1942-08-25 I 3
155.,, :Anna 08Dell Rent- Polling place #21 30.00 30.00
156sgarl T. Carswell supplies- Repatrs 13,79 Disallowed
157-,Charles Baldwin Killing dogs-Burying 24.50 24.50
if Puers Service Sta. Tires- WPA, 66.47 66.47
158 Charles Baldwin Labor on School Dist 22 37.25 37.25
160 Albert Holms Auto Supplies W.PA. 13,27 13.27
161 Albert Ramson Truck Driver-WPA 143.55 143.55
162 Williams Law Book .Co, Supplies 46.50 46.50
163 Charles Nobles feas�iem 10000 10.00
164 Curtis Lampoon per diem 4,00 4,00
165 Bert D. Turner per diem 80.00 80.00
166 Henry Sleight per diem 4.00 4.00
167 Raymond Walkup per diem 4,00 4000
] 68; •`D.Elmer Fowler per diem 8100 8000
"169 !-B WK.01ifford Unicraft C.D.F. 17.00 17.00
170 ,.Antonio Abbenante •Aerial Bombs C.D.F. 44,50 44.50
171' N,Y,Tel Company Tel services •C.D.R 14.25 14,25
'172 N.Y, Tel Company Tel sery G.D.F. 15.30 15.30
17$ 'Ft Edward Fire Works C.D.F. 46.00 46.00
On motion Meeting adjourned
Bert D. l'urner Clerk
At a regular meeting of the 'Town Board of the Town ofueensbury
held, on the 4bove date, at the clerk''s btfice kb 7t30 �i , thb
f 6l16wing menbers were present;
D. Elmer Fowler, Supervisor
Charles Nobles Justice of Peace
Henry Sleight Justice of Peace
Rayipond Walkup Councilman
Curtis Lampoon Councilman- Absent
H. Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways Also present.
Minutes of meeting held July 28th were read and approved,
The privelege of the floor was extended to Mr. N.H.Harpp, Chief
Scientific Aid, of the United States Department of Agriculture
Bureau of" Entomology and Plant (4uarantine who spoke briefly
on the control of White pine Blister Rust and the control thereof,
and , requested the board to include in budget sufficient money
j to pa , for the hire of Two men for a period of 100 days, Mr Harpp
hand d the clerk a letter which the clerk read to the b
follows ' _ board as
Warrensburg NY.
August 25th 1942
Mr Elmer Fowler, Supervisor and other
*sy4prs of the Queensbury Town Board
Glens Falls, R.F.D.#1
In the Town of Queensbury there are Neneteen Thousand six hundred
and ten(199610) acres : of Blister ruattControl awra, This figure
is the total W hite Pine acreage in the Township, plus the
protective strip or border surrounding this pine that is
necessary to cover for the removal of Currant and Gooseberries;
thus protecting the pine from a tree decease called White Pine
blister rust. This decease cannot spread from tree to tree.
Currant and gooseberries are the host plants and by destroying
th*08 4uehes, the decease is under control:
The New York State Conservation Department requests the
Board of this Town to beclude in their budget sufficient
funds to pay two men during the season of 19421 ( approx-
imately 100 days) on blister rust control work in this --
Township. If these two men are furnished by tie Town
the -State will pay a third man, who has had experience
• to work with them and supervise. I•t is recommended that
all -three men be from the township of Queensbury.
Very Truly yours
Chief Scientific Aid.
The •Clerk read two communications from the County Attorney
which advise the menbere of the Board that Mr. Frank Moore
Secretary of the Town Officers' Association would exlpdaZh
the .operation of the .budget system at a meeting ,tQ be held
at the Court house .Hudson Falls N.Y. on the 26th day of
August 1942 at 09! .P.M. and the officers of the TQwr4 were
requested ' to attend• The second communication a4vksed the
board - that on the same .d4te o dinner would be given in honor
of Mr. Moore at the 4ueensbury Hotel at 6 O'Clock.
Resolution No, 42 Introduced by Justice Nobles, Seconded by
Justice Sleight.
It was resolved that Resolution # 38 adopted July 28th,1942
be and the same is hereby recinded,
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes:- Mr. Walkup Mr, Nobles, Mr. Sleight and Mr, Fowler
Noes None
Absent Mr. Lampoon.
