1941-05-13 Regular Meeting May 13th.1941 67
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
held on the above 'date at the Clerk' s o'ffice at 7:30 P.M. , the
following menbers were present,
Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor,,
Curtis Lampson, Councilman
Charles Nobles, Justice of Peace
Mered.ith Bentley.Justice of Peace
Ralph Been, Justice of Peace
H. Russell Harris, Town Superintendent of Highways, also present.
Minutes of meeting held on April 29th,1941 were read and approved.
The Board oard generally discussed the matter of installing a water
MeOr for the North Glens Falls Water district and the following
resolution was adopted,
Resolution No. 18 Introduced by Mr. Been, Seconded by Mr. Nobles
It was resolved that Mr.` Bentley be and Is hereby authorized to
Cause to be made and obtain sufficient plans and specifications
for the construction of a meter vault for the North Glens Falls
Water District. Said plans and specifications shall be approved
by the Superintendent of the Water Department of the City of Glens
Duly adopted by the. following Vote:
Ayes: Mr. Been, Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampsono Mr,Bentley and Mr.
Applications wore received from John J. liarris Memorial Chapel
to clean the John J. Harris Memorial Chapel Cemetery and the
mountainside Grange to Clean the Scotch Church Cemetery. Said
Applications were read to the Board by the Clerk.
Resolution No, 19 Introduced by Mr Been, Seconded by •Mr. Lampson.
It was resolved that the Mountainside Grange is hereby authorized
to remove grass, weeds, brush and care for and conserve the
Scotch Church cemetery on Bay road.
Further resolved that brush and weeds and grass be removed at
least three times a year by the said Mountainside grange.
Further resolved that the sum of 450.00 be and is hereby appropiated
for said cemetery.
Further resolved that the work be completed by October 1st 1941.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes* Mr, Been, Mr, Nobles,, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr.
Resolution No, 20s Introduced by Mr, Bentley, Seconded by Mr.
It was .resolved that John J. Harris Memorial Chapel remove Grass
weeds$- brush, and carefor and conserve the John J, Harris Memorial
eemetery on Ridge Road.
Further Resolved that brush and weeds and grass be removed at least
three times a year Igy the said John J. Harris Memorial Chapel,
Further resolved that that the sum of $50.00 be and is hereby
appropiated for said cemetery,
Further resolved that the work be completed by October lst,,1941,
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes- Mr, Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampsom, Mr. Bentley and
,Mr. Ingalsbe
Noes None.
Several salesman from various road machine companies called
on the board in reference to Power road Graders.Theyquoted
the following prices dAlivered.
Allis Chalmers Power Grader $5425
Austin Western " #f 6996
Rome##203 6643
Rome 303 " " 7358
Gallion #101 2 " 7333.
. Adams 203 " " 6772
The Supertendent of Highways stated that the purchase of a
Galion grader would be acceptable to him.
After due consideaation the following resolution was adopted
Resolution #21 by Justice Bentley, Seconded by Justice Been
The Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to
purchase under Section 142 of the Highway Law from the Good
Roads Machinery Company of New York, Inc. , with approval
of the County Superintendent of Highways : One Galion, Model
101 Motor Grader Gas Engine, 12' Moldboard & Blade, Cab
Safety Glass, Electric Starter & Lights, dcarifier, Snow
Plow & Wing for a total: price of $7333.00 ($7333.00) F.G.B. ,
Glens Falls, N.Y.
The terms of payment are as follows:
Trade in allowance on-------------$ None
Check for-------------------------$ None
The balance or net price Ifi amount of $7533.00 to be paid
by Four certificates of Indebtedness as listed below:
First:$1833.25; Payable March 1 1942 ---
Second�1833.25 Payable it .1943
Third;$1833.25 Payable " 1944 .
Fourth$1833.25 Payable " 1945
Certificates to bear interest at note to exgeed 4%; •interest
to be payable annually. .
Certifieates and interest payable at Glens Falls Bat' 1 Bank
& Trust Co., and the supervisor and Town Clerk ar-e ,hereby
authorized and directed to issue the above certificates of
Indebtedness in accordance with section 266 of the' Righwayy
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Vote of Towh Board-Aye-Ralph Been Justice of Peace
aye-Charles Nobles Justice of Peace
.aye- Curtis Lamps on Couat i lmaxr
aye- Meredith Bentley Justice off. Peace
ayes Jabez Ingalabe- Supervisor,
Whe Clerk Read an Communication from the bepartment pf Audit
and controll address to the Superintendent of Highways
in reference to insurance premiums which shuAld , be-:paid
from General. Town fund unless money has ' been specifically .
included in the Miscellaneous fund of the Highway fund' .f or that
On mot-i�dcn� meeting adjourned.