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9 MSIMION NO. 21 Introduced by Mr. Nobles, Seconded by-41r* Lampoon 1herke1WB*. officials have discontinued the WPA project on Lockhart Mountain road and } Whereas for that reason there is no WPA project available to` employ the said WPA workers in the Town of Queensbury iad It is proposed that the Town of Luzerne employ the said WPA workers of the Town of Queensbury on WPA project in the Town of Luzerne and the Town of � Queensbury'provided truck and truck driver for the purpose of transporting the said WPA employees to the said WPA project in the Town of Luzerne and f Whereas there are insufficient funds available for the transportation of WRAiemployees from the lawn of Queensbury to WPA projects in the Town of Luzerne Resolved that the Boar4 appropriarate: the sum of $400 for the purpose of transporting said WPA workers and be it further Resolved that the Town of Queensbury borrow said sum of $400 and issue therefore its certificate of indebtedness payable one year frbm the date of said certificate with Interest at four per centum (49) per annum, and be it futher Resolved that the supervisor and Town Clerk be and they are authorized to execute said certificate of indebtedness and be it further li Resolved that the money so borrowed be deposited in a special account and be man& exclusively for the purpose above mentioned Duly adopted by the following vote: '— Ayes - Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Air. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbee Noes - None On motivn :meeting adjourned i Regular Meeting February 22th, 1940 At &,-regular meeting of the town board of the town of !. Queensbury, held at the ellerk's offied on the above date at 7:30 P.M. the following members were present: J&bes Ingallsbee, Supervisor Curtis Lampoon, councilman $r. Charles Nobles, Justice of Peace Meredith bontley, Justice of Peace Ralph a„ Justice of Peace Beecher S. Clbgher.., Qounty Attorney and H. Russell Harris, Town Superintendant of Highways were also present. , Minutes OT UPWar meeting held Ja laary 231rd, 1940 amt minutes of s scta�, meeting .- held P g on Janusz and approved. y 3Ath,: -uitead ABSOLUTION NA. 22, Introduced by Mr. La-mpson,, Seconded by Mri:e Inga 19 b e It was resolved that part of Resolution #21 which authorised the borrowing of $400 for the purpose of paying for the trapLgportation of the S&Ad, W,P.A, employes to L at be and the same is hereby recindede &a& be it further 'k � Ew to Resolved all cl&ims for'the ,necessary expenses incurred: by the transportation of the said W,P.A, employees shall bb a general. Tows Charg*A iknd. b . supervi AAK be and is hereby '' ,� authorize#0' o pay all ciaires� eft s std t,f4 the 4ener Town Fug, Further resolved that all claims shall be approved prier bows,.. audit by the Town Superintendant of -Highways. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Been, Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr, Bentley, a Mt, Ingalsbee, Noes - None „ Mr, Ingalsbee, Supervisor, introduced he follwwing resolution: 2& which was seconded by Mr, Lampoon . i WHEREAS, Many taxpayers of this town haver -made inggiries from members of this Board as to the expense of operat,' t4s, town affairs and this Board desire that the taxpayers of 4 # town be `informed as to' all expenses of operating, said towns gnd WHEREAS, There has not been prepared and published a taSled list of expenditures of the town for the past eight or nine years, RESOLVED, That the Town Clerk be and hereby is auth, r4ged and directed to prepare certified list of all town audits and receipts and disbursements of highway, machinery and miscellansaous funds and submit same to bQ4r4, Duly adopted by the following vote: J Ayes - Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr, Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and j Mr, Ingalsbee 4. r Noes - None In the matter of the Certiorari Proceedings inst,ktuted by Mr, William F, Chambers to have his assessment reviewed, these ., follixLng resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION No#. 