1951-11-24 I
Mr. Barris Aye
Mr Bentley Aye
Mr: Sleight Aye
Mr: Walkup Aye
Mr. Lampson Absent
The foregoing resolution declared adopted.
.Ar. solution No. 64 introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by Justice
ent ey:
It is hereby resolved that the Town of Queensbury hereby accepts
as a public highway to be known as the Lawton Road, the premises des-
cribed in a deed dated November 5th, 1951 from `Joseph Lawton to the Town
roved b the Count Attorney as to form.
of Queensbury which has been app Y Y Y
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Harris, Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Sleight and Mr. Walkup. ,
Noes - none.
RRsolution Nos 65 introduced by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Council-
,n Walkup: t
WHEREAS a condition exists on the Luzerne Road and Corinth Road
in the Town of Queensbury which would appear to be-violation of the
County Act #1 in relation to control of junk yards,
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby
requests that the Sheriff of Warren County investigage such condition
and take suitable and proper action under such act to alleviate such
j Duly adopted by the following vote:
dyes 1r. Harris, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Walkup.
Noes - rione.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting November 240 1951
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Henry Sleight Y .TUstice of the Peace
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace:
Curtis Lampson Councilman -
Absent: Raymond Walkup Councilman -
The board convened at 7:30 P.M.
The board generally discussed with Mr. Kreiser- the liability insurance
coverage of the Town.. -
� R solution No. 66 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
S big t:
It is resolved- that the Town acquire from Carl J. Kreiser Manufacturer's
and Contractor's property damage liability (comprehensive) Insurance
policy in the amount of $509000.
Dhly adopted .by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Barris , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Sleight and- Mr,- Lampson,
Noes - none
L .. - _
402, ` +r
The board generally discussed. with Garner Tripp the rights of way in the
West Glens Falls area and the laying of the 12 inch main..
Rescaytio Nn ti....A.7. introduce& by Justice Bentley,: seconded by Councilman
Resolved that the Town acquire a water watere
North Glens Falls Water District
used by such Dairy.
Daly adopted by the following vote:
A es - Mr. Harris, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Lampson
Noes - none
Mr. Brown was present and requested that Hicks: Avenue off Dixon Road
be fixedi, .The matter was referred to Mr Bentley, a member of the
Highway committee to inspect the went,ion of the avenue apd take the
matter up with the Town Super
The following communication was read to the Board:
Nov. 20, 1951
Re:: W. Glens Falls
Water District, .
The Town Board:
Town of Queensbury
Warren County, N.Y..
Enclosed herewith are two copies of a map showing the proposed
water main extension work to be carried out within the West Glens Falls;
Water District.
It' is my opinion that it is a haste of funds and material to lay
4 a water main through Linda Lane as the properties adjacent to this
street can be served either' by the existing main on Main St, or by the`,1
proposed main on Murray Ave.
I believe that the map is of sufficient detail to allow for the
use of it by contractors in the submission of bids for the doing of
all necessary work and the furnishing of all labor and materials to
complete the work as contemplated.
Should the Water District so desire to purchase the necessary
materials themselves, the following list of materials is furnished:
298 lin : ft.. 6" C:.14, class 150 B_ & & Water pipe
i 6.: 6" x. 6" C-.I.B.�..
1 : g" x 6" (".I�S.F.B reducer
1�. 6" x. 4" C:T.. Spigot, End reducer,
3- 6"_ G.I.. Pipe plugs
10. 6" Hub End Double Disc, Gate Valves 150# worki ' pressure
1 6" on an 8" Taping Sleeve ' and- Valve (on hand)
lift Rbadvay-Valve-Boxes for
1 6" valves
2- 5" gate, 6" hutb, 2 way Hydrants
700- lbs: of Hydrotite joint compound (City has on stock.)
70- lbs.. of braided jute (City has on stock)
For estimating purposes it* is"probable that this work can be
done at today's prices for $7500.00.
If I can be of any further assistance to this work in the West
Glens Falls Water District, I will be most happy to do so.
