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1946-05-08 SP
299 I&, XAs ..resolved that no travelling shows or carnivalls, for morba�p: o'r 'hire, or giving of exhibitions thereof in any place with-tri the Town of Queensbury, shall be held or had in said Town without first having obtained a license or permit from the Town Board, upon written application therefor to hold such forms of_,--int,"ainment as hereinbefore set forth. Furtherrf resolved that there shall be a fee of ©ne -Hundred ' Dollards for each license issued for such purpose, Du,lyT Adopted by the f of loving vote: x Aves;AMr Walkup, Mr Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr Harris. lfibbrel NONE, I Resolution No. 24 Introduced by Justice Sleight , Seconded 6. by Councilman Walkup. WHERE&S the Adirondack Post 2475 Veterans of Foreign Wars have made oral application by John Hoag of said Adirondack Post for a licens or permit to hold a carnival from May 31st, 1946 to May 18th, 1946 both days inclusive on a lot of land owned by the Hudson Tr&&sportatioon: Co east of of the Garage of said Hudson Transportation Corn on the south side of the Boulevard in the Town of Queensbury and WHEREAS the said Adirondack Post # 2475 have entered into a contract for the holding of said Carnival with -the J.P.M. Amusement Co. of Concord N.M. Therefor be it resolved. that said Board hereby grants to the said Adirondack Post # 2475 Veterans of Foreign Wars and the J.P.M. Amine ent Co at a license or permit to hold a carnival on th q ast of Hudson Transportation Carp ga ► G on the south side of the Boulevard in the Torn of Queehsbilry from May 13th to 18th, 1946 both days inclusive. .. Further resolved that the fee for operating of of euch earnivall as aforesaid be and the same is hereby fixed at One Hundred Dollars. g Further resolved that upon the payigent of the fee of the said °•.; One HundredDollars, the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and direted to issue a licenses or permit to the said Adirondack Post #2475 and J.P.M. Amusement Company to hold a carnivall. as aforesaid. Duly adopted by the following vote. Ayes. Mr Walkup, Mr Bentley, Mr. Lampsox4 Mr. Sleight and Mr Harris, t. Noes: NONe. On motion meeting adjourned. Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. r special 'set ing 1 8th, 1946 At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held can the above date at the Clerk's Office the following members were present, 14 Russell: Harris. 'T�Su rvisort:-:1 de Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace eredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson ' Councilman Absent- Raymond Walkup, Councilman fi i Waiver of notice of special meeting by Raymond Walkup p was laced on file. P �' 300 ...r. Imrie _yttorney at laT� 1 ar i, r C. V. peters �-Jho alson rr present pre2ented a petition for the extension of the ;later su.Dnl.: :jithin the Rixtr . "rorth Glens F lls "a.ter Distrcit alone, the aviation field rod and a rod ri.,mning south from the :viait :)n field roa. 1eh laboe alson presented a petition for the sexteh2ion of the bou;:.ifiary of t e T�or't: : rile-1.11s Fills later Distrcit to include property of the s, id C. V. Peters adjacent to the said :orth Glens Falls •:''titer Distrcit. the ,above petitionc :,,ere received, read )nd-)laced on file. Resolution No 25 Introduced by Justice 21eirht 2ec,�,nded by Justeie Bentley — It r«.� moved that the to rn " oard .Adopt and. and si;;n_. the follow rg order At a irk the 4 in id County 1 dlrr i, fnate of New 'York on t aEh day of May,.1848. Preslitt: H. Russell Harris, supervisor. Henry J. Sleight.Justice of the Peace. Meredith S. Bentley, Justice of the Peace. Curtis Lam son, cotmalmsn. In the Matter Of.the , oast-fbr ex ` tension of water of thd`N Glens Falls Water;, riot, Town Queensbury, Wa Cr, nty, .r York t9 the lands of'".V. Peers. WHf3FbEAS., a letter dated 'Apsff 1948 signed by Mr.C,V.Piers'has received W, and Sled With tHd'; Board of the TO.an Of,Qrteen§but , { ran County, Nesv YoNG,"req - tension of water supply to re rty a otvrfed.by,said Peters afut lyln the North Glens Falb Water Di but not now being supplied with by the said District; and g�=" q: WHEREAS, said fetter requepep the construction g Voter maid Yom the present en lk water main in the Aviation nine.hundred feet westwaz'd,; Motion gf 'a dis- j tributing dred south- ward the a{td the tion of afire by font as 18 stlow` on-a map, y plan andr•estimaebeed and now on file in the offide the Town Clerk of said Town; And WHFttIfiY8, the ruakl?APtun amount prop$aed to be expended for the im- provement and providind,of service as stated in said n% pi and estimate is the sued,-Of Three "yfipusand Five Hundred Vollars, it is hereby" ORDIOED that a meeting of the Town Board of the ,said Frown of Queensbury, shall be hold„at Town _ Clerk's CoMee,Ridge SA-Aid tU*TQwp of cub e y oNewYork on th 4* f M47- took in=,he ever at 7:30: o'c teing of that day to consider,t#e--aaid'-request and to hear all'"persons>irjterested lit •� the' ubject thereof,,,,OOrsgeraing the sameAand for such other action on the parE%df said Town Beard with relation to the said request as may be required by Is*or as is proper in the premises. Dai,Qd: May 8M 1F46. H Russell Harris, Supervisor. Meredith'S.Bentley, Justice of the Peace. Henry J. Sleight, Justice of the Peace. Curti$ Lampson, Councilman. M es 9f the Town Board of e Toady of Queensbury,War, ren Comity,New York. Duly adopted by the follovvin vote. yes. :fir Bentley, 1: r. Lampson, Liir. SleiE �ht and 'ir -Harris :aarris : Niles ;:'one bsent : 11, The members of the Town Boa.rci .'resent l�ncd t'. c� t. e rder� 7a 4__4 *V