1941-08-26 8 #tl.
Resolution No. 40, Introduced by Mr. Nobles , seconded by
Ear. Beezi
It wp resolved that the following places be. and are hereby
designated aszpbli�gg places for the five Election Districts
in the,.Town of Queensbury
District #1-Leo La�ountain' s Store, Monty' s Bridge
2-11ohicag Grange Hall, Oneida Corners
3- School House-School District #22 Glenwood Avenue
4-Town of Queensbury Store House-Aviation Field Road• -
5-Seward, Lampson' s Garage-West Glens Falls
all in the Town of Queensbury at a yearly rental of 430.00
per year outside of District ft4- Lessors are to furnisYr-heat
and 1igpts.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, fir. Bentley and
Mr. Ingalsbe
Noes - None.
On motion meeting adjourned.
Regular Meeting, August Uth, 1941
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
hisidi oAL1 6 above data at the Clerk' s Office at 7:.30 P.M,, the
following members were present.
Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor
Curtis Lampson, Councilman
Charles Nobles, Justice of Peace
Meredith Bentle y, Justice of Peace
Ralph Been, Justice of Peace
H. Russell Harris, Town Superintendent of Highways, also present.
Minutes of Meeting eld on August 12th were read and roved.
g g �p
Applications were received from Richard C. Davis and Ralph B..
Turner requesting the appointment and recommendation for
appointment to the office of Custodian of Voting Machines, which
the Clerk regd to the Board.
Resolution No, 47, Introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by
Mr. Nobles
Whereas, by section #251of the Election Law, the Board of
Elections are charged with the- duty of appointing Custodians for
voting machines and election law provides for the appointment
of one from each major party.
Resolved, the Town Board hereby recommends the appointment
of Custodian of voting- machines of Ralph B. Turner, a. regular
enrolled republican of the Town of Queensbury and Cornelius J.
Nealon, a regular enrolled democrateof the Town of Queensbury.
It is further resolved that the° salary of said Custodians be
and hereby is fixed at the annual salary of $50.00 each payable
&a provided by the election law, it is further
Resolved that such Custodians perform all duties provided by
the election law, as directed by the Board of Elections.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Mr. Nobles , Mr. Lampson and Mr. Ingilsbe
Noes : Mr. Been, Mr. Bentley
The Hoard Audited and allowed claims as follows:
Amt, Amt,
-No l Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
184 N.Y.Power & Light Corp. Street Lighting 4 38.16 4Not audited
185 Russell & Waite Supplies 17.10 17.10
186 John Lenax Serv. as Cons 6,50 6.50
187 Charles Baldwin " Killing Dogs 161.00 16.00
IB8 Charles Baldwin " as Const, 5.98 5.98
189 Edward Sleight " Assessor 61.72_ 61.72
190 Ernest Hillis " " 65.08 65.08
191 Fred E. Ricketts " " 65.08 65.08
192 94.JC.10h&tty Supplies 3.85 3.85
193 Anna; M. McCaghey Services 32.98 32.98
194 A. G. Brown Relief 10.00 10.00
195 Bert D. Turner Services 80.00 80.00
196 Ralph T. Been Board Meetings 16.00 16.00
197 Meredith S. Bentley Board Meetings 28.00 . 28.00
198 Curtis Lampson Board Meetings 20.00 20.00
199 Jabez Ingalsbe Disbursments 36.33 36.33
200 Jabez Ingalsbe Board Meetings 20.00 20.00 -
201 Russell & Waite Supplies 5.50 3.50
202 Russell & Waite It 1190 1190
203 G. F. Ind , Hunting Club Cleaning Cemetery 52.65 50.00
204 Ruggles Rod Co. Supplies 2.65 2.65 .
205 Albert Ransom Truck Driver W.P.A. 133.00 133.00
On mote meeting adjourned.
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Towne of Queen.sbury
held on the above date at 7 :30 P. 114 at the Clerk's Office, the
following members were present :
Jabez Ingaldbe, Supervisor
Curtis Lampson, Councilman
Charles Nobles, Justice. of Pe Nace e
Meredith Bentley, Justice of
H. Russell Harris, Town Superintendent of Highways , also present .
Minutes of meeting held- on August 26th were read and approved .
Privilege of the floor was extended to 1tilrs. Herbert G. Patter,
who spoke briefly, on the subject of primaries in the Town. of
The Privilege of the floor' s extended to Mrs. Brayton,. ,who .
requested an appropkitti. sum of $100. to aid in maintaining,
and equipping the Mountai ide Free Library.
Resolution No. 48, Introduced by Mr. Nobles , Seconded by
It was resolved that the sum of $100. be and is hereby approp-
riated for use of the Mountainside Free Library in maintaining and
squiping the said Mountainside Free Library.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - 11r. Nobles , Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and 1.11r. Ingalebe
Noes - None
At this point , Ralph Been, Justice of Peace appeared and his
presents is hereby noted.
Mr. Peter Dalton presented a petition signed by 81 persons
requesting the, Board to place a: light on the corner of Glenwood
Avenue and the Lake George Road.