1941-11-25 Mr Ingalsbe reported that the present adding machine now in use in the supervisor office was inadequate to do the work and stated he had obatined prices on three machines which would better serve the office of supervisor. as follows Undrewood Sunstrand $198.45. Victor ,#521-S--12 10 Col. E1gc. $167.14 Allan Wales $189.63 f After, 4iscusion the following resolution was introduced JUesol,, tlion No. 58, Introduced by Mr. Lampson, Seconded by f Mr Nobles : 1tr,was resolved that Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to purchase from Undrrwood Elliot Fisher Company onez Undeewood Sundstrand Adding and figuring machinO #380673 & 10'40P at a price of One Hundred Ninety-Eight Dollars and Foxiy�Five Cents F.OB. Supervisor's Office of the Town of queensbury, Warren County and State of New York. Duly adopted by the Following Vote : Aye,_o, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Ingalsbe i Naes 'Mr. Been and Mr. Bentley. The Superintendent of Highways reported ,,'- at there is not sufficient` housing for all of the T, own 1'achinery After discussion the following resolution was introduced. j4esolution No. 59 Introduced by mr. Ingalsbe, Seconded by Whereas the. Town Superintendent ha-s informed the Board that I there is insuff is ent storage space for the Hous inf of new TMa IA4nery .of the own. Resolvea .that `r Lampson be and is .hereby appointed a committee of ofle to confer with and work out plans with the" Town Superintendent of Highways to provide sufficient housing sapce for all machinery and to determine the cost of providing the necessary storage spase, Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes : �r. Been, Mr. Nobles , Mr. Lampoon Mr. Bentley *and Mr. y ,: �. Ingsls-be. diaas:;None. `mss -jrelege of the floor was extended to Mrs . H. G. Potter ht .-rogest+�d a survey of the Sate road adjoining the Herbert G Potter E3tste . Mrs Potter was informed that they trbaditb.bdawatateaproposition Mr. Ingalsbe informed her that he' would interview Mr. Bixbe -e and request `a survey. On Motion:Meetin Adjourned. Regular Meeting November 25th, 1941 At a regular- meeting of the Town Board of the Town of' queensbury held on the above date at' 7`:30 P,M at the Clerk's office, the following menbers were present , ` Jabez Vo Ingalsbe, Supervisor I Charles Nobles Justice of Peace ! Meredith Bentley Justice of Peace Ralph Been ° Justine of Peace Curtis Lampoon C.ouncfklman ! H. Russell Harris Town 8uiteient of ighwaya alsW present. Y ` a G Minutes of meeting held on November llth,1941 was read and approved. The privegge of t�e�f ioor was extended to `'ohn P, Moninhan who requested. tbblakld-t a bridge over bear pond;Brook. Resolution ##60, Introduced by Mr. Ingalsbe, Seconded by" Mr. Lampson. ' WHEREAS the bridge on the road leading from the Dream Lake Road north from Dan Lewis Farm to Property of John Moninhan over bear Pond Brook has been destroyed by wear and the elements aver a period of years , and ' WHEREAS, said bridge is on a town highway and is less than 15 feet in width. _ RESOLVED that the Town Superindendent of Highways be and is hereby requested to rebuild a suitable bridge across the said bear pond brook. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes Mr, Been, Mr, Noble$, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe. Noes-None. The privelege of the floor was extended to Mr. C.V.Peters who stated thatin the matter of the City of Glens Falls deeding a right of way across the after wokks property for the contin- uation of the new road proposed across his development, .the water board efr-thd City of Glens Falls unamiously agreed and that the matter had been referred to a committee by the common Council of the City of Glens Falls. The privelege of the floor was extended, to the Hr. Sidney Vandusen spoke briefly on the work done by the mohican Jesters in cleaning cemetery. i The following Communication was read to the Board by the Clerk. i Jabez N. Ingalsbe, President Town Board of Queensbury Novemberl5th,1941 Dear Sir: I am informed by Mr. Charles V. Peters in regard to .the proposed road from Dixon Road to the Aviation RD, that the road owned by the City of Glens Falls is not sufficient width to -be acesptable j to your board* that because of its width. Therefore I am willing to donate to the Town sufficient widish along the present city Road to comply with the law at such time as you are willing to accept the road. Yours Truly, G.A.Chapman. Resolution No.61 Introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Nobles. It was resolved that the amounts of the public officials bonds for the public offictaba of the Town of Queensbury. f ro the years 1942 &1943 be fixed at the following amounts. Supervisor, for school moneys $10,000. for General Town Fund 101000, for Highways Moneys 482000. Town Clerk 500. Superintendent of- highways ' 40000. Justice of Peace 1000. Constables 1000. Councilman 500, Tax Collector, at the amount of Taxes to be collected as shown on the 1941 assessment .roll 1 97 Duly adopted by the following vote :- Ayes :- Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr, Ingalsbe. Noes:- In the matter of Aan addition bmti:t on the Town store house for additional storage space for Town '"achinery, Mr, Lampson, cbmfimittep, reported that an addition could be built on the south end of the old store house at a cost of approximately 45500 MrRulsell Harris Town Superintendent submitted a plan for the building of an addition on the present cement store house extend ing in the front therof and measuring 38*8± by 60 feet at a -cost of approximately of 42324.11 plus carpenter work. The following recomendation was read to the board by the Clerk November 25,1941 H. Russell Harris, Town Supt. .of Highways recommends the construction of an addition 35*8x60 ft on front of present *store house and I hereby presant plans & ,specifications for same, Signed-*° H. Russell Harris, Supt, Note-Attached to the above recommendation was a plan showing existing building, side elevation and front elevation, after discussion the following resolution was introdILced. Resolution Nox62 Introduced by Mr, Nobles, seconded by Mr. Lampson WHEREAS there is insufficient storage space to properly protect all the Town road machinery from the elements , and WhersavlAn addition of 351x 261 feet , built on the south end 'of ther"present wood garage would provide sufficient storage space,forthe present equipment. Resolved that the Town Superintendent be and is hereby authorized and- directed to build said addition of 35lx26# on the south end of the wood garage to provide the additional storage space for machinery. It is further resolved that the sum of $600 be and is hereby appropfiated, for the above purpose. Duly adopted by the following vote: Aye's: Mr, Nobles, Mr, Lampson and Mr, Ingalsbe Noes-.,-Mr. Been and Mr. Bdntley. The Clerk read an opinion from the county attorney dated Nov, 25th 1941 in reference to claims of Special deputies for fees* Opinio n placed on file, ' The Clerk read opiniohs from the County Attoriney in refenoftce to the Claims Warren County Society for the prevention of Cruelities to animals.. Opinions placed on fi�e, The clerk Presented claims Nos 257 to 300 inclusive for audit and board in session until 11 :15 p.M. examining said claims and on moti'orithe matter of auditing said claims was adjourned until afle-r'the meeting to be held on November 26th, 1941. on motion meeting adjourned to said time. Public Hearing November 26th,1941 .,At _& meeting of the Town Board of the' town of Queensbury held pursuant to an order of the Town Board of the Town Board of the Town 69; (4ueensbury on the above date at 7o'clock PM. at 270 Ridge, Street in the Town of Queenabuyys the following menbers were present,