Very truly yours,
(Si&ned) G.C_ Tripp, Jr..
Regn1utinn Un_ AS introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice,
RESOLVED that the Supervisor bound is hereby authorizedi to purchase
for use in the West Glens Falls Water District 2398 feett: of six inch
cast iron class 15.0 Bell and Spigot water pipe and the necessary fit-
tings,, valves and Hydrotits&s - set forth in a letter dated'November
200 1951 from G.C. Tripp, Jr. Engineer to the Tbwn Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes .. Mr. Harris, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Lampson
Noes - none
The clerk read applications for the position of dog enumerator from the
following:. Maurice Bragg-, Kenneth Gage, Marguerite Nevens:, Raymond J.
Hoague and Virginia Ellsworth.. _
Air informal votes was taken of which Kenneth Gage received three votes
and Raymond Zoague received one vote.
entlution Na. 9 introduced by ,Justice Sleight, `seconded by Justice
a.ey ::
RESOLVED that Kenneth Gage be and is hereby appointed dog enum-
erator for the Town of Queensbury..
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Harris, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Lampson
Noes none
Tie statement of the Supervisor of the moneys received and disbursed
for -the month of October was read by the Clerk.
Rolglution No. 70 introduced by Justice Bentley, - seconded by Councilman
`�Lampson:: x j
RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury hereby accepts for a public I
highway the.premises described in a deed from Arthur S, Ramsey and
Anna C. Ramsey to the Town of Queensbury dated November 23-,, 1951. This
acceptance is subject to the approval of the County Attorney'as to
form and manner of execution of the instrument of conveyance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
L . }
Ayes - Mr, Harris, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Lampson
t y
Noes - none.
In regards to the Irving plan, the following resolution'was ' introduced:
by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Lamps'on; Res__ No, 71►.
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the following amounts 4
for the Irving plan for the year' of 1952. Expenditure $7000.00 for
D.P.Wo. serial #6156 State Aid: Chap. 824 Laws of 1950, $1750.00,amount to
be raised by taz_ outside of incorporated villages$5,250. Such figures
aTe the totals fors all projects; for 19529
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ryes - Mr. -Harris, Mn. Bentley, Mr. Sleight and Mr.. Lampson
Does - none x
R tion -No. 72:, introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the Town purchase from F. Karl Suprenant,,; one new.
Woodstock Typewriter at a cost of $135.00.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Harris, Mr, Bentley, Mr.. Sleight and Mr. Lampson,
Noes - none
The board audited claims as follows :
Town of Queensbury
November, 1951
Amt. Amt.,
No.. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
238 Niagara-Mohawk Power Street lighting 4 53.24 53.24
239 Edward Thompson Co.. McKinney's 'NY Laws
bk61 70*:50 7;50
240 Frances L. Turner Statement of Reg.VS 51..50 51..50
241 Dennis & Co. , Inc. 2 dz..Denco Blks-
M.S.Bentley 2.17 2.17
242 F.Karl Suprenant 1 new Woodstock type-
writer • 135;00 1350' 00.
243- C.hasE,Houghtaling Supplies-Jst.Bentley 2:.95 20*95..
