1941-02-11 i 5 REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 11th 1941 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of queensbury held on the above date at 7:30P.M. at the Clerkts- Office, the , following menbers were present, Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor Charles Nobles Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley " Ralph Been Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. tH. Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways also present . Curtis Lampson Councilman absent. • .Minutes. of Meeting held on January 28th 1941 were read and .,. approved. The Clerk Read a communication from .the Warren County Department of highways in reference to the money available for the Highway fund Item #10 The board discussed other Town matters and o motion meeting adjourned �REGULNR` MEETING FEBRUARY 25th, 194QD it a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of �iueensbury "Meld on' the above date at 7 :30 P.M. at the Clerks office the following menbers were present : Jabez In alsbe Su er s . g , p fm or f Charles Nobles J us tice of Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of Peace Ralph Been Justice of Peace Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. Curtis Lampson Councilman, absent. H. Russell. Harris Town Supperintendant of Highways and County Attorney Beecher S.Clother also present. Minutes of Meeting held on February llth, 1841 were read and approved. Mrs Lester Erlanger called on the board in reference to draining garrison Road. The Board generally discussed the matter with the County. attorney and the following resolution was adtpted. Resolution #5 Introduced by Mr. Nobles, Seconded by Mr. Bentley It was resolved that Justices Bentley, Been and Nobles be and are hereby appointed a committee of three to inquire into the all the legal aspects of the proposal to 'repair the drainage of Ft Amherst Road in the Town of 4ueensbury and the responsibility of the Town in maintaining and repairing daid drainage system and report their findings to this board. Duly ado ted b the following vote p Y g Ayes- Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe Noes* None Absent Mr. Lampson- Couneilmand 4.. a,