1941-07-22 Duly lost by the following vote Ayes- Mr. Been and Mr. Bentley Noeo. Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampoon and Mr. Ingalsbe. In the matter of the claim of the Warren County Sociatfor the prevention of Cruelities to animals, the following resolution Baas Introduced: Resolution No. 35 Introduced by Mr. Nobles, Seconded by Mr. Lampoon, It was resolved that Justices Bentley and Nobles be and are hereby appointed a committee to investigate & exilmine Claim #2:6 . of , the Warren County Society for the Prevention of Cruelities to animals in the amount of $143.00 in January 1941 audit and report as so as said investigation and examination is completed by said committee. Duly adopted by .the following vote:- Ayes Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon and Mr. Ingalsbe Noes- Mrt Been and Mr. Bentley Resolution No 36 Introduced .By Mr. Lampson seconded by Mr. l4oble� WHEREAS A vacancy exists in the office of assessor of the Town of ,Queensbury by the resignation of Charles W. Richards which resignation was duly filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury on the 27th day of June 1.941, RESOLVED?Tflat Fred E. Ricketts , a resident of the Town of Queenobury and a person duly qualified to hold -the office of assessor of said Town, be and hereby is appointed assessor of said Town to hold office until the first day[ of January,1942, it is further, Resolved, That the menbers of said Town Board make and file in the Town Clerk' s office appointment of said Fred E. Ricketts to fill said Vecancy. Duly adopted bl the following vote: Ayes- Mr, No$i4s, Mr. Lampoon and Mr. Ingalsbe c Noes- Mr. Been and Mr. Bentley 4 e Regular. Meeting July 22nd, 1941 A.t a. regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury i held on the above date at 7:30 P.M. at the Clerk's Office the following members were present: Jaben Ingalsbe, Supervisor Curtis Lampson, Councilman Meredith Bentley, Justice of Peace Ralph Been, Justice of Peace H. Russell Harris,Town Superintendent of Highways, also present. `. Minutes of meetings held on June 24th, 1941 and June 30th, 1941 were read and approved. 78 No meeting was held on July 8th, having been called off- by the Supervisor because there was no business for the Board to transact at that time , and.no members of the Board attended or appeared at said time except Justice of Peace, Ralph Been, and no business was transacted at that time . Mr. Bentley, one of the committee comprising of Mr. Bentley and Mr. Nobles on the. tlatiw>of,} th+ t�frrjantCbunty Seel 6tyrifor the pre- vention of Cruelty of Animals No. 26 reported that he had made an appointment with Justice Nobles to interview Mr: Moore, treasurer of the Society, and that Mr. Nobles was unable to keep the appointment . Mr. Lampson, committee on cemeteries , reported that he had investigated and examined. into the owners of Mt. Herman Cemetery and to old part of West Glens Falls Cemetery and found that the aforesaid cemeteries: were abandoned. Sydney VanDusen requested that the Mohican Jesters be permitted to take care of the Mt. Herman Cemetery. xtk 1xx#$mex At this time, 9harlea Nobles,. Justice of Peaoe , who had called the Clerk and advised him that he would be late for this meeting came in to the meeting and his presence is .hereby noted. The privilege of the fl.bbr was .extended to Mr. Frederick Bascom who stated that he wash representing Mr. Mockridge and called the Board' s attentiorf1 the Superintendent of Highways in widening the Assembly Point Road had cut the corner and removed a_ tree on property of Mr. Mockridge. He also advised the Board that his client would b,e willing to give a fifty foot strip through the center of the Point for a new road. The Board generally discussed the matter with him, and the Supervisor stated that he would have the County Superintendent of Highways make surveys. RESOLUTION NO. 37 , Introduced by Mr. Been, seconded by Mr. Nobles It was resolved that Mohican Jesters be and are hereby authorized to remove grass, weeds, brush and care for and conserve the Mount Herman Cemetery-Luzern Road . Furthetr resolve d that brush and weeds and grass be removed at least three times a year. Further resolved that the sum of not to exceed fifty dollars be and hereby is appropiated for said cemetery. Further resolved that the work be completed by October 1st, 1941. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes- - Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe Noes - None Resolution No. 38, Introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Nobles It was resolved that Elmer Riley be and is hereby authorized to remove grass , weeds, brush and care for and conserve the West Glens Falls Cemetery, old park, West Glens Falls. Further resolved that brush and weeds :and grass be removed at least three times a year. Further resolved that the sum of not .exceeding fifty dollars be and hereby is appropiated for said cemetery Further resolved that the work be completed by October lst, 1941 . Duly adopted by .the following vote: . Ayes - Mr. Been, .Mr. Nobles,- Mr, Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe Nce's - None 9` The Clerk read a communication from the Town Superintendent of Highways which stated in substance "As there is a general increase in employment, and also an advance in wages in nearly all tJ*pes of employment. I feel that you gentlemen should give consideration to your highway employees , and if possible grant them a wage increase." After discussion, the following resolution was adopted , Resolution No. 3:9 , Introduced by Mr. Been, Seconded by Per. Bentley. Whereas: the Town Superintendent of Highways ask and recommended that the salaries of the employees of highway department be increased and Whereas there has been an...< increa•se in the cost of living and there has been an increase in rate of wages for the laboring class of work adjoining municipalities and factories, and at the present rate of wages for said labor, it is difficult to obt�Lln the necessary men; to carry on the work In the Highway Department. Resolved that the rate of pay for the labor class of employees in the Highway Department shall be increased from 40 cents an hour to 45 cents per hour Further resolved that the Town Superintendent be and is hereby authorized to pay the said sum of 45 cents per hour for labor. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes - =fir. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley, and Mr. Ingalsbe Noes - None The Clerk read an application submitted by Lucy E. Akina ask- ing for her appointment as Town Attendance Officer. No other applications received. The `following resolution was adopted, Resolution No. 40, Introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Nobles . It was resolved that Lucy Akins be and is hereby appointed Town Attendance Officer for the schools of the Town of Queensbury outside of Scho6l district # 2 for the school year of 1941 and =,a 1942, at an annual salary. of $200, payable as follcr*s. $20.00 per month for ten months on the presentation of properly verified bills for same presented to the Supervisor. Further resolved that said appointment is subject to the approval of the district superintendent of Schools . Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes - Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe Noes - None The privilege of the f1bbr was extended to Mr. Carswell , who requested the installation of a traffic control light at the intersection of Lafayette Avenue on the Glens Falls Lake George Highway. After discussion, the following resolution was adopted Resolution No. 41 , Introduced by Mr. Nobles, Seconded by Mr. Been Whereas, a. dangerous traffic condition exists at the intersection of Lafayette Avenue in the Town of Queensbury and route 9 for the reason that automobiles travel at t high and dangerous rate of speed over the main highway_­ rauAe No. 9 and private automobiles , public vehicles, and bused turning into and coming out of 80 Lafayette Avenue into said route 9 nine: createa s&ld dangerous traffic condition at said intersection there is° a bus terminal and it is the opinion of this Board that the erection of automatic stop and go Traffic light would eliminate said dangerous traffic condition Resolve that this Board requests the state department of highway to erectt, and maintain an automatic stop and go traffic light at the intersection of Lafayette Avenue in the Town .of Queensbury with route nine in the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote : l Ayes - Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and ---' Mr. Ingalsbe Noes - None w -The Clerk read a communication from Grace Harper relative to unsightly