1940-04-09 No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claim Allowed 17
100 Raymond Walkup Constable Fees $ 6.82 $ 6.82
101 Lester Brownell Constable Fees 16..89 16.89
102 Bert D. Turner Clerk Services 72..00 72.00 •
103 Curtis Lampoon Councilman Services 8.00 8000
104 John Lenox Constable Fees 7.34 7.34
105 Bert D. Turner Clerk Services 72.00 72.00
106 F. J. Crannell Relief Order 16000 15.00
107 J. N. Ingalobe Supervisor Serv. -31..26 31.26
108 B. K. Clifford Rent for Grader 6x0.00 Not.Aadited
109 Albert Ransom Truck Driver 140.00 140000
110 Ralph Been Board Meetings 8 00 8 00
M 063 $149 .55`
On motion, meeting adjourned. Z"O.'r
REGULAR MEETING April 9th, 1940
At a,. regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Queensbury held on the above date at 7:30 P.M. at the
Clerk's office, the following members were present:
Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor
Curtis Lampson, Councilman
Charles Nobles, Justice of Peace
Meredith Bentley, Justice of Peace
Ralph Been, Justice of Peace
Bert D. Turner, Clerk
H. Russell Harris, Town Superintendent of Highways also
Mrs. H. Q. Potter called on the Board in reference to the
parking of automobiles on the sidewall: in front of Hubbell's
residence on Ridge Road and requested the Board to take some
The privilege of the floor was
extended -to Mr. ONiel, who
asked the Board hoe the highway moneys were apportioned for
special improvements. The Board discussed the matter with
The Clerk read a communication from Charles Tuttle, lauding
the work and efforts of the Town Superintendent of Highways
on the Lockhadt Mountain Road.
A communication from Beecher S. Clother relative to the
B. K. Clifford bill for the rental of a grader was read to
thoz Soard by the Olerk and placed on file.
A communication from the Division of Highways in the State
of Now-York fixing the rate for the rental of a grader at
X2.6.25 per eight hour day. - was read to the Board by the Clerk.
The Clerk read a communication from the County Attorney in
reference to expense of repairing and puting in condition
the road commonly called The Top O'The World Road. Communication
was placed on file. '
esDuLion No. 37. Introduced by Mr. been, rb.eohdad:: sot
26cwAdtdesolved that the rate for the rental for a Diesel Motor
CeAerpillar Grader No. 12 oggipppd with V Plow and side wings,
rentid from February 21st, 1940 to March 11th, 1940 inclusive
for a total of 126 hours B and the same is hereby fixed at
$3.60 per hour. The above resolution was not seconded so
Mr. Been moved that the resolution be adopted and the followin
vote was taken:
Ayes- Mr. Been, Mr, Bentley, Mr, Ingalsbe 5
Noes- Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon
Resolution No:-38... Introducedby Mr, Nobles, Seconded by
Mr. Lampoon
Its resolve d that Dr. Q„ ► Chapman be and is hereby appointed
Town 1441-the Off icer f off' tho Town of Q,ueensbury for a term of }
4 years, beginning at tkb amend 'of the present term and -ending.
on the 48th day of April, 1944.
Duly adopted by the following vote;
Aye, - :Mr. Been,* Mr. Nobles, Mr, Lampoon, Mr, Bentley, Mr,
Noes- hone
On motion# meeting adjourned.
Regular Meeting April 23rd , 1940- µ
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of. the Town. of Queansbury
held on the above date at the Clerk'& Office, the following
members were present.-
Jmbez Ingalsbq ; Supervisor
Curtis..Lamplon; Councilman
Charles Nobles: Justice of Peace
Me 'red ith ,Bents ey, Justice of Peace
Ralph Besn, Justice of Peace
Bert D, Turner, Town Clerk .-
H. Russell Harris, Town Superintendent of Highways also present.
Minutes "of regular meetings held on March 26th, 1944 and, i;4
April 9th, 1940 read and approved .
Charlotte Reith called on the board in reference to soil washing
on her lot in Plum Bay. It was suggested that- she take the
matter up with the County Highway Department.
A committee from River StreetCalled on the Board in referen6ie
to drainageof lots and claimed that the natural drainage was
shut off by the construcrion of side walks.. Matter was: ftforrod
to the Town Superintendent.
Frank Serge azk.edtLh rd whsilher or not there was goint to
be any WPA project StAYted this year.
Mr. Harris read a`letter frim Fred VacHusen.
Ihh enclosed bill for damabes to his automobile. Matter was
re erred to County Attorney. An application from the Jcbau IJ4 .
Harris Memorial to clean the cemetery of the said, John Jo-Rwrris
Memorial Chapel was read. to the Board:. =axt
In the matter of WPPK projects , the following resolution !f!►
adopted': s a
, ,.+OLoTIO1T No Introduced by Mr. Bela, seconded bys ,
�� .,
. It was .resolved that. Supervisor be . and Is hereby, au'�hos. a � ,: Al
6" directed to make the necessary applic&t1o.?" ton NP/i
authorities to reopen and complete the WPA" Poo j,e4 #5 6S"ter
Lockhart Mountain. ± °:
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Jc .c
eyes - Mr. Been, Mr, Nobles, Mr, Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and'° "
Mr. Ingalsbe
Noes: - None
f z.