1941-10-28 90
At- a regular meeting of the Town Board of the .-Town of
Queensbury- held 'on the above date at 7 :30 P.M. -at the
Cl-erk is Off ice , the following members were present :
Jarbez Ingalsbe, Supervisor
Curtis Lampson, Councilman
Charles Nobles , Justice of Peace
Ralph Been, Justice of Peace
H.- Russell Harris, Town Superintendent of Highways , also 1
present. -
Minutes of meeting held on October 14th, 1941 were read and
Justice Bentley, who was delayed , entered the meeting at this
point, and his presents is hereby noted.
The privelege of the floor was extended to C. V. Peters, who
spoke to the Board in reference to his real estate development
on the-Aviation Field Road and requested the Board to take
over a proposed road running in a southerly direction across
said development . The,,-�8eatdf genetally discussed the matter with
him, and it was suggested plans and maps of said proposed road
be. prepared and submitted for approval.
The following communication was read to the Board by the Clerk :
September 25, 1941
Bert Turner, Clerk of Town of Queensbury,
270 Ridge Street ,
Glens Falls,
New York.
Dear Mr. Turner:
Will you please see that the members of the Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury receive my thanks for the permit given me
to dig a sewer ditch on Fort Amherst Road. In addition, please
see that you keep a share for yourself.
Your help and kindness , tohether with the other members of
the Board, are deeply appreciated.
Sincerely yours ,
Harry G. Helm
The Town Board audited and allowed claims as follows;
No) Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Amt,Claimed Amt, Allowed
231 N.Y.Power & Light Corp, Street Lighting
$ 38:16 38.16
232 Glens Falls Post ,Co. Printing 8.6:0 Dissallowed
233 Reginald Menir Special Deputy Fees 1:90 Held
234 Flovd Palmer Haarlem Waite First Lide 15.00 Not Audited
235 Charles F. Ha*kin s Idedical Services 10.00 Rejected
236 Raymond llalkup Fees. 17.74 17074
237 Glens Falls Grange Cleaning Cemetery 50.00 50.00
238 Theresa E. Dimick Inspecter Dist. No . 3 20000 200' 00
239 Mrs. Mable Sawn Inspectpr Dist. No . 4 20.00 20.00
240 Mrs. Julia Gooch Inspecter Dist. No . 4 20.00 20.00
Charles J Nobles Fees 35.00 35.00
a. ..._
242 Aaron Slawsby Services 1.90 Not Audited
243 H. Russell Harris Cleaning
Cemetery 50.00 50:00
244 filbert Ransom Services 131.00 13:1:00
245 'The Defiance Corp. Materials 187.00 187.00
246 Automatic Voting
Machine Corp. Supplies 11:99 11.99
247 Ja:bez N. Ingalsbe Per Diem 8;00 -- 8.00
248 Bert D. Turner Per Die.,; 72,00 72.00
249 JAbez Ingalsbe Disbursements 9.06 9.06
250 Curtis Lampson Per Diem 12:00 12.00
251 Ralph T. Been Per Diem 13«56 13.56
Claim No. 210 Mountainside Grange held to this audit from
Audit September 23rd, 1941 50.00 50.00
Claims No. 229 and 228 presented No action
Resolution # 52, Introduced by Mr. Been, seconded by
Mr Bentley:
It was resolved that supervisor be and is hereby authorized
to appQAnt a committee of One to examine into the account
F of the ew York Power & Light Corporation in reference to
Claim #70 of March 25th,1941 audit and claim #184 of August 26th
1941 audit and an old balance of $38.16 in view of ascertaining
why said claims have not been paid.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes, Mr. Been,Mr.Nobles , Mr.Lampson,Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe.
Mr. Ingalsbe requested Resolution namimg the above committee.
..Resolution No 53, Introduced by Mr.Lampson seconded by Mr. Nobles
It, was resolved that Mr. Bentley be and is hereby appointed a
committee of One to examine into the account of the New York
Power and Light Corporation in reference to claim #70 of March
25th,1941 audit and claim #184 of August 26th,1941 audit and an
old balance of $38.16 in view of ascertaining why said claims
have not been paid.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
AYes- Mr. Been Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe.
Noes None.
On motion Meeting adjourned.
Autlr Meeting November 6th,1941
At the Annual Meeting of the Town Board of the .-Town of �4ueensbury
. . held on the above date at 7:30 P.M. at the Clerk's Office the
following menbers were present:
j Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor
Curtis Lampson, Councilman
Charles Nobles- Justice of Peace
Meredith BentleyJustice of Peace
Ralph Been Justice of Peace.
Ho Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways also present.
1). Elmer Fowler, Suoervisor elett and Henry Sleight, Justice of
Peace Elect were also present.
The.privelege of the floor was extended to Mr.C.V.Peters who
explained �8 the Board his plans for developing a tract of land
and stated had prepared a deed ZDdthe Town for aroad across said
tract which was not yet executed and a petition to extend the
limits of the North Glens Falls eater District which iias• not
yet executed. The Board generu&ly discussed the matter with him
and it was suggested that he submit his papers �
8g rs to the Count
P .
The Clerk called the Boards attention
tP the Town Super imtendent' a