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1941-11-26 97
Duly adopted by the following vote :-
Ayes;- Mr. Been, Mr, Nobles, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr.
Noes :-
In the matter ofaan addition b t on the Town store house for
additional storage space for Town �'achinery, Mr. LampsonJ
committes, reported that an addition could be built on the
south end of the old store house at a cost of approximately
MrRuRsell Harris Town Superintendent submitted a plan for the
C building of an addition on the present cement store house extend
ing in the front therof and measuring 38.81 by 60 feet at a
-cost of approximately of 42324.11 plus carpenter work.
The following recomendation was read to the board by the Clerk
November 25,1941
H. Russell Harris, Town Supt, of Highways recommends the
construction of an addition 35.8x60 ft on front of present 'store
house and I hereby present plans' & specifications for same.
Signed. H. Russell Barris, Supt.
Note-Attached to the above recommendation was a plan showing
existing building, side elevation and front elevation,
after discussion the following resolution was introduced.
Resolution No,62 Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded by Mr. Lampson
WHEREAS there is insufficient storage space to properly protect
j ail° thb Town road machinery from the elements , and
VYherbae`'an addition of 351x 26' feet , built on the south end
of the-'Present wood garage would provide sufficient storage
I space.f orthe present equipment.
Resolved that the Town Superintendent be and is hereby authorized
and directed to build said addition of 35tx261 on the south
end of the wood garage to provide the additional storage space
for machinery.
It is further resolved that the sum of $600 be and is hereby
appropi-ated1 for the above purpose.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Aye;t# Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Ingalsbe
Noes: -Mr. Been and Mr. Bentley, x
The Clerk read an opinion from the county attorney dated Nov. 25th
1941 in reference to claims of Special deputies for fees. Opinion
placed on file.
The Clerk read opiniohs from the County Attorney in reference to the
Claims Marren County Society for the prevention of Cruelities to
animals. Opinions placed on f i .e.
4. The clerk presented claims Nos 257 to 300 inclusive for audit and
i - board was in session until 11:15 p.M. examining said claims and on
motion, the matter of auditing said claims was adjourned until
after 'the meeting to be held on November 26th, 1941.
on motion meeting adjourned to said time. �✓
Public Hearing November 26th,1941
_At a meeting of the Town Board of the town of Quaensbury held
pursuant to an order of the Town Board of the Town Board of the
Town bS> 4ueensbury on the above date at 7o'clock PM. at 270
Ridge -Street in the Town of Queensbuyys the following menbers
were present.
5 ,,
Jabez Ingalsbe supervisor
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Charles Nobles Justice of Peace
Meredith Bentley ' Justice of Peace'
Ralph Been Justice of Peace
Affidavit of posting of,°xjjk:kzxe wane filed
affidavit of publishing of order filed
affidavit of mailing of Order to public; se-rvtce co,rporetion
was filed.
9r'V54;ter,s petitioner ,appeared in person
Thompson Griffin ,appeared m
Howard Wallace and Legrande Beaver residents Qf the North Glens
Falls Water district appeared,
Mr. Peters explained to the board his, plans f,o t
r: the, development
of the land described in the petition;
Mr. Yallaeestate.d:. that 'hie had no robjectiona` to; granting the
relief sought in the petit_ionoblUt
The board generally discussed the matter and the following re-
solutions were intto44ceoo, _§
RESOiXTION # 63 introduced' by Mr Nob-16s,,- Sebana`ed by .Mr. Been
Whereas- a, written' pet t-ion� dated-:Noye nber "6tYi 1941"bias been
presented to anf filed With the Town Board. of 'the, Town_ of
extensi� of 'the' 'North, d`ay off' November",:191; f or'' `the
Queensbu on the. 12Th
v,ueensbury, and WYiereaeGl�ens� F`a11"s`�ater District ire, the Town of
a hearing upon notice according to law
was held upon said. petition on the 2,6th day`,of4 Nt�' ember,, .1941
at 7 'd''clock "iri tYie after,moon at X70' Ridge , trset�, � the Town
of tueen'sbury,d County of VYarren. ,: New Y©rk; and
WHEREAS 'Ae.r hearing all persons `interested' in the ;sub,ject
thereof , concer"i g t ie same and. no one ,opposing^ the-,
grantih' of the rdilet", sought. 'in.'said pe,tiU,Ci4 *4d,upon all
the evidehce' given `at' said hearihj.
