1946-04-06 SP x'95
T . Board_ audited claims as follows :
Amount amount
No Name of .Claimant" Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
27 N,."Y�Fo�ver Vic: Light Corp. Street Lighting 38.16 3£216
28 Millard Goon` Salary 80.00 80.00
29 Delong FuelCo Fuel Store House 7.40 Disallowed
30 Chas' Houghtaling Law Blanks 1.71 1.71
31 Will—ams .Law Book Co Cash hk & Ledger 17.42 17 .42
32 Fowle 's Inc Flags- Soldiers Gravesl5.00 Not Audited
33 Ggencraft Printing Envelopes 10.30 10.30
34 William Jones Ins Premium 57.88 57.88
35 H Russell Harris Expenses 19.20 19.20
30 Barber & Howe Ins Premium 1040.59 1040.59
37 Harry `J Crannell Rebate W.G.F.W.D. 4.50 4.50
38 City of Glens Falls-Water Fund® .Repairs 5.30 5.30
N.G F.W.D.
On motion meeting adjourned
Bert D Turner Town Clerk.
Social" fleeting April 6th,1946
A,t a_special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
held the above "date at 7 -30 P.M. at the Clerk's Off-ice ,
the : Qgljowing members were present :
I H. Russell Harris 'T Supervisor
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Meredith entley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup -Councilman.
The following sealed proposals were received and opened and
read by the clerk
One Model W%,307 Oshkosh truck with 32 yd.body and hoist.
one sBt of chains $7930.00
One roes snowplow RV2-22x1 with two wings all full
Ons, Fr-ink Snow plow Model 158SV with two wings full
Hydraulic. ,� ,► „
Toad of-Queensbury
4 ke y, Highway Supt
We are pleased to quote you as follows on frink Sno-Plow
Model 158 S V type plow and 2-10 ft.wings , double
aotipg: �ririg brace hoist & parallel shock type braces mounted
on ,truek for the sum of $2600
For Mgd_el 158SP plow add 100
for hXpged deflectors . on plow add 25
for•._ _
2 Jq ft wing s add 275
for mounting on Walter Truck add 75.
Yours Truly
Briggs Machinery Co. , Inc
by Clayton M Benjamin, Resident representative.
Town Board
Towp,,nfp�:tl Queensbury
Dear Sfr'
Our bid on thei following list of equipment is
FWI .{mowc l SU truck,517" Motor, 150" wheel base six 1000x20
tlrag,3t0 -watt generator unit, with cab, heater and
defrosters , extra 35 gallon water tank Pintle hook, spot light
296 "
. a7 V ,
and 3-yd.body and hoist , complete and delivered to purchaser
in -this area $8023.50
Frink "V" type snow plow and ,two wings with power
hydraulic ,controls , d)uble acting wing braces. and -hinged .deflectors
*Model 158 SP with 10 foot wings 20800
$101823.W t.
Yours truly
Earl Carswell.
9r. BenjaM n of Briggs Machinery and Mr VanDusen of
John R Ticklepaugh present.
The Board discussed the matter and the following ammtkar
resolutions were adopted.
Resolution No 19 by Justice Sleikh�, Seconded by
Justice Bentley
Whereas the -Town- Superintendent of Highways did on the 9th
day of March, 1946 duly recommend the purchase of certain
equipment pursuant - to the provisions of section 142 of the
Highway law, and notice of such recommendation has been duly
published as provided by such azzktanaction
Now therefore 'Be It "resolVad".that :pursuant to 'Section 142 of the a
Highway Law 'the Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authori-
zed to purchase fro John R Tinklepaugh with the approval
of the County Superintendent of Highways :
One-Model W-307 Oshkosh Truck with 32 Yd.Body and hoist
with set of chains for a total price of Seven Thousand Nine b1mxdxzdxT €icrt
Hundred Thirty Dollars ($7930. ) delivered at Highway Dept.
Town of Queensbury, N.Y. , and to be delivered on or before
December lst ,1946 .
The terms of payment will be as follows
_ i
Cheek. from proceeds .of obligations $7930.
Total $7930.
