1942-09-22 13;5' Special Meeting fie.ptzetber 15th 1942 At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held on the above date at 7:30 Pi M. at the Clerk's Office the following menbers were present D. Elmer Fowler, Supervisor Raymond Walkup Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Charles Nobles Justice of Peace Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Tho' priY*lgenef;,1hg $Ieor--wadi VanDusen who, spoke briefl ' about the Air' Varntn g Service Station now located at the Grange hall and stated that a change was going to be as to the location of uhe post and requested the Town toassume the charges f,or the expense of telephone ,service and keep the new post supplied with fuel. The board generally discussed the budget system. Resolution No 46 Introduced by Justice Sleight seconded by anuncilmau Lampson Whereas a committee was appointed to arrange for the ,installation of a honor roll for the men and Women of the Town of uueensbury who are in the armed services of the United States, consisting Of Justice Sleight, Councilmen Walkup and Lampson and Whereas it is deemed advisable to increase the menbership of said Committee. Therefore be it resolved that Justice Nobles be and is hereby appointed an additional menber of said Committee to act with and carry, out all functions of said committee as if therein named as a menber of said Committee. Duly adopted by the following vote -- Ayes: Mr. Walkup, Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Fowler Noes: None On motion Meeting Adjourned. Bert,A. Turner Town Clerk i REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 22nd 1942 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held on the above date at 7 :30 P.M. at the Clerk's Office, the following menbers were present; D.Elmer Fowler Supervisor Charles Nobles: Justice of Peace Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman_ Absent Raymond Walkup Councilman_ Absent H. 'Aussell Harris, Town Superintendent of Highways and B.K.Clifford Deputy Director of Civilian Defense also present. Minutes, of meetings held on August 28th 19429 September 8th,1942 and September 15th,1942 were read and approved. Th&v ivelege of the floor was extended to Mr. Shearer who requested that the board grant permission to lease the grader for work on the airport. The board generally discussed- the matter with him and no action was taken. Mr ho Riley y was present requested permies-ton of the board to clean West Glens Falls Cemetery. Sescluton No. 47 Introduced by Justice Niles',° Seconded by w „ 136 Justice Sleight It was resolved that Elmer Riley be and hereby is authorized to remove grass, weeds , brush and care for and conserve the West Glens Falls Cemete'y Old Part. Further resolved that brush and weeds and grass be removed at least three times a yegr. Further resolved that the sum of $50.00 be and hereby is appropiated for said cemetery. Further resolved that the work be completed by October 1st 1942. " Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Nobles, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Fowler. Noes- None Absent Mr. Lampson and Mr. Walkup/ The following communication was read by the Clerk. Mr. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor September 21st 1942 Town of Queensbury Bay Road Glens Falls N.Y. Subject : Defense Unit-- Budget :1943 Dear Sir: Inasmuch you are now approaching the time for formulating the budget for 1943, I wish to submit the f ollowiag estimated budget for our defense unit, based ono monthly expenditures: Telephone Control Center 2-6467,2-6474 $10.25 West Glens Falls' School2-3989 ( First aid Station) 6.15 ` Mohican Grange Hall 2-6637 ( First Aid Station) 2.50 Aircraft Observation Station Oneida 4 Corners 2-6B86 2.50 Mountainside Grange Hall 9-220 ( first Aid Station) 2.50 123.90 PYROTECHNIC BOMBS FOR; SIGNALS ri ( Based on one practi.ce-,blackout per month) West Glens Falls 4-4"02.25 9100 Control Center 4-4"02.25 9.00 Oneida 4 Corners 4-4"02.25 9.00 Assemby Point 4-3"01.25 5.00 Cleverdale 4-3"01.25 5.00 Boulevard,Sectorl4-3"0125 5.00 Proposed Station West Glens Falls Eggle Nest Street4-3"01.25 5.00 $47.00 Medical Expense, Postage and Miscellaneous 15.00 Total monthly expehditures 85.90 Total Annual expenditures $1030.80 The above is based on the assumption that we can operate a11, stations and have practice tests of at least one a month throughout the year, It cab readily be seen that there are insufficient funds from the amount permitted by law to be appropiated`, namely $500.00. to cover this estimate. With this in mond, it is my suggestion and recommendation that the Town Board appropiated the maximim permitted by law namely the $500,00, for the. ensuing year. We will attempt to give the people of the Town of Queemsbury i 1- 371 the best possible service with the sums so provided. Respectfully submitted, B.K. Clifford Deputy I6unt.VoDireator Civilian Protection. The board audited Claims as follows : Amount amount No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 199 N.Y.Power & Light Corp. Street Lighting $38016 $38.16 200 Ethel Stevens Inspector 10.00 10.00 201 Babel Sawn Inspector 10.00 10.00 202 Empire Gas Co .Motor oil 38.10 Disallowed .203 1'Er bst Hillis per diem and Exp. 135.08 135.08 204 Edward Sleightper diem and Exp. 127.52 127.52 '. 245 Fred E. Ricketts " " 135.52 135052 206 Arthur Hillis Expenses 32,50 320'50 207 Glens Falls Post Co. printing 8.60 8.60 208 Albert Ransom Truck Driver 111.65 121065 209 Raymond Walkup Per diem 16000 16000 210 Charles Nobles per diem 30.40 30.40 211 Charles Nobles Fees 10.00 10.00 212 Bert D. Turner Per diem 80.00 80.00 213 Theodore Turner rent 31.25 310' 25 214 Henry Sleight per diem 12.00 12:00 215 D.Elmer Fowler Per diem 12,00 12.00 216- Alice Hovey Ghairmand Red Cross Jenkins Cemetery 50.00 50.00 217. EM.Moore Peace Officer Destr6ying dog 7.75 7.75 On Motion Meeting Adjourned Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Special Meeting September 26th 1942 At •a special meeting of the Town Board of the Tovw n of Queensbury held on the above date at 7 :30 P.M. at the Clerk's Office, the following menbers were present : D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Charles Nobles Justice of Peace Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman absent H. Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways and B.K. Clifford Deputy Count Director of Civilian Protection also present. The board generally discussed the budget system and on motion MAK meetind adjourned. Bert D. Turner Towm Clerk Special Meeting October 3rd 1942 AV,a:. special meetin g of the Town Board of the Town of Queenbury cplled pursuant to the following notice. TO THE MEMBERS OF THE TOWN BOARD OF TOWN OF THE Q IN THE COUNTY OF "WARREN AND,.__ STATE OF NEW YORK: Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Town Board of.. the Town of Queensbury in the- County of Warren and state of Npw York will be held at the Town Clerk's office on the 3rd . . . 'day of October 1942 at 7 :30 P.M. ., and that at such meeting the Town Clerk will present the estimates filed in his office pursuant to section 111 of the Town Law.