1942-04-28 i 120 Special Meeting March 30th,1942 At a special Meeting of the Town Board of the Towni of 4ueensbury held on the above date. at 7:30 P.M. at: tha Clerk's office the following manbers were present; D. Elmer. Fowler Supervisor • Charles I r s 1 Nobles Justice of Peace Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Absent Rsymo d Walkup Councilman - Curtls Lampoon Councilman H. Russell Harris Town Superintendent' of Highways also present. The privelege of the floor was extended to Mr. Fred`HSvey who spoke briefly on the proposed drainage of Garrison Road a nd recommended from. his eriz�ce in laying ex � pSpe in that district the use of vitrif led' i p pe, to stowesuitable for` the purpose The Board generally disctoodd the matter with the County Superintendent of Highways who had entered the meeting during the discussion . Resolution # 28 Introduced by Councilman Walkup seconded by Justice Sleight ' It was resolved that the Town Clerk be and'hereby, is authorized & directed to advertise once in the Glens Falls Times' - ' that the Highway Committee of the Town Board of the Town of queensbury will" rats e' a� np a�i ff1 h1n aid Town 13th day of April 1942 0 6 CIO la thoa a erno'�A of that day for the furnishing' of 800 Feet of 12 inch Vitrified pipe. Said sealed proposals shall be in the alternate as to delivbry At the side of the work in said Town of �Iueenabury and Freight yard at Glens Falls N.Y, Said Committee reserves the right to• reject any or all Bids. Duly adopted by the following Vote Ayes MR, Walkup, Mr, Nobles Mr. Sleight and Mr. Fowler Noes None, Absent Mr. LBmpson. k� REGULAR MEZTI'NG L APRIL 1126th1942 f At a regular `meeting of the Town Board of the Town 'of aueensbury held on the above date at the Cle'rk's Office of 7-:236 P91 the the following menbers were present; • D.Elmer Fowler Supervisor ' • Charles J. Nobles, Justice of Peace , • Henry Sleight Justice of PdV6 • • Ray*ond Walkup Counclmah ' - • Curtis Lai son Councilman absent. M1AUte8 Of meetin he o s &30 h — g 1 d n the day of March, were'; read and approved. ` s o 2 Introduced b Justice Nobles, Be ' otfde by b "$ that no telephone -ne service installed or shall hall w any telephone. service so installed pursuant to resolution #7. adopted January 6th,1942 by any Town Officer exempt Welfare Officer be a Town Charge on and After the lot Day of. May 1942. Duly adopted by the following Vote:- Ayes; Mr. Walkup, Mr, Nobles,• Mr. Sleight and Mr. F®wler. Noes:- None Absenti Mr. Lampoon. z 121 • .. R ,T;9.� a .. :Resolution No. , 30 Introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded ,by" Coungilman Walkup 'W REAIS the Town Board did on the 27th day of 'January 1942 :adopt .r®solution #17 whereby among other things. it was resolved ,that tht Town suptrintendent of Highways was authorized to use *his oXA. or privately owned car at a price fixed at 2 cents per mile and gas and oil to be furnished by the Town and WHEREAS it is the opinion of the Board that such resolution was jggal. !_ ,. . 'Theref®re be it resolved that tha aforesaid Resolution # 17 :adoptpd,as aforesaid be and the same is hereby rescinded as of .April 28th, 1942 ,Duly adopted by the following vote: .Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr. Nobles, Mr, Sleight and Mr. Fowler Noes: None. Absent Mr, Lampson. Mr. Sleight presented the following Report of the Highway Committee. April 28th,1942 To the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury: Gentlemen: The`"undersigned, the Highway Committee of the Town Board of the Town.,®f Queensbury respectfully report as follows: That pursuant to resolution advertising for sealed proposals for the furnishing of $00 feet of vitrified pipe to the Town of Queensbury, highway department, for use in the proposed drainagg of Garrison Road$ your said committee did meet at the time and place specified and advertise in said notice and did receive sealed proposals and that seal-proposals were received from two bidders in proper form and in accordance to said advertisment as follow*: Earl T. Carswell- 800 feet of 12" Vitrified pipe $540. Fittings necessary $2.70 Each. F.OB. Glens Falls, delivery on Job. $50.00 additional. > Collins and Fox Inc. 800" feet of 12"inch vitrified pipe in two foot lenghths 0 $.513 per foot; Six YIN 12" x 12" x 8" and 12 Y's 12" x 12" x 6" for the sum of $2.052 each, and after due deliberation your said committee adopted the f ollddwimg resolution introduced by Mr. Nobles seconded by Mr. Sleight. It was resolved that Supt of highways Russell Harris b* and is hereby authorized to purchase from Collins, Fox Co. Inc„ 800 Feet "of 12" Vitrified pipe in two font lenghths a $.513 1or foot, 6 YI s •l2xl2x8, 12 YIN 12xl2x6 for the sum of 2.052 each. above prices f.o.b, Glens Falls. Duly adopted by the f ollowingt vote: Ayes:- Mr 6alkup, Yr. Nobles and Mr. Sleight, Noss None Respectfully submitted Henry Sleight Chairman Raymond Walkup Charles Nobles Highway Committee � > - Town Board, Town of Queensbury. The Board Audited Claims as follows: i 122 Amount No Name of Claimant Nature of Clabm Claimed Allowed 88 N.Y.P. & Light Corp Street Lighting 38.16 38.16 89 Glens Falls Poet Co Advertisin4 1.36 1.36 90 Anna Mccaghey Services & Expenses- 32,65 32.65 91 Edward Sleight per diem & Expenses 175962 175.62 92 Ernest Hillis " " " 184.62 184.62 93 Fred E. Ricketts " " " 184.62 184.62 94Chas E. Houghtaling Supplies 40.23 40.23 95 Albert Ransom Truck Driver W.P.A. 141.35 141.35 96 Earl T. Carswell Rent-Truck* IPA 10.00 10.00 97 Labe George Gar. Repairs Tire WPA. 1.50 1.50 98 Dunlop Tire & Robber Tube WPA 4,90 4.90 99 Charles Nobles per diem 1880 16.00 3 10OCharle s Nobles fees 23.50 23.50 101John Lennox Killing Dogs 19450 19.50 102 D.ELmer Fowler per Diem 81100 8000 103 Bert D. Turner per Diem 80.00 80.00 104 Henry Sight per diem 16.00 16.00 105 Raymond Walkup .per diem 16040 16000 106 Theodore Turner Rent 25.00 25.00 107 John Lennox Feas 14.72 14.72 108 John Lennox fees 3.44 3.44 109 New York Telephone Company Telephone service 81.14 &*V" $1118.31 $1105.30 On motion Meeting Adjourned, Regular Meeting May 26th 1942 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of 'Queenabury held on the above date at 7:30 P.M at the Clerk' s office the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor -- Charles Nobles Justice of Peace Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Curtis Lam peon Councilman RapWpndIW&%lap Councilman H. Aussell Harris Tbwn @4pe4intendeD.t of ighways also presant. Minutes of meeting held on the .day of April 1942 were read and approved. a The privelege of the floor was extended to Mrs Anna Rocaghey who gave a btief oral report of her attendance at the School conducted for welfare officers,astating that.,the course was very instuctive to her. She exhibited an examination and test which she had taken at the school which she passed with # percentage of 85%• Mt Harris requ64%Vd another car load of pipe in order to complete the drainage of Garrison Road* t RESOLUTION No, 31 Intr©dticed 'by Justice Nobles, seconded b.* Justice Sleight, Whereas additional pipe and fittings .are Ineeded for the completion of the drainage of Garrison Road. ,. Resolved that the Superintendent of Highways be and is hereby authorized to purchase one freight car load of 12" vitrified pipe with the necessary fittings for same at a cost not to exceed $•513 per foot and fittings not to exceed $2.052 each. The aforesaid prices F.O.B. Glens Falls Duly adopted by the following vote.