IT WAS RESOLVED that the petition is signed, aeknowledged and
proved as required by law and otherwise sufficient;
all the property and property owners within the proposed
extension of said water district are benefited thereby ; that,_
all the property and property owners benefited are included
within the limits of the proposed extension off' said district
and that it is in public interest to grant the relief sought in
said petition in whole.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes, Mr, Been Mr, Nobles Mr, Lampson Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe.
Noes None
Resolution #64 Introduced by Mr. Been, Seconded by Mr.' Bentley
Whereas a written petition dated November 6th,1941 in'due form
and containing required signatures has been presented ' to and filed
with the Town Board of the Town of (4theensbury on the 12th day of
November,1941 and all the property and property owners within the
proposed extension are benefited thereby and all the property
and property owners benefited b6#40* rd are included 'in the
proposed extension and it is bt public interest to grant the
extension of the North Glens Falls Water didtrict and
WHEREAS a hearing upon notice according to law was held upon
said petition on the 26th day of November,1941 at '7 o1clock in
the after noon at 270 Ridge Street in the Town of C�ueensbury
warren County , New� York and after hearing all persons interested
in the subject thereof and concerning the same aind- ne- one
appearing in opposition thereto and upon all the evidence heard
upon said hearing.
It is resolved that the Town Board hereby approves the extension
of the North Glean Falls Water District to include all the property
described as followis;
,J =G in the 0s0tot line Of the A A1
rt R*40 In, than 'Nos torly die* Or vto vro*qat worth
1 ;# rills Wetor t4striett runnins 1hoveo *stawl
a 046, t . tta r s A roan 0 ,*t liustred Soo
. it$$ to th+� W*Otsarly .1110 or � 0 lan
ds*:r 0# V0 P44%***I taefts o 90uttk ni.x dams. s
three almatee ws t sloe 4fto w0w ur"Ir It** of %)I*
.sod"" 00 V0 P!
278 G.A.Chapman Health officer 1027.20 1027,20
279Glens Falls Post Co Pub. Notice 11.12 11.12
280 Lyd.ia Harris Insp. of Election 42.00 41.00
281Finch P ruyn & Co Inc. BElief order 6.80 6.80
282Bert D. Turner Reg, of V.&:S. Fees & Exp. 14.94 14.94
283Charles Nobles fees 20.00 20.00
284Bert D. Turner V&oS, Fees 40.50 40.50
285Robert E. Stott Insp. Of Election 51.00 51.00
E 286Ralph Been Per Diem 12,00 12.00
287Mohican Grange Rent -Election 30,00 30.00
288Jabez N. Ingalsbe per Diem 8.00 8.00
f 289 Jabez Ingalsbe Percentage 7.46 7.46
290 Curtis Lampson per Diem 16.00 16.00
r 291 John J . Harris Chapel Cleaning Cemetery 50.00 N5t. ii,,Udited
292 Albert Ransom WPA. Truck driver 92.50 92.50
293 Donlop Tire & Rubber
Company Supplies 4.90 Not audited
294 Holmes Auto Service Repairs 7.59 Not'.6Udited
29.5 Ruggles Rod Co hepair 2.45 Not audited
296 Elsie Wolf Insp of Election 52.00 51.00
297 Ethel Stevens if " 42.00 41.00
298 Mabel Sawn " " 21.00 21.00
299 Julia Gooch " " 11.00 11.00
300 Carlye Gooch " 10.00 10.00
On motion IMeet ing Adjourned,