1940-04-23 18 Resolution No.._38. Introducedby Mr. Nobles, Seconded by Mr. Lampson It Vise resolved that Dr. G, A. Chapman be and is hereby appointed Town Heatlthe Officer for the Town of Queensbury for a term of 4 years, beginning at t end of the present term and ending on the 8th day of April, 1944. Duly adopted by the following vote; Ayes- .Mr, Been* Mr. Nobles, Mr, Lampoon, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Ingalsbe Noes- None On motion# meeting adjourned. Regular Meeting April 23rd, 1940 At 4 regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Quesnsbury held on the above date at the Clerk's Office, the following members were present:: JeLbez Ingalsbe , Supervisor Curtis Lampoon, Councilman Charles Nobles, 4stice of Peace Meredith Bentley, Justice of Peace Ralph Bean, Justice of Peace I Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk H. Ruasell Harris, Town Superintendent of Highways also present. .� Minutes of regular meetings held on March 26th, 1940 •and . April 9th, 1940 read and approved. Charlotte Reith called on the board in reference to sail washing on her lot in Plum Bay. It was suggested that- she take the = matter up with the County Highway Department. A committee from River StreetCalled on the Board in reference to drainage of lots and claimed that the natural drainage was shut off by the construcrion of side walks. Matter was r.af erred to the Town Superintendent. Frank Serge aakedttheheard uhdther or not there was gointato be any wPA project started this ,year. Mr. Harris read a -letter from Fred VanHusen z sedatfa wMia enclo$ed bill for damabes to his automobile, Matte—r— was referred to County Attorney. An application from the John,:J: .. Harris Memorial to clean the cemetery of the said John J. Marrdo MemoriaEl. Chapel was read , to the Board'. #nx:kka In the matter of wPA projects , the following resolution w" V, adopted: RESOLUTION No- Introduced by Mr. Bern, seconded by., Mr. o es k . It was resolved that Supervisor be and is hereby. author• a64, , v k 6nd. directed to make the necessary application to. NPA authorities to reopen and complete the wPA Project 033637 " Lockhart Mountain. - � Duly adopted by the following vote : MA-yes - Mr. Been, Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe Noes— None F f - 4 t9 .'j. M OIUTION No. 40, Introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by We Joobles- It '-w* : resolved that Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to t ma U an offer to John Loomis to liaase a slate quarry at . ^ xFeedW* Dam on the property formerly owned by VaaDusen in the '< Tgw)4 W Queensbury as follows-. ,{V iQi- O per year for a teas :of two years with privelege to ` t4s Tgwn of Queensbury of rea wing leas of said quarry .for an additional term of 3 years at the yearly rental not to exeeed $250.00per year. The above resolution was lost by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Lampson, Mr. Ingalsbee Noes - Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, and Mr. Bentley RESOLUTION No_. 4_1,: Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded by * Ben It was resolved that Mr. Sean and Mr. Bentley be and they are hereby appointed a committee of two, to investigate the advisability of purchasing 3 &area of land suitable for a3 slate quarry at Feeder dam on the property formerly owned by VanDusen in the`' of Queensbury and to obtain from the owner thereof or other &genet if possible the selling price of 3 acres of the above described land, Duly adopted by the following vote: Ibyes - Mr' Been, .Mr. tNoblesi Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Inpalsbee€ Noe si_�Xltone - i The Board, audited the following claims: No Name of Claimant Nature _9foClaim Amt. Claim Amt.Allow+ 111 ft. Surplesaant Ins,, o4 Elect, Primary- -$ 10.00 10.00 112` Clara F. Taylor " " " 10.40 10.00 113 X* A ,Sullivan " K " 10.00 10.00 11-4 Jameaa-oft l « a a 15.32 15.32 115 Clarence Hi Oftnkhits « « « 15.64 15.8 116 Elva MoDe t 10.00 1c�.4RJ 117 Mairt+ral t#tiAdals " s 10:60 10.40 118 Minnin B ll « «. N 10.00 10.00 q 119 Theresa.2 Vemick « N,: _. « 10.00 10.00 120 tied aFt4hlr « e a 15.00 15.00 12.1 Luripf-LoPVc, 10400 10.00 122 aertrvA6,16 shion " a « 100, 00 10.00 ' 123 VWiVW Cr (tell N N a 10.00, 10000 124 N."T..P.&Ligh* Corp. Street Lighting 38.16 38.16 a 125_ Dennis & Co. Inc. , "ses ere Supplies 2:02 23009 126 Dennis & Co. Inc. , Su plies 15.65 15.65 127 Cha�r%es win •Killing. & Burying . 4.00 4.00 128 Charles Baldwin Counktable Fees 6.00 6.00 129 John Lennox Co table Feed 4.00 4.00 - 130 Jolty R - i �4eaad animals 19.00 13.00 T ; M Loarkon2Bsatw"11 .:f =t mustable,Feeae 9.50 9.50 132` Chaubl*fg W#bkes Justte�e 9Bae ricea 44.00 44.00 133 [ s► t2t Ha tlaRy Justtee 4ervieee 8.50 8.50 134 He . t�r. ' xaner .. Clerk Serwicert.< a 76.00 _: 76.00 135 J , Ugaashoi a Supervi,eor s3ery ces - 111.82 111 82 1361 ithpl oatley Boar4;_19ottings 8.00 8.00 137 F. atrl "ronant. Typewriter;& Checkwriter Re P ails 19.90 19090 138 Edward Sleight Assessor Sw vises 142.50 142.50 139 Ernest Hillis 149.70 149;70 140 Chan. Richards "V " 149.40 149.7 '141 Anna 540alowy.. Welfare Otf icer 34.52- . 34. 143 Williaa.wi telch Poor Relief 640 60 a 143 F.A Richardson :L84;00 ��. A 144 Albert Hoffma 3 f ra, ya 145 E,M.Movre Treas. Warren County S.P.C.A. 39:00 39.00 146 A. G. Brown Poor Relief Order 14.00 14.00 147 Lydia M. Harris Electioh inspector : 1Q� 10.00 148 Curtis Lampson Board Meetings 8.4Q ' 8.00 149 Ralph Been Board Meetings 8.00 8.00 150 Woodbury & *on WP* Luzerne 18:.46 18,46 151 Sylvia Schwager NPA Luzerne -7,2* 7.22 152 Gulf Oil Corp. WPA Luzerne -424W 47000 153 N, Chernoff WPA Lucerne 15000 95000 154 Albert Ransom_ WPA Luzern 05,56i`4 95.50 155 E. .J Sawyer & Co. WPA Luzerne 40.91' , Not audited 84 Barber & Howe Insurance- Presented (8-26-40)& as";64 897.64 On motion meeting adJ'6"A Regular meeting May 14th91940 i At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of,{ Que"awy hold on the above date at 7;34 P.Y. at the j Clerkis office, the following menbers were present, Jabez N. Ingalsbe, ,Supervisor Curtis Lampson, Coumciiaan . . Charles Nobles, Justice of Pear* Meredith Bentley, Justice of Ralph Been Justice of Peace Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk. . . M-, dal ►',garria Town $uperintendant of Highways a�►#►tr, ;c, . . touted � tegular Meeting held on April 23rd, 1944 ra,K ..,, ? r Itr. Bentley a44 Mr..:Been, committee` appointed .tha..late: meeting .to interview Mr. Loomis relative to purch4o f suffA* j grouad for a slate gparry, reported that tt '.=., Loomis aI the time of their interview had stated th&t,-,bVi:wo, ►3d not sell, Mr. Nobles jetated that subsequent thereto U ad talked w$th Mr. Loomis and that Mr. Loomis would Qonari+ tr selling a part of the premises under discussion. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution No* 42 Introduced by Mr. Lampson socexa+lted =t►►Y Bentley It was r9solved that Mr. Lam P oA, Mr# Been tx . Noh1e8 lra:1, and they,are hereby appointed a oommtttee " tar in! eat remises, an the property formerly owned b VanDuse at Feeder, , i Dam and uow owned by the Robertson 24tate� ,where it a-prope s..1;1 ' %hat the.Town acquire two acres of land for use as a atlas quarry and determine as near as possible the location-.of the slate ledge thereon, and to take soundings thereon aJasl atsfsrink the depth .thereof and ' report at the next regular .meatirA " f-•'" w . the Bold. Duly adopted by the following vote. Ayes Xro Been, Mr. Nobles, tiro L&Apson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbee s �iees •► Moue