1941-05-27 REGULAR MEETING May 27th,1941 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of ueensbury held on' the above date at 7:30 P.M. at the Clerk's office, the following menbers were present, Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor Curtis Lampson, JUouncilman Charles-. Nobles Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley,Justice of Peace Ralph Been Justice of Peace H Russell Harris , TownnSuperintendent of Highways, also present. Minutes of meeting held May 13th was read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from E.H.Meyer inreference to enlarging culvert on Dixon Road and same was placed en file. The Clerk read a communication from E. H. Meyer in reference to installation of a Dater meter in the North Glens Falls Water District and same was placed on file. ..The -Clerk read a communication from E.H.Me Y er in reference to billing the consumers in the North Glens Falls Water District and same was placed on file. Resolution No.22 , Introduced by•Mr. Nobles, Seconded by Mr. Lampson. t It -vas resolved that Justice Bentley be and is hereby authorized and directed to engage the Water Department of the City of Glens Falls to inhtall a vault for a water meter for the North Glens Falls eater District, Further resolved that in so far as practicle, labor for said construction shall be employed from residents of said Water District or the Town of queensbury, Further. Resolved that• said vault shall be of the same general ._ size and demensions now in use in the West Glens Falls Water District in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth in a letter of Ernest L.H.Meyer, Supt. to the Town Board of 4ueensbury dated May 17th,1941, Duly adopted by the following Vote Ayefi "Mr. Been, Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. ` galsbe. Ndeb,`"None The ' r&velege of the •Ftioor was extended to Mr. Sidney Vandusen who*tequestsd that the Board permit the Mohican Jesters clean either the'White Church Cemetery or the Mount Herman cemetery under the same agreements as the Board has with other organizations Resol,tittion No. 23 introduced by Mr. Nobles , Secondedby Mr. ,Bentley It was resolved that Mr. Lampson be and is hereby appointed a committee of One to investigate whether or not the Mountain Herman Cemetery Gurney lane cemetery and the West Glens Falls Cemetery o14 -part properly come under -the provisions of the Town Law which provides for the maintainance of abandon cemeteries and consult with the County Attorney in reference to same, Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes- Mr, Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe Noes.- None Mr. Elmer Riley called on the board in reference to the West Glens Falls Vater District selling water to the Jewish Cemetery t and the nest Glens Falls Cemetery. .Resolution Nd,2 <_Irt;rgduced by Mr. Bentley, Seconded by -r. Nobles fti 72 It was resolved that Mr, Lampson be and is hereby appointed a committee of one to examine into the >advisibility of the West Glens Falls Water District of selling water to the Jewish cemetery and .the West Glens Falls Cemetery, o&hdgyavhsult with the Water Commiskioners of the City of Glens Falls to ascertain whether or not the said commissioners of the City of Glens Falls would consent to the sale of said water to said cemeteries. Further resolved that said committee be and is hereby authorized to ascertain the cost of a water meter for tJaseuat the aforemaktion cemeteries for the sale of water, - Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes- Mr.- Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe. Noes. None The Clerk read a communication from the Glens Falls Grange, requesting the pr&velege of -cleaning The Sunnyside cemetery. Resolution No. 25 Introduced by Mr. Been, Seconded by Mr.. Bentley It was resolved that Glens Falls Grange Nr.1175 be and is hereby authorized to remove grass, weeds, brush' and carefor and conserve the Sunnyside Cemetery. Furtbier Resolved that Brush, naddweeds and grass be removed at least three times a year*by the said Glens Falls Grange #1175, Further resolved that the sum of $50*00 be and is hereby appropiated for said cemetery, Further Resolved that the Work be completed by October lst,1941, Duly adopted by the following vote ; Ayes- Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr, Lampson, Mr* Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe. Noes- None. The boardaudited claims as follows Amount Amount No Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed allowed 111 Dennis & Co. , Inc Supplies 24.10 J24.10 112 Charles Nobles per Diem 28.00' 28.00 113 Charles Nobles fees 55.50 55.50 114 N.Y.Power & Light Corp Street Lights 38.16 38.16 115 Raymond Walkup fees 21.04 2i.' 04 116 Bert D. Turner per Diem 80,00 :80,00 117 Rena Hicks expenses 7.24 7,24 118 Gordon Washburn Relief 3,50 3.50 119 Lester Brownell fees 5,20 5,20 120 Anna McCaghey salary & Expenses 34.16 34.16 121 Cool Insuring Agency Premium on Bond 5.Oa 5*00 122 J.W.Singleton relief 5.00 5.00 123 Charles Richards per them & Expenses 175.74 .175.74 124 Edward Sleight 175.38 175.38 125 Ernest Hillis 182.22 182*22 126 Jabez Ingalsbe Per diem & Postage 18.00 18.00 127 Jabez Ingalsbe Percentage 5*78 5.78 128 Jabez Ingalsbe percentage 14.50 14,50 129 Albert 'Ransom Truck DriverWPA 126.00 126.00 130 Earl T. Carswell Truck Parts 2,84 2.84 131 Gulf Oil Corp 4, 9*1, VIRA 10460 55.20 55.20 132 Meredith Bentley Per Diem 8.00 . 8100 133 Ralph Been Per them 8100 8100 134 Meredith Bentley fees 18.50_ 18.50 135 Curtis Lampson Per them 8*00, ' 8.00 1104*96 $1104.96 On motion Meeting adjourned,