A contract of purchase for the item purchased shall shall be
duly executed between the Town Superintendent of Highway's and
such vendor; and when. duly approved by the County Superintendent
of Highways, it shall become effective. When such contract has
been duly executed and approved, the supervisor is authorized
to complete such purchase upon delivery of the item purchased
i:n accordance with the terms of such resolution and such contract
and to pay the above mentioned amount specified to be paid by �*
chech or checks.
A (1) by. a check drwan on machinery Fund-None
(2) by a check in the amount of $7930, drawn on' the
account established from the proceeds of 'obligati!bns
to be issued pursuant to the local finance law
to finance such purchase. Such obligations will
be authorized to be issued by this Board by
.a separate resolution,
Vote of ,theTown Board. Ayes- H. Russell Harris, Meredith
Bentley, Henry Sleight and Raymond Walkup- Nay-Curtis Lampson.
Resolution No , 20 by Justice/Bentley, Seconded by Justice
Henry Sleight,
Whereas the Town Superintendent of Highways did on the 9th day
of March, 19469 duly recommended the purchase of cerAtin
equipment pursaunt to the provisions of section 142 of"'the
highway law, and notice of such recommendation has been duly
published as provided in sue h action,
Now Thereof re be it resolved that pursuant to section12 of
the H4ghway Law the Town Superintendent of Highways is 'he'reby
authorised to purchase from Briggs Machinery Company Inc.
with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways :
Ii One Model -1585 "V" type plow with 2-10 ft wings , double
acti#g wing brace hoist & parallel schock type braces
with hinged deflectors on plow ,mounted on model W-307
Oshkosh Truck, for a total price of Twenty Six Hundred
Twenty Five Dollars ($2625) , delivered at Highway Dept
Town of Queensbury, N.Y. , and to be delivered on or before
The,terms of payment will be as follows :
Chech from proceeds $2625
Total 2625
A contract of purchase for the item purchased shall be
duly executed between the Town Superintendent of Highways
j and;{such vendor, and when duly approved by the County 2wpxrawtaX2e
supbrtnz endent of Highways, it shall become effective.
When such contract has been duly executed and approved
tk�o `supArvisor is authorized to complete such purscha-se
atpon upo6n delivery of the items purchased in accordance
with the. terms of such resolution and such contract, .and to
,pay the ,above amount specified to be paid by check or checks.
(1) By check drawn on Machinery Fund ( Item 3) None
(2) by a check in the amount of $2625, drawn on the
. account established from the proceeds of obligations
to be issued pursuant to the local Finance Law
. to finance such purchase. Such obligations will
be authorized to be .issued by this board by separate
. resolution.
Vote of Town Board Ayes H.Russel Harris, Henry Sleight ,
Meredith entley, Curtis Lampson and Raymond Walkup.
Noes : None
On motion Meeting adjourned
Bert D Turner, Town Clerk
Regular eeting April 27th,1946
At a regular meeting of the, Town toard of the Town of Queensbury
held on the above date at 7 :30 P.M. at the Clerk' s office , the
following members were present :
H Russepl Harris- Supervisor
Henry Sleight Justice of the peace
Meredith S Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampdon Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
Ernes,t,i"ackey Town Superintendent of highways •alson present :
Minutes meeetings held on March 23rd and April 6th, 1946 read and
apcp omred.
Uiao r, Mr Barber and Mr Thomson called on the Board inreference
extending a road from Sherman Ave to Broad Acres. -The Board generally
discussed the matter and d&cided to examine the premises April 30th.
The°;$oard generally discussed with the Town Supt of Highways the
purehase ,of a truck for snow removal. U'r Lackey Town Superintendent t
of Highways .requested the Board to re-examine the, specifications of
submitted with the Bids heretofor submitted.
Mr Decker called on the Board in reference to a permit for a carnival
showing in the Town of Queensbury.
Resolution No 21 Introduced by Justice Sleight, Seconded by
Jus; L4e, entley..
Whereas the Town Board on the 23rd day of March:1946 did audit and
allow Claim No 31 of Williams Law Book Company irr the amount of ,
$17.42, the amount claimed and said allowance of said claim was in
errp,r m, havipg been previously audited and allowed.