1940-03-26F 15 SOLUTION No. 34. . Introduced .by Mr. Been, Seconded by Mr. Bentley A It was resolved that there shall be expended on the highways of the Town of Queensbury f or_genreal repairs an average $105.32 per mile for 102,40 miles a total of $10,784.76 and that there shall be the sum of $6596 placed in the reserve fund. as provided by law and that there shall be placed in Paragraph 2 for special improvements the sum of $9000. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampoon and Mr. Ingalsbee Noes - None On motion, meeting adjourned. REGULAR MEETING March 26th, 1940 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Quponsbury held on the above date at 7:30 P,M, at the Clerk'a Office, the following members were present : Jabex. Ingalabe SupervisoO Curtis Lampoon Councilman Charles Nobles Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of Peace Ralph Been Justice of Peace Bert D, Turner Town Clerk Minutes of regular meeting head on February &7th, 1940 Und & special meeting held on March 11th, 1940 read and approved. fte blvilege of the floor was extended to Joan Lavin, who asked the individual members of the Board whether or not the Torn was going to purchase a grader. The privilege of the floor was granted to George Crannell, who called on the Board and complained about the operation- of & school bue. Mr, Crannell was informed that the Board had no jurisdiction and suggested that he tame the matter up with the Public Service Commission and the State Educational Department. TI privilege pf the floor was extended to Richard Davis, who requested that desks be provided for the election dis-- tticts for the. signature of voters on the official register. A, communicatiou from Howard Everest requesting the Town of Queins�ury to pay one half of a.: rental on an air compaessor and' cio half the gasoline for the W,P,A, job was read to the"Board by toe Clerk. RESdLUTION NO. 35 Introduced by Mr. Lampoon, Seconded by 'r, o Ies WHU 8: The town by Resolution have authorized the tVAd"6rtation of W.P,A, Employee& from the Town of , Queer'sbury to a W.P.A. project in Luzerne and WHZlt S: from +time to time this Board is requested to f=61,4h supplies and machinery for use on said W.P.A, smpldpees of the Town of Qusenebury arnd RESOLVED that this Board is of the opinion that as long as the 'Town of QU6608bury W,P*Ao employpea are being transported { l 16 by the Town of Queensbury to said W,P,A, project in Luzern* that all necessary equipment and machinery should be furnished by the sponsors of said project. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Been, 8r, Nobles, Mr, Lampoons Mr, Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe4 Noes - None - RESOLUTION N0, 36 IntrWduced by Mr. Ingalsbe, Seconded by ' r. bemley WHEREAS: on the 2nd day of January, 1940 this Board passed resolution #8 figking the time and place of Town Board Meetings on the Fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 P.M. %,at Clerk' s Office and WHEREAS: due to the increase of Business coming before said �I Board, it is impossl*Xt to properly take care of siad in- creased business aVske meeting a month and it is the opinion Eof this Board that too the best interest of the Taxpayers that andadditional daft in each month be designated to Mold T®in Board Meetings. RESOLVED that the- 2nd Tuesday of each month hereafter at°IIAO , F.M. at Clerk's Office be and the same as hereby designh449J for a regular Board Meeting and- Further resolve that the Board most on such additional date and conduct such business as may be properly before the board on said second Tuesday. Duly addopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr.- Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley, ei Mr. Ingalsb*. Noes - None No, Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claim A *ed 77 E. M. ,Moose Killin g Dogs g $ 43.00 Nth �ukited 78 Warren County u � . Siciety for the prevention of a cruelty to animals Killing Dogs 67,00 67 "` , 79 Cool Ins, Co.. Official Bonds 5,00 80 Aetna Surety Co. Official Bonds 387,84 }¢ 81 N,yPower & Sight Corpp. Street Lighting 38.165$ 1d 82 LOU* 'Silverman Relief Order 4.00 4.C)0 83 Anna M �icGaghey telefare Officer 42.54 4U34" 84 Barber &'Howe_ Insurance 897.64 ' . Nat"A0 ted 85 Zena Hett $*lief Order 4,,00 tai ' 86 2ena Hewit t Relief Order 87 -C, D, Hubert Printing 1 ,, L¢*00 88 Dennis & go. 49ceipt -book 89 Charles Baldwin Constable Fees 23,,66 L'866 90 Chatl*s Baldwin Killing Dogs 6900 6,00 91 Edward Sleight Assessors Services. 13342 ift�, , ;. 9 Charles W. Richards Asseasers Services - 140.22 14 . 9 Ernest Hillis As"sdere Serriton • 111.50 111: 3 94 Finch Pruyn-& Co. Relief. Order 3.90' 95 Rred Richardson Relief 4Orded 29.409;� A . 96 4*redith Bentley Justice Fees 10.00 Q' 97 Aeredith Bentley Board- Meetings 8.00 nm, 98 Jkry R, Newcomb Relief Orders 32,00 3R*O0 99 Charles Nobles Justice Service 51..5 r 1' No, Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claim Allowed 100 Raymond Walkup Constable Fees $ 6.82 $ 6.82 101 1-Lester Brownell Constable Fees 16.89 16.89 102:- Bert D. Turner Clerk Services 72.,,00 72.00. 103 Curtis Lampoon Councilman Services 8,00 . 8.00 ...104 Jo Lenox Constable Fees- 7,34 7.34 305 -ji�;$ert D. Turner Clerk Services 72,00 72.00 106 . ,;. F, J, Crannell Relief Order 3 x00 15,00 107 J. N. Ingalsbe Supervisor Sery 6 31.26 j 108 B. K. Clifford Bent for grader 630.00 164.0dited 109 Albert Ransom Truck Driver 140.00 140,00 ! 110 Ralph Been Board Meetings 8 00 8.00 i SIM:19 $1-491:99 On motion, meeting adjourned, i REGULAR MEETING April 9th, J940 At a.=regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of 4ueensbury held on the above date at 7:30 P.M. at the :,Clerkle office, the following members were present: Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor Curtis Lampoon, Councilman Charles Nobles, Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley, JustiGo of Peace Ralph Been, Justice of Peace Bert D, Turiaer, Clerk H, Russell Harris, Town Superintendent of Highways also present. Mrs* H, G• Potter called on the Board in reference to the parking of Automobile* on the sidewalt in front of Hubbell's I residence on Ridge Road and requested the Board to take some I action. C _ `-- The privilege of the floor was extended_ •to Mr. ONiel, who asked the Board how the highway moheys were apportioned for special improvements. The Board discussed the matter with . Thn Otsrk read a communication from Charles Tuttle, lauding the work and efforts of the Town Superintendent of Highways on the Lockhadt Mountain Roat, A communication from Bescbsr ,S. Clother 'relative to the B. K, Clifford bill for the rental of a grader was read to Ord by the 61ork and placed on f ile. A464oftnication from the Division 'of Highways in the State of -1kw-York fixing the rate` for the rental of a grgd er at $2695 per eight hour day~ was read to the Board by the Clerk. The wrk read a communication from the County Attorney, in reference to expense of repairing and puting its conditiDn the road commonly called The Top O'The World Road. Communication was placed on file. �ftzg&ILUA 40, 3L Introduced by Itr e'n, sde+0►iatcttsads mot .� 3tc esa ved"that the rate for this, rental, for as Diesel Motor r Grader,No, 12 sgpipppd with V Plow, and side wings, ren'S6id£f"rom February 21st, 1940 to March 11th, 1940 inclusive for a total of 128 hours B and the same is hereby fixed at $3.60 per hour. The above resolution was not seconded so Mr. Been moved that the resolution be adopted and the f ollowin� Vote was taken' Ayes- Br. Been, Mr. Bentley, Mr, Ingalsbe Noes- Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon