1940-12-10 47 366 Meredith S. Bentley Board' Meetings - 16.00 16.00 367 mates cc Carmody 18-60 Watt Mazdas' 2.34 2.34 368 Dennis Co. 1 Copy G.C.Code Penal Law 20.00 Not Audited 369 Jabez N. Ingallsbe Percentage on Disbursements 5.29 5.29 370 Jabez N. Ingallsbe Board Meeting 8.00 8.00 371 Jabez, N. Ingallsbe Office Expense 6.85 6.85 372 Curtis Lampson Board Meetings & Comm. 17.56 17,56 373 Ralph Been Board Meetings 201.00 2.0.00 374 S. F. Hawley Fees for recording deeds 28.3.0 2.81_30 375 Doty Lumber Co. Eleck-ion Equipment 11.57 11.57 376 Clayton G. Woodbury & Son " " 9,78 9.78 377 X*Y.Tsl.Co. Election (Telephone) 13030 13.50 378 Albert Ransom W,P.A.Truck Driver 112=..50 112.50 379 Detroit Supply Co. W.P.A, Lake George 8,87 8.87 i 3.80 Goodrich Oil Co. W,P.A. Luzern 38,40 38,40 Totals $1899,.15 X1876.55 On motion Me ting adjourned Regular meeting December 10th,1940 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held on the above date at the Town Clerk's office at 7 :30 P.Y, the Following Menbers were present. Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor Charles Nobles Justice of Peace Ralph Been Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley- Justice of Peace Bert D. Turner, Town. Clerk H. Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways also present No ve-mbe-v Minutes of Meeting held on the defier 26th,1940.were read and a approved. Resolution No 82 Introduced by Mr. Nobles seconded by Mr. Been It was resolved that the Clerk be and hereby is authorized to execute a release to the American Employerysx Insurance Company for the official Bond #F110233-48298 of Thomas C. Hall former Welfare officer of the Town of Queensbury whose term expired on the 21st day of March, 1940 and cancelling of said Bond. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes- Mr. Been,Mr. Nobles, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe Noes- None { Absent-lair. Lampson 4S Resolution No. 83 Introduced by Tuir. Been, Seconded by Mr Nobles It was resolved thatUr. Bentley be and is hereby appointed a committde of. One to consult with the water Commissioners of the City of Glens Falls relative to the installation of a low pressure meter in the North Glens Falls Water District and to abtain cost to said district in changing from individual billings to meter billings to said district from said Water Commissioners of the City of Glens Falls . Duly adopted by the following vote :- Ayes- Mr Been, Mr, Nobles,, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe Hoes - None absent Ir.- Lampson ` Resolution'No. 84 Introduced by fir. Nobles seconded by Mr, Been Whereas the next regular meeting mf the Town Board falls on Christmas Eve December 24th,1940, Resolved that thenext regular meeting Shall be held on the 23rd day of December, 1940 at 7 :30 P.M. at.:the. Cl6rk staff Joe rihstead cf Qn:: tie fourth tuesday of the Month of Decemeber. Duly adopted by the following vote :- Ayes- Mr.Been, Mr. Nobles, air. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe ' Noes-Moen Absent Mr. 'Lampson Onmotion Meeting adjourned At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of the Town of Queensbury, held at the Off±)ce3offthecTown Clerk in said Town on the 14th day of December,1940, the following Menebers were present; Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor Ralph Been Justice of Peace Charles Nobles Justice of Peace Meredithe Bentley Justiceof Peace Absent- Curtis Lamps on Councilman Bard D. Turner Town Clerk H. Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways also present Mr. Been, Justice , offered the following resolution No.85, seconded by qtr. Nobles, Justice, Whereas, The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury adopted the annual. Bat:�­m;htes which included estimate of $5000. for Snow removal for the year of 1941,which sum was included in the annual levy of taxes of the Town of Queensbury for. the Year of 1941, and, . i Whereas, None of said taxes so assessed and levied have been — collected and will not be be collected until aft+brrJanuarry 1, 1941, and , Whereas by tLhe uhforseen early fall of snow, it became necessary for the 'rows of highways of the Town of Queensbury to cause . snow to be removed and it will be necessary before the taxes levied for such purpose are collected and available, and , Whereas, There is not sufficient funds available for payment of the expense of snow removal and this Board deejs it necessary to borrow money in anticipation- of- taxes ler$@d but uncollected, Now, therefore, Be it 49 Resoleved , that in anticipation of the dCkl1eet16ndof taxes above mentioned, the Town of Queensbury borrow from the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company on certificate of -indebtedness -issued theredur, the sum of $1000.00 payable April 1j1941, bedit further, Resolved , that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury issue certificate of Indebtedness in the sum of $1000.00 payables at the 'Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Oompany April 191941 with interest at a rate not exceeding 4 per- cent per annum, and that said certificate of indebtedn%ss be signed by the Supervisor and counter-signed by the Town Clerk of said Town of queensbury, be it further, Resolved, that the superirisor be and here�y is authorized and empowered for and in the name of the own of Queensbury to borrow said funds and to deliver said certificate of indebtedness to -said Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes- Mr. Been, Mr, Nobles , Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe Noes- None - Absent- Mr. Lampson G 2 REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 23rd , 1940 At a regular meeting of the Town Boark of the Town of *ueensbury held ��n the above date at 7:30 P,M. at the Clerk' s Office the following members were present : Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor Curtis Lampson, Councilman Charles Nobles, Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley, Justice of Peace Ralph Been, Justice of Peace Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk H. Russell Harris , Town Superintendent of Highways , was also present. Minutes of meetings- held on December 10th, 1940 were read , and after correction were approved , and minutes held on December 14th, 1940 were read and approved. The Clerk read two applications for the position of Dog En- umerator sent in by Robert Lapan and Theresa. -Dimick. RESOLUTION NO. 86, Introduced by Mr. Been; seconded by Pursuant to the Agriculture and Markets Law Robert LaPan be and is hereby Dog Enumerator for the Town of 4ueensbury for' the year of 1941. The above resolution was not seconded and no other action on said resolution was taken. I . Mr. Bentley, who was appointed a committee to look into the matter of installing metor for the North Glens Falls Water Dis- trict reported that he had interviewed Mr. dyers in reference to same, and that Tyr. !dyers advised -him that the Water Commission- ers of the City of Glens Falls were given the matter serious consideration, and that he, Myers was preparing an estimate of the cost to the said district and nothing further would be done until after the first of the year.