1941-02-25 56 The board audited claims as follows, Amount Amount No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Cla Ves ,Allowed 32 N, Y, Power & Light Corp Street Lighting 36.18 $36.18 33 Glens Falls Post Co. Tax Collectors Notice 8.96 8.96 34 Lester Brownell Constables Services 9.30 9.30 35 Charles Richards Assessor ft 101.10 101.10 36 Edward Sleight to If 95.70 95,70 37 Ernest Hillis it to 101.10 101,10 38 Anna Odell-Trustee Rent. Elect Dist #3 30.00 30,00 39 Charles J. Nobles Justice Services 43,50 43,50 40 Charles Nobles Zvprd.'r1&a0ofhmtttaeMeeting 28900 28900 41 Charles Nobles Exp- Associating meeting 21950 21,50 42. Dorance Branch Relief Order 8000 8,00 41 Anna McCaghey Expo AssociatihnnMeeting 20,70 20.70 44 Anna McCaghey Welfare officer 34.06 34,06 45 Raymond Walkup Constables Services 11440 11,40 46 Automatic Voting Mach. Supplies 6.36 NotGaddited 47 Wm Jones Prem- Ins. Voting Machines 90,29 Not audited 48 Bert D. Turner Exp. Association Meeting 194,20, 19.20 49 Holmes Auto Service. Supplies W.pA. 99Disalloved 50 Earl Carswell ti ft 5,75Disallowed 51 American Paper Mach Rep Truck W.PA. 7.20Disallowed 52 Gulf Oil Co. Supplies 52.50 52.50 53 Detroit supply Up. Supplies 1.9ODisallowed 54 Jabez Ingalsbe Board Meetings 4,00 4.00 55 Bert Ransom Truck Driver W.P,A. 99,50 99.50 56 H. Russell Harris Exp Association Meeting 21,11 21.11 57 Ralph Been Board & Committee Meetings 12.00 12*00 58 Ralph Been Exp Association Meeting 21,59 21.59 59 Jabez Ingalsbe Percentage General Town Fund 11.87 11.,87 391 Barber & Howe Premiums - Held to this audit57,49 57,49 963.23 $850,7Z- On motion meeting adjourned Regular Meeting March llth,1941 At- a regular meeting of the Town board of The Town of (4ueensbury held on tie above date at 7:30P.M, at the Clerk' s office, the following menbers were presant, Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor Charles Nobles, Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley, Justic eof Peace Ralph Been Justice of Peace Bert D.-Turner Town Clerk. Curtis ampson Councilmen absent, H! Russell Harris Town Su p,rintendeattof Highways also present. Miniites of Meeting held on iebruary .Urth,1941 were read. and approved. The board generally discussed the zoning mattvv with a committee of taxpayers and the mattere was continued. A communication from the County attorney in reference to permiting the New York Telephone Companytierform certain construction work in the highways was rea to the Board,'by the Clerk. Resolution jj6, Introduced by Mr.: Nobles ,' sec I onded by Mr. Bentley Whereas , the New York Telephone Company has requested this board for permission to construct, reconstruct, reinforce) opergtes maintain and repair underground CoAdUttai.smamhoies and subsidiary ducts and to lay and use lines- of electrical conductors underground therein or lines of burried wire