place on Bay Road. The letter was placed on file and no action taken by the Board. The Clerk read a communication from the County Attorney approving the title to the C. V. Peters Tract and the same was placed on file, and the following resolution was adopted. Resolution No. 42, introduced by bar. Bentley, Seconded by Mr. Nobles. Nhereas. the .Town Board by resolution#31 adopted June 24th, 1941 did purchase from Charles Peters a lot of land lying easterly of the Storehouse property subject to the approval of the County Attorney as to title and instrument`"of conveyance. Wherbas.;the•.Cottity'..Attdmey��h&s :by 'hiB bpi iniGh dAtednjuly 8th, 1941 approved the title and instrument of conveyance. Resolved that the Board accept said instrument of conveyance dated the 8th day of July, 1941 from Charles V. Peters and wife to the Town of Queensbury, and It is further resolved that the said amount of $750.00 be paid to Charles V. Peters upon the presentation of a properly verefied voucher for sadd sum. Further resolved that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to have the aforesaid deed`: recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes - Mr,. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe Noes - None Mr. Earl T. Carswell. called on the Board in refergnee to snow ploughs. The Town Superintendent of highways submitted the following reccommendation. July 22nd , 1941 i To the Town Board of Queensbury Gentlemen: I would reaomend-.,,chit you purchase One F_Kink V. Plow & wing # 118s.p. with hinged deflectors. This plow"jwbe mounted. on truck for the price of Fourteen Hundred & six1' five Dollars $1465.00 H. Russell Harris 3 upt. Highways 81'. The same placed on file. Resolution #43 by Mr. Nobles, Seconded by Mr. Lampson The Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to! purchase under Section 142 of the Highway Law from Earl T. Carswell with approval of the County Superintendent of Highways : One Frink V. Plow & wing #118 S. P. with hinged deflectors to be mounted by seller on D`4 35 International Coleman Truck of the Town of Queensbury for &I-total price of Fourteen Hundred sixty-five :dollars ($1465.00)F. 0. b. Town of Queensbury store house to be delivered on or before December 1st, 1941 •Trader-ih allowance on $ None Check '-for $ None The balance or net price in amount of $ 1465.00 to be bald by two certificates of indebtedness as listed below: First. $732:.00 ; Payable Marsh lst 1942 Second: $733.00 ; Payable larch 1st 1943 Third: $------ Payable----------19-- Fourth $------ Payable --------19-- Certificates to bear interest at 3 %; interest payable annually, Certificates and interst payable at the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company and the Supervisor and Town Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to issue the above Certificates of Indebtedness in accordance with section 266 of the Highway Law. Vote of the Town Board Aye-Jabez Ingalsbe Supervisor aye Ralph Been Justice of Peace Aye Charles Nobles Justice of Peace C"ye Curtis Lampson Councilman Aye Meredith Bentley Justiceof Peace The Board Audited Claims as follow&; Amount Amount. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 161 N.Y.Power & Light Corp Street Lighting $ 38.16 38.16 162 Health Dept N.Y.City Supplies 3.31 3.31 163 Cool Ins. Agcy. Ins-Storehouse 38.15 38.15 164 Adrk-Undwtr-Rlty. Inc. " " 44.13 44.13 165 Dennis & Co. Copy Gilbert 's Code 20.00 Not audited Law 166 Mrs Anna McCaghey Serv. Welfare Officer 33.46 33.46 167 Edward Sleight Serv. as Assessor 126.76 126.76 168 Fred E. Ricketts If " " 89.72 89.72 169 Ernest Hillis If If It 133.60 133.60 170 Charles Richards It if of 30.58 30.58 171 Bert D. Turner Tel.Buffalo.Ass.Bks. 3.50 3.50 172 Dennis & Co Vol .6lMcKinneys Laws 2.00 2.00 173 Lester Brownell Serv. as Constable 9.00 9.00 174 Beecher Howe As per Annexed Stmt . .72 .72 175 Charles Nobles Serv. as Justice 23.50 23.50 176 Bert D. Turner Serv. as Town Clerk 80.00 80.00 177 Ralph Been Serv. As Justice 8.00 8.00 178 Curtis Lampson Serv. as Councilman 8.00 8.00 179 Lucy E. Akins Attendance Officer 200.00 200.00 180 Albert Ramsom Truck Driver 99,00 99.00 181 Glens Falls saint 2 gal. Black Enamel 1.71 1.71 & Glass Co 182 Holms Auto. Serv. Arm & Plate 199 199 183 Charles V. Peters I Purchase price of Lot750.00 750.00 On motion meeting adjourned. 1744.29 1744.29 t