24 Introduced by Mr, Nobles, Seconded by Mr. Lampoon WHEREAS,' William F, Chambers institutedCertiorari Proceed- ings to have the assessment made by the assessors upon .h*js, property in the Town of Queensbury review and N.. WHEREAS, The `Attorneys f or till; F. Chambers have re- quested that the action be discontinued with out costs to either party. Therefore, be it resolved that Ralph B.. Turner the attorney for Town of -queeusbury in `said proaesdings be and he is hereby z authorized "0 diredt'ed to sign a- .stipulation discontinuing said act i on A theist Q oats' *0 artier par-ty.. may. ed.. by the Tollwwing vote;. - j Sues - Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr, Lampoon.. ,*rte Bentley. a w- Mr. Inlsb�e Noes .s ;Tone RESOLUTION No., E.5 Introduced by Mr. Bentley,' Second4;,, „ R y Mr. been It; was revolved that Supervisor and Suporiatendaat of Klowaya be and a�ey ,hereby author zod gxui directed to take o� icy publi+eT lld ,ity -property damage f ire insurance under' °- � b i i I blanket policy on Town machinery and Town equipment as per letter from Barber and Howe dot#d Febtuary 14th, 1940. �Furt#er r♦s6kve4L that they are hereby authorised and directed to take out under a blanket policy a contractor equipment policy to coverall other Town Machinery and equipment, i I Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - fir. Been, Air, Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and Mr.* Inglasbee N6$& - None R .��lJAU'Uw bin_ A Introduced by Mr. Nobles, Seconded by Mr. Lampoon. -wa±s� ,re-solved that all supplies to be ordered for use in any TaWn office shall be oredved by the Town Clerk upon reccommendation of the officer for whom the supplies are intended. Duly adopted by the following vote- • Ayed° Been, Mr. Nobles, qtr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and 4 raga 1abeor . F Nose .-Oione REa0tMt0N No.., 1, Introduced by Mr. Bentley] Seconded by ° Be on It waw resolved that Town Superintendant of Highway® be avid is hareby authorized to purchase from Slade Tractor Compaq 1_ used '"rgent plow* equipped with two hydraulic wings and ice grousers FOB -Town of Queensbury Store House• at a price of 'iidt•>to exceed $700. . Duly adopted by the following 'vote: ! a Aues . 4r. Been, Xri Nobles, Mr. ,Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and Mr. :��6dlsbee - .. a Neap --�Natae ♦ . . _ C' EldriAge Moore addressed tho `board briefly in reference to the &, Town of Queensbury entering into a contract with the barren Coin 40c let f or' the y prevention o� cruelty to animals for the `°44i�dng and ijdpounding unlicensed dogs running at largo in 04 4° wn of Que`ensbury. . �ES@L N No. E$, Introduced by Mr. Bentley, Seconded .by Mr. It 0*44esolved th$t` Superv'leor be and is hereby authorized to sign,4'id execute- n• contract between the Town of Queensbur Ward ounty and Warren County society for the prevention or cruel#y to animals•to authorize the said Warren County society fo for the prevention of cruelty to atninaas through its agent to i x. capteand Impound all doga, tound unlicensed and running at large iu .the Town of Queensbury in violation of the provisions of A#U4�l of the agriculture and markets law chap. 48 Law 1922 as a"'! relating` to the licensing of dogs and care for and to d prte of any- Ouch dogs iA the. manner-as provided by law at t the Piltowing rate9 50g `cAay for eadh dog impounded not to exceed five- days exce *4099 confindd by order of the Town health officer. $2. Or each dog •seized, *2,00 for each dog d`stroyed. b P g FurtYtia resolved t2i said contract, period shall begin on the 10th of March, 40 and end Axe th® ..3Yst d a s ay of December, Further resolved that 941d contract and terps is subject to the approval of the department of Agriculture 40 Markets of the State of New York. Duly adopted by the follw' wing vote; Ayes - Mr. Been, Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbee Nose - done L is rwzlritety* presented 11tzp11N #r lln which was read by the clerk,requesting ,the Town to take over Howard Strs*t-vo called as a public highway. The Clerk was instructed to communicate with the taxpayer4 .al ng said street and asked them to submit a deed and map to the proposed right of way, The Board audited 4bA follw*ing claims Amount Amount No dame of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimetmt. L' �A13 A�Mt. "allowed 25 Charles Baldwin Qonstable 'Sere. '2 0. 