1941-09-23 t 1
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town 'of Queens'bury
held on the above date at 7:30 P.M. at the Clerk's Office, the
following menbers were present.
Jabez Ingalsbe , Supervisor
Curtis Lampson, Councilman
Charles Nobles , Justice of Peace
bleredith Bentley Justice of Peace
Ralph Been Justice of Peace.
H. Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways also present
Minutes of- meeting. held on September 9th,1941 weee read and
In the matter request of Harry G. Helm for the Consent of the
Town Board to opera a ditich for- the purpose of laying" a sewer
pipe on Ft Amherst woad an opinion of the County Attorney
was read by the Clerk which stated Ghat he saw no reason why
permission should not be granted.
A certifipate of Insurance was received and filed cover the
contruction Win said Ft Amherst Road,
Resolution No, 51 Introduced by Mr. Been Seconded by Mr, _
Whereas H.G.Helm' has requested permission of' this Board to
contruct a ditch,to be dug running from the City line on
Edison Road in an easterly direction on FtrAmherst Road
for a distance of about 160 feet to lot # 77 and,
Whereas Harry G Helm has obtained liability insurance ,
insuring the said Harry G. Helm &/or Town of iueensbury &/or
the menbers of the' Town Board BPom any contingent liability
& property damage in amounts therein specified , and,
Whereas the County Attorney has by his opinion dated
September 23rd , 1941 states that the Town of Queensbury is
fully proptected by said insurance policy and sees no
reason why permission should not be granted to the said --
Harry G. Helm.
Resolved that permission he hereby granted to the said Harry
G. Helm for the construction of a ditch to be dug, running
from the City line do Edison Road in an easterly direction
on Ft Amherst Road for a distanbe of about 160 feet to lot
#77. Said operation to be under the supervision of the Town
Superintendent of Highways of Town of 4ueensbury
Duly adopted by the following vote : -
Ayes : Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr.Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr
Noes: None.
The board audited claims as follows : Amount Amount
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
206 'N,Y.Power & Light Corp Street Lighting $38916 38.16
207 Edward Sleight Assessors Services 102.62 102.62
208 Fred Ricketts to " 108.38 108.38
209 Ernest Hillis If " 108.38 108.38
210 Lorna Combs Seely Cleaning Scbtch Cemeteruy
Cemetery 50.00 Not audiWd
211 Anna McCaghey Welfare Officers
Services 33.22 33.22
212 Sanford Harrington Relief Order 3100 3.00
213 Mountain Side Free Library Appropiation 100.00 100.00
214 Theresa Dimick Insp. Elect, Dist 3 10.00 10.00
215 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Services 76.00 76.00
216 Jabez N. Ingalsbe Town Board Services 12,00 12.00
217 Jabez N. Ingalsbe Percent, Gen. Town Fund 6.76 6,76
218 Jabez N. Ingalsbe Per Diem 8,00 8.00
219 Albert Ramsom V12P.A. Truck Driver •97.00 97.00
220 Glen Supply Company supplies nG.PA. 2.62 2.62
2e4 Clayton Woodbury Materials 1,60 1.60
& Rubber
222;. Dunlop Tire/Compapp For W.PA. Truck No. 5 89.56 89.56
223 Russell &- Waite supplies 2*30 2,30
224 Charles J. Nobles Per Diem 40,00 40.00
225 Charles J. ,Nobles , Justices Services 47.00 47.00
226 Jabez N. INgalsbe Telephone Calls 3,15 3.15
227 Curtis Lampson Per Diem 8100 8,00
228 Warren County Society DUPLICATE Claim 143,00
For the Prevention of Contract
Cruelitibesto Animals
229 E,M.Moore Sp. Deputy Sherbff
Seizure, boa6ding &
distruction of dogs 117.50 1J=0
230 Ralph Been per Diem 8.OQ 8.00
On motion Meeting Adjourned
Regular Meeting October Ift h 1941
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of 14,ueensbury
held an the above date at the clerk' s office at 7:30 P.M. the
following menbers were present,
Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor
Curtis Lampson, Councilman
Charles Nobles, Justice of Peace
Meredith Bentley, Justice of Peace
Ralph Been Justice of peace.
He Russell Harris Town Superintendent of highways also present.
Minutes of meeting held on September 23rdl941 was read and approved .
Charles Dunn Chairman of the Resolutions committee of the Mibhican --I
Grange presented a copy of a resolution adopted by• the said .
h1ohican Grange requesting the Town Board of the Town of �ueensbury
to de.,;all�u ln:.,theit pDwerc--,to #averthe water rate to the comsumers
of the 4ueensbury Water Districts reduced to the same rate as the
comsumers in the City of Glens Falls.
The Supervisot named Mr, Nobles and Mr* Lampson a committee to
take the matter up with the Water Commissioners of the City of
Glens Falls,
After further discussion it was decided that it would be inopportune
at this time to take the matter up with the Water Commissioners
due to the scarcity of water. The Supervisor discharged the
Committee appointed to interview the Water Commissioners.
The Supervisor requested the Clerk to read a letter from the
Interhational Paper Company addressed to the Supervisor
Itn-,ref6tance to account due them from the Highway department.
Letter was read by the Clerk and returned to supervi-or.
The supervisot requested the clerk to read a letter from the
Attorney General Office inreference to the claim of the Warren
County Society for the prevention of Cruelities to animals. The
letter which was addressed to the supervisor was read to board
by the clerk and returned to the supervisor,
The clerk ta11ed' theeboard9i&tt*ntton to a w it of Certburari
to review the assessment of John D. Hilliardtands. The Clerk "ead
the writ to the Board. Mr. Ernest Hillis and Edward Sleight
assessors who
were present were istructed by the Supervisor
to take the matter up with the County attorney.
The supervisor discussed with the L'own 6upertendent of Highways
the matter of issuing vouchers for certificates of Iridebtedness
and requester that the Town Superintendent issue the Vouchers.,
140 action - I
was taken by the Board.
Un motion meeting way'
adjourned ,