The clerk read a communication from Mrs C.H Cronkhite --�
secretary of the John J. Harris Memorial Chapel
requesting the the privelege of Cleaning the cemetery
adjacent 66 the church and also a communication from
Alice M: honey, Chairman of the Queensbury Red Cro`as
Unit requestigg the privelege of cleaning the Jenkins
cemetery. The proceeds to go to the vueensbury Red Cross
ResolUtiion #43 Introduced by Councilman Walkup, Seconded
by Justice Nobles
it was resolved that the John J. Harris Memorial Chapel
be and is hereby authorized to remove grass, weeds, brush
and carefor and conserve the cemetery adjacent to the
John J. Harris memorial Church.
It is further resolved that brush and weeds and grass be
removed at least three times a year.
Further resolved that the sum of $50.00 be and is hereby
appropiated for said cemetery.
Further resolved that the work be completed by- October j
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes* M Walkup, Mr, Nobles, Mr, Aleight and Mr,,. Fowler
Noes None
Absent Mr, Lampoon,
Resolution No. 44 Introduced by Justice nobles, Seconded
by Justice Sleight
It was resolved that the Quesnobury Red Cross unit be and are
hereby authorized to remove grass, weeds, b=sh and care fore
and conserve the Jenkin' s Cemetery.
Further Resolved thtt brush and weeds and grass be removed
at leaiet three times a year.
Further resolved that the sum of (50.00 be and is hereby
a ppr op-i ataed.
Further resolved that the work be completed by October
-- lot 1942
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes: Mr, Walkup, Mr. Nobles , Mr. Sleight an d Cdr Fowler
Noes None. Absent Mr. Lampoon
The Bbrad.generally discussed with Mr Leon Richardson and Mr. Forest
CmA*oll tUQ mat**n,,pf fire protection for West Glens Falls and
No action was taken by the board.
The Clerk read a communication from VAllard F. Coons
expessing his appreciation to the menbers of the Board
for his appointment as Town atendance officer.
The Board audited claims as follows:
Amount amount
No. Name of Claimant Naturenof Claim Claimed Allowed
174 N.Y.P.& Light Corp Street lighting $ 38.16 38.16
175 Edward Thompson Supplies 10000 10.00
t 176 Wilmarth & Sin Inc. Furniture( Town Board) 20.00 20.00
177 Theresa Dimick Inspector 10.00 10.00
178 J:C.Chitty Supplies 14.75 14.75
179 Anna McCaghey Salary and Expenses 32.65 32.65
180 Albert Hansom salary( WPA) 116.60 116.60
' 1814e'ars Roebuck & Co. Supplies 190 190
182 Col Ins Agency Inc. Ins. premium 3.46 3.46
183 Glen Supply Co. Inc. Supplies WPA. 2.73 2.73
184 Gulf Oil Co. Gasoline WPA. 115.00 115.00
185 Mrs. C.H. Cronkhite
Sec. J.J. harris
Memorial Chapel Cleani4g Cemetery 50.00 50.00
186 Chalres Nobles fees 5.00 5.00
187 Raymond Walkup per diem 4.00 4.00
188 Henry Sleight per diem 4.00 4.00
189 D.Elmer Fowler per diem 4.00 4.00
188 D. Elmer -Fowler percentage ' 100.00 100.00
191 Bert D. Turner per diem 80100' 80:00
192 Griffin -Lumber Co Blackout shades C.D. 1*3.00 13.00
193 Finch Pruyn & Co. Civilian Defence .60 .60
194 C)iarles Perkins " " 28.75 28.75
195 'Wi.W.Bowen M.D. Civiliin Defense 4.20 4.20
196- Call Hardware Go 8.50 8.50
197 N.Y. Tel Co. " " 14.25 14.25
I 198 N.Y.Tel Co. " " 6.15 6.15
686.70 686.70
On motion meeting adjourned
Bert Do Turner Town Clerk
Special meeting September 8th 1942
At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of aueensbury
held--on' the above date at 7: 30 P.M. at the Clerk's office, the
following menbers were present `