fund of the town by purchasing said budget note. The foregoing resolution was duly put to vote which resulted as follows: Mr. Harris Aye Mr. Bentley Aye Mr. Sleight Aye Mr. Walkup Aye Mr. Lampson Absent The foregoing resolution declared adopted. solution No.64� introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by Justice went ey: It is hereby resolved that the Town of Queensbury hereby accepts as a public hi=ghway to be known as the Lawton Road, the premises des- cribed in a deed dated November 5th, 1951 from -Joseph Lawton to the Town of Queensbury which has been approved by the County Attorney as to form. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Harris, Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Sleight and Mr. Walkup. , Noes - none. w Resolution No 65 introduced by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Council- a-n Walkup WHEREAS a condition exists on the Luzerne Road and Corinth Road in the Town of Queensbury which would appear to be-violation of the County Act #1 in relation to control of junk yards, RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby requests that the Sheriff of Warren County investigage such condition and take suitable and proper action under such act to alleviate such condition. j Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes -.{ fir. Harris, Mr, Bentley, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Walkup. -- Noes hone. On motion the meeting adjourned. k Town Clerk Regular Meeting November 24, 1951 Present:,._ H, Russell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Y TUstice of the Peace? Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace '. Curtis Lampson - Councilman - Absent: -Raymond Walkup Councilman - The board convened at 7:30 P.M..The board generally discussed with Mr. Krei.ser, the liability insurance coverage of the Town.. - R solution No. 66 introduced by. Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice Sleight It is resolved that the Town acquire from Carl J. Kreiser Manufacturer's and Contractor's property damage liability (comprehensive) Insurance policy in the amount of $500000. i Dhly adopted 'by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Harris, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Sleight and Mr.- Lampson. Noes - none