6 2#,6 , 24.are 26 Charles Baldwin Killing Dogs 4..00 4,00 27 Wond Walkup onstable Servo 46.88 46*48- 28 M edith Bentley Justice Servo 67.50 67050 29 Finch, Pruyn & Cc* Poor Relief 12.,E 1;6010_ 30 Dennis & Co. McKinnoya Town Lax 7tefo 31 Dennis & Co. Assessme#t R©1- s "..50 26..50 } 32 Adiron, Underwriters Truck Increasb Iris. 136"% 16660 33 Kenn: M. Hewit Poor Relief 80.00 6000 34 Karl Su renant � Type triter 64.54 ro50 =_ 35 Anna L. McCaghey Welfare Officer 37.,.96 3.7. 096 56 Glens Falls Post Co. . Supervisors Report 18.56 18,658 ! ' F. J. Crannell Poor Relief 0.00 9.00 38 Lester Brownell Constable Servo 29,88 28. 39 Edward Sleight Assessor Serve 56.30 56030 40 Ernest Hillis " " 41..12 41.1$ 41 MV96dith Afttlsy Beard Meetings ` 12006 120,x, 42: Curtis Lampoon Association of Towns 22,20 22..80 43 Lester Brownell Constable Servo 2100 44 Charles Richards Assessor Servo 41.12 41,12 45 Glens Falls Post Co. Printing Notices 8088 46 Anna L. YcCaghey Welfare Officer & Asso, Tno 61094 81 oft;;-, 47 Dr. Anna M. Mull - Poor Relief 1.0 48 New York P•&L0 Corp. Street Lighting 38.16 38„ 49 w.F. Gubitz & Sons Printing Police Sheets 12050 1 + 50 Bert D. Turner To keno, of Towns :94020 24 0` 51 Bert➢. Turner Town Clerk Servo 68.00 68000 52 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Servo 72.00 ?2,, 53: F, A« Richardson Poor Relief 9050 54 A, G. Brown Poor Relief 24000 240 ; 55 A. G. Brown Poor Re1tOf 13000 13, x4 56 Williams Law. Book Co. - Receipt Book & Pads 5000 57 Curtis L�ampsoa Board and Committee j Meetings 22,40 58 John 1444ax Constable Servo 21.62 . 59 John , killing Dogs 801}0 6a Williji7j,, Jones Tractor Insurance 56,14 84 61 Dennis &* Co. Supervisors Suppl#1�a 72.00 720A0 62 F. A. Richardson Poor Relief 23,00 23q 63 Finch, Fruyn & bp. Poor Relief 1050 . Nary R. Vewcem Poor Belief 9000 9.m 4.. Bert D. T4rAor Town Clerk Servo { 56000 56000 66 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Servo 72900 72., f ti 67 K, No„ Killing Dogs 38,.50 32.,50 S M. ltoao►rw X1,1L'ing Dogs 15.00 Not Aud .71n µ 13 69 Charles J, Nobles Assoc, of Towns 2Z*20 22.20 70 Charles J. Nobles Justice Servo 54.00 54,00 71 James S. Kiley !Servo as Attorney 136.56 136.56 72: Ralph B. Turner Servo as Attorney 125,00 125.00 73 Jabez No Ingalsbee Supervisor Serve 101.73 . 101.73 74 H. Russell Harris Attending Assoc. of Towns 16.40 . 16.40 75 Ralph Been To Assoc. of Towns 201,35 20,55 76 P41ph ,Been Board Meetings 1410 16,1:0 i On Motion, meeting ad j oq�Mod. 6y � Special" BQeeting March-/J- 1940 At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Twwn of Queensbury held on the above date at 7,30 P.Y. at the Clerk' s offices the following nembers were present: - Jabez Ingalsbee, Super*l ur Curt ++� Lamp a on, C oun*11man i Char ds Mobiles, Justice of Peace . Meredith Bentley, Justice of Peace R,alp Boom, Justice of Peace Turner, Clerk H. Rvda�ell Harris, Town Superintendent of Highways also present . Earl Carswell, B. K. Clifford were resent E.' orore, John Lavin, p Mr. Livid spoke briefly on the taxpayers point of view relative Tawt chasaing a motor grader, and after discussioh, the foZ tig resolution was adopted ; �d RTp, UTION No, 29, In�goduced by Mr. Nobles, Seconded 4 'by l . "Lampson - It was resolved that Board shall go into an 9;eoutive session '�--- Vo `c6lidlder action on a Power grader. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Nobles Mr, i;�, r. Bentley. 1qr. Ingalsbee, � Noes - Mr, Been t f` RESOLUTION No. 301 Introduced by Mr. Bentley, Seconded by Mr. Been It was resolved that the executive session of this Board 1.4 d that the Board go into regular sess4pA,,, Duij` g*bpted by the following vote: .Ay` s` r 1[r. Been, Mr, noble's,' Ddr. $entley,Mr. Lampsaa, Itr. 16 lbee i Noes - pas R�3©L-UT?ON- No_ � _ Introduced by Mr. Bentley, Seconded by Mr. Been -It *6W resolved that the Town Superintendent of Highways U-Ana by authorized to p4rchase under section 142 of the ft Law f rom B.' K, QL1i'f ord` with approval of the County Supertatendant of 'Highss6gss s �.• .11ar Diesel #12 Motor Grader for a total price of LA accordance with sealed proposal_ submitted. by sell'or FOB of` (4ueensbury. . The terms of payment are as follows: The net price in amount of, $6907.0Q to be paid by four `` aert_f ass)f indebtedness as listed below: