1941-04-22 65
REGULAR MEETING April 22nd, 1941
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of �ueensbury
held on the above date at the Clerk' s Office at 7:30 P*M. , the
• following members were present :
Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor
Curtis Lampson, Councilman
Charles Nobles, Justice of Peace
Meredith Bentley, Justice of Peace
Ralpli Been, Justice Of Peace
H. Russell Harris, Town Superintendent of Highways also present.
Minutes of regular meeting held on April 8th, 1941 'and of
public hearings held on April 21st, 1941 were read and approved.
Earl ,Carswell called on the board in reference to the installation
of a stop light near Lafayette Street on Glen Road. The board
generally discussed the matter with him and no other action was
Mr. Bentley .reported that it would cost approximately $700.00
to install a water meter in the. North Glens Falls Water District.
t Resolution IVo. 16 by Mr. Nobles, seconded by Mr. Lampson
The Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to
. .purchase under Section 142 of the Highway Law from Earl T..
• Carswell with approval of the County Superintendent of Highways:
. One D 35 International Coleman 4 wheel drive for a total of Al
thirty-six hundred seventy-five dollars($3675.00) f. o. b.
Town of ijueensbury Store house. ,
j f The terms of payment, are as follows: ` *:
y Trade-in allowance on 1 Junk Roller and 1 Junk Cletrac $100 1 .
• Check for. . Ngne .,:
The balance ,or net price in amount of $3575 to be paid by four.
;p certificates of indebtednesA acs listed below; ,..
First : $896.00 ; payable March 1st 1942
Second: $893.00 ; payable March 1st 1943: y
Third: $893.00 ; payable March 1st 1944
Fourth: $893.00 ; payable March lst 1945 _ ,
Certificates, to bear interest at interest to be payable' .
Certificates and intere%" payable at the Glens Falls National
• Band & Trust.
.Co. and the Supervisor and Town Clerk are hereby
authorized and directed to issue the above certificates of
indebtedness in accordance with Section 266 of the Highway- Law,- �
my adopted by the following vote:
• Vote of Town Board Ayes- Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor
No- Ralph Been, Justice of Peace
Ayes- Charles nobles , Justice of Peace
Ayes- Curtis Lampson, Councilman
No- ?Meredith Bentley, Justice of Peace
1 Hereby Certify That the above is a true copy of resolutions
passed by the Town Board of the Town of +4ueensbury at a meeting
held April 22nd, 1941.
L_ n.,
Resolution No. 17, Introduced by .Mir. Been,Seconded by Mr. Bentley
WHEREAS the Town Superintendent of Highways has , on numerous
occass'ions 'recommended the purchase of a power grader
Therefore be it resolved that the Town board hereby authorizes
the Town Superintendent of Highways to select a power grader
eguiped with snow plow which he desires for use in the Highway
Department and the Town Board will authorize the purchase of
such selection not to exceed the sum of 47000.
Duly lost by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Been, Mr. Bentley
Noes - Mr, Ingalsbe
Mr. Lampson and Mr. Nobles did not vote on above Resolution.
The Board audited claims as follows:
No Name of Claimant ivature of Claim Amt , Claimed Amt, Allowed
85 N.Y.P.8&Light Corp. Street Lighting 38.16 4 ' 38.16
86 ' •N.Y.Tel.Co. Tel, Service 10.61 10.61
87 John J. Harris diem, Care of Cemetery 50.00 50.00
88 G. A. Chapman Dept, Hlof N.Y:City 10.32 10.32
89 Edward Sleight Serv, as assessor 140.64 140.64
90 Charles Richards " " " 147.12 147.12
91 Ernest -Hillis " " " 147.84 147.84
92 Charles Baldwin Fees-counstable 7.74 7,74
93 Charles Baldwin Fees-Counsta6le 6946 6.46
94 Charles Baldwin destroy & burying dogs 16.00 16.00
95 Charles Nobles Fees-Justice 28.50 28.50
96 Bert D. Turner Per diem 80.00 80,00
97 Bert D. Turner Per them 80.00 80,00
98 Aetna Casa Co. Premium on bond 28.76 28,76
99 Mary Newcomb Weiefare 6.50' 6,50
100 Bert D. Turner Per diem 80.00 80.00
101 James L. Macaughey - - - Expenses . . . . . . .1.3.84 13,84
102 AnnaMacaughey Salary and expenses 35.27 35.27
JW Albert Ransom Salary W,P.A, 108.00 108..00
104 Jabez N. Ingalsbe Percentage Twn. fund 35.35 35.35
_ 105 Jabez N. Ingalsbe Per diem 8.00 8100
106 Jabez N. Ingalsbe Expenses 4.40 4..40
107 Jabez N. Ingalsbe Percentage 91.53 21153
108 Curtis Lampson Per diem :121-00 12,00
109 Ralph Been Per diem 12.00 12,00
110 Meredith S, Bentley Per diem 36.00 36000
Claim No, 25 of Warren County Society
for the prevention of
Cruelity to animals held to this audit 39.00 39,00
Claim 'No. 24 of J. W. Singleton Poor Relief 6,50 6,50
held to this audit
11280,54 $1,280.54