244 Russell & Wait Supplies-stationery 6:75 6;75
245 Kings Sales Corp. Rental polling place 40:.00 40:00
246 Gladys E.LaFountain Insp.Elect.Dist.#1 59;00 590*.00
247 Josephine T. Sullivan " " to #1 49 0'00 49;.00
248 Clara F.. Taylor " " " .#1 , 37OQ 37:_00
249 Helen Jane Sullivan " " " #1 49;00 49:00
250 Elsie Trombley " " to #1 12:.00 - 12';00
251 Marion J, Crannell " " " #4' 13;00 13:00
252 Laura Goldman a a to #4 13;00 13:00
j 253, Mabel N; Sawn , " " " #4: 37;.00 37�A0
254 Hazel M. Smith " " " #4 54:00 54:00
j 255 Mary V, Sullivan a a a #3 53;00 49:00 ;
256 Rose E. Bibby " #3 53;00 49;00
j 257 Doris Chadwick " " " #3 53;00 49:00
j 258 Irene E. Howe " " " #3 63,00 59;00
f 259 Bessie-Branch " It to #2 47;00: 47:00
260 Elva McDermott It of of #2 49:00 49;00
261 Minnie E; Bidwell " " " 49;00 49:00
262 Marion D. Martindale " " " #2 49:00 49;:00
263 Ellen McDermott " " " #2 13:00 13;.00
264 Fred Fisher " " " #5 59;00 5900
265 Lura Lord " " " #5 49800 49:00
266 Evelyn Grant a, a a . #5; , 49;Op 49:00
267 Victoria Hubert of " #5> 49 00 49;_00
268 Scott Hopkins Duties Custodian VM 60;.00 55;00
269 Donald J. Sullivan to " to 60;,.00 550*00
270 Seward Lampson Rent Gar.poll.place 60.00 60000
271 Elmer Corl'ew Labor-railing 4 ppl-
ling places 185,30 185;30
272 Arthur J. Hillis Setting up .booths, etc..
taking down & storing
4 dist..primary-Reg.
Election" 49:65 49y*65
273 Kathryn O'Brien- type.min. Town Bd, 7:!00 74'.00
274 Glencraft Print;Co, ' supplies 205.58 205.58
275 J.E.Sawyer & Co.Inc. Rubber tire wheel- I
j PV Cem. fund 10057 10.57.
276 M.R. -Sexton RepaJrs-PV Cem. fund 35.00 _ 35.00
277 Chas.E.Houghtaling Justice Law blanks,
H. Sleight 6..22 6..22
278 Chas.E,Houghtaling Justice Law blanks
r H.Sleight' 3.15 3.15
279 Assn. of Towns Annual Twn.Member-
ship dues 39..00 39.00
------ -----------------
280 Howard Wallace Services Supt.h1GnVD Fd, 111:31 111:.31
281 George Kilmer Labor,NGF Wfl.fd. 26,00 26:100
282 Joseph Seybolt Labor-water line Aviation Rd. 10:63 10,63
283 George Steele " " " " " 33..55 33:.55
284 Carlton Cromwell " to If "' If 22;55 22055
285 Robert Pratt If If N N " 36:25 36_.25,
286 Carson-Duffy Agcy Bond-Justice H.J.Sleight 4.00 4.00
287 Carswell T & fi Co. Supplies,gas ,etc.NGFWH' Ext . 7:88 7.38
Total $2230.7& ;2204.75:
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Frances L. Turner,:
Town Clerk.
Regular Meetilig December 22, 1951
- I
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
is Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Raymond Walkup Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P.b;..
Zhe board generally discussed highway matters.
The clerk read a letter from the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co..
which read as follows:
R-D; 1, Glens Falls , N.Y..
Nov. 16, 1951
Frances Turner
Town Clerk
Queensbury, N.Y..
Dear Mrs. Turner:
The following is a list of the active members bf Queensbury Central
Volunteer Fire Co. Please destroy any previous lists. '
Alfred Abrams George "Liapes
Karl Anderson Fr6d: Leuenberger
Robert Bainbridge Lawrence Markey
Seward Ba11. H; Dewey Miller-
Clarence- Barber J.' Ernest Miller
Earl Carswell John Morphis
Bernard Codner James Mulholland
Karl Chadwick Warren Northrup
Kirkham Cornwell LeRoy Phillips
George Daley Clayton- Ramsey
Venner Davey Franklin Reigler
Richard Davis Floyd Sleight
Robert Dickinson Jesse Smith
Arthur Fisher Paul Sperry
Kenneth Gage George Stewart
Harold Gardner Robert Stott
Arthur 'Goldman
Norman Walbridge Jr:
Carlyle Gooch Norman Walbridge St.
--- Charles Howe Howard Wallace.
Wheeler Howe Walter Whitman
Owen Dane Dr. H. Wilcox
,John Lanfear James Wilson
Y